Those few people are naturally Zhang Yuzhu and the others. Although their positions are overseas, they must always be named in the company in order to be able to pay wages and bonuses.

"In whose name is it placed? The game company or the comprehensive laboratory?"

Both of these are recently established branches under the wholly-owned parent company Honghuang Technology.

"Let's put it in the synthesis and laboratory. I have something to do recently and I need to use them. Remember to arrange their accommodation as well."

"For accommodation, there is another building over the comprehensive laboratory, but it is a little bit off."

As the legacy of the original pharmaceutical factory, it also has a three-story dormitory building, which is now used by the security department of the comprehensive laboratory.

Because of the relationship between the research of the chip architecture and its clean room, which is the only one that can lithography the chaotic chip of the true 3D architecture, the comprehensive laboratory has received great attention from Weihua Company. For this reason, it specially recruited Twenty security guards, five of whom are qualified to carry guns.

These security personnel didn't have much contact with Yang Qing, and they only let Yang Qing take a look at them when they were recruiting.

Of course, even 80% of them are active soldiers of a certain unit, so let's not talk about being temporarily retired.

Although putting Zhang Yuzhu and the others here is suspected of being a sheep, but Yang Qing believes that the spiritual hint he planted, Zhang Yuzhu and the others will never reveal their purpose.

After all, when he hires Zhang Yuzhu and the others, he always has to tell them. It's better to put them directly under their noses. Anyway, when they perform tasks, there will always be a way to disappear directly.

Zhao Yuxi took him directly to a certain restaurant, which was a cleansing. During the dinner, she specially drank a little wine, her face became as rosy as a peach blossom, and she seemed to want something to happen.

However, many hints made Yang Qing hide, hehe, sure enough, the boy must protect himself outside, otherwise he will be entangled by some bad guys and take advantage of it.

But in the end, looking at Zhao Yuxi who pretended to be drunk and collapsed on the wine table, Yang Qing felt a little helpless.

Obviously her heartbeat was still maintained at 70 beats, her blood pressure and body temperature were the same as when she came to pick her up, and the alcohol content in her blood was also low to a weak level.

But what can Yang Qing do?

It's not always a good thing to directly expose her pretending to be drunk and get her face ripped apart. The biggest possibility is that he will lose a useful tool and a shield.

Yang Qing had no choice but to help her up, and she obediently stuck to his body and walked out together.

Now it was Yang Qing who drove the car, and he drove the car all the way to his home.

Although Yang Qing knew where Zhao Yuxi lived, there was only Zhao Yuxi there, so he couldn't take care of her there, right?

It's still convenient to go home, at least with Bai Ling's help.

As Yang Qing walked into the house from the garage, the lights in the house turned on automatically, and Bai Ling greeted him.

"Welcome home, master!"

Yang Qing handed Zhao Yuxi on his arm to Bai Ling, and Bai Ling took him over consciously.

Although the relationship with Zhao Yuxi is somewhat ambiguous, Yang Qing is still very cautious in choosing his partner, at least there must be a spiritual existence, right?

His cultivation at the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if he has the influence of his consciousness on his lifespan, there is no problem if he exceeds 200 years. If he advances to the Core Formation Stage in the future, his lifespan will exceed 500 years.

This is the real difference between immortals and mortals. Without spirituality, even if human beings practice martial arts to the innate level, their lifespan is only two hundred years.

What's more, Yang Qing's current body can't have an intimate relationship with ordinary women at all.

Can you imagine the feeling of an iron rod piercing your body? That was total torture.

Therefore, after Bai Ling took over Zhao Yuxi, she had already entered a real state of deep sleep.

With a cleaning technique, all the peculiar smell, dirt and dust on Zhao Yuxi's body were swept away. Although he was still wearing clothes, his whole body, including the clothes, had never been so clean.

As soon as Yang Qing raised his hand, the pendant hanging around her neck, which had never left before, flew out lightly.

Putting it in his hand, Yang Qing stroked it lightly a few times, and suddenly earth-shaking changes took place inside.

As the first few people who got the pendant, Yang Qing treated them equally and added the aura of a spirit stone, as well as the talisman array that assists in luck.

However, Zhao Yuxi is in her youth and has plenty of energy and blood, so her daily exercise speed is four times a day.

Thinking about it at this speed, and with the temptation of spiritual energy, Zhao Yuxi will reach the peak of the day after half a year. If there is spirituality, then it should be revealed by then.

After finishing all this, Yang Qing threw it casually, and the pendant lost its brilliance immediately, became ordinary again, fell on Zhao Yuxi's neck, and went deep into a deep ravine.

Then Bai Ling changed Zhao Yuxi's clothes and put them on the bed in the guest room without mentioning it.

Yang Qing also washed up, and then gave himself and Bai Ling a cleaning technique.

The dirt accumulated on Bai Ling's body during this time was swept away immediately.

Although under Xiao Ai's control, Bai Ling still pays more attention to his own hygiene, but there is no way to wash himself, like a cleaning technique, to clean himself to the extreme.

This is also what Yang Qing can do after he has established his foundation, can use part of his spiritual consciousness, and does not spare his aura.

In fact, if it wasn't for his habit, he wouldn't need to wash at all. After a cleansing technique, his body would be even cleaner than water.

After more than a month, Yang Qing lay on her big bed again.

For someone like Yang Qing who has walked the path of cultivation all over again, meditation and retreat are not important. His biggest problem is his state of mind.

Going home this time solved part of the problem of emotional alienation, and his cultivation has progressed from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage of foundation establishment in an instant.

In his opinion, it is not fast, but slow.

It's just that there are still many obsessions in his heart that have not disappeared. If UU reading is eliminated, his cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds, until he reaches the peak of foundation establishment.

What kind of obsession, even he is at a loss now, only when he encounters it can he know what it is.

So either the obsession will be eliminated, and the cultivation base will improve by leaps and bounds, or it will take a few years to return to the peak of foundation building by working hard, absorbing a little bit of aura, and transforming the physique.

In fact, Yang Qing is not in a hurry. Foundation establishment and alchemy are hurdles. Although Yang Qing will not have a bottleneck, this kind of breakthrough is completely different from the previous ones.

Forming a pill represents a change in a person's essence, and it is bound to cause a lot of commotion. According to Yang Qing's understanding of Blue Star, it may be thirty to fifty times bigger than the thunderstorm he returned.

Of course, with the level of the Blue Star thunderstorm, the impact on him is almost zero, and there are pre-built lightning protection equipment, which makes it no obstacle for him to form alchemy.

But Yang Qing is curious, if he decides to form alchemy on the moon, what strange phenomenon will happen?

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