Putting down the Nawu Talisman, Yang Qing casually took a piece of gold-copper alloy ten centimeters square from the side.

The density of gold is extremely high. Although there is copper in it, a small piece is still heavy enough to drop your hand.

On it, rice-like runes have been engraved densely, which was engraved by Xiao Ai using the laser engraving machine.

During the period when Yang Qing went home for the winter vacation, Xiao Ai was also not idle. She used the furnace to smelt many cubes of this gold-copper alloy, which cost nearly ten million yuan.

Although there are no prehistoric materials here, this special formula of golden boy alloy has similar properties.

On the cube, the parts that need to be processed on the outside have all been processed, and what is missing is the last step.

It's just that the last step has to be done by Yang Qing himself.

Yang Qing let go of his hand, but the cube didn't fall, it just floated in mid-air, floating and sinking.

In Yang Qing's spiritual package, the runes on the cube were entangled, forming a strange field.

It's just that the power of this field is too small, and it has almost no influence on the outside world.

With Yang Qing's spiritual control, the true essence in his body suddenly came out, wrapped the cube, and suddenly ignited a light blue flame.

The melting point of the gold-copper alloy is not high, less than 800 degrees, but there is no sign of melting in the flames.

But the six sides of the cube, with several runes on each side, were corroded by the flames and continued to go deeper until they met at the center of the cube before they stopped.

The flame burned inside, creating an inner cavity, and the molten metal solution inside formed streaks one by one, forming several huge runes.

After all this was done, Yang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and the metal block fell to the ground lightly.

"Master, it's time to go home!"

Yang Qing recovered the consumed real energy in his body, and Xiao Ai's reminder suddenly came from his ear.

It turned out that he had been sitting here for a whole day without knowing it, and it was already 5:30 in the afternoon.

It's no secret that Yang Qing spends a whole day drilling in this workshop, but he doesn't want to spend the night here unless necessary.

how to say? He is now considered a piece of fat, and there are many people who pay attention to what he is researching.

They were very interested in Yuanjing last time, so Yang Qing sent a few spirit stones, but unless there is a special method, it is impossible to draw spirit energy from it.

And their application direction is to be used as a thermal insulation coating, but the bonding ability of this thing is extremely poor, and it cannot be used as a coating at all.

If you don’t need to make a coating and only use it for heat insulation, there are various disposable or multiple-use materials like aerogels, and you don’t need this at all.

This can be regarded as a conspiracy, and Yang Qing knew that even if they put something in front of their eyes, they would not be able to find the function of this thing.

But last time, Yang Qing came up with a brand-new processor architecture so quietly that people had to admire his ability to develop and transform.

Although all of this is still in a state of secrecy, as long as such a large country does not deliberately keep it secret, there will always be a lot of news to be passed on.

Yang Qing didn't want to cause outsiders to misunderstand him because of his sleepless work, thinking that he was researching some black technology, which would lead to the possibility of someone breaking into the laboratory and production workshop.


Yang Qing responded in his mind, got up and left, behind him, a rune flashed on the ground, absorbing the spiritual energy in the quiet room until it gradually disappeared.

When Yang Qing walked to his car, Zhao Gang had already greeted him from the office.

"Mr. Yang, you are so busy that you are leaving now?"

"Yeah, why didn't you leave? I remember that there is no place for overtime in our laboratory!"

Yang Qing asked with some doubts.

"Mr. Yang, people from Weihua are here to get some chips today. Mr. Zhao asked me to receive them!"

"That's hard work, goodbye!"

Yang Qing already knew who Zhao Gang was, so he didn't say much, and drove towards home.

Back home, slept through the night, and continued today's work the next day.

Refining this is far easier than storage bags. In one day, he directly practiced six.

Yang Qing picked up the six cubes and walked towards the four sides of the quiet room.

Just like when refining the weapon just now, six cubes were driven into the middle of the six sides of the quiet room.

After doing this, Yang Qing stood in the middle of the quiet room, changed several handprints in succession, and then chanted mantras in his mouth.

Soon, the space beside him trembled, and his figure became blurred.

Suddenly, with a loud shout, a ripple centered on him spread out, spreading to the six small cubes.

As the ripples entered those cubes, those cubes, facing the indoor side, also trembled.

As if resonance had occurred, the ripples of the six cubes were connected, and Yang Qing was in the center, enduring the greatest pressure.

The handprint on Yang Qing's hand also reached the last one. Following this handprint, the true energy in the body poured out, and it was not over until it became empty.

Yang Qing, who had exhausted his true energy, could only barely stand with his physical strength, his eyes were closed, but his consciousness suddenly expanded.

All I saw was that following Yang Qing's last spellcasting, the tremors from the six cubes were instantly fused into one, causing a strange resonance in the space.

It was as if a curtain was torn apart, and with a sound like a ripping silk, Yang Qing felt that the four walls that were still in his consciousness suddenly moved away.

Yang Qing's consciousness hurriedly followed and chased it out until it was eight times its original size before feeling the existence of the wall again.

Yang Qing opened his eyes, although there was no light inside, it did not prevent him from seeing something.

Looking around, the quiet room, which was originally only about 200 square meters, suddenly increased to 1,600 square meters, and it seemed to have a sense of vastness.

Even the height has increased to 24 meters at the same time. The roof that was originally within reach, and the few lights hanging on it, have long been dimmed because of the extension of the space, and the lines have been torn off. The wires, touching occasionally, flashed dazzling electric sparks.

The space expanded successfully. Yang Qing looked at this almost miraculous scene, but his mind did not fluctuate in the slightest, because he had seen this scene too much in Honghuang, and it was not completely over now.

Suddenly, the structure of the whole space heard a few creaking sounds that could not bear the pressure, and shook a few times, even the whole space was shaking.

The sound became louder and louder until the length and width of the space were compressed back to about one meter before it stopped.

There are generally two ways to expand space in Honghuang. One is to choose suitable materials, engrave space symbols, and activate the space formed.

This kind of space is very stable and difficult to destroy, but it is difficult to find such advanced materials on Blue Star.

The other is this, using spatial anchoring to expand the space.

The advantage of this method is that the requirements for materials are not high. As long as there is a suitable space anchor material, it can be made and stacked. The more space anchors, the greater the expansion space.

It's just that such a space lacks stability and is easily destroyed from the outside and the inside.

However, in this world, there is no person or technology that can destroy this kind of expansion space, so it is the most suitable for Blue Star at this stage.

Yang Qing absorbed a few spirit stones, recovered the true energy in his body, got up, and walked towards the door.

Although the space inside is very large, as Yang Qing approached the wall, he saw that the wall began to lower slowly. When he walked up to him, he found that it was still at the original height, as if everything inside was illusory.

But only Yang Qing knows that the volume inside has indeed increased by nearly eight times, but that is an increase in the sense of space, and the space occupied by the entire container has not changed at all.

Open the airtight door, look back and look inside, what you see is still a wide and vast space, but when you close the door, it is just a distorted small house.

This is considered a success, although it doesn't make any sense to use it here, but for a spaceship, there are earth-shaking changes.

Although the anti-gravity propulsion has been realized, the spaceship can not only care about the shape, but also can be made very large, but there is always a limit.

Excessive volume will not only consume more materials, but also cause difficulty in hiding.

It's like a small sampan, and a destroyer, which is easier to hide, so it goes without saying.

Yang Qing is not a hegemonist, what he needs is freedom, freedom in the true sense, so he has no idea of ​​fighting for hegemony.

Being invisible when leaving Blue Star can avoid most of the troubles. Otherwise, with the dominance of a big country, it is very likely that Yang Qing's spaceship will be thrown a few missiles.

The characteristics of the anti-gravity engine are doomed, and it is very slow to lift off, especially when pushing a spacecraft of at least tens of thousands of tons.

Although there is a protective cover, the combat power of the spaceship is not at the same level as the missiles and planes on the blue star, but this spaceship is also a test ship. If it is blocked, it will not be able to fly into the outer space at all.

Fusion reactors without unlimited energy supply, only use the function of spirit stones, and its energy is limited. It is the right way to go to the moon, spread out solar panels, and then continue to develop helium-3 and set up fusion reactors, not in On the blue star, attract the attention and obstruction of others.

However, the biggest disadvantage of this kind of space expansion is that the space is open, and the quality carried inside will also be reflected to the outside simultaneously, without any weight reduction effect.

Yang Qing didn't care about this, the small enough size and the large enough storage space constituted the basis of his first spaceship.

After saying hello to Xiao Ai, several robots opened the door and walked in from another workshop. They were in charge of renovating the appearance of the quiet room.

Of course, the shape of the original quiet room must not be moved. Even if the walls are demolished, it will not affect the space that has been formed, but those space anchors will lose their support. As long as a slight touch, displacement may occur .

The six spatial anchor points have already been closely connected together to form an independent spatial field, which is also the basis of the inner space.

With the deformation of an anchor point, the field will change to adapt to this deformation, but without hosting, it will not be able to return to the most ideal position after all, eventually leading to the collapse of the space.

Although this kind of space collapse is not too harmful, the things stored in it will be crushed together due to space disorder, and thus completely deformed and damaged.

Although the original outer wall cannot be moved, it is a very simple matter to rebuild one outside.

All the materials are ready-made. Yang Qing, who watched a few robots busy and consuming a lot, could not bear the fatigue of his body, bid farewell to Xiaomei, and went home.

When he came back the next day, a brand new quiet room had reappeared in front of him.

The quiet room has also changed, the space is still so big, but the broken cables have been completely replaced, and dozens of lights have been added to illuminate the entire space.

Tussah silk, large bundles of sisal, and a large stack of silicon wafers have been prepared on one side, and there is a small storage bag next to it, which is the experimental product he refined the day before yesterday.

Yang Qing only took the largest one, and gave the others to Xiaomei for use as usual, so now there is no longer a single scattered spirit stone in the production workshop.

In front of them are Yang Qing's workbench, graphite crucible, and distribution box. He has always used these refining items.

Taking out a few spiritual stones from the storage bag, Yang Qing drew out the spiritual energy inside, increasing the concentration of the surrounding spiritual energy by one point.

The material next to it began to absorb the spiritual energy instinctively, but Yang Qing took out a futon and sat cross-legged on the ground,

Break the silicon wafer into pieces, put it in a graphite crucible, and repeat the steps of refining Xiaomei's body last time, and he refined the computing modules one by one. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In the mid-stage of foundation establishment, Yang Qing can control more spiritual consciousness, and the refining is more and more easy.

As a result, the refinement that took several days last time was basically completed in only two days.

Although there is no need to consider the existence of Xiaomei in the core here, there is no need to leave room for her, but now Yang Qing is like commuting from nine to five, and it is indeed too leisurely.

The same base as last time was assembled by Yang Qing, and then a computing module was placed on it. Without Xiao Ai's body, the final product was an ordinary cuboid standing on the base.

Finally, like Xiao Ai, plant four source crystals on the four corners, and the entire calculation array is considered complete.

Yang Qing entered a calculation problem and got feedback quickly. As a computer or calculator, it is obviously qualified.

However, it doesn't have an operating system yet, and Yang Qing doesn't know how to design an operating system for it. After all, the gap between it and Bluestar's computer is too great.

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