"Dad, Mom, let me show you something good!"

Lingling ran into the bathroom, just at this time, my parents had just arrived home.

They were followed by Yang Qing and came to the bathroom on the second floor.

"If you want to see something good in the bathroom, don't you find a wife and hide it in it?"

Mom muttered, but she was also brought out of curiosity.

Yang Qing gently pushed open the bathroom door, and Lingling, who was pooping **** the toilet, encountered an inhumane onlooker.

Even for cats, excretion is a very private matter. Although they don't deliberately avoid people, they generally don't do it in public.

So when Lingling saw so many people, she screamed in fright, her voice was as miserable as if she had been stepped on.

But this time, Lingling, who had difficulty defecation, was pulled out all of a sudden, and she jumped down, trying to escape.

"Lingling, what did you forget?"

Yang Qing's voice sounded very gloomy.

Lingling froze, hurried back, and pressed the flushing switch.

The water in the toilet flushed down to wash away the filth inside, and then it consciously took out a tissue beside it, lay down on its side, and wiped its butt.

Only then did it reveal its body that had been scratched in many places by its claws.

But now Lingling has softened a lot, and she won't scratch herself again.

When Lingling finished all this, drooping her tail, and walked out in aggrieved manner, my mother finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hugged Lingling.

"Good girl, you are really my good girl!"

A face rubbed against Lingling's body desperately, leaving only Lingling who couldn't guard against her mistake, bearing it with a look of astonishment.

Dad, who was a step behind, said sourly: "Lingling is indeed a good girl, but it's a pity she just finished using the toilet!"

Mom was stunned for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses.

"Our family, Lingling, is a sweet-smelling little baby, even after going to the toilet, she is still sweet-smelling."

Yang Qing shook his head, secretly recording in his heart.

Ordinary animals on the blue star, after absorbing the aura, their wisdom has increased significantly.

I just don't know whether this is general or a special case, and further observation is needed.

Mother held Lingling in her arms, and was still reluctant to let go, so she just took her with her and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Lingling, who has obviously improved her IQ, is able to tell who is the most effective in this family. She obediently followed behind her mother, acting coquettishly and cutely, making her extremely happy.

Dad can't sit still anymore. Under normal circumstances, he won't go to the kitchen unless it's a labor-intensive job like making dumplings, but he can't sit still amidst my mother's laughter. .

The days passed day by day like this, and Nini was discharged after two days in the hospital. The blood test results when she was discharged from the hospital, except for some low indicators, everything else was normal.

This incident surprised the attending doctor, the leaders of the hospital, and even the experts from Chuncheng Cancer Hospital.

They began to check their workflow, and recorded what medicines were prescribed.

Because before Nini was hospitalized, her condition was already not optimistic, and the hospital also issued a critical illness notice, and she couldn't even eat.

In this case, according to the reassuring statement of the attending doctor, she only has ten days and a half a month.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the child's condition not only did not deteriorate, but was directly discharged from the hospital.

Of course, this kind of thing will attract great attention, because it has great significance for the treatment of leukemia, especially the treatment of acute leukemia.

But after repeated inspections, it was found that the infusion fluids given to Nini were just the most common things. Not only did they not have any specific medicines, but even the chemotherapy drugs had been stopped for a while because of Nini's body.

If some hemoglobin infusion and nutritional injection can cure the disease, then there will be no critically ill patients in the world.

According to the doctor's ward round records, Nini's condition improved on January 15th. According to the doctor, it was as if Nini's epidemic prevention system was suddenly activated on that day, and she really effectively defended herself.

Zhang Yuzhu and his wife certainly remembered this day, because Yang Qing came that day and lent them 10,000 yuan without hesitation.

It was also on that day that Nini started to recover from being a bedridden patient who couldn't eat a mouthful of food, and at least she was able to eat.

Especially after Yang Qing came to visit for the second time, not only did he recognize his god-in-law, but Nini was able to run around after the injection.

All the situations happened after Yang Qing arrived, and Zhang Yuzhu couldn't help but think of what Yang Qing once said that Nini could be treated.

The alarmed experts came to this small town specially, and conducted multiple examinations around Nini. Poor Nini was drawn blood again and again, and even had an extremely painful spinal puncture.

However, in Nini's blood, I didn't get any effective drug ingredients. I just know that Nini's blood cells have become very active now, so it is normal for the T cells in the blood to swallow a large number of sick white blood cells.

The whole thing seemed to be that Nini's immune system had performed a miracle, and it suddenly became powerful, defeating the demon of leukemia, and returning her to a normal person.

This kind of thing is not without precedent, but it is the first time it has happened to this critically ill little girl.

After all, there are so many incredible things about the human body. Most of the time, the machine is fragile, but sometimes it is extremely tough.

About the whole matter, only Zhang Yuzhu could guess a little bit, but he didn't dare to say anything, but he was extremely dissatisfied with the experts ~www.readwn.com~ who examined Nini.

This dissatisfaction culminated in giving Nini a spinal tap that left her unable to sit still for a day.

Although he also wants to find out what happened to his daughter and whether the disease has been completely cured, but this does not mean that he wants to make her a test product for others.

The experts didn't get the results they wanted. In fact, the experiment can't go on. The next step is to treat Nini as a test product and try various drugs, so as to understand the nature and limit of her blood.

Finally, they returned to Chuncheng with Nini's blood and spinal fluid samples. Zhang Yuzhu finally came to a clear conclusion that Nini's leukemia had recovered.

Regardless of how much suffering he suffered before, when Zhang Yuzhu heard this conclusion, he burst into tears, as if he wanted to cry out all his grievances.

The good news was posted on the circle of friends, and I specially @杨青, no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that Nini's condition took a real turn for the better after Yang Qing appeared.

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