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When these people attracted by the moon tasted the benefits of the moon base, it became a matter of course to choose to settle and live here.

Unlike those countries on the blue star, Yang Qing planned to fully open the moon base from the very beginning.

Not only will it be fully open, but it will also provide several regular spacecraft to travel between the blue star and the moon as public transportation.

Yang Qing naturally knew that choosing to open the moon base would attract countless spies, whether it was Japan, the United States, the European Union, or even his closest home country, there would be countless sand mixed in among these visitors.

But Yang Qing doesn't have to be afraid, because the black technology involved in the moon base is all based on rune technology. To see the rune, at least the souls of those spies are needed to enter the stage of refining gas.

And under Xiao Ai's surveillance, these people just wanted to sabotage, and they didn't have any chance.

In the lunar base full of aura, Xiao Ai is not as weak as on the Blue Star. She has no way to kill people directly, and she also has extremely powerful magic means.

Although the Qi refining period is mainly based on the transformation of the body, in addition to the transformation of the body, it also drives the transformation of the soul.

This kind of upgraded soul will see the existence of runes.

Even if they send back the rune information, all they can see on the blue star is a mess of garbled characters, worthless at all.

Although there are only two people known to have awakened spirituality, Yang Qing believes that with the huge population base of Blue Star humans, it is absolutely possible to find a large number of people who can practice.

Even if it is based on the one-in-a-thousand standard, Huaguo's population of 1.4 billion alone can get 1.4 million practitioners, and if the whole world is added, the number will be even greater.

As long as these people who have awakened their spirituality and started to practice can enter the Qi refining period, no matter in terms of physique or wisdom, they will have an absolute gap with ordinary people who still live in Blue Star. It is foreseeable that at that time, the moon base There will soon be a technological explosion.

Although this state continues, it will inevitably form a separation between the cultivator and the secular world, just like the prehistoric land.

Even if these monks are not reproductively isolated from ordinary people, but only in terms of spirit, they are already two kinds of people.

Fortunately, this universe has countless galaxies, and Blue Star is just one of the most common planets among the stars, so it will not encounter the suppression of the mortal world from the prehistoric world, but the backwardness of Blue Star in the future is already Doomed.

Yang Qing was busy in the refining room, and Kuba Island outside also ushered in the biggest logistics since the construction of the spaceship.

From plant seeds from all over the world to various fertile soils, there are several kinds of livestock, including pigs, cattle and sheep, as well as chickens, ducks, geese, cats and dogs, etc., all of which are included. In the future, they will grow in the spaceship. One day when the conditions are ripe, it will be transplanted into the open-air environment of the moon.

Although the moon's volume is small and its mass is not enough to retain the atmosphere, under the adjustment of the gravitational talisman, it will also reach the standard gravity of the blue star, which also lays a good foundation for the retention of air.

It's just that the soil on the moon, that is, the lunar soil, doesn't have any organic matter at all, so it needs to be covered with soil full of organic matter on the blue star.

In this way, the delivery of materials lasted for almost two months, almost continuously from morning to night.

If it hadn't been for Xiaomei's efforts to cover up, bulky goods like soil came from a remote corner of Africa, and someone with a heart would have discovered this place long ago.

But even so, through the clues on the Internet, Xiao Ai has already discovered that the United States, including her own Huaguo, has discovered the abnormality of freighter transportation here through the big data logistics network all over the world.

Even the satellites that pay attention to this place in the sky, unconsciously, there are a few more.

Xiao Ai falsified part of the data, so that their inspection did not find much meaningful things.

But with the passage of time, it will always be discovered here, and no matter how long it is delayed, it can only be delayed for at most one year, because these countries have not completely changed the bad habit of using paper documents. In terms of communication, Xiao Ai has the confidence to hide this place for the rest of her life.

But now it doesn't take that long anymore. In another month, the entire spaceship will be completely built, and even the cargo will be loaded. At that time, it will be time to leave the blue star and fly to the universe. .

Before that, Yang Qing still needs to go back to the gold market.

In addition to taking out the spirit stone under the computing center, he also needs to comfort Zhao Yuxi.

This silly girl, because of her cultivation, her aunt naturally stopped.

Although this can be regarded as a natural phenomenon, Zhao Yuxi doesn't know that as a man, Yang Qing rarely pays attention to the physical changes of female monks. Aunt towel, or something like that.

On Blue Star, if a woman in childbearing age does not have her aunt, there are only two possibilities.

One is pregnant, and the other is seriously ill.

Zhao Yuxi was obviously not sick, so another possibility frightened her enough.

In her memory, except for some intimate actions with Yang Qing, she has never had any contact with other men.

This has already put her in a state of self-doubt. Could it be that a man and a woman will really get pregnant after kissing?

Although she used various methods and repeated tests to prove that she was not pregnant, it was still hard to let go of the loss of her aunt. After all, this guy had been with her for fourteen or five years.

She didn't dare to go to the hospital for a thorough examination. You must know that she is also a public figure. Going to the hospital to check whether she is pregnant may even set off a hot search.

Fortunately, Yang Qing was there, and he passed on some cultivation knowledge, so he decided to go and have a look.

Anyway, there are manned flying saucers inside Blue Star, which can reach any corner of Blue Star in a short time.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights of the gold market were still bright, just when the nightlife had just started, Yang Qing's flying saucer had already landed over his villa.

Walking in through an open window, he succeeded in replacing Yang Qing's double who had lived here for half a year, and was obediently put into a storage bag by Yang Qing.

Early the next morning ~www.readwn.com~ Yang Qing drove to the company.

Almost a year has passed. Although Honghuang Technology has not launched any new black technology, it is only the existing business that makes it earn a lot of money, so it also moved out of the entrepreneurial building.

Although the rent of Chuangye Building is low, other aspects, whether it is parking space or property, are not good.

So Zhao Yuxi bought an office building in the high-tech park and used it as his residence.

This is also because she knew Yang Qing's plan, the future will be in the universe, otherwise, with her personality, she would definitely have to buy land and build a cool headquarters.

Honghuang Technology is not short of money. In the past six months, Zhao Yuxi found that the money that Weihua sent to Yang Qing in the past two years, he used very little, and the cash flow of the whole company was extremely abundant. up.

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