Yang Qing slapped the invisible talisman on his body, and the invisible talisman turned into flying ash without a sound.

At the same time, his figure also disappeared from the room immediately.

Bai Ling, who was waiting by the side, was suddenly startled. He encountered something that his electronic eyes could not explain. Even the electronic chip in his brain went down in an instant.

But after all, it was Xiao Ai who was in charge of its thinking in the computer room of the laboratory. For her, let alone such a situation, she had seen all the more outrageous ones, and then completely took over Bai Ling's body.

She picked up the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the dust on the ground. There were a few light footsteps on the ground, avoiding the vacuum cleaner and walking towards the distance.

Yang Qing walked towards the bathroom. With his cultivation base, it didn't make any difference whether he was invisible or not. Not only his consciousness could outline the outline of the body, but even his eyes could see the body hidden in the torrent of electromagnetic waves. However, the color is more grotesque, not as clear as visible light.

The door of the bathroom opened automatically, and the lights were turned on at the same time. Yang Qing looked at the mirror on the sink. As expected, there was no image of him in the mirror.

In fact, Yang Qing sometimes really hopes that there will be a spiritual recovery or spiritual recovery in this world, so that he can directly copy everything in the prehistoric era without even changing it.

He mischievously followed the empty mirror and made a few rock-paper-scissors gestures, but there was still no response from the inside, so he sighed a little bored, turned around and walked out from the inside.

It was rare to walk around the house in this state, so Yang Qing simply went upstairs and downstairs a few times, like a ghost, leaving only a few footprints in the dusty storage room.

Just as Yang Qing was standing on the balcony of the villa, he suddenly felt a bright light in front of his eyes. It turned out that the invisibility talisman had failed, and the somewhat blurred film that blocked his eyes completely disappeared.

It lasted a total of forty-three minutes, and walking back and forth also consumed part of the energy of the invisible talisman, otherwise it should have lasted for more than fifty minutes, but that kind of persistence is not very meaningful, and it needs to be like a fool. Just don't move there.

But now he is completely exposed under the dark blue sky, and fortunately it is the last quarter moon, there is no moon in the sky, and a few bright stars are twinkling in the sky, but they can't illuminate his figure.

Although the chilly wind at night didn't affect him much, Yang Qing returned indoors immediately.

After confirming that the paper talisman is still valid on Blue Star, the next step is to draw a few more.

Although with Yang Qing's own ability, he could easily cast invisibility, such a technique, after all, he couldn't fully understand the technique, so there was no way to draw amulets at all.

Yang Qing took the ink pen, returned to the study, and continued to draw. He quickly drew dozens of paper symbols, and then ended with some unfinished business.

This is because the true energy in his body is almost exhausted, but the loss of spiritual consciousness is not much.

Although every time the true essence is exhausted, the amount of true essence will increase by a small amount when practicing again, but this method will greatly damage the human potential.

You must know that things must be reversed at extremes, and when the dantian is empty, it will be compressed from other directions.

The meaning of self-cultivation is to use fakes to cultivate truth. In fact, this dantian is not necessarily within the body, but a certain point between the body and the void. After all, even in the human body, it is not completely solid.

Opening up the dantian is sometimes like opening up the world, but this world is relatively small and can only accommodate true essence.

The small world that was created with great difficulty, because of the depletion of true energy, caused it to shrink or even rupture, which is the most worthwhile loss.

Therefore, authentic cultivation will leave enough true energy in the body, unless it is desperate, it will be desperate.

Yang Qing put these paper talismans into the storage bag, took out two spirit stones from the storage bag, walked into the bedroom, sat cross-legged on the floor, and began to practice.

The aura drawn out transforms into true essence in the body, fills up the dantian, and then fills the meridians, and runs along a fixed path in the body, and countless tiny branches are also opening up bit by bit, as if to be here. The place of emptiness is like redrawing the human body.

I don't know how many years I have been practicing. When Yang Qing opened his eyes again after practicing for a while, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

It's two o'clock, time to act.

Yang Qing changed into a sportswear that didn't hinder movement, dark blue, which just matched the night.

He didn't mean it as night clothes, it's all because this kind of dark clothes can prolong the use time of the invisibility talisman in the dark.

Quietly walked out of the room and went down to the bottom garage. Yang Qing pinched his fingers and cast a spell, and the garage door slowly rose, but from the outside, he couldn't see anything strange here.

Yang Qing pressed his hand on his car, as if by magic, the whole car suddenly disappeared and fell into his storage bag.

Looking at the vast night outside the garage door, Yang Qing took out an invisible talisman, tapped it lightly, and his body disappeared immediately.

Tens of seconds later, the garage door slowly closed, and the whole villa fell asleep again, as if nothing had happened.

Three minutes later, a figure suddenly appeared from the shadow of the street lamp. If it wasn't for the waning moon rising to the mid-heaven and doing its duty, I'm afraid there would be nothing to see the figure standing here.

As soon as the figure waved his hand, as if by magic, a car beside him suddenly appeared.

Yang Qing got into the car and said.

"Xiao Ai, it's up to you."

"Master, don't worry!"

Xiao Ai not only had to navigate the route to the slaughterhouse for him, but also modified the surveillance cameras along the way.

At night, it is the time when large trucks can enter the urban area, so Yang Qing can often see rows of large trucks swarming and driving inwards.

However, apart from the glaring lights and relatively imposing manner of these big cars, the roads are very leisurely. Yang Qing's car can also drive at a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour.

The nearest slaughterhouse was only twenty kilometers away, and within ten minutes, Yang Qing had already driven to the vicinity.

Although it was only early in the morning, the place was already full of people's voices, the lights were brightly lit, and the screams of slaughtering pigs came one after another, as if they were connected in a line.

Here it is! Yang Qing found a secluded place on the side of the road and stopped the car, then sat in the car and took out an invisible talisman.

Soon, even his entire car disappeared into the vast night.

Adjusting the seat back, Yang Qing put on a comfortable posture, and took out two Yin-gathering banners from the storage bag.

The silver-coloured face of the Juyin banner shone brightly in his eyes.

Yang Qing pinched his fingers, and uttered a set of strange and lengthy incantations.

Immediately, a gloomy and cold aura rises from the Yin Gathering banner and spreads in all directions.

Soon, this aura was responded to, and the silver faces of the two Yin-gathering flags began to slowly darken as if they had been soaked.

The atmosphere inside the car became more and more chilly, and some unknown atmosphere began to creep towards Yang Qing.

Yang Qing raised his eyes curiously, and it turned out that they were all incomplete, with pig-shaped souls and confused faces, but first of all they wanted to occupy a living body.

The souls of these pigs will not stay here for more than two hours, because such weak ghosts will naturally be wiped out as the sun rises.

However, among these souls, there are very few complete ones. It seems that the Blue Star in the Dharma-ending era is also extremely unfriendly to souls. In a short period of time, their souls have been destroyed to this point.

Seeing this, the aura outside Yang Qing's body suddenly changed, becoming as cold as the Juyin Banner. Those ghosts could not find their bodies, so they were attracted by the Juyin Banner and plunged into it.

Ten minutes later, the original images of the two Yin-gathering banners had long since disappeared, replaced by two dark to black banners full of evil aura.

Yang Qing took out the remaining eight banners from the inside again, and as soon as his spiritual sense was drawn, the soul that was attracted immediately rushed towards these banners.

In this way, Yang Qing didn't put away the banner until about five o'clock, when the slaughterhouse had stopped working and there were no more souls coming over.

This time, the eight flags and banners have become almost the same, and only the depth of the color can tell the number of souls inside.

At this time, the other two slaughterhouses have already closed their work. After all, they are supplying fresh meat to the gold market, and it is time to go to the morning market at this time.

Put all the Yin Gathering Banners in a separate storage bag. After all, putting such evil things together may affect the quality of other items.

Although at this time, there were already a lot of people who got up early and took a walk, but after all, it was not bright, Yang Qing found a hiding place, put the car in the storage bag, and then took an invisible talisman and walked towards it past.

The security guards at the door were still dozing dutifully, the lights shone on their lowered heads, and Yang Qing walked in quietly.

After returning home and putting the car in the garage, Yang Qing went back to her big bed and took a long sleep. When she woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Lying on the bed with his eyes open, Yang Qing was thinking about a very important question, should he skip work today?

"Master, the three crystal **** you ordered have arrived."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

The crystal ball is also an important prop. In it, Yang Qing wants to create a powerful but blank soul to act as the spirit of calculating the array.

Obviously, ordinary glass **** are not enough, they have to be processed, and Xiao Ai can't do this yet.

He drove to the laboratory, and now he basically does not enter the laboratory, but directly comes to the workshop.

From Bai Yi to Bai San, he had already placed the crystal ball in his quiet room. Under the light, it looked crystal clear and shining.

Yang Qing pushed the door and walked in. The three robots retreated to the corner and began to sleep.

His consciousness swept over, and the three crystal **** with a diameter of 40 centimeters, from the inside to the outside, did not have any flaws.

No wonder the manufacturer of the crystal ball gave Yang Qing a heart-wrenching price, one hundred thousand for one ball.

Looking at it now, it is worth the money.

Yang Qing closed his eyes, his consciousness and his true essence had already entered the inside of the glass ball, and the faint blue flame of true essence began to burn inside, forming scars one by one, like runes drawn by ghosts.

Hundreds of runes were formed inside, and at a certain moment, the crystal ball seemed to come alive, and the runes inside were spinning like water.

Don't look at this crystal ball as inconspicuous, it's just a handicraft on Blue Star, but the quality requirements for it are relatively high, and there are no bubbles or stains, which makes its price relatively high.

But the talisman array inside is the famous Soul Refining Array.

This thing can be used as a tool of torture to torture people's souls, or as a prop for refining souls.

In the final analysis, torturing a person's soul is nothing more than turning him into completely pure soul energy, and pure soul energy is the key to the birth of a true spirit.

After refining, Yang Qing recovered the spent real energy, and then took out the Yin-Jun Banner from the storage bag.

As soon as it was taken out, the temperature in the quiet room seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees, revealing a gloomy and cold atmosphere.

Yang Qing pinched a magic spell, and a banner quietly flew up, and the incomplete soul inside lost its restraint, and was guided into the soul refining array of the crystal ball.

Gradually, after Qifan lost a lot of souls, her color began to become lighter, until it finally turned white, but she no longer had that spotless nobility.

The originally colorless and transparent crystal ball became darker, and the incomplete souls inside were attracted by the talisman array, walking towards the middle, as if they were being burned by flames, even these pig souls had long since become muddled, still Before dying, that kind of scream. .

It's just that this kind of scream is completely concentrated on the spiritual level, and the outside world can't hear it at all. Apart from Xiao Ai, the only one who can hear it here is Yang Qing.

But to say that there is no impact~www.readwn.com~ is not necessarily true, because several people working in the laboratory seem to hear the sound of pigs screaming at the same time when the screams are the loudest.

Yang Qing continued to release the soul from the flags and streamers until he exhausted all the souls in the five flags and streamers, and only then did he feel a sense of consummation in the soul refining array.

It takes a long time for the soul refining array to operate, and this is also a matter of human choice. If you want to torture your opponent, then the refining power should be lower, and vice versa.

When he was in the prehistoric times, Yang Qing even saw that the soul of an enemy was put in the soul refining array and tortured for thousands of years. What kind of hatred is this.

Yang Qing didn't want to torture these pig souls, and the consciousness of these pig souls was extremely weak, so he speeded up the refining speed. Almost in a blink of an eye, a pig soul was washed and turned into soul energy.

However, there are a lot of pig souls here, and it takes a lot of time, so Yang Qing continued to refine the second crystal ball.

Although it is not necessary to use a crystal ball to refine the soul refining array, the feature of the crystal ball is that it is intuitive. If a soul is successfully born, it can be seen at a glance.

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