Yang Qing continued to work hard and continued to refine the Yin Juying Banner, until all the raw silk was exhausted, it was not over.

At this time, ten small banners had already been placed beside him.

With one move of Yang Qing's hand, all the flags and flags entered the storage bag one after another.

It seems that the number of ten flags is quite a lot, but the souls on the blue star are generally fragile. Yang Qing is very happy to fill these flags and make them into a qualified weapon soul.

And if he succeeds, he can continue to collect souls in a steady stream and use them to cultivate tool spirits.

After all, after arriving in space, you may be able to find many precious materials that cannot be found on the blue star, but the amount of biological materials is basically equal to none.

In particular, this kind of soul material, which is considered precious even in the wild, is extremely rare.

In the future, Xiao Ai is destined to stay at the base and grow up with Yang Qing, but given the vastness of the universe, they will definitely have many sub-bases and many deep-space spacecraft.

It doesn't matter now, the main control computer composed of this kind of binary chip on the Blue Star in the future obviously can't meet the needs of the base or the spacecraft to deal with emergencies.

After all, each of the main control computers is at the level of a top-level supercomputer, but the architecture of the supercomputer on Bluestar not only consumes a lot of energy, but also occupies a large area.

Even if the full version of the chaotic chip is fully adopted, although it will reach the world's top supercomputing level and can meet the needs of not-so-large bases, it still cannot appear on the spacecraft because of the relationship between size and power consumption.

Electric energy is actually a very low-density energy source. At least in this respect, it cannot be compared with dark energy-level aura.

Even in terms of simple mathematical calculations, the computing power of a supercomputer is actually stronger than that of a calculation array, but in terms of various fuzzy operations and fuzzy processing, they are completely incomparable.

As a kind of spiritual weapon, the calculation rune array, even if it doesn't have the spirit of the weapon, but it is not so agile, under the command of the captain, it can still display a huge calculation ability.

Although this kind of calculation array still has great flaws, for example, when inputting and outputting data, it is still like a very old computer. It does not have much active ability, the interface is very unfriendly, and it is still limited to the level of the command line.

Although the command line method has high execution efficiency, it is really inconvenient for people who are used to modern computers and are fools to operate.

However, Yang Qing has already realized this, and is going to let Xiao Ai independently design an operating system that can run on the calculation array.

The arithmetic character array is in hexadecimal, which is much more complex than the binary on the chip on Bluestar, so Xiao Ai adapted the operating system for it, and every step of the operation is astronomical data, so when the adapter comes, it becomes was extremely difficult.

In fact, this work should have been done by Yang Qing, but he still has a lot of refining work, and he cannot do without him at all, so at most, he can only provide some references and some tools developed in the early stage.

If it weren't for Xiao Ai's loss of a lot of core memory, it would not be such a trouble at all, because some of the game phantom arrays they sell in Honghuang use this simple version of the calculator array.

It is obviously impossible to provide such a high-end gadget as the soul of such a thing. Those systems that can automatically promote the operation of the phantom array can naturally be regarded as dedicated operating systems.

However, those are different from the general-purpose operating system here after all, and Yang Qing can only provide a rough idea for Xiao Ai to try slowly.

In fact, this is enough. Although Xiao Ai's research on the operating system is far from being as easy as developing several application software, but with the support of computers all over the world, it is only a matter of time before it can be successfully done.

According to Yang Qing's experience in Honghuang, he can come to the conclusion that once the operating system is born, the real artificial intelligence may be born in the calculation array.

Although there is an obvious difference between artificial intelligence and weapon soul, artificial intelligence is the basis for the birth of weapon soul, but this time will be calculated in ten years.

Of course, the calculation array used for base or spaceship master control obviously does not only have a powerful calculation ability, but also has a decision-making ability similar to that of humans, and after Yang Qing added the branch prediction ability, he made independent judgments , far more than a judgment made by one person, the success rate has increased by at least a hundred times.

After all, how can the decisions made by people relying on their own intuition be compared with the Da Yan Shushu from the prehistoric?

The judgment made in this way may not be the best, but it is definitely not the worst.

Yang Qing walked out of the quiet room, the weather outside had already turned dark.

This was the first time he was in the dark after coming back, Yang Qing frowned, and drove back home.

When he got home and parked the car, Yang Qing felt a little helpless when he felt the watching eyes from the side.

He was about to set off at two o'clock tonight, and the nearest slaughterhouse was 20 kilometers away.

Although with his ability, he can even fly directly there, but it consumes real energy and is easy to be exposed, so the gain outweighs the gain.

Obviously, you still have to drive out. On Blue Star, this is already the most cost-effective way.

However, according to the tightness of their protection, they would never let it go at night, and he had to find a way to get out of their sight.

Yang Qing walked around the living room a few times, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

In the past, he always paid more attention to sustainable development. The rune arrays he made were all reusable jade charms, but don't forget that there is another type of rune array.

They are cheap and plentiful paper talismans~www.readwn.com~ Although paper talismans are disposable items, and unless they are specially refined talisman papers, their power will not be too high.

But this power that is not too high is based on his eyes, and in the prehistoric period, when his cultivation base was low, he also used talisman paper.

In response to this situation, Yang Qing easily found a paper talisman, the invisible talisman.

Taking a few sheets of paper, Yang Qing picked up a pen, and drew on the paper with his real energy.

There is no such thing as yellow paper and cinnabar, it is the most common white paper, and the most common fountain pen is used.

Among the paper talismans, what really works is Yang Qing's true essence, but if there is blood from monsters or ferocious beasts, then Yang Qing's true essence can be omitted directly.

With his cultivation level, drawing paper talismans is actually a very difficult task, but he has retired from the peak of a monk. With the help of his spiritual consciousness, he can draw talismans just like flowing clouds and flowing water. Soon a piece of paper talisman appeared in front of him.

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