The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 123: ready to complete

What he portrayed this time are several connecting runes. Although the rune array is formed, it will form a field, similar to an electromagnetic field, with a large range of influence.

However, just like the electromagnetic field, it also has the characteristics of attenuation as the distance increases, and the center and the edge are different.

Think about the Gravity Talisman Array. If there is a gravity of 5 G in the center, the edge will drop to a few tenths. It may be used for exercise, but it will become a big trouble in daily life.

In order to solve this inconsistency problem, Yang Qing changed a single rune array into a composite rune array, which can be regarded as reducing the gravity gap in the field to about 0.5G, but in order to balance the gravity, multiple matching rune arrays are needed superimposed.

The reason why Yang Qing draws these is entirely because Xiao Ai has lost most of her memory after several injuries, so she can't remember such a talisman array at all.

And in this world, except for Yang Qing, no one can draw these runes.

Although Yang Qing can transfer these types of talisman arrays to Xiao Ai's Tool Soul by means of mind-soul confluence, the current Xiao Ai is no longer the tool spirit whose calculation ability even Yang Qing envied in the prehistoric world.

The current Xiao Ai has just returned to the peak level of spiritual weapons. Due to the limitations of the Bluestar computer, her thinking habits are gradually tending towards artificial intelligence in the traditional sense.

Although on the Blue Star, she can use a large number of supercomputers, but the runes and runes involve very deep knowledge of space dimensions, which cannot be solved by the mathematics on the Blue Star.

Without a suitable mathematical model, a supercomputer can only be used as a calculator.

Relying on Xiao Ai's body alone, if she wanted to improve these rune arrays, the calculation difficulty directly broke through to the sky.

Yang Qing is different. Although his supernatural soul has brought him huge consumption, he has to seal most of his soul, but his divine consciousness is divine consciousness after all. During continuous practice, his divine soul Already passively, he transformed his brain into a type suitable for the operation of divine consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness will not appear until the alchemy stage, grows stronger than the Nascent Soul stage, and finally matures and transforms into the **** stage.

In other words, Yang Qing's brain area has at least the calculation ability of the alchemy stage.

This kind of calculation ability is far superior to that of Xiao Ai, which is the reason why Yang Qing abandoned Xiao Ai and carried out the transformation of the talisman array by himself.

However, after he completes the modification, he can hand it over to Xiao Ai when he paints it on the plastic board, and hand it over to Xiao Ai together, as well as the performance data of these talisman arrays.

The camera is different from the human eye. The human eye can only receive the scene in the visible light range, but the working area of ​​the camera can be said to be very wide, from infrared to ultraviolet, as long as it is the light that the CMOS chip can recognize, it can image.

This is why it is difficult for the human eye to see the runes, but the camera can capture the runes.

But even if the runes are formed into a photo, people who have not practiced and have no power of soul will not be able to see the runes clearly.

Fortunately, Xiao Ai was there. When she saw the picture, she could direct the robot to use a laser engraving machine to carve out various talisman patterns on the hull of the spaceship.

It can also calculate the effect of the superposition of various rune arrays, thus saving Yang Qing's energy.

When he finished the main body of these runes, in fact, most of the work has been completed, and the remaining connecting runes really became supplements.

Of course, there are still more things to be solved, such as the interface between the talisman array and the spiritual energy supply. If the spiritual energy is not leaked, a relatively powerful distribution center is needed to store the spiritual energy in advance and then distribute the spiritual energy.

There is no need to intervene in the allocation, because runes naturally attract aura, but to store aura, the effectiveness of the gathering array used before is somewhat insufficient.

However, you can also refer to the practice on the flying boat, and operate through a new matching talisman array, the Naling array. The effect even directly exceeds the requirement.

And this Naling array is also the main rune array of the future moon base.

The main reason why Yang Qing built the moon base was for his own cultivation. On the blue star, if he wanted to create aura, it might cause a biochemical crisis, but when he was on the moon, he would no longer have such scruples.

However, with the permeability of aura, when the base is built, the aura will spread everywhere, and soon it will spread all over the moon, and even float into the universe.

Just flying to the moon, Yang Qing didn't have the ability at all, nor did he have the need to take the entire moon as his own.

For the time being, all he can build is a small base, and the Naling Array is prepared for this base.

It can forcibly keep the aura within the range of the talisman array, even if one side is a vacuum, there will be no escape.

The combination of the Naling array and other various talisman arrays has long been established, so even if the Naling array is more complicated, Yang Qing can draw it faster than other talisman arrays.

So on the day before the new year, Yang Qing completed the construction of the spaceship and all the front runes of the moon base.

After finishing work, I spent a lively Spring Festival with my family. From the second day to the fifteenth day of junior high school, I spent almost all of my time eating and drinking.

Although these treats are indeed a waste of time, Yang Qing goes happily every time.

Because he also knew that this year might be the last year he spent leisurely.

If all goes well, next year, his people will have arrived on the moon and start the construction of the moon base.

It's just that he still has troubles. If he wants to build a spaceship, he can't do it in With Huaguo's control over the country and the density of the population, such a behemoth, just starting to cut materials, will was discovered.

If you want to keep it secret, you can only go abroad and find a relatively remote, but not so remote island.

Remoteness means that this small island is inconspicuous in their country. Not so remote means that this small island is near the international shipping route, at least not too far away.

There are many such island countries in the world, and there are also many such uninhabited islands.

For example, the Philippines in Asia and the country of Nicaea.

There are also many small islands in the Caribbean Sea of ​​America.

However, there is no need to consider the Caribbean Sea for the time being. After all, it is the back garden of the United States, the world's largest country, and the manufacturing industry in the United States has declined so far, and it is completely unable to provide industrial raw materials for manufacturing spacecraft.

The biggest shortcoming of the Philippines is that it is too close to Huaguo, and there are maritime disputes. Huaguo attaches great importance to him.

Nicaea is much better. He has countless small islands, countless uninhabited islands, and this country does not have much sense of existence.

He is also on the golden water vein of the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia, close to the country of Hua, Japan, Korea, these powerful industrial countries, the supply of raw materials is absolutely not a problem.


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