The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 183 Qinglong’s Heaven-Tearing Hand!

In the south of Vientiane City, the Fengyun Dynasty is stationed.

On a towering open-air platform deep in the luxurious manor, two figures with different temperaments sat opposite each other. One was as calm as a mountain, and the other was as temperamental as a fox. There was a stone chessboard placed on the stone platform between them, as if they were playing chess. .

"The third child went to find Lin Dong's trouble alone. Is there any problem?"

"Lin Dong's strongest record is that he single-handedly killed the mountain generals and fire generals of the Daqian Dynasty. If he faced the three kings, we might still be a little wary, but we can easily crush the four generals. "

"Yes, he is just a lowly kid from a low-level dynasty. Even if he is lucky enough to get a powerful inheritance, he will eventually die due to lack of background. Do we still encounter such people in these years?"

The two of them were holding two black and white pieces and were going back and forth on the chessboard. From time to time they would whisper to each other with smiles on their faces. It could be said that they were very calm.

"Blue Dragon's Sky-Tearing Hand!"

Just as the two men were fighting fiercely, a soft chant resounded loudly above the station.


The extremely majestic dragon roared, and the rich green light gathered crazily high in the sky. A huge hand covered with dense green dragon scales suddenly parted the clouds, and suppressed it with rumbles and rumbles that tore everything apart. Down.

"What? That's?!"

The two leaders of the Fengyun Dynasty suddenly raised their heads, looking at the big blue dragon hand that seemed to control the world with horrified expressions. They were as frightened as ants, and their elegant demeanor was gone.

"Nirvana Golden Body!!!"

The two of them had no time to think about it, so they only had time to activate their own energy. The golden light squirmed quickly, and a golden light shield condensed on the surface of the body like lightning.

"Bang bang bang!"

The next second, the giant claws of the green dragon that shone with rich green light penetrated the void and struck hard. The previously extremely strong golden light shield shattered like bubbles.

In the extremely frightened eyes of Feng Cang and Meng Li, the green dragon claws struck their chests as fast as lightning, grinding heavily into the dust.


The mountain shook suddenly, gravel flew, and a huge five-clawed giant seal instantly appeared on the ground, and white smoke rose from the ravine.

"Pfft! Cough cough, cough cough..."

When two embarrassed figures staggered out of the ravine, a bright blue rosette held a figure in black with an elegant temperament, and suddenly crashed out of the void.


The violent coercion condensed an extremely thick aura light beam, which directly suppressed the two people below. The two Feng Cang who were caught off guard spat out a large mouthful of blood again, and were pinned to the ground by an invisible big hand, and they could not move. No.

"Surrender...or die?"

On top of the green lotus, the young man in black clothes stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression indifferent, and his emotionless black eyes swept across the two of them.

"My Fengyun Dynasty has surrendered! I have surrendered!!!"

The two leaders, who were already shaking like chaff, looked horrified and immediately shouted at the top of their lungs, fearing that this mysterious and powerful man who did not know what was right and wrong would directly kill them.

From behind, the three leaders Luo Tong, who was being carried by Xiao Yan in one hand and came towards him, looked at the eldest brother and second brother who were so powerful in the past, but he didn't even have the courage to fight back, so he knelt down and accepted the surrender.

His mouth opened dejectedly, and finally closed silently.

"It turns out that everyone is the same, it turns out that everyone is the same..."

Luo Tong, who was still feeling guilty, now felt an inexplicable sense of excitement and satisfaction in his heart.

"Hiss, the Great Yan Dynasty is about to go against the grain. As a low-level dynasty, it actually succeeded in directly pushing back the Fengyun Dynasty, which ranks quite high among the super dynasties!!"

Outside Fengyun Dynasty's headquarters, the powerful men from all the major dynasties gathered from the surroundings stared at the scene in front of them with their mouths agape, and hurriedly spread the news back to their forces.

Among the four super dynasties that suppressed Vientiane City, Fengyun Dynasty was the most powerful. The other three dynasties only had one four-level powerhouse in charge, but Fengyun Dynasty had three four-level powerhouses to suppress it.

However, such a powerful super dynasty was directly attacked by one person and suppressed the entire dynasty with his bare hands.

Tonight, Vientiane City is destined to be a sleepless night!

The names of the Great Yan Dynasty and Lin Dong are destined to resound throughout the entire Vientiane City!


Two days later, a huge auction was held in the giant arena in the north of Vientiane City. Since this auction was hosted by a strong man from a super sect, and there were rumors of the appearance of heaven-level spiritual treasures, the atmosphere was extremely heated. .

"Tsk, even super sects have to rely on auctions to raise funds. It seems that the landlords have no surplus food."

Sitting in the front row, Lin Dong looked around at the dark crowd.

"Hehe, there are all these super sects in Dongxuan Territory. Which one is not a gold-swallowing behemoth that consumes massive amounts of cultivation resources every year?"

"The concentration of Nirvana in this ancient space is several times higher than that in the outside world. The giant sects naturally want to exchange the massive amounts of Nirvana Pills accumulated by the major dynasties during the Hundred Dynasties War and put them into their own sect's treasury."

"If my prediction is correct, during every Hundred Dynasties War, the eight super sects should do this in their respective areas."

Xiao Diao smiled old-fashionedly.

"Your Excellency Lin Dong!"

At this time, a cautious greeting suddenly came.

I saw Feng Cang, the leader of the Fengyun Dynasty, leading a group of people from the Fengyun Dynasty to stand respectfully in front of the seats of the Great Yan Dynasty, looking at Lin Dong cautiously.

"Tsk, what a coincidence, it turns out that leader Feng Cang also came to participate in the auction."

"It's just that, Chief Feng Cang, you are not very honest. Two nights ago, you clearly said that those 30 million Nirvana Pills were all the savings of your dynasty, and now you can still come to participate in the auction."

Lin Dong looked up and immediately smiled, it turned out that he was an old friend.

That night, he stormed into Fengyun Dynasty's home base in anger. It was naturally impossible that he just wanted to solve Su Rou's troubles and also made a friend by the way.

In order to celebrate meeting Lin Dong, his new friend, Feng Cang decided on the spot to take out all the Fengyun Dynasty's savings, such as Nirvana Pills, martial arts techniques, spiritual treasures, and the Nirvana Golden Seal.

It was given to Lin Dong as a meeting gift, and no one else could stop him.

Lin Dong immediately said, "Longyan is overjoyed." He patted Feng Cang on the shoulder with satisfaction and said, "Feng Cang, from today on, you are an old friend of my Great Yan Dynasty. From now on, don't call me if you have something to do, and don't call me if you have nothing to do."

Feng Cang laughed happily, with a satisfied look on his face.

"No, no, no, I've paid it, I've paid it all. That's all the savings of my Fengyun Dynasty, and now they're all borrowed. The Hundred Dynasties War is about to begin, and we must give the dynasty more chances of winning."

After hearing this, Feng Cang's expression suddenly changed, and he waved his hands to explain.

Damn it, if my seat in Fengyun Dynasty hadn't happened to be not far from yours in Great Yan Dynasty, who would have wanted to say hello to you and endure another humiliation.

But what if you don’t say hello and you want to hit me again?

Don’t I, Feng Cang, have no face? ! !

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