At the same time, the ventilation fan in the refining room also started to rotate at the right time, sending all the dirt out.


"Xiao Ai, you ignored me, I thought you ignored me!"

"Who told Master not to come back to see me!"

Yang Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she always felt that Xiao Ai was a little baffled, he was still in Xiao Ai's sight all the time, even last night, she slept with Bai Ling in her arms.

"Okay, am I also preparing for our complete freedom?"

"Master, tell me about your idea and see if there is any possibility of success."

If it is really a face-to-face conversation, it may take a lot of time, but now Yang Qing and Xiao Ai are communicating with each other with spiritual consciousness, so the speed of communication has become extremely fast.

"In the prehistoric times, the calculation talisman array we refined would indeed give birth to tool souls, but the spiritual energy there is dense, and ordinary matter has the possibility of giving birth to spiritual wisdom. It may be difficult to achieve the same environment here as elsewhere. "

"Try it first, if it doesn't work, then try to separate part of your soul!"

"I've just mastered the computing rune array not long ago, and it has reached the level of being divisible. At least one more upgrade is needed, otherwise it will damage the original source."

Xiao Ai's upgrade is from a spiritual weapon to a magic weapon.

It's simple to say, but it's actually simple, that is to roughly increase the number of calculation runes to about one hundred, and when Xiao Ai can completely master these calculation runes, she will upgrade.

That's what Yang Qing did when he was in the wilderness, and Xiao Ai also upgraded in this way.

But this is not Yang Qing's place. Xiao Ai's future is destined to be in the vast universe. The real trouble is that she becomes too big and has no way to leave.

The other way is for Xiao Ai to practice and upgrade herself, but there are not many ways to belong to the soul of the weapon. Generally, the soul of the weapon is placed in the spiritual weapon, cultivated by the monk, and then followed by the cultivation of the monk. increase, and a rising tide lifts all boats.

However, Xiao Ai is an alternative who can't get into her body. Her cultivation is calculated on the basis of a hundred years. The reason why she can upgrade in a hundred years is because the materials provided by Yang Qing are good enough.

"Forget it, don't damage your origin, just see if the calculation rune array can give birth to a weapon soul under the aura environment."

The future is still very long. If Xiao Ai's origin is damaged and she stops at the spirit weapon, it will definitely be a great loss to Yang Qing.

"Okay! I usually have nothing to do to stimulate a few more times, maybe it will help."

Yang Qing finished the communication, sat down by himself, and started to take out things from the storage bag.

To refine the computing symbol array, only single crystal silicon and some metal silver are enough.

But the first thing Yang Qing refined was the storage bag.

After such a long trial period, the storage bag works very well, and there is no phenomenon of the small world collapsing.

Just use a storage bag made of silk, the maximum capacity is only a few hundred cubic meters.

For ordinary applications, the figure of a few hundred cubic meters is naturally very large, but for someone like Yang Qing who wants to build a spaceship, it seems too small.

This time Yang Qing tried to use a variety of silk materials on the market to see if there was anything that could replace silk and make the storage bag bigger.

During the whole winter vacation, Xiao Ai collected a large amount of materials from the market for him. Since the laboratory was no longer safe, they were sent directly to the villa, and Bai Ling signed for it.

This time Yang Qing naturally brought them all.

The first trial was several synthetic polymer materials. Such as nylon, spandex and the famous kevlar materials are all among them.

According to the same steps of refining silk, these kinds of polymer materials are processed, and then weaving starts respectively.

After weaving and activation, Yang Qing discovered that these materials can indeed form a larger space, much larger than those made of silk.

But the spiritual energy on them is passing away all the time, that is to say, they have no ability to lock the spiritual energy at all, and the storage space will completely collapse within one to three days.

So in the first round, the artificial polymer materials were wiped out.

Below are all kinds of silk, including the silk produced in various places, the high-quality silk, and the silk from abroad, including tussah silk.

The experiment was completed quickly, and the results of the silk were roughly the same, and the storage space formed was about 320 cubic meters.

But the tussah silkworm is different. As a kind of northern silkworm, it lives on oak leaves, and the silk it spits is thick and short. In fact, it is not a high-end raw material, but tussah silk gave Yang Qing a big surprise. Its The storage space has reached 700 cubic meters, more than double that of silk.

This is almost ready to order the main ingredients.

Then there are all kinds of hemp, green hemp, sisal hemp, and flax, and their fibers were also used as raw materials for textiles.

However, these types of hemp are not as good as silk, so they are directly eliminated.

It's just these numbness, but it reminds Yang Qing of a different kind of talisman called Nawu talisman in the prehistoric times.

This kind of storage talisman is a one-time-use talisman. It seems that it is not as easy to use as a storage bag, but it is the only storage equipment that can be used by ordinary people.

Just like the heart-confusing talisman that Yang Qing was going to provide to Zhang Yuzhu and the others, as long as this thing has aura, it can be used, and it can seal large things in it.

For a while, this thing was standard equipment for mortals to deliver things for monks.

This Nawu Talisman is made from hemp, and now seems to be a good opportunity to practice.

Yang Qing used the real fire transformed from the real yuan to carefully refine a few pieces of sisal until they turned into pieces that looked like cloth ten centimeters square.

Then he used his true essence as ink and his spiritual consciousness as a brush, and carved on it until it was covered with mysterious patterns, and it was not over.

At the end of his painting, a light flashed on the entire cloth, and Yang Qing felt a change in his spiritual consciousness, and the entire Nawu Talisman had been completed.

Yang Qing put the Nawu Talisman in front of his eyes. Although the runes were hidden after the success of the talisman, he could still see the hidden space runes inside.

It can be used for three years, and if it is not used within three years, the entire talisman paper will become invalid.

The bigger surprise is the space inside, which can completely hold a container.

Although this kind of talisman can only be refined by oneself, it can be used by mortals, but it completely liberated Yang Qing.

He doesn't need to run around, use storage bags to transport domestic supplies, he only needs to send someone to get things out. Seeing Zhang Yuzhu's toolman career, it will continue until the spaceship is completed.

Honghuang is indeed a huge treasure. Even in the eyes of a monk, the talisman paper is completely inferior, but it can bring him help that even a storage bag can't replace.

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