Just like this mission, although Nicaea sells islands all the year round, and there are not many restrictions, but islands like Kuba Island, which are relatively close to the border, have a very special geographical location, and the Chinese may not be able to buy them.

Considering the situation, Yang Qing didn't want to use foreigners, so he had to use the necessary means.

This confusion array can temporarily confuse the other party's mind, making him naturally meet some requirements of the user.

It's just that the confusion array consumes a lot of energy, and the amount of aura in a pendant is only enough to activate it once.

But this time Yang Qing expects three people to go there, three chances, and they can complete the task smoothly.

In fact, Xiao Ai has already done all the preparatory work for the purchase of the island online. What they need to do is to follow Xiao Ai's steps and complete the parts that require people to show up. Be a qualified tool person.

Moreover, he had to prepare for his future self. After all, after buying the island and pulling the fiber optic cable, he was about to leave and go there for the next step of construction.

As I said before, Yang Qing did a lot of things in order to relieve his tension, which led to his reputation getting bigger and bigger, so big that it has reached the sky.

Although he is not well-known among the people, but with the launch of Weihua's new architecture chip, he, as an architecture designer, may soon become famous all over the country.

No way, who made Huaguo’s shortage of cores become more and more intense in the past few years?

As long as the news spreads, Yang Qing will immediately get traffic that many Internet celebrities can't even dream of.

It's just that his honey is my arsenic. If he had a choice, he would rather make money in another way than stay under the spotlight like he is now.

However, the construction of overseas islands must be done by him, because when it comes to runes, only he and Xiao Ai can see them in this world.

However, Xiao Ai not only doesn't have much creative ability, but also lost most of his memory because of the injury during time travel, so he is not good enough to be alone.

But only Yang Qing himself is somewhat impossible, because the spaceship he wants to build here is too big, so big that he alone may not be able to build it in hundreds of years.

Then you need the assistance of Xiao Ai and the robot.

Although there is a storage bag now, the transfer of Xiao Ai is no longer a big problem, but Yang Qing has no intention of giving up the Jinshi base.

Because when you arrive on Kuba Island, it can be said that there is still a primitive environment. If you go to travel, you can feel the sea and sky, and the original life of the sunset and haze is fine, but if you want to carry out industrial production on it, you need to make up too many lessons. up.

First and foremost, there is no electricity on the island.

Electricity is the foundation of our industrial society. Even Yang Qing's rune technology relies on spiritual stones transformed from electric energy.

For well-known reasons, there is no way to build a fusion reactor on the island for the time being, which means that the energy source of Kuba Island can only rely on diesel generators, solar panels, and wind turbines Such new energy.

Although diesel generators are easy to buy, they consume a lot of diesel. Large diesel generators burn oil as fast as they drink oil.

Although the price of diesel abroad is much lower than domestic prices, it is a long-term expense, and I don't know if the money earned from abroad is enough to spend.

After all, apart from this, Yang Qing still has a lot of things to buy and a lot of money to spend. There is nothing more expensive than building a planet from scratch.

Therefore, the output of spirit stones in the gold market has become Yang Qing's most important source of spirit stones, and the abundant energy supply of Huaguo is also the reason why Yang Qing is reluctant to leave.

But there is no Xiaomei to host here, and there is no way to produce spirit stones, so Yang Qing is caught in a dilemma, and can only try to refine a calculation array again to see if he can produce another spirit like before.

Yang Qing doesn't have high requirements for Qi Ling, as long as he can produce spiritual consciousness, it is enough to make spirit stones.

If it doesn't work, then we have to try to see if it is possible for Xiao Ai to make a clone and live in the calculation array.

The last way is for Yang Qing to cut part of his soul and put it in the calculation array.

Although this kind of behavior is also a very common thing in the prehistoric world, refining natal magic weapons, such as Fu Lingzong, is your own natal talisman, and only then can you put your own soul, cut parts, and put it in it to achieve the effect of mind-soul connection .

However, doing so will still affect my spirit and affect my future progress.

Honghuang is okay, there are various elixirs that can make up for the loss of the soul, but this is Blue Star, where can Yang Qing find such elixirs?

If it would affect her own cultivation, Yang Qing would rather spend a few years at night before landing on the moon, and slowly accumulate spirit stones and the like.

Of course, if everything goes well, and there is an existence in the calculator array that can replace Xiao Ai, then it will be great, and he can move as soon as possible to go to Kuba Island to build his own spaceship.

It’s just that in foreign countries, only the income from the overseas version of Hongxin Translation Software belongs to him completely. Although foreigners pay enthusiastically, this is still a niche software after all. Up to now, there are only three in his overseas company account. Billion meters of gold.

The money seems to be a lot, but in fact, if you buy some raw materials and equipment, it will be almost exhausted. It is far less rich than him in China, so he has to purchase part of the materials in China.

Fortunately, there are storage bags now~www.readwn.com~ Some relatively small equipment and raw materials can be purchased in China, and then used in storage bags to take abroad.

Otherwise, with the current strict financial management of Huaguo, the funds in the two places are always in a state of separation. There are tens of billions of funds in the country, but there is no way to transfer them out, which is also a kind of helplessness.

Speaking of solar energy, Yang Qing suddenly remembered that in the prehistoric period, a certain sect practiced with the prehistoric sunlight.

Although the sun in the blue star system is not of high value for cultivation, and Yang Qing is already used to the method of using spiritual stones for cultivation, but their method of using sunlight is very worth learning.

They have a talisman that concentrates sunlight in a large area around them.

For those who don't need it, this method is a bit tasteless, but for photovoltaic cells, it is an out-and-out benefit.

Because the higher the radiation intensity of light, the greater the power generation of photovoltaic cells will be. There will be no major breakthroughs in the power generation efficiency of photovoltaic cells in a short time, so strengthening the light is also a good way.

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