Next to the clean room, a new supercomputing center has been built.

The supercomputing center is a steel structure with two floors and a basement. Because Yang Qing gave the money so readily, within half a year, the entire 5,000-square-meter building was completed and handed over.

Just two days ago, the interior decoration has also been completed, and the supercomputer using the uncut Honghuang No. 1 processor has been built on the second floor of the supercomputing center.

Although its actual computing efficiency has exceeded 50 billion peak operations, which is almost ten times that of the Japanese supercomputer's 5.15 billion operations, but the size is too small, it will only make people think that this is just a small supercomputer center.

No one realized at all that after a few years, the throne of supercomputers has returned to Huaguo again.

However, apart from adding a little help to Xiao Ai's world Internet dominance, this supercomputer is more important to perform simulation calculations for future spacecraft manufacturing.

And in the mezzanine of the basement, a newly born tool spirit that calculates the rune array is managing the 50 reactors below, which are used for the production of spirit stones.

A soundproof array covering the entire basement minimized the noise from the compressor inside.

From the outside world, this basement is actually not that big, only about 100 square meters, it can be regarded as a gathering place for various pipes and cables.

But after opening a certain hidden door, it is another world.

The space behind the door was not that big at first, about 20 square meters, which was considered an ordinary storage room, but after Yang Qing's decoration, the inside was rebuilt with 20 mm thick steel plates.

Then the space expansion technology was naturally applied, with as many as twelve space anchor points, so that the expanded area inside has exceeded 3,000 square meters.

All the high-pressure reactors, as well as equipment such as compressors, are concentrated here. There are four robots working all year round, preparing medicines, collecting source crystals and spirit stones, and putting them in storage bags inside.

After using various talisman arrays to cover up, the entire supercomputing center has no difference except that it consumes a little more power.

What made Yang Qing the happiest was that the Soul Cultivation Formation finally cultivated a blank soul.

And this soul, after being entered into the calculation array, quickly became the weapon spirit inside, possessing the same spiritual consciousness as Xiaomei.

Although this soul body is the result of his continuous cultivation for two months, and he injected pure energy into it many times in a row, it finally produced results.

And this soul was cultivated using Yang Qing's own consciousness as a seed, and in a sense, it could be regarded as a clone of Yang Qing.

But unfortunately, this kind of cultivated soul is completely blank, so stupid that it is not as good as a pig. After all, pigs are actually known for their intelligence in the animal world.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Ai, her understanding of Qi Ling is far better than that of Yang Qing. In fact, when most Qi Lings were just born, they were almost the same as this new Qi Spirit.

Moreover, as the tool spirits of the calculation array, they have a certain special feature, that is, they are easy to communicate with. Xiao Ai directly imprinted the work that she needs to do every day into the storage part of the calculation array, and it naturally learned how to Prepare Lingshi.

In fact, this is enough, after all, it is too young to learn anything else.

In order to make up for its shortcomings, Xiao Ai could only research her own operating system suitable for calculating character arrays, and installed a set for it.

In this way, most of the work can be handled automatically by the operating system, which is at the top of the operating system and belongs to the level of spectators.

Although Xiao Ai will go to the construction base on Kuba Island with Yang Qing, but with the existence of the space wave base station, she can also manage the information on the network without interruption.

Over there on Kuba Island, a hundred robots have been successfully transported by freighter, and the mooring power station has been successfully put in place long ago, and they have been transferred to an old ship with a load capacity of no more than 1,000 tons, and the 5,000-ton ship The bulk carrier continued to run this route from Huaguo to Nicaea, specializing in hauling scarce Huaguo industrial products.

With the addition of these 100 robots, a pier capable of mooring 10,000-ton cargo ships has also been built on the island. However, the work of leveling the land on the island has not yet begun, and only a few simple houses have been built.

Although on the island, typhoons and tropical storms are the most feared, but the newly reinforced simple houses can completely withstand typhoons of level 15.

However, these simple houses are mainly for storing more sophisticated and expensive data, so this time Yang Qing will go to sleep on the boat for a few days.

Of course, during this period of time, the more troublesome thing was that as his fame increased, too many people came to him for speeches, interviews, and award presentations.

Although many of these things can be rejected, it is basically impossible to reject such interviews and meetings as Huaguo National TV Station and Jinshi City Government.

Similar to this, there are several famous universities in China, and he had to go to give a few public classes.

In fact, at this time, he was quite proud. As an undergraduate who graduated from a second-year university, it was a miracle to enter a school that represented the highest level in the country.

In addition, the biggest trouble is actually the transformation of the lithography machine.

It’s not that the lithography machine is badly modified, on the contrary, it’s great. Even the 7nm process can be realized through four exposures. Although it’s still not as good as the 5nm that has been mass-produced overseas, it’s also better than their 7nm process. The cost is higher, but the yield rate can be guaranteed, above 90%.

This is the miracle of automation, virtually unaffected by human intervention.

However, Yang Qing did not plan to use his own lithography machine to lithography ordinary chips. After all, Huaguo actually has no shortage of other chip factories.

In the past six months, with the exposure of the chaotic architecture, especially after the release of Weihua mobile phone, the chaotic architecture has been popular all over the world, and of course it is mainly domestic.

Although everyone has been used to using ARM's public version authorization for so many years, but it has been used by the United States several times in a row, which inevitably makes domestic manufacturers worry, that is, what should I do if ARM is no longer authorized in the future?

It is rare that a good structure appears in course we have to pounce on it!

The mobile phone manufacturers represented by Dami and the blue and green factory seem to be the most anxious, thinking that they are the ones who benefit the most from the damage of Weihua.

In fact, every mobile phone factory has a chip dream. Who wants to pay a high price, buy a fire dragon, and pay various Qualcomm taxes.

At least the chip architecture in your own country will not suddenly stop authorization, or directly cut off the supply, right?

Especially in the past few years, Weihua has won a great reputation with the help of domestic chips. Although it has declined later, as long as Weihua mobile phones are on the market, there will always be a situation where supply exceeds demand.

ARM is not mentioned, after all, it is the result that Weihua has been immersed in for many years, but the chaotic architecture, although Weihua is a step ahead, but everyone is generally on the same level, at least not being pulled too far.

Moreover, according to informed knowledge, after the authorization of chaotic architecture chips, a semi-automatic chip design tool will be directly provided, especially the intelligent Q&A inside, which can basically solve most of the problems in the field of chip design.

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