Soon, the second soul refining array was also refined, Yang Qing took out all the remaining flags and streamers, and the soul body inside was also absorbed by the soul refining array.

But this didn't end, Yang Qing didn't care about the tearing in the soul refining array, but continued to refine the crystal ball.

If there is soul refining, there must be soul cultivation.

Even if all the soul body is restored to pure soul energy, there is no way to turn it into a usable soul body.

But this soul cultivation array is different, as long as Yang Qing takes a little spiritual consciousness as a seed, he can use soul energy to generate a pure soul body.

Although Yang Qing knew how to refine the soul-raising array, he had never raised a soul even in the wilderness, and the effect was naturally unknown.

But until now, I can only stick to it.

It didn't take much time to refine a few crystal balls. Yang Qing looked at the newly delivered raw silk by the wall and decided to refine another batch of Yin-Juin Banners.

During Yang Qing's busy work, he finally refined 20 Yin-gathering banners before his true energy was exhausted, exactly three large slaughterhouses, each with ten banners.

If he goes again this time, he won't just wait there like he did last night. He will think of a way to hit the banner on the wall of the slaughterhouse, and he will beat it for a week to fully absorb the soul body. He waited until early in the morning to take it out.

Putting all the Juyin flags into the storage bag, Yang Qing drove towards the house.

In fact, if there were not so many eyes around, he could do this now. It seems that he is too famous, which is not a good thing.

After dinner, Yang Qing went upstairs and drew dozens of invisible talismans in his study before exhausting his true energy. He sat on the floor and waited for the late night while practicing.

At around twelve o'clock, he suddenly woke up from his meditation, and then followed the same steps as last night, and rushed towards the slaughterhouse.

Parking the car on the side of the slaughterhouse, Yang Qing disappeared, swam around the slaughterhouse, drove ten flags into a hidden place, watched them start to operate, and then drove into the car, heading towards another house. To the slaughterhouse.

Following the same pattern, Yang Qing drove all the flags and flags on his body into the wall, and then drove to find a secluded place, and sat in the car to rest.

The reason why Yang Qing didn't go home directly was entirely because, even if he drove to work tomorrow, he still couldn't get rid of the surveillance eyes. In order to avoid trouble, Yang Qing simply finished the matter at once.

It's just that he lamented a little, his poor big bed, after all, it's time to guard the vacant room alone every night.

After waiting around five o'clock, Yang Qing took back the Yin-gathering banners, perhaps because last night's Yin-gathering banners could only attract one side of the soul body, and tonight's Soul-gathering banners were all black and full, revealing Evil temperament.

Go home as usual, sleep, wait until nine o'clock, get up again, drive to the laboratory, then enter the quiet room, look at the soul refining array, replenish it with a little consumed soul, and then refine a few storage bags.

By the way, think about what kind of equipment should be equipped for Zhang Yuzhu and the others to cope with the upcoming trip.

The mobile phone Xiaomei has customized for them. It has a high battery life and does not need to be charged for three months. It is compatible with various standards, from 2G, 3G to 5G. It can be said that the mainstream communication systems in the world are all compatible.

And it contains GPS and Beidou satellite positioning, which can determine your position in every corner of the world.

In addition, absolutely indispensable, there is also a satellite communication chip, which allows this mobile phone to use the International Maritime Satellite for satellite communication.

The combination of so many functions makes this mobile phone absolutely not like the smartphones on the market. It is usually thin and light, with a thickness of more than 1.5 centimeters, like a brick.

But this brick is definitely the most powerful brick in the world, especially because, inside of them, Xiao Ai built several powerful avatars. After connecting to Nicaea's mobile communication network, she will For the first time, change your number to the communication number of Nicaea.

Although this is not a high technology, many companies have been able to apply this SIM card-free technology, but Xiao Ai is the only one who is so slippery.

Xiao Ai can directly direct their actions through the Internet, and can also cover their escape when necessary.

In addition, the protective pendant and the protective cover inside have been modified so that it can be used repeatedly, depending on the intensity of the attack encountered. Generally speaking, as long as it is not a nuclear bomb explosion or a natural or man-made disaster caused by a volcanic eruption, it can be used twenty times. above.

Inspired by the paper talisman, Yang Qing decided that the heart-confusing talisman would be replaced by a paper talisman, since it is a one-time thing anyway, so it is not as convenient as using a paper talisman.

After all, this thing can be activated directly as long as it is torn off, eliminating the need to consume the energy of the pendant.

There are also invisible talismans, and I have to bring a few for them. Through this thing, if necessary, they can also fly back by plane by smuggling.

Of course, all of this is prevention. In fact, most of the time, the world is still very peaceful. They are not going out to fight against the whole world. After all, who would reject the idea of ​​buying a small island to play with a few cute young rich people? Woolen cloth?

The efficiency of the soul refining array is much slower than expected. After all, even if it is a handicraft on the Blue Star, its quality cannot be compared with the materials in the prehistoric world. Even if the pig's soul body is relatively fragile, there is still no way to erase it in a short time their obsession.

Perhaps the simpler and wiser the creature, the deeper the obsession in the heart.

But Yang Qing is not in a hurry, he still has enough time to wait for the soul refining array to erase their poor obsessions and turn them into pure soul energy.

The only thing that made Yang Qing a little happy was that he didn't need to be a thief tonight, sneaking outside the slaughterhouse to collect the soul body.

But he couldn't be idle, he still needed to draw more invisible talismans, and redesigned the heart-confusing talisman.

In fact, he should be thankful that he was born in the modern Huaguo, and he has enough living supplies, including pen and paper.

If it was in ancient times, maybe he really had to collect yellow paper, turn it into cinnabar, and draw amulets on the pile.

After driving home, after dinner, Yang Qing came to the study and continued to draw talismans.

Today he simulated it in his mind, and he already knew enough about the heart-confusing talisman, so the first one he drew was the heart-confusing talisman.

Although it was the first time he was writing, the powerful control of the body by the divine sense allowed him to complete the talisman smoothly.

Looking at the paper talisman with the runes hidden, his spiritual consciousness can still feel the power contained in it, which can manipulate people's hearts.

Perhaps he has been in contact with more souls recently, which made him understand this kind of paper talisman gradually.

This paper talisman must be useful, but Yang Qing is not sure how effective it is.

We should find a chance to go out and try, Yang Qing thought so, and put it aside casually.

Now that it was confirmed to be effective, Yang Qing drew ten heart-confusing charms in a row, and then stopped.

Next, as usual, continue to draw the invisible talisman, and wait until the real essence is exhausted before stopping.

The next step is still the old routine, practice, recover the true energy, and then go to bed.

But on the second day, Yang Qing's behavior rules were broken, because as a workaholic, he didn't go to the laboratory, he went shopping instead.

Yang Qing parked the car near Jinshi Pedestrian Street, then walked towards it.

As a man, most of his daily necessities are purchased online, especially with the help of Xiao Ai, he can always choose what he wants, which is even more suitable than buying on the spot.

So his eyes were not fixed on the dazzling array of products in the shop windows, but on the crowds coming and going on the road.

Yang Qing's idea is actually very simple, referring to Xiao Ai's crime map of Gold City, except for bars and nightclubs at night, this is where the crime rate is the highest.

However, the intensity of crime here is far less than that of bars and nightclubs. At most, it is some petty theft. The robbery has long since disappeared under the monitoring of countless cameras.

Yang Qing was actually looking for a thief. Although there are almost no thieves in the current cashless society, there are still many thieves.

When he went out on the street, he was not the only one looking for it, even Xiao Ai was helping him find it through countless cameras.

"Master, at the direction of six o'clock, there is a guy who is a thief. I saw him steal two mobile phones with my own eyes."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in the bluetooth headset, and Yang Qing turned his gaze towards the six o'clock direction and looked back.

While watching, he just took advantage of the cover of others, took advantage of the hustle and bustle of people, and got close to a girl with a satchel that was only half of it due to negligence.

From this half of the gap, the light of Banana Fourteen was shining, seducing the eyes of that twenty-four or five-year-old man who was a bit wretched.

Yang Qing walked over calmly. There were not many gaps in the crowd, but for some reason, he immediately left a way for him and came directly in front of that person.

The crowd seemed to stagnate for a moment, and then began to flow again, but Yang Qing stood directly in front of him.

The man froze for a moment, the hand that was preparing stopped, and stared at the person standing in front of him.

What he did, that person is naturally very clear. In this situation, it is obvious that a certain victim has come to make trouble.

He suddenly widened his eyes, tried to make himself a little more vicious, and looked at Yang Qing viciously.

But when he saw Yang Qing's face, he was stunned, because such a good-looking person, even if he was a man, he would never forget, and he never stole from this person.

Yang Qing didn't give him any more time. As soon as he flipped his hand, a piece of talisman paper appeared in his hand. Then, under his bewildered eyes, the talisman paper suddenly turned into ashes.

Although tearing directly can also achieve the same Russian effect, but for Yang Qing, tearing is not only time-consuming, but also a bit slow. After all, whether you are strong or not is a matter of one version, but whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

In the man's widened eyes, it seemed that circles like mosquito coils flashed, and they were fleeting.

But when he looked at Yang Qing again, his face showed surprise, miss and other expressions.

Seeing that he was about to speak, Yang Qing said.

"Don't talk, just follow me."

The man immediately closed his mouth, followed Yang Qing obediently, and walked outside.

Walking in the crowd, Yang Qing seemed to be walking in a wide field without any obstacles. This time, the thief was added behind.

Walking to a relatively secluded place in the pedestrian street, Yang Qing stopped, and the person behind him also stopped.

Feeling the gazes of the surroundings, there are no familiar ones. Now that outsiders look at him, they can't distinguish his prosperous beauty, so basically no one pays attention here.

"what's your name?"

"Zhu Qiang!"

"Who am I to you?"


"What did I say, what did you do?"

"Brother, you have to go through thick and thin!"

"Okay, don't steal in the future, find a job moving bricks, earn some money, and marry a wife!"

"yes, Sir!"

"Okay, you stay on this street for a while, I'll find you later!"

"Hey, big brother, I'll go first!"

After finishing speaking, Zhu Qiang turned around and left without hesitation.

"Xiao Ai, watch him!"

"Yes Master!"

Watching Zhu Qiang disappear into the sea of ​​people, Yang Qing found a bakery, smelled a bit sweet, ordered some cakes and a cup of coffee, and ate slowly, while eating, while swiping his phone.

Time passed quickly for half an hour, an hour.

Suddenly, a picture of Zhu Qiang appeared on the phone, and he scratched his head in confusion, and stopped wandering aimlessly among the crowd.

It seems that it has escaped the influence of the heart-confusing talisman!

The duration was one hour, far exceeding Yang Qing's expectation.

So let's meet again and see if he can still recognize himself.

Yang Qing walked into the pedestrian street again, and soon found Zhu Qiang again.

The moment the two looked at each other, Zhu Qiang showed surprise on his face.

"Hey, who are you from?"

"Why don't you go home, what are you hanging around here?"

Yang Qing scolded.

"Isn't this looking for a job moving bricks? I've wandered around here for several times, and I forgot what to do!"

"Why are you moving bricks? Delivering Isn't express delivery delicious?"

Yang Qing asked curiously.

"No, you have to move bricks! You can earn more by moving bricks, so you can find a wife!"

Zhu Qiang said firmly.

During the use of the mind-confusing talisman, the orders issued will be strictly implemented, and will provide their own explanations.

Yang Qing began to understand the function of the heart-confusing talisman further.

"Then you go to the brick!"


Zhu Qiang scratched his head while walking outside. I still don't forget to look back at him, wondering why I can't remember the name.

Yang Qing walked out of the crowd, and the Heart Confusion Talisman was basically tested, at least it didn't completely change a person, if used on an adult, at least it wouldn't turn him into a fool.

After buying a few things, Yang Qing drove home.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a message came from Xiao Ai suddenly.

"Master, that Zhu Qiang really found a construction site and moved bricks."

"Oh, show me!"

During the monitoring of a construction site, Yang Qing saw Zhu Qiang's figure again, but there were a few obvious bruises on his face.


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