Well, even if Zhao Yuxi is also the leader of a technology company, in her heart, she still can't tell the difference between the two.

In fact, for now, there is no difference between the two, and even their functions on the Internet are almost the same.

It's just that Yang Qing is used to seeing Xiao Ai's figure in the prehistoric times, so naturally she won't think of her ability.

"But, with such a big thing, how do you get it up to the sky?"

Zhao Yuxi still couldn't believe it. After all, this thing can already be counted as a building. Who has seen a building that can fly in the sky?

"The base of the entire spaceship covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters. A total of 500 large repulsion engines are designed. The power of each repulsion engine is one million kilowatts, which is enough to support a mass of millions of tons."

Zhao Yuxi tried hard to look over, but all of them stayed under the spaceship, in the dense shadows, it was really hard to distinguish.

"Okay, I brought you here this time to show you our background. It's getting late, so let's go back!"

Zhao Yuxi nodded mechanically, followed Yang Qing's footsteps, stepped into the flying saucer again, and looked back, the figure made up of colored lasers had gradually faded away, disappearing together, and the beam of light from the searchlight on the drone .

"Sit down, we're leaving now!"

As the door closed behind him, Yang Qing sat on the seat and ordered.

This time, Zhao Yuxi was not as resistant as before, and chose to sit near Yang Qing, and the seat belt bound her firmly on it.

According to the experience when she came here, the flying saucer will take off directly, and she will be pressed on the seat by a huge gravity.

As the two of them sat down, suddenly, a huge pressure hit, and Zhao Yuxi felt as if he was being squashed.

But this feeling is better than weightlessness. At least when she was mentally prepared, she had a whim to control the thing called true qi in her body, Pan Heng's internal organs, so although she was under a lot of pressure She felt completely acceptable.

As the speed of the flying saucer increased, the acceleration also decreased, and the gravity she received began to change slowly, and after a while, it disappeared completely, and then became a decelerating weightlessness, until finally it came to a complete stand still.

This is already at an altitude of 40,000 meters above the ground, and only at such an altitude can the aircraft easily reach a speed of several Machs.

Then another force pushed her towards the seat, which started a horizontal acceleration, and the rotatable seat also made them face the forward direction at this time.

Finally, when the flying saucer reached Mach 3, the acceleration stopped, and they could also do some activities in the cabin during this short period of time.

"Yang Qing, is this power in me the power of cultivating immortals?"

Zhao Yuxi asked.

"That's right, your current state is the Qi refining period, the first level."

Yang Qing stared into her eyes and said.

"I didn't have it before, but since you gave me this pendant last year, I can often feel some kind of warm current turning in my body. Did you do all of this?"

Obviously, Zhao Yuxi, who has entered the Qi refining period, has also made great progress in IQ, and soon realized the origin of his state.

"That's right, that's it! There is a kind of talisman engraved in the pendant, which can guide the circulation of qi and blood in your body, so as to stimulate the spirituality of the body. If the spirituality is sufficient, it will naturally absorb the aura inside and achieve Qi training. "

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"I don't have many friends. You just happened to be the general manager for me. In fact, at your age, I didn't think you would be able to awaken. Who knew that among these people, you were the first to succeed in practicing Qi."

"How old are you? She's only twenty-seven, and she's still a young and beautiful girl, okay?"

Zhao Yuxi replied angrily.

Her age, in modern times, when the average life expectancy is 70 or 80 years old, naturally, it would not be too big. It's just too big.

Fortunately, cultivating immortals is different from body training. As long as you are in good health, there is no age requirement. However, the older you are, the more difficult it is to awaken your spirituality. This is actually a fact.

"The time to start practicing is usually between eight and ten years old. At this time, the soul has not been completely finalized and needs to absorb the power of the outside world spontaneously. It is also the time when the spirituality is most likely to be revealed. You are more than ten years later than this time period. , is it not too big?"

Yang Qing didn't continue to indulge her glass heart, and threw out a set of data, saying embarrassingly.

Zhao Yuxi was a little dumbfounded, did he want this answer? I just asked the usual rhetorical question, girl, who is not eighteen years old, and a baby of dozens of months.

Sure enough, he was a straight man in science and engineering, and now she suddenly understood why a handsome man like Yang Qing was still single until now.

For a while, the cabin fell silent, and neither of them knew how to talk to each other.

After being silent for a while, finally Zhao Yuxi couldn't bear it anymore, almost bursting with curiosity.

"Yang Qing, what level has your cultivation reached? And where did you learn your cultivation skills? Is there really such a family of cultivation on the blue star?"

Yang Qing came out this time to solve her doubts, so there was no need to hide it.

"My cultivation level is just above yours, which is called foundation building. Although I haven't traveled many places on the blue star, there should be no such family of cultivators as you mentioned, because there is a lack of cultivation on the blue star." The most important factor is the existence of aura."

"My cultivation method comes from a place called the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, I may never be able to go there again!"

"Why can't you go? Did you encounter the legendary time travel?"

"I don't know if it's time travel or not. It's like a dream. I lived there for a hundred years and suddenly came back! Then, I had the ability to practice, and Xiao Ai, she also came back from there .”

"It turns out that time travel really exists!"

Zhao Yuxi exclaimed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Yang Qing's head seemed to be engraved with three black lines. After explaining so much by herself, she only listened to one time travel.

"Now on the blue star, there are only you and me, who are cultivators who have embarked on the road of cultivation, so whether you want to or not, you will go to the moon base with me in the future."

"So domineering!" Zhao Yuxi muttered in a low voice, but his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"There is still a year for the spaceship to be fully completed. In order for you not to reveal these secrets, I will set some restrictions on you, so that you will not tell these things intentionally or unintentionally!"

On Zhao Yuxi's forehead, there was a bright question mark, what is the restriction? How to set it up? Will it be like that kind of shameful bundling?

In an instant, Zhao Yuxi had already imagined countless ways in Yang Qing's mind to torture himself.

"Come on, look into my eyes!"

Yang Qing's words seemed to have some kind of magical power, making Zhao Yuxi, who was full of resistance in his heart, raise his head involuntarily, and looked into Yang Qing's eyes.

Yang Qing's eyes are as bright as ever, but now, it looks like a deep vortex, which makes people involuntarily attracted and sinks into it.


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