However, the flying saucer strictly follows the aerospace-grade air standard. As soon as the smell disperses, the air purifier hidden above her head starts to activate. The smell has been sucked out before it can disperse in the space.

It wasn't until Zhao Yuxi vomited up his dinner and vomited yellow bile that he stopped vomiting, and his face turned pale.

Yang Qing handed her a bottle of water and asked her to rinse her mouth.

The vomit bag was quickly sealed, and a robot emerged from nowhere, took the vomit bag, and walked to the side.

"feelling better?"

Yang Qing asked with some concern, a little frustrated in his heart, if he had known this, he should have used his true essence to protect him a little bit.

"much better!"

Zhao Yuxi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and reluctantly answered.

"Then let's go down first!"

The flying saucer had already landed firmly on the ground, and a door opened on one side.

Arriving here, Zhao Yuxi had no more thoughts, got up, and followed Yang Qing down.

Here and the territory of Huaguo are probably in the same time zone, so the dark time is much later than in the northeast, but now it is about ten o'clock in the evening, and it is already dusk here in the short winter day, and only There was a afterglow.

Although the sky is not completely dark, but in this place far away from civilization and with little lighting, as far as the eye can see, there are dark shadows everywhere, and there is a salty ocean smell in the air.

Yang Qing was standing on the gangway at the door of the flying saucer, Zhao Yuxi was one step behind him, and stood there too, stealing his eyes curiously, and looked outside.

"Xiao Ai, let's start!"

Yang Qing stretched out his spiritual sense, and lightly touched Xiao Ai's spiritual sense, and then, right in front of them, the light suddenly shone brightly.

A total of eight unmanned flying saucers were suspended at an altitude of more than 100 meters. The searchlights carried below were like huge beams of light, shining down from the sky, illuminating the entire island.

Under the light, a square-headed and square-brained metal monster as huge as a building lay quietly there.

Although the huge array of solar panels next to it was shocking enough, the very tall and close-by spaceship still caught Zhao Yuxi's attention.

"what is this?"

Zhao Yuxi asked curiously.

"It's a spaceship!"

Yang Qing replied.

"What? A spaceship? I don't read much, so don't lie to me!"

Zhao Yuxi had a look of disbelief.

In fact, it's no wonder she didn't believe it. The biggest feature of rockets, spacecraft, and this kind of spacecraft is that they are made like a cylinder, which can reduce the air resistance during take-off as much as possible.

We must know that the first cosmic speed is 7.9 kilometers per second, which is more than 20 times the speed of sound. At this speed, only the friction between the rocket shell and the air may melt the shell.

Therefore, in addition to installing heat-insulating tiles in necessary places and disposable heat-insulating paint, the necessary aerodynamic shape of the spacecraft can also reduce the frictional resistance of the air.

There may be designs similar to sailing ships in fantasy novels, but no one has such architectural designs. Even if the wind resistance is negligible in space, it is not as simple as increasing the fuel required for take-off.

"This is really a spaceship, with a design load of two million tons. There are breeding areas, experimental areas, living areas, etc. inside, which can meet the living needs of a thousand people."

"How do you get such a big spaceship into the sky?"

"One hundred and twenty repulsive engines have enough power to propel it into the sky. It is estimated that it will reach the position of the Karman line in ten hours. At that time, it will basically get rid of the influence of the atmosphere."

"What is a repulsion engine?"

"It's the legendary anti-gravity, but we use it a step further, that is, we can switch between gravitational and repulsive forces at will!"

Zhao Yuxi felt more and more that she didn't know the person in front of her. They had known each other for less than two years. When the two wanted to see each other, she was actually still dissatisfied. If it wasn't for Yang Qing's beauty that saved him, then It is definitely not her who is sitting as the general manager of Honghuang Technology.

In her impression, if such an all-metal building can be called a spaceship, then the construction period should be no less than five years, and the pre-research and verification time may be more than twice that.

Not to mention anything else, just based on age, could it be that he started the development of spaceships when he was more than ten years old? It's unbelievable.

"Yang Qing, let's call you that for now, how long have you been studying this?"

Zhao Yuxi asked with a complicated expression.

"Less than two years, to be precise, it should be one year and six months!"

In fact, the time is far from that long. The construction of the moon base is his accidental idea, a little more than a year at most.

"Are you kidding me? In a year, can you do such a big thing?"

Zhao Yuxi scoffed a little.

"Xiao Ai, worry about our troops, say hello to her!"

"Master, as you wish!"

The voice came from Zhao Yuxi's mobile phone, the drone in the sky, the flying saucer behind him, and those warehouses and simple rooms.

Then, from various parts of the island, a humanoid robot came over.

Those with four limbs, those with six limbs, those with tracks, and those with tires gradually gathered into a large group, and stood in a neat square formation in front of Yang Qing.

"Here are five hundred robots, which have stronger hands-on ability than tenth-level technicians. Any one of them has a strength of more than two tons. Those big guys have a strength ranging from ten tons to two hundred tons."

Yang Qing pointed to several large robots hidden in the darkness and said They are also responding in various ways.

"Inside the spaceship, there are seven hundred robots that are enclosed inside to process and install the equipment inside."

So this is Yang Qing's confidence? Zhao Yuxi looked at the robot team, a little lost.

"Of course, what I need to introduce most is my best assistant, digital life, the master of the Internet, Xiao Ai."

Zhao Yuxi's cell phone vibrated, and when she took it out to look at it, she found that Xiao Ai on it had acted by herself and was signaling to her.

What was even more shocking was outside. Countless colored lasers shot out from the drone, twisting and twisting in the bright light of the searchlights, and unexpectedly formed a human figure, standing hugely in front of them.

Zhao Yuxi recognized at a glance that it was Xiao Ai, and she had controlled his mobile phone for the past two years.

Yang Qing waved his hand casually, and the figure over there also responded.

"Xiao Ai is artificial intelligence, right?"

Zhao Yuxi asked quietly.

"Of course not. She is an intelligent life. Artificial intelligence depends on the existence of the Internet. Even if an intelligent life leaves the Internet, it can still survive. Even if she becomes a real person in the future, I will not be surprised."


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