After knocking lightly on the door, Yang Qing pushed it open and walked in.

Zhang Yuzhu, who was sitting in front of Nini's bed, looked back with a surprise smile on his face.

"Yang Qing, you're here!"

"How is the child?"

Yang Qing stepped forward, fixed his eyes on Nini, and asked.

"The child is much better. I really thank you for speaking of it. After you left yesterday, the child got better!"

Zhang Yuzhu said to Yang Qing, then turned his head.

"Nini, Uncle Yang Qing!"

Nini had already raised her head from the picture album, and saw Yang Qing, but there was no ordinary child. Seeing the stranger's embarrassment, there was a kind of intimacy in her eyes.

"Uncle Yang Qing!"

Nini called out sweetly.

Yang Qing looked at Nini with a smile, put his finger into his pocket, and took out a beautiful pendant, which was the one with the protective rune inside.

Although it is not easy to meet a child with obvious spirituality, it is obviously not the time to accept disciples, and Yang Qing did not act too hastily, but as his future disciple, when encountering danger, he must not sacrifice in vain. With the protective pendant, The danger is much less.

Without any hesitation, Nini took the pendant with her hand without the injection, and then looked at her father belatedly.

"Yang Qing, the child is still young, this thing is not suitable!"

Even though I don't know how much that pendant is worth, and even though there are similarly beautiful but cheap goods from street vendors, it's just that Yang Qing's identity as the big boss is doomed, the things he takes out will definitely not be worthless .

"This is my gift for Nini, does Nini like it?"

Nini understood Zhang Yuzhu's meaning, and couldn't help but grasp the pendant in her hand. Her spirituality, which was awakening, could keenly feel that there was something she needed in this pendant.

Nini didn't speak, but nodded vigorously there.

The figure of Zhang Yuzhu rushing over couldn't help but stop thinking about taking the pendant from Nini's hand.

"I'm really sorry, it's rare for Nini to have something she likes."

To be exact, after Nini fell ill, the family ran out of funds and couldn't afford to buy toys for her.

Yang Qing waved his hand: "Say it's something for a child, so what's the embarrassment?"

At this time, his hand was suddenly grabbed by Nini, who kept pulling him and sat down beside the bed.

Zhang Yuzhu was a little stunned. After being ill, Nini became very lonely. Apart from being close to her family, why had she ever been so close to strangers?

"Nini likes Uncle!"

Nini said in a low voice.

Her words surprised the two adults in the room. Yang Qing stretched out his hand and rubbed her head. It had just grown out, and it still looked a little dry and yellow.

"Uncle likes Nini too!"

"The two of you really hit it off. You are so close when you meet for the first time. Why don't you just recognize a goddaughter!"

Zhang Yuzhu said with a smile over there.

In the Northeast, there is still the custom of recognizing godparents. Generally speaking, if a child is in poor health and often gets sick when he is young, most parents will find him a godfather.

"Okay! From now on, Nini will be my daughter, let's see who dares to bully her!"

Yang Qing rubbed Nini's thin face and said with a smile.

"Nini is called godfather!"

Zhang Yuzhu urged from the side.


Nini blushed, she let out a cry, and lowered her head.

Regarding Zhang Yuzhu's small thoughts, Yang Qing actually knew very well. It was nothing more than that after admitting to her goddaughter, although Yang Qing would not be able to afford Nini's medical expenses, it was always more convenient when borrowing money.

However, he also intends to take advantage of this relationship to get closer to Nini. Anyway, master and apprentice are just a title, let her practice and see if there are any obstacles in cultivation for the natives on Blue Star. things.

No matter what, spiritual energy is beneficial and harmless to the human body. This is also an undoubted fact. Even if Nini fails to cultivate, her body will be much stronger than ordinary people.

Yang Qing had already used his spiritual sense to scan Nini's body carefully. With the cooperation of spiritual energy, he repaired the damaged organs on Nini's body in a short period of time.

This is also the reason for her recovery, just like when her disease was still hidden in the dark and didn't show up.

If the spiritual energy is provided continuously, Nini may really be able to cure the disease relying on her own spirituality.

Even now, she has reached the discharge standard, but she has not eaten normally for many days, and has serious malnutrition. In fact, through dietary supplementation, there will be a relatively large improvement.

The potion injected on her body now is not effective, but the effect may not be better than that of a bottle of glucose injection.

Yang Qing's arrival made Nini excited for a while, but after all, she was just recovering from a long illness and couldn't bear the pain, so after a while, her head started to doze off.

Zhang Yuzhu quickly put down the hospital bed, let Nini lie flat, covered the quilt, and she snored happily.

Letting go of the hand that had been being pulled and not letting go, Yang Qing injected a cloud of spiritual energy into Nini's body again, allowing her to absorb it slowly before standing up.

"Nini is asleep, I'm leaving first, if there is anything Nini needs, please call me!"

"Thank you very much this time."

Zhang Yuzhu said gratefully.

"Why am I a daughter! It should be."

Yang Qing didn't take it seriously, waved his hand, and walked out of the ward by himself.

He didn't have many places to go, and he couldn't see the life and death in the hospital, so he went home directly after leaving the hospital.

After taking a taxi back home, Yang Qing began to train Lingling again. According to Yang Qing's calculation of Lingling's brain development, her intelligence has definitely reached the level of a ten-year-old child.

In fact, it is not The smartest border collie among dogs has an IQ as high as six or seven years old, not to mention Lingling, who is not inferior to border collie at all according to the ratio of body to brain.

So things that children can learn, like using the toilet, flushing their own waste, and using paper towels or something to wipe it up, shouldn't it be the right thing to do?

Although it was difficult for a cat to get used to this, with Yang Qing directly branding it with his spiritual sense and monitoring it at all times, it spent a whole day and finally learned it.

In this way, those cat litters that always had a fishy smell can be completely discarded, without having to lick their buttocks, Yang Qing will have no obstacles in his heart when he picks up the cat.

Especially when Yang Qing specially created a self-service hair grooming device for Lingling, which is actually a few combs fixed at a certain height. When it rubs against the wall, it can directly comb the hair on the back without using its own mouth.

At noon today, my parents had dinner and couldn't come back, so Yang Qing spent the whole day training Lingling, and when they came back in the evening, there was a surprise.

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