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As a member of the Fu Lingzong and a monk who grew up here, Yang Qing inevitably accepted this kind of assignment, so he naturally has such a secret method.

Of course, in this world, there are advantages and disadvantages. After the secret method takes effect, the cultivation of monks will also be greatly affected. Just the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will be reduced by at least half.

Originally, in the mundane world, the aura is far less abundant than the mountain gate, and if the absorption speed of the aura is slowed down, it can almost be regarded as a stagnation.

Fortunately, the rewards for this kind of mission are also quite generous. You only need to stay there for five years before you can return to the sect.

This is actually a good thing for those who are in the bottleneck period and do not have much demand for spiritual energy.

And you can't absorb spiritual energy, you can also use spiritual stones or elixirs for cultivation.

On Blue Star, Yang Qing didn't need to worry even more, because in this world, there was no aura in a free state, and even his own cultivation relied on spirit stones.

It was also fortunate that he had successfully practiced this secret method in the wilderness, otherwise, he might not have been able to practice successfully according to the records of a secret book in this month.

The secret spells in the alchemy period are not extensive and profound, and it takes a long time to complete. Yang Qing is not a talented person at all, and maybe a year or two will pass if there is a delay.

Yang Qing, after leaving the seclusion, was actually not idle, he didn't even leave his quiet room of retreat.

Because this is the refining room where he used to refine weapons.

With the passage of time, the interior decoration of the spaceship has come to an end, and the amount of various basic rune arrays can be called astronomical.

But in this world, Yang Qing is the only one who can refine weapons.

Xiao Ai met the spiritual needs of the refiner. Blue Star's developed industry can also provide a suitable furnace, but the parts of the rune array it can make are really low-level. This is the spirit of the weapon, which has no physical influence.

In the prehistoric times, the reason why there was no such trouble was because under Yang Qing's command, there were many monks who could refine weapons, and Xiao Ai didn't need to intervene at all.

This is why Yang Qing is eager to open up a moon base.

Runes are not things that ordinary people can see. He has been busy for two years, and he has only developed a monk in the Qi refining period, which is only the lowest level of Qi training. The runes that can be parsed are those kinds of , I can't even understand the true energy in my body, let alone train it.

If a civilization does not have a sufficient population base for cultural inheritance, it is almost inevitable that it will be lost.

Therefore, it is imminent to create a paradise full of aura, and it is also meaningful to build it on the moon to attract everyone's attention.

Otherwise, with Yang Qing's technology, if the base is built on Mars and hidden, no one in Blue Star will notice the changes there for at least thirty years.

What is the compelling purpose? Of course it is to attract talents!

Zhao Yuxi was probably the only one who could accompany him to the moon when he established the moon base for the first time.

Although she is sometimes as stupid as a pig, she has entered the Qi refining period, and this alone is enough.

It is not that there are no such people in the prehistoric world, who obviously have only a half-knowledge of various theories, but they have practiced and made rapid progress.

Yang Qing discovered that Zhao Yuxi also had such a physique. During the video call with her just now, Yang Qing discovered that she had already broken through and entered the second level of Qi training.

Although what she is using now is Yang Qing's top skill in the Qi refining period, there has never been a shortage of Lingshi.

Although Blue Star's environment cannot be compared with Honghuang, even in Honghuang, it is an extremely extravagant behavior to use spirit stones to practice all the time.

But here, there is no elixir that is more suitable for monks to practice, because the medicinal materials on the blue star have been separated from the aura for too long and have no spirituality.

Although their medicinal effects are still there, the kind of spirituality most needed by monks is gone.

When cultivators practice alchemy, the nature of the medicine is only an aid, and the spirituality is the root. After all, what they need is not a medicine for curing diseases, but a medicine for cultivation.

Without the assistance of pills, Zhao Yuxi can be called a genius after entering the second level of Qi training in half a year.

Landing on the moon is the dream of most people on the blue star, but the previous spaceships relied on chemical fuels, which were lifted into the sky by reverse thrust and escaped from the gravity of the earth.

This step alone consumes a large amount of load, making a launch vehicle only have a fraction, or even a tenth, of the payload.

In addition, there is also the huge G force generated when the rocket is launched.

The pressure of at least six or seven G will be on the astronauts during the launch phase.

Such pressure is not unbearable for healthy adults or trained people.

But for the infirm, children and the sick, it becomes a huge test.

On the contrary, the weightlessness after flying into space has much less impact on people.

But for Yang Qing's upcoming base, all of this is not a problem.

The future spacecraft designed with anti-gravity engines may not be cheaper than ordinary launch vehicles in terms of energy consumption, but it is too friendly to ordinary humans.

You can land at any point on Blue Star, you don't need a runway at all, you only need a flat field to land.

During the transportation process, the passengers in the cabin are still in the state of standard gravity, even during take-off and landing, it will not change.

This alone can attract the attention of countless old men who yearn for space.

Whether you mind it or not, in fact, this world is in the hands of a group of old men.

From politicians to the rich, these old people hold most of the power and wealth in the world.

When Yang Qing filled the moon base with aura, it was their turn to go crazy.

When a group of old men who have mastered power and wealth know that the moon base can prolong life, it is their turn to go crazy.

Of course, what Yang Qing needs is not these old men, but those young people.

Although it is better to practice this kind of thing as early as possible, but the minimum age for cultivation is about ten years old, and I am afraid that no one is willing to send them to the moon.

Then those college graduates became Yang Qing's targets.

Yang Qing was naturally planning to recruit these people from China.

In terms of race ~www.readwn.com~ In fact, black people should be the most receptive to spiritual energy, because their physique is placed there, and they are destined to easily enter the realm of martial arts.

But in this era, in the solar system, aura is destined to be lacking, so technology, or technology based on rune technology, is the key development goal.

The physique of the blacks is naturally strong enough, but let them study something, forget it.

Although the people of Huaguo have been implicated by history and have made very little contribution to the world's science and technology, for anyone on Blue Star, rune technology is a brand new beginning.

In a brand new field, the yellow race with the highest IQ in the world can obviously make new achievements, especially under the leadership of Yang Qing.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that someone can awaken spirituality and start to practice, otherwise Yang Qing can only break the sect's opinion and attract people from other countries.

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