"Yang Qing, is Nini's illness really related to you?"

Zhang Yuzhu, who returned home, hesitated for a long time before sending the message on Weichat, but he was still cautious, sending voice instead of text.

Although for those who want to view information, voice only makes the process a little more troublesome, but after all, unlike text, it takes up very little storage space and is extremely easy to view.

"Nini was discharged from the hospital? Wait until I get to your house."

Yang Qing replied with a message. His mobile phone is completely under the control of Xiao Ai. Even the information of Weichat basically does not go through the server of Weichat. It is not stored on it, so there is no worry of being stolen.

By the time Yang Qing arrived at Zhang Yuzhu's house, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

The original Zhang Yuzhu's family was in a good family. They had a house of more than 150 square meters in the best community in the county.

It's just that this time, in order to treat the child's illness, the house was also sold, and now I rent a house in an old community.

Going up to the fourth floor from the corridor that was obviously in disrepair, Yang Qing knocked on the anti-theft door with a sense of age.


A voice shouted from inside, and soon the door was opened.

"Yang Qing, you're here!"

It was Zhang Yuzhu who opened the door, he greeted him and let Yang Qing in.

"No need to change shoes!"

Seeing that Yang Qing was about to take off his shoes, he quickly stopped him.

Yang Qing shook his head, but still put on the shoes prepared by the side.

If it is other times, this matter does not matter, but now there is a patient in the family, then special attention is required.

Zhang Yuzhu led him, let him sit on the sofa in the living room, and poured him a cup of tea.

"How is the child?"

"Actually, I could be discharged from the hospital two days ago, but a few experts from Chuncheng insisted on examining Nini, which delayed her for a few days."

Zhang Yuzhu said with some disinterest.

"Isn't it a good thing to check? Just to see if the child is really cured!"

"But they have to draw Nini's blood several times a day and do a spinal tap. The child is really suffering."

Yang Qing nodded knowingly. Although taking blood several times a day is a big burden for a child, all of this is not as painful as a spinal puncture. Even for adults, it is very difficult.

"But is the baby okay?"

"The child is completely cured. From now on, he will go to the hospital for a check-up once a month, and he will be fine."

Yang Qing looked at his face without much joy, and couldn't help but asked strangely: "Old Zhang, the child has recovered, you should be happy?"

"We were very happy at first, but when we think of the debts we borrowed, we can't be happy anymore!"

"Isn't your job very good? You will pay back the borrowed money slowly in the future."

"The Tobacco Bureau's job is really good. The annual salary and bonus are more than 100,000 yuan, but compared to the money I borrowed, it's not worth mentioning!"

Zhang Yuzhu said with a wry smile.

Nini has been ill for two years. First, she took imported medicine, which costs more than 10,000 yuan per box. There are generic medicines in India, but no one is sure about the curative effect and dare not use it on Nini.

Fortunately at this time, they still had their parents' savings, and they could still afford their children to take medicine. Later, the effect of the special medicine became worse and worse, so they had to change the bone marrow.

From the successful matching to the operation, he sold his house directly to collect almost one million surgical expenses, including queue jumping and bone marrow provider expenses, which cannot be reimbursed.

Living in a small city, even after demolition, the cost will not be much. In fact, if it were not for the demolition, many people in the city might not be able to live in the upper buildings.

But after buying the house, there is not much money left for the demolition.

In fact, in small cities, even for civil servants, the salary is not much higher, and it is difficult to save much money. The only advantage is that it is relatively stable.

But when things go wrong, life becomes difficult.

"Where's the child?"

Yang Qing doesn't want to pay attention to other people's lives, and the suffering of adults must be borne by herself after all.

"The child came back in the morning and fell asleep after playing for a while. Do you want to go and see?"

In fact, here, Yang Qing can use his spiritual sense to check Nini's status, but after all, it is a little girl inside, so he is too embarrassed to scan it directly.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuzhu hurriedly led him into the bedroom.

The bedroom is not big, it is obviously prepared for children, she is lying on the bed, holding a doll, sleeping soundly.

Just by looking at her face, one can see Nini's recovery. Her face, which was so thin and frighteningly thin, has grown flesh again, and it is no longer sallow, but rather fair and rosy.

"The child is recovering very well!"

Yang Qing said softly.

In his eyes, a simple zhenqi circulation was born in Nini's body, which was nourishing her body, and she was able to recover so quickly, thanks to this circulation.

Yang Qing added aura to her again, this time it was compressed, and it could be used by her for a long time.

After all, I am still a child, not yet suitable for formal qi training. People in the prehistoric age live in an aura environment, and they can start practicing after the age of eight, while children on the blue star, it is more appropriate to start practicing at the age of eleven or twelve .

And this was only possible because she was continuously replenished with aura.

In fact, Blue Star people are more suitable for martial arts. After all, even if there is no spiritual energy from the outside world, the essence energy can continue to circulate in the body, and they can be self-sufficient, but they have higher requirements for food.

Nini's slightly short breathing suddenly became gentle and steady with the replenishment of spiritual energy.

Seeing Zhang Yuzhu in his eyes, the suspicion in his heart immediately turned into certainty. This classmate who had been with him in high school for three years suddenly became mysterious.

"Yang Qing, you saved Nini, right?"

He was a little anxious, but he was afraid of waking Nini, so he asked in a low voice.

"What do you think?"

Yang Qing asked back with a mysterious smile.

What should be done has been done, Yang Qing turned and left the bedroom, and sat down on the sofa again.

"how did you do it?"

Zhang Yuzhu closed the door carefully, then walked quickly to him and asked.

"Don't ask, it's useless to ask! For the time being, I'm the only one in the world who can do it. If I hadn't heard about you, I wouldn't have used it."

A look of disappointment appeared in Zhang Yuzhu's eyes.

"Don't try to tell the outside world, this matter is top secret, and there are almost no materials used, and there is no way to make another one for the time being!"

Yang Qing warned.

"Just like the 1.2 million special medicine?"

"It's more troublesome than that!"

Zhang Yuzhu nodded. At this moment, a certain seed had penetrated deep into the depths of his cerebral cortex. From now on, even if it was hypnotism, it would be impossible for him to express his doubts.

After sitting for a while, Yang Qing stood up and said goodbye. This time, it was for Nini to replenish her spiritual energy, and to shut up Zhang Yuzhu by the way.

"Let's go after eating here, I'll ask your sister-in-law to buy some food!"

Zhang Yuzhu asked to stay.

While putting on his shoes, Yang Qing said, "Forget it, you and sister-in-law have been tired for so long, it's time to take a rest."

Zhang Yuzhu was speechless, but he was the one who was most tired.

"You said last time that you want to take Nini as your apprentice, does it still count?"

"Of course it counts. Nini is not only my apprentice, but also my daughter. You can give it to me if you don't want to! If you need anything in the future, just come to me!"

Yang Qing opened the door and said with a smile as he walked.

Zhang Yuzhu said goodbye to him at the door. After all, there was only Nini at home, and he was recovering from a long illness, so he didn't dare to leave Nini alone at home.

I took a taxi back home again, just in time for my parents to teach Lingling at home, I feel sorry for a kitten, the couple insists on letting it learn what humans should learn.

For example, they actually taught Lingling math!

The reason? Naturally, on a certain TV show, a smart puppy can add and subtract within ten.

What's worse is the cute pets who are as smart as people in the short video.

After discussing with each other, the old couple simply took advantage of today's Saturday, set up a battle, and began to train Lingling.

I don't know where they got the preschool textbooks, learned to read by looking at pictures, made a simple small blackboard and hung it on the wall.

And Lingling was sitting in front, with a small table and a stool, well-behaved, like a primary school student.

It used to be able to rely on its cuteness and cuteness to make troubles everywhere without being beaten, but now that its intelligence has been revealed, it has to embark on the difficult road of learning.

For a top student like Yang Qing, learning is naturally very easy, but for a kitten who has just started to be smart, this is the real torture. Looking at the Chinese and mathematics on the side, my mother may want to Complete education.

But who let the cats not have their own language? Lingling can only learn human characters.

Although cats are near-sighted and cannot see stationary objects clearly, the aura in their bodies has already improved all of this, allowing them to see clearly, see pictures and speak the words and graphics on them.

But it is impossible to let Lingling talk for the time being, unless Yang Qing personally takes the initiative to reform, but that will not be of much benefit. You must know that the people who protect him have not withdrawn yet, and he does not want to create a monster and cause more trouble. Range sensation.

On the short video, a few specious meows can attract a lot of attention, let alone real words.

The days were so joyously lived, and after the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year began to envelope this small northeastern town.

Occasionally, I have a video chat with Zhao Yuxi to learn about the company's situation. Now Honghuang Technology is developing smoothly. Not only has the foreign contract trap a while ago been completely resolved, but various preferential policies have also been issued in many aspects.

Domestic orders for VR equipment have reached a new high, but this time the order is from a mysterious department. They provide their own chips, sensors, and even the foundry is self-sufficient. The price they give far exceeds the profit of the previous complete machine. .

The only requirement is to let Honghuang Technology re-adapt the operating system for them.

After asking Yang Qing for instructions, Yang Qing naturally agreed without hesitation that the chips, sensors, and screens of that department are all top-notch products, and they are at least at the 10,000-yuan level outside.

With this configuration, the display screen is naturally top-notch, and it can completely increase the realism of VR equipment from about 30% to 40%.

A higher degree of realism requires the cooperation of the environment, which can follow the changes of the picture, and various changes such as wind and rain, smell, etc. will appear.

But this kind of environmental mimicry, which costs a lot of money, can only increase the degree of reality to about 70%.

A higher level of simulation requires the kind of truly immersive VR that can cut off the transmission of nerve signals in the brain.

At that time, in the game, not only hearing and vision, but also the sense of smell, touch, temperature difference, and pain can be displayed. Only then can the degree of realism be pushed to more than 90%.

At this level, even if virtual reality technology has come to an end, it's not that it can't achieve 100% simulation, but after reaching 100% simulation, human beings themselves can't tell the difference between virtual reality and reality. In reality, he may die directly, just like Freddy, the ghost on Elm Street appeared.

This is Prehistoric Technology, the continuous introduction of new technologies, VR equipment, and new chip architectures, the impact of which has slowly spread from Weihua's laboratory.

In fact, Yang Qing felt strange. According to his prediction, the purchase of the mysterious department should be carried out earlier.

Anyone can see that the VR equipment launched by Honghuang Technology has a great effect on the training of troops.

Although it is a civilian product, it is more suitable for operational training such as flying and tanks and armored vehicles.

However, as we all know, modern aircraft have amazing combat capabilities, and they are basically crushed against the propeller aircraft of World War II.

But the powerful combat power brings about the high cost of the aircraft. The B2 of the United States, the aircraft is more expensive than the gold of the same weight.

F22, currently the most powerful fifth-generation machine in the world, also has to use the so-called fertilizer F35 as a high-low match because of the high maintenance cost.

Huaguo's fifth-generation aircraft is equally expensive to manufacture, and the flight cost is not low, but on the VR equipment, most of the daily training ~www.readwn.com~ can be tried.

As the face of the country, Huaguo's fifth-generation machine naturally uses the most advanced technology. Its helmet is actually not much different from VR equipment, but it has an additional AR display capability. These are available through Computer simulations can do it.

VR equipment, supercomputers, and Vientiane simulators, which are not too expensive to build, constitute a brand new flight simulator that can even simulate most of the flight subjects.

Using this method to train pilots saves too much money, which is why Yang Qing feels strange, but now he is back on track.

Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi also understood this point, but they tacitly didn't mention it during the chat.

Zhao Yuxi decided that after the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, which is a traditional small year in the south, the company will be completely on holiday.

She found that no matter how hard she tried, the sales of the company's VR equipment exceeded 100 million, and the profit of the game department also exceeded 50 million, but these were only a fraction of Yang Qing's project, which was the kind of despair that people could not match. .

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