Seriously speaking, this part of East Asia on Blue Star can already be said to be the most powerful industrial zone in the world.

Excluding North Korea, Huaguo, the second largest economy in the world, Japan, the third largest country in the world, and the tenth largest in South Korea, are gathered here.

The comprehensive strength has surpassed the European Union, the old integrated region represented by France and Germany.

As for the North American region of the United States and Canada, due to the decline of the manufacturing industry in the United States, except for certain advantages in some high-end industries, it is no longer comparable to these two regions.

Among them, Huaguo occupies the top of the list with the most comprehensive industrial system. Although many industries are still limited to low-end, they are now developing towards high-end.

It can be said that most of the industrial products and raw materials in the world can be easily bought here.

In fact, the most convenient place would be in Huaguo, but who made Yang Qing refuse to give up the initiative of the project, and was born suspicious?

But what makes Yang Qing a little bit difficult is how to go out and buy a small island?

This is also the reason for his lack of background, there is no one available under his command, and during this period of time, his troubles are really too big, so big that the country will not allow him to go abroad at all.

Now that he can use it, he doesn't have to worry about leaking the secrets. The only ones that he can use are the robots that act as workers.

It's just that the current humanoid robots still need a lot of improvement, otherwise they won't be able to pass the increasingly strict security checks at stations and airports.

As for the identity information, it is the simplest part. Although Xiao Ai is restrained by him, she will not use her ability to withdraw funds from the dead and bad debts of banks all over the world. In the management system, adding a few names and photos is the easiest thing to do.

A country's household registration system is naturally the most strictly managed, and there is basically no room for hackers to intrude, but Xiao Ai is not intruding, she is clearly the master of the world's Internet, and entered here for inspection.

What she has is the highest authority regardless of any operating system. Even if the data is changed, it will not leave any traces in the system's log files, so it is impossible to talk about discovery.

Even for such a database, there must be backups and frequent proofreading, but the clone of Xiao Ai lurking on the server of the sub-bureau database will hide it immediately, and even directly overwrite the previous ones during routine backups. data.

In this way, their loopholes are only the paper documents of the police station where they were born, but in this era, unless these replacements committed a crime, or attracted great attention, who would check a What about the household registration documents of strangers?

Although the current robots use carbon fiber skeletons and artificial muscles based on polymer materials.

However, the energy supply system in the body, including the battery pack as an energy source, and the wires that transmit electric energy, are all made of metal.

There is no way for these things to pass through the security check gate. The metal alarm will keep ringing, and the robot will be detained directly as a terrorist.

In future body searches, we will find that robots are different from ordinary people. For example, it has no heartbeat, no pores on the skin, and even internal organs do not exist during X-ray inspection. There are also various artificial muscles fixed on the bones. exist.


Yang Qing sighed, after going back, there is still one more job to do, which is to study how to completely disguise a robot as a person.

Even if he finds someone who can go abroad instead of him, buy islands, and do some construction work, he still needs robots more.

After all, in this world, the only robot that he and Xiaomei can fully trust and work more efficiently than ordinary workers is the robot produced by himself.

Although human beings can also be controlled in some way, even ancient religions can create a group of fanatical believers who are not afraid of death. , or understand some.

It's just that he is a decent person from a famous family, and he is not like a person from the Western religion. He can use the power of mortal beliefs to cultivate. He doesn't have many interactions with mortals, and he uses very few spells, but this doesn't mean he can't.

After all, it's just a trick to apply mental power. After you have spiritual knowledge, you can do it easily.

Although doing it doesn't mean that he will use it, Yang Qing is also considering that if he can't find a suitable candidate in a short time, he will directly use his spiritual sense to hypnotize a few people and let them complete this task.

But after they finished all this, bought the island, and connected a branch line of an international optical cable, Yang Qing would still let them go and give them generous rewards, even though these memories would definitely be deleted in their brains afterwards, And give a reasonable explanation for the source of funds.

After all these things were done, Yang Qing could go abroad secretly.

As for the subsequent construction of the island, Yang Qing will use robots.

Compared with robots, human beings are much larger in terms of execution ability and consumption, and there is still the possibility of leaking secrets. Robots have no such troubles at all.

The island was chosen by Xiaomei herself. It is located in the southwest of Nicaea, thousands of kilometers away from Bali, a well-known tourist destination, and there are basically no air routes passing by on the island.

The name of the island is is a volcanic lava island with an area of ​​about ten square kilometers. However, there is no fresh water on the island, and it is far away from other large islands in Indonesia. It is a rare isolated island.

The edge of Kuba is naturally not so peaceful, because it is on the highest point of a submarine mountain range, along this mountain range, there are a series of coral islands, but the coral islands are generally small, and many of them are directly covered by the tide when they encounter the tide. It was submerged under the sea water, which made it impossible for any larger islands to exist within a range of hundreds of kilometers nearby.

Kuba Island is located at 3 degrees south latitude and 100.2 degrees east longitude (it’s just filled in, don’t do research). It has entered the Indian Ocean and is facing the invasion of wind and waves all the year round. There is a sheltered bay with the potential to be a good harbor.

In addition, although Kuba has basically reached the border of Nicaea, there is another big island 500 kilometers south of it, which is the military port of the Nicaea army. The environment there is much better than here, and there is still fresh water, so Kuba Ba is considered to be a forgotten island. Except for the occasional warships of Nicaea passing by here, basically there is no trace of any human beings here.

Obviously, the matter of buying an island has to wait until returning to Jinshi. Not only does it have a large enough population, but it also has a large international airport, which is very convenient whether it is looking for someone or going abroad.

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