The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 184 Song Tai, the top eight yuan

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly, don't stay here and delay me from watching the fun."

Lin Dong waved his hands away in disgust, with an impatient look on his face.

"Yes, I'll say goodbye!"

Feng Cang's face turned green and white, and he led the people of the Fengyun Dynasty away from here quickly as if he was granted amnesty, causing countless people from the dynasty around him to sigh.

Look, this is what your goddess looks like in front of a rich man!

Bah, that's not the sentence. Come on, look, this is what a powerful super dynasty looks like in front of a truly top powerhouse.

After Fengyun Dynasty entered, the other three super dynasties of Vientiane City, Guyue Dynasty, Senzhi Dynasty and Lihuo Dynasty, also entered the venue one after another. The leaders of the three major dynasties would come over to politely say hello to Lin Dong when they entered. .

The ability of one person to suppress a super dynasty and reach the top of the Heavenly Ranking is enough to make these powerful dynasties as submissive as cats.

All the powerful dynasties entered the arena one after another, making the giant arena completely lively. The crowd was buzzing like a cauldron about to boil.

"Quiet! Everyone, this Vientiane Auction will be hosted by me, Song Tailai!"

A roar filled with majestic energy echoed over the arena.

At some point, a middle-aged man in gray clothes with a plain face appeared strangely on the central stand of the arena. Although his appearance was ordinary, there was a powerful power hidden under his thin body that made everyone present look at him. .

Song Tai, a strong man from the super sect stationed in Wanxiang City, an important place in the northwest region. He was not only the key figure in starting the Hundred Dynasties War, but he also made all the rules in the city, making all powerful dynasties obey him.

"Song Tai? His cultivation level is quite good. He is in the Nirvana realm of the Eight Elements."

Lin Dong's pair of black eyes quietly turned into two black hole vortexes that were constantly rotating, and there was a faint and strange pulling force spreading out.

"Hey, don't use the power of the ancestral talisman to spy on a strong person with a higher level than you. The other party will sense it and may even regard it as a provocation."

Beside, Xiao Diao gently pressed against Lin Dong.

"Okay, I'm just curious. I don't know which of the eight major families he comes from." Lin Dong curled his lips when he heard this, and took advantage of the situation to put away his devouring power.

The next moment, Song Tai, who was on the central high platform, looked over with some emotion. His gaze stayed in the direction of the Great Yan Dynasty. Lin Dong and Xiao Diao, who were conversing, immediately came into his sight.

"Huh? The feelings conveyed to me by these two guys are actually equally dangerous? No, no, it's impossible. Is it possible that these little guys are stronger than me when I step into the Eight Yuan? It must be an illusion."

Song Tai couldn't help but smile in surprise when he thought of this, and his doubts disappeared.

"Look, let me tell you, none of the strong men of the super sect are easy to mess with, and their senses are very sharp. You have to be careful in the future. In the eyes of the real strong men of Dongxuan Domain, Baichao War is nothing more than a child's play house." It’s just a game.”

Xiao Diao deliberately lowered his voice and laughed.

"The first auction item, the Earth-level Lingbao Lingfeng Sword, has a starting price of 300,000 Nirvana Pills!"

On the central high platform, Song Tai, who had regained his composure, took out a bright ball of light from his sleeve and shouted loudly.

The auction has officially begun!

This auction is no doubt an auction carefully prepared by the super sect masters. All kinds of spiritual treasures, martial arts, and heavenly and earthly treasures appear in competition like a horse.

Among them were many high-level martial arts such as Lingwu, or rare spiritual objects such as the Balanced Spirit Fruit and the Wild Divine Ox, but Lin Dong and his party had never taken action against them even once.

This has led many people to speculate, is it possible that the Great Yan Dynasty also came specifically for the finale of this auction, the mysterious heaven-level spiritual treasure?

"The following is the grand finale of this auction, and it is also the last auction item, the Heavenly Level Spiritual Treasure Black Dragon Roaring Heavenly Seal. The starting price is 8 million Nirvana Pills. Bidding starts now!"

A few hours later, when the atmosphere on the field reached its climax, under the gaze of pairs of fiery eyes, Song Tai finally took out a black light ball the size of a human head.

It was a square, dark, square seal with a simple and elegant style. The ancient seal was covered with dense mysterious lines.

There is a vivid black dragon on the top, roaring up to the sky, as if it may come to life from the sculpture state at any time, and there are faint sounds of dragon roars spreading around.

A faint ancient wave slowly ripples out!

"Tsk, the spirit of this heaven-level spiritual treasure is actually a black dragon. The person who refined the treasure is really a great artist, and he is not afraid of being chased by the powerful dragon clan."

Lin Dong glanced at the ancient black seal and immediately saw through its details.

In the dragon genealogy of Tianxuan Continent, Qinglong, Golden Dragon, Tianlong, etc. are the high-level dragons with pure blood, while the black dragon can barely be regarded as the middle-level dragon.

However, although the black dragon is only a middle-level dragon clan, the dragon clan has always protected its shortcomings. If a powerful dragon clan finds someone hunting a black dragon and extracts its demon spirit and pours it into a heaven-level spiritual treasure to serve as a weapon spirit, that person will definitely rush to the street. .

It just depends on whether the Dragon Clan wants to take care of it or not. Everything depends on fate! Look at the face!

"What? Are you interested in this heaven-level spiritual treasure? Didn't I tell you, how many times have you used these high-level spiritual treasures in battle after you obtained the Spiritual Wheel Mirror, Heavy Prison Peak, and Blue Sky Lotus? Even if you buy this black dragon again The Xiaotian Seal is also piled up in the Qiankun Bag to become moldy."

Xiao Diao, who understood Lin Dong's plan, said angrily.

Others have no chance to obtain high-level spiritual treasures. Lin Dong has a lot of high-level spiritual treasures, but he rarely uses them. In battle, he prefers to use his fists to solve problems.

Usually, when he remembered that he still had a lot of spiritual treasures, the battle was almost over, and his body's reaction speed was much faster than his head's reaction speed.

Hmm, is this the case even after practicing too much body training martial arts?

"Ahem, to be honest, I have a habit of hoarding things. After seeing the treasure, I want to keep it as my own even if I don't need it. For no other reason than to look at it and feel comfortable."

Lin Dong coughed slightly in embarrassment.

" long as you are happy."

Xiao Diao glanced at him with a complicated expression and responded quietly.

As soon as the Black Dragon Roaring Sky Seal came out, the people from all the major dynasties immediately looked at the four super dynasties sitting in front of them, waiting for their reactions.

Although everyone came here for this Heavenly Level Spiritual Treasure, they were mostly here to see the excitement. Real buyers would only be born among the four super dynasties.

Super dynasties are not only strong in force, but also in financial resources.

However, Fengyun Dynasty, which originally had the greatest chance of winning, may be in danger this time.

Fengyun Dynasty, which had been completely robbed by Lin Dong, even though they had the courage to borrow some Nirvana Pills from several friendly dynasties, I am afraid they are still unable to do anything.

"Eight million Nirvana Pills!"

Just as the people of the major dynasties were guessing who would win the Black Dragon Roaring Sky Seal, a chuckle suddenly resounded in the arena.

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