Regarding these companies, Yang Qing has no intention of hiding any secrets. After all, they are all domestic companies. Even if they are listed abroad, the main purpose is to absorb funds. After all, their main production base is also in Huaguo, and they have solved a lot of problems for Huaguo. employment and taxes.

Even so, Yang Qing still greeted Weihua to make them mentally prepared.

In fact, Weihua has known for a long time that once the structure is announced, this kind of thing is inevitable. Let alone domestic competitors, even foreign countries will definitely ask for authorization.

Requesting authorization is not necessarily for production, it is likely to be used for laboratory research. After all, foreign countries have sufficient leading advantages in terms of chip architecture, whether it is closed source or open source, simplified instruction set architecture, or complex instruction set architecture. .

Yang Qing does not reject anyone who comes, and all applicants agree. The authorization fee is at the same level as ARM, but the dedicated EDA software needs to be charged according to the duration, and it is temporarily not available abroad.

This can be regarded as a small revenge, who made the United States cut off the EDA software authorization of many domestic enterprises and universities?

Without the EDA software provided by Yang Qing, it is very difficult to design a chaotic architecture, because the true 3D transistor structure is far more complicated than Intel's fin transistor architecture, so that ordinary lithography machines cannot complete lithography at all. Degree.

It can be said that even if a foreign design agency has obtained the authorization of the chaos architecture, they still have to come to China, mainly here, for tape-out.

Now in the dust-free workshop here, the six lithography machine production lines are running at full capacity, capable of producing 500,000 qualified silicon chips per day, but most of the production capacity is handed over to Weihua.

Although this kind of production capacity is already very high, it is just that as Weihua has turned to a chaotic architecture in an all-round way, the consumption of chips has also increased significantly. Obviously, before Weihua's lithography production line is in place, such full-load production will continue for a while. time.

Although he can still get a lot of income even if it is an OEM, Yang Qing has no intention of expanding the scale of the OEM.

After all, he already has too much money at his disposal, and in the country, the money is not very useful. He can't tell the country that he is going to build a spaceship and use the money to purchase various raw materials and industrial products.

And Huaguo is so strict about foreign exchange management that he has no chance at all to exchange the money into rice yuan and send it abroad.

There used to be a channel for virtual currency, but virtual currency is completely banned in Huaguo, even individual users buying and selling are illegal, ranging from freezing the account to going to drink tea at worst, it was cut off directly.

After all, when ordering from abroad, the settlement can only be in rice yuan.

Mi Yuan hegemony is the basic expression of the national power of the U.S., even if its economy temporarily lags behind, but as long as its military power remains invincible, its financial hegemony will not end so easily.

Of course, with Xiao Ai's dominance on the Internet, some methods can indeed be used to send money out, but these methods are all illegal.

At least in this respect, Yang Qing is definitely a law-abiding citizen, so much so that he has completely lost interest in making money.

It is probably the same for whoever changes, the money earned is not as good as a piece of waste paper, and even the money spent every year is far less than a fraction of the income, especially so.

In order to be able to leave the country smoothly, Yang Qing did not hesitate to directly disclose the method and principle of transforming the lithography machine.

Now when transforming the lithography machine, except for him and a few robots, the rest are all young engineers that Weihua bought from somewhere.

There are still a lot of them, a total of fifty young people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty.

Although most people are far inferior to robots when they are engaged in the precision manufacturing industry, as long as the lithography machine lens is not re-polished, the rest of the work can be completed after a few more attempts.

Just to train them, Yang Qing, who hadn't done it himself for a long time, also demonstrated how to do it himself, modifying a lithography machine.

Of course, it's not that simple, but in the newly built modification workshop, Yang Qing adopted the latest multi-dimensional laser positioning system, which can correct various installation errors in real time.

With the cooperation of the software, these people are also skilled workers. After a few more attempts, they can get started.

Yang Qing didn't regard his lithography production line as a test product. He happened to be commissioned by a certain department, and Weihua served as an intermediary. They ordered ten sets of lithography production lines.

It just so happened that these became the victims of the trial.

Of course, there is Xiao Ai by my side, who is always on guard, and it is basically impossible for mistakes that may damage the lithography machine. At most, try a few more times.

However, the consequences of this are also obvious, that is, the good product rate has dropped from 90% to about 85%.

Of course, if the quality of various consumables, such as photoresist, and silicon wafers is good enough, the yield rate may reach more than 90%.

After Yang Qing taught these people, he simply became a lithography machine modification factory, specializing in the modification of lithography machines.

Although this is definitely the only business at present, the chaotic architecture is advanced, and its performance is far above other chips of the same process.

The most important thing is that this is the first Huaguo self-developed chip architecture, without any patent disputes, and it will obviously be vigorously promoted by the country.

At any time, the will of the state is an indispensable propeller for the industry. Just like the United States, which is dominated by capital, when the country initiates a certain resolution, although it will lose a lot of benefits, and some companies may even go bankrupt, They can complain and appeal, but until the outcome of the appeal comes out, they can only abide by these resolutions.

In fact, in modern society, the boundaries of capital have begun to blur, and it can no longer be viewed purely as exploitation.

Even those typical capitalist countries dare not be ambiguous when it comes to employee benefits and compliance with labor laws.

As the only modified lithography machine that can lithography chaotic architecture chips, the future of this modification factory is also unlimited.

Of course, with the country's investment in lithography machines, it is only a matter of time before the realization of EUV lithography machines. Then, this refitting factory will naturally become an EUV refitting factory.

However, compared with domestic funds, Yang Qing's funds abroad seem to be stretched.

His foreign products are only the Hongxin translation software overseas version. Although this software completely solves the barriers of language communication between different ethnic groups, most people in this world have never gone abroad. Or the need to communicate with foreigners.

And after several major foreign Internet giants failed to force the purchase, the investment in translation software attracted some of Hongxin's users.

For giants like Bone Company, there are still many bugs in translating foreign languages ​​into Chinese, but in terms of purely translating other languages, the gap with Hongxin is not that big.

Although Hongxin still has a huge advantage in voice translation, after all, text translation still consumes more. Therefore, the overseas promotion of Hongxin translation software has reached a bottleneck.

Although the number of downloads is as high as several billion, the number of stable paying users is less than 50 million.

Although these are monthly fee users, after paying a lot of taxes, he can only use about 500 million yuan of funds abroad.

Even with these funds, Yang Qing did not dare to blatantly embezzle them, but Xiao Ai's actions abroad were far greater than those at home.

Using these funds, she speculated in stocks, foreign exchange, futures, and various virtual currencies all over the world.

With her ability on the Internet, all kinds of inside information can be easily obtained, and she can even directly obtain the data behind the trading platform, which is already invincible.

Of course, if necessary, it is very simple to slightly modify the numbers on the trading platform.

So even if she let go of her hands and feet, it was only a few months, and the funds under her control had already exceeded trillions.

For Yang Qing or Xiao Ai, money is just a number after all, far less convenient than those real materials.

In order to control these funds, Xiao Ai's world has registered a large number of short companies, and these companies have also provided convenience for the construction of Kuba Island.

Although the orders placed by these companies come from all over the world, their purpose, without exception, is the island of Bourba.

Of course, the destination has never changed, but as soon as the freighter passes through the Strait of Malacca, it will turn in a different direction, turn to the waters of Kuba Island on the way, unload the cargo, and then continue to the destination.

This is indeed a little troublesome, but it is more effective and avoids the attention of other big forces.

As for Nicaea, Kuba Island theoretically still belongs to his waters. With so many freighters coming and going, it is inevitable that it will attract a lot of attention, especially Nicaea's coastal defense fleet.

Although Nicaea's coastal defense fleet is relatively rubbish, there is no reason why things as big as freighters can't be found.

However, for Xiao Ai, the king of the Internet and the digital life, as long as they stop at the port and exchange data with the outside world, then Xiao Ai's avatar will directly invade the main control computer of their coastal defense fleet and submarine.

In this way, not only the radar and sonar will be open to the freighters bound for Kuba Island, but also the schedule of their maritime patrols has been sent out long ago. When they patrol the waters of Kuba Island, there will be no The closed-eyed freighter drove past.

In Yang Qing's eyes, Kuba Island is naturally extremely important, but to the Nicaeans, there are too many such small islands, so many that they are so inconspicuous that they don't pay attention to them at all.

Moreover, the water source on Kuba Island is too small, and there is not as much rainfall every year. It is not even qualified to temporarily stop to avoid typhoons as a supply base.

At least on the patrol route of the Nicaea Navy, the nearest position is 200 nautical miles away from Kuba Island.

If Yang Qing came back during World War II, let alone the Internet at that time, even a computer would still cover an area of ​​several thousand square meters and weigh several tons, and Xiao Ai would not be so important.

Of course, at that time, with Yang Qing's ability, it was possible to go to a big overseas island and become a king on his own.

It was another busy afternoon, Yang Qing stretched his waist and walked to the comprehensive laboratory, the roof of the fourth floor.

In less than a year, the area around this slightly desolate and outdated pharmaceutical factory has become lively.

On the left is Weihua's chip factory, which is busy under construction. We just need to wait for the modification factory to complete the refitting of Weihua's lithography machine, and after sending it over, we can start working directly.

Behind, next to the refitting factory, which has been completed and put into production is a chip factory belonging to a certain department.

Because after the lithography machine is refitted, it is easy to cause a drop in the yield rate when it is transferred, so these companies simply built factories nearby.

However, in this way, Jinshi, a city without many chip genes, has suddenly become the forefront of the domestic chip industry.

Not to mention anything else, the mayor of Gold City has visited the chip factory several times in the past few months, which shows how much he attaches importance to it.

Then all kinds of loans and preferential terms came one after another. Unfortunately, for Yang Qing, who has no feeling for money, these terms are not attractive at all.

On the contrary, he felt that his visit really affected his work, so that he directly pushed it to Zhao Yuxi several times later, including visits by other leaders.

Honghuang Technology has now become a large-scale group, which has several enterprises under its jurisdiction, including VR equipment, game department, comprehensive laboratory, chip foundry and lithography machine modification factory.

But as the company expanded, Yang Qing was behind the scenes, hiding deeper and deeper.

In the game department in the past, I finally met this Now, even the lithography machine refitting factory with which Yang Qing has been in contact the longest has been working for two months after finding a factory manager. Time, never saw his figure.

Fortunately, with the popularization of the company's management system, most of the problems can be solved online, and the situation where leaders must be accompanied during visits has completely become Zhao Yuxi's responsibility.

Looking at the milky white factory building shining in the setting sun, Yang Qing suddenly felt sad about saying goodbye.

After many years, it is still separated from man and nature, and there may be no chance of returning.

Although it is already September, the roof that has been baked by the sun for a day is still steaming hot enough to cook people, but Yang Qing has been standing there, waiting until the night completely engulfed him.

Starting tomorrow, he will not come at all, and only that flesh and blood puppet will replace him.

During this period of time, all the spirit stones and source crystals produced have been put in storage bags by him.

And during his time, the bases of the various talisman arrays he refined had various uses.

Tomorrow night, there will be a cruise ship passing by the river. Yang Qing will take Xiaomei out of the computer room tomorrow night, put it in a storage bag and take it away, then incarnate into another person, sit on the cruise ship, go to At the end of the Yangtze River, the magic capital.


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