"Qingzi, I'll make the bed for you. You've had a hard day running. Take a shower and go to bed first."

Mom took a look at the kitten that seemed to want to grow on Yang Qing's body, and found that there was no way to bring it back, so she got up and walked towards the bedroom on the second floor.

"It's time for Qingzi to rest for a while, put Lingling down first, and go take a bath!"

Dad also said on the side.

Although Yang Qing didn't feel much sleepy, but there is a kind of tiredness in this world, that is, parents think you are tired, so he obediently put down the cat lying on his lap, and walked towards the bathroom.

Lingling, who was abandoned, yelled a few times in dissatisfaction, walked towards her father, sniffed it a few times, and lay down on his lap, coiled into a round fur ball.

Yang Qing has always taken a bath very quickly. His body has been transformed and has already reached a spotless state. The pores on his body are closed, and even oil will not be secreted. The mysterious true essence has taken over the circulation system in the body, far more than the blood The lymphatic system is more efficient.

After taking a shower, his body shook slightly. From top to bottom, every corner of his body was vibrated with high frequency, and the moisture that had soaked into his skin was directly thrown away from his body.

In a blink of an eye, his head to toe, even his slightly long hair, became dry.

"Washing so fast?"

My mother was changing the sheets, watching him come in, she said in surprise, but she didn't stop her movements.

Stepping forward, Yang Qing helped his mother spread the sheets.

"Qingzi, how long will you stay here this time?"

Mom asked while working.

"After the new year, it must be fifteen."

"Son, you seem to have changed! Last time you came back, you were the one who impatiently told me these things. Tell me, are you in love?"

Mom suddenly put down the work in her hand and asked excitedly.

Yang Qing thought for a while, and indeed during that period of time, it can be said that since coming back, his feelings had indeed entered a period of extremely weak state, or it was after he returned home this time that his feelings began to enrich, as if he was alive again. It's like coming over.

"No, mom, don't worry about it!"

"Really?" Mom asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I've said everything, so don't ask!"

"No, no, no, my son is so handsome, those little girls can't come to **** it! No, I have to find any young girls in the county who are not married, hurry up and see!"

As soon as she heard that her mother's thoughts had turned to the blind date again, Yang Qing's scalp began to tingle.

"Mom, don't bother, in fact, I already have a girlfriend, but the relationship has not yet been settled!"

Mom's eyes lit up instantly.

"Where is it? Show me the picture!"

"It's her!"

Yang Qing reluctantly took out the phone from his pocket, and found Zhao Yuxi's photo from the album.

Mom leaned over, grabbed the phone with one hand, and looked over.

"Tsk tsk, she's quite pretty, but why does she look familiar!"

"It's the CEO of our company!"

"The CEO of your company is Zhao Yuxi, right? How old is she? How is her family?"

"Oh, Mom, I've already told you. The relationship hasn't been settled yet. She's also twenty-seven, a few months younger than me!"

"It's a good match! When will you call her to visit the house?"

"Let's talk about it after a year!"

"Give me the phone, and I'll show it to your dad!"

"Don't take the mobile phone. This mobile phone is specially made by our company. If I don't hold it in my hand, it will be very troublesome to turn it on and decode it. I will send you her photo on Weichat. Take a look!"

"Then hurry up!"

When the mother heard that she didn't even make the quilt, she rushed to the living room, found her mobile phone, and waited for Yang Qing to send the photo.

Xiao Ai, who had just disappeared from the screen, snorted arrogantly, but still sent Zhao Yuxi's photo to her mother.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Qing heard the voices of his parents, who gathered together and commented.

He shook his head, but he was a little worried in his heart, he had fooled it, but what about Zhao Yuxi?

Is it possible to really turn her into a girlfriend?

Yang Qing is actually quite confident in himself, but whether Zhao Yuxi has the spirituality of cultivation is actually very important.

Using the talisman array that I once knew, a healthy person can quickly reach the acquired state of martial arts.

But after reaching the acquired state, using this method of pulling out seedlings to promote people to innate, the financial and material resources required are really too great.

It's fine if it's just spirit stones, but those kinds of medicinal materials can be regarded as treasures even in the wild, and there is no trace of them on Blue Star.

At this time, the spirituality of cultivation is very important, because this is the only kind of physique that can freely attract spiritual energy, so that it is possible to continue to practice and embark on the path of an authentic monk.

Acquired martial artists may be able to reach a lifespan of about 120 years old, and if they live in an environment with dense aura, they may even reach the limit of 150 years old.

However, if one reaches the innate level of practice, then the life expectancy is guaranteed to be 150 years old. At his level of foundation establishment, although in the Blue Star environment, it is difficult to reach the prehistoric lifespan of 300 years old, it is still very easy to exceed 200 years old. .

Yang Qing didn't want her partner to be over a hundred and twenty years old, and man and nature would be separated forever, and at least he would have no problem returning to the golden core stage, so how would he live the remaining three or four hundred years? ?

On the blue star, the spiritual energy has been lost for so long that most people's spiritual reactions have become recessive.

In this case, even if he scans with spiritual consciousness, he can't get an answer before he discloses the existence of spiritual energy.

However, the aura is too domineering, a small amount is fine, it will be completely absorbed by the environment, just like the aura produced by thunderstorms every year.

Once this number becomes a large number~www.readwn.com~, it will easily cause changes in the environment, just like the spiritual recovery described in many stories, it is an unmanageable result, and Yang Qing dare not bet at all.

Even if he could use his own quiet room to make a small fuss for Zhao Yuxi, but there was ambiguity between the two of them, but they didn't have enough mutual trust, so he didn't dare to reveal his details for the time being.

Thinking of these troublesome things, Yang Qing couldn't help but smiled wryly, and fell back on his bed.

The quilt that was just taken out was a bit cold, but it was extremely comfortable when it touched his scorching skin.

Picking up the pillow and leaning against the head of the bed, Yang Qing picked up the phone again.

"Xiao Ai, open the WeChat chat!"

Since his return, his mobile phone has become a pure tool. In addition to swiping short videos to pass the time, the micro chat that he used to be very fond of has become a real communication software, which will only be opened when it is voice or video. I don't read the usual news and dynamics of Moments, especially after my company has communication software.

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