"That's really congratulations! I'll go see it tomorrow, and she should be even better!"

Zhang Yuzhu over there was a little puzzled. It was obvious that in the past few days, even the injections and nutritional supplements were credited, but even the doctor said that the child absorbed nutrients faster today than every day.

And for the first time, I had an appetite and ate a small bowl of rice and a bowl of egg custard.

Could it be that Yang Qing really treated the child?

"Then see you tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuzhu was also muttering inwardly, but the child was rarely more lively, so he stopped paying attention to these things and went to the bedside to talk to the child.

"Nini, how are you feeling?"

"I feel good, my body doesn't hurt at all, and my stomach is warm." Nini replied softly.

Looking at Nini's **** face, Zhang Yuzhu couldn't help worrying, and took out a thermometer from the drawer next to the hospital bed.

"Nini, be good, put this thermometer under your arm!"

He couldn't help but not worry, because leukemia patients really had a lot of fevers for no reason, and Nini's description made people worry about whether she had a fever.

Even though he didn't feel hot when he touched Nini's forehead with the back of his hand, it's still safer to test this kind of thing.

After waiting for a few minutes, he took out the thermometer from Nini's armpit, and then looked carefully at the light. It was thirty-six degrees seven, and he felt relieved.

"Does Nini have a fever?"

A voice behind him suddenly asked.

Zhang Yuzhu was startled, turned his head to look, only to find that Wang Lijuan had already brought dinner from home and rushed back.

Because it cost too much money to treat Nini, they basically put an end to the idea of ​​buying food outside or in the hospital restaurant. Anyway, Nini doesn't eat much, so it's more convenient for the two of them.

Zhang Yuzhu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Nini doesn't have a fever, she's already much better."

"It's fine if you don't have a fever!"

Wang Lijuan took off the heavy cotton padded clothes she was wearing, and waited for the cold air on her body to dissipate before she stepped forward to touch Nini's face.

Nini rubbed her mother's hand with her skinny cheeks, showing a smile she hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhang Yuzhu took the lunch box and opened the lid on it.

"It's dumplings!"

he exclaimed with some surprise.

"It's rare that Nini's condition has improved. Mom and I made some dumplings for you at home, stuffed with your favorite beef and celery."

Wang Lijuan put a piece of clothing on Nini, and then picked her up. The six-year-old girl weighed only 20 catties, which made her feel sad.

Zhang Yuzhu couldn't wait, picked up a pair of chopsticks, picked up a dumpling from the lunch box, and bit down gently, the juice inside flowed directly into his mouth along the opening.

Fortunately, after carrying it for a while, the dumplings were no longer so hot, otherwise they would have scalded a few bubbles in his mouth.

Zhang Yuzhu took a sip of the juice, then put the entire dumpling into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it directly.

Although in order to avoid the pungent smell, Zhang Yuzhu did not dip it in condiments such as mashed garlic, but the smell of beef and celery spread throughout the ward immediately.

Zhang Yuzhu wolfed down a few more dumplings in a row before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you!"

Seeing his appearance, Wang Lijuan couldn't help cursing with a smile, and the corners of her eyes began to moisten.

However, she felt a small hand pulling herself, so she couldn't help but look down.

But all she could see was Nini's eyes staring at the dumplings, and there seemed to be something crystal flowing out of the corner of her mouth.

She hurriedly took a tissue and wiped away the saliva.

"What's the matter with Nini? Are you hungry? Ask Dad to give you dumplings."

Nini was a little shy, but she nodded heavily.

Although according to the previous doctor's advice, Nini's spleen and stomach are relatively weak, and she is not suitable for eating this kind of meat-filled dumplings, but it is not a problem to eat a few once in a while.

In fact, the doctor told them that the situation was not optimistic, so they had better be mentally prepared.

If Nini's body is too weak to bear the bumps of the journey, they are either in Shencheng or Chuncheng now, instead of staying in this county hospital.

This time, all restrictions on Nini's diet have been released long ago, but Nini can only drink some porridge and milk every day, but she can't eat meat at all.

It's rare that she has a good appetite today, and she has an appetite, so naturally she wants to satisfy her wish.

"Zhuzi, your daughter wants to eat dumplings, come here quickly."

Zhang Yuzhu looked back in surprise, and saw his daughter, staring at the dumplings on his chopsticks intently.

What else can I say at this time, he hurriedly picked up the lunch box, shifted his position, and put everything in front of Nini.

"Nini, here are the dumplings, take a bite and suck!"

With a dumpling in between, he handed it to Nini, guiding her to eat slowly.

Nini took a bite and sucked in the fat juice in her mouth. She was immediately filled with happiness, and her eyes narrowed happily.

After eating the gravy, her little stomach became more and more hungry, and there was a gurgling sound, which was very clear in the quiet ward.

"It turns out that our baby Nini is hungry. It's because of my mother's fault. My mother will buy you food right away!"

Nini opened her mouth wide, took a big bite of the dumpling, and said vaguely, "Dumplings are good, don't eat!"

"Then don't eat, let's eat dumplings!" Wang Lijuan said helplessly.

Nini's condition is not optimistic. This is a fact that they all know. Although she seems to be much better today, who knows if this is an appearance, so most of the time, she still has to respect her opinion.

Nini was relieved, and began to bite into the dumplings that Zhang Yuzhu handed over. The speed was also very fast. After a few mouthfuls, a big dumpling was swallowed.

She ate quickly, and Zhang Yuzhu served them quickly. After a while, Nini ate five big dumplings.

You must know that these dumplings are not small dumplings in restaurants, but large dumplings made by hand at home, which are almost twice the size of quick-frozen dumplings on the market.

Even when Nini is not sick, her meal size is just this, let alone after being sick for so long.

"Don't eat Nini, okay? If you eat too much, your stomach will hurt again!"

Zhang Yuzhu didn't dare to feed him any more, and Wang Lijuan quickly dissuaded him.

Nini nodded, but her eyes were still staring at the four or five dumplings left in the lunch box.

In order not to arouse Nini's appetite again, Zhang Yuzhu resisted the desire to not eat enough, covered the lunch box, took it to the bathroom to clean it, and then returned to the bed.

Seeing that she had nothing to eat, Nini felt sleepy and began to rub her eyes.

Wang Lijuan quickly fed her medicine and arranged for her to sleep. She held her mother's hand and soon fell asleep.

But this time when he fell asleep, his brows were stretched, and even when he fell asleep, there was a smile on his face.

Zhang Yuzhu and his wife were two, but their expressions were solemn.

"Zhuzi, be careful here tonight. I have already told the doctor on duty. If there is any situation, you can go to him at any time!"

"I see, alas!"

Zhang Yuzhu couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"What are you worried about? The doctor didn't say anything, Nini's body functions are improving, as long as she gets through tonight, she will be fine!"

Yeah, just make it through tonight!

Zhang Yuzhu's nose was sour, tears blurred his vision.

Wang Lijuan sat on the bed again, and gently combed Nini's hair. She still felt restrained in her sleep, she was muttering something, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"Lijuan, you should go back first, the road is difficult to walk at night, so be careful!"

"I'll stay with you for a while!"

Wang Lijuan couldn't help but shed tears.

It is impossible for the two of them to stay together, at least they can take turns, and it is impossible to let a few old people come to accompany the bed.

While they were still secretly sad, Yang Qing over there had finished dinner and was lazily lying on the sofa, watching those boring soap operas with his parents.

Although when he was young, the TV used to be exclusive to him. Whether it was commercials or cartoons, he could take care of it all, and the remote control had to be in his own hands.

But watching these TV dramas now, the freshness has long since disappeared. Apart from being unable to enjoy them immersively, there are no short videos and fun games in this stuff.

While watching TV, while chatting, by the way, like teasing a dog, teasing the little furball Lingling, the time passed quickly, although this was harmful to his cultivation, but it was extraordinarily comfortable.

Sure enough, struggling may not be successful, but it must be very busy. Lying flat is basically doomed to failure, but it will definitely be very comfortable.

Mom and Dad were very curious about Yang Qing's company. They asked questions all night. If it weren't for Yang Qing, he would be considered a self-made man. He really couldn't answer some questions.

Of course, more problems were focused on Zhao Yuxi's body. Holding the latest photo of Zhao Yuxi, the two of them looked at it again and again. They were not picky about their body and appearance, especially their age.

Old couples and young wives or young husbands and old wives sounds very romantic, but with different worldviews, five years is a generation gap, and living together is really a big trouble.

Of course, this has not yet adapted to my parents. They are actually billionaires and have already achieved financial freedom. In fact, everything in this house can be hired to do it.

After all, in this world, the vast majority of conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are concentrated on housework, that is, conflicts over money. There are really not many situations where they really don't like each other. When they all become pampered wives , those contradictions are almost resolved.

And after going back this time, Yang Qing plans to make a few big white robots with lower configuration and outer skin made of fireproof super polyethylene material.

After all, the robots he is using now are so advanced that it is difficult to tell whether they are robots or not.

He really didn't dare to bring this thing to the market. Instead, he could make a few of the next-level Dabai type and use them as toys or tools.

But now Hong Huang Technology's ongoing projects are enough to make money. He wants to do Dabai just to improve his own life, not to use it to make money.

Because mom and dad would never find a nanny for a little housework, and an all-round robot like Dabai is Yang Qing's first choice.

The family chatted until after ten o'clock in the evening. My parents, who have already reached the point where their wedding will be held, have completely forgotten that they are not even lovers at all.

Yang Qing yawned, not because he was sleepy, as long as he wanted to, he wouldn't feel really tired after sitting for a few days.

But dealing with his mother made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

It was so easy for my mother to give the order to go to bed, and Yang Qing immediately ran upstairs to her bedroom like an amnesty.

Behind him, there was naturally a snow-white snow-white ball of hair. After a busy day, it didn't get any stains on its hair, and it was still so radiant.

However, Yang Qing gave it and himself a cleaning technique as usual, and all the dirt and smells were swept away from his body, and he was thrown into the pit in the yard far away again.

This is far more powerful cleansing than using all kinds of toiletries. In the prehistoric times, as long as people who practiced well, not many people would use water to clean their bodies, so that a cleansing technique can clean the body and clothes. clean.

Lying on the bed, Yang Qing soon fell asleep. A spirit stone was left in the pocket close to the skin. With the circulation of the true essence in the body, the spirit energy inside was drawn out little by little, strengthening her own power .

Lingling also hurriedly jumped up, next to Yang Qing's head, absorbing the aftertaste of Yang Qing's practice unconsciously, and the crude circulation in her body was also slowly growing.

Early the next morning, when the first ray of dawn appeared from the sky, Yang Qing opened his eyes again.

As expected, Lingling's familiar snoring sound came again. However, Yang Qing heard a certain charm from it. This was no longer an ordinary snore, but a thunderous sound that could really be used for body training.

Legend has it that cats and tigers have instincts, mastering the thunder sound of tigers and leopards, which can stimulate bone marrow, and their hematopoietic function is extremely powerful, which also makes them the top of the food chain.

Although in the Dharma-ending era, without the support of spiritual energy, tigers and leopards are far less ferocious than their prehistoric counterparts, but if it weren't for the appearance of human beings, the terrifying upright apes who are good at falsehoods~www.readwn.com~, they would not have reached the point of extinction .

Although Yang Qing didn't care about such superficial martial arts skills, he still remembered the little apprentice he had planned.

The little apprentice's health is not good, so he can use some kind of internal martial arts to strengthen it.

Yang Qing sat up, and Lingling woke up at the same time, her body stretched out, her eyes widened, and she was still drowsy.

After breakfast, mom and dad went to work separately. At nine o'clock, Yang Qing also walked out, took a taxi, and rushed towards the hospital.

This time Yang Qing was already familiar with the road, and went directly to Nini's ward.

This time, there was no Nini left. She still had needles on her arms, but compared to the lifeless little girl I saw yesterday, she is much more lively now.

Although she was restricted by the needle, she couldn't move, but she sat up, wearing only a thin layer of hospital gown, and was sitting there, obediently looking at the album.

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