
A shocking roar of a beast suddenly came from the depths of the depression, and the crimson flames gathered crazily, directly condensing into the phantom of a hundred-foot-long Zhu Yan ferocious beast.

The hundred-foot-long shadow was filled with overwhelming ferocity, and it seemed that a little of Zhu Yan's true spirit was attached to it. This was the real inheritance Xiao Shan received from Zhu Yan Mo Sect. Unfortunately, this inheritance was not complete yet. He wanted to use Lin Dong of blood to open.

"Ho ho ho!"

Standing with its feet on the ground, the ferocious Zhu Yan beast smashed a hill beside it with one punch, and then roared excitedly to the sky, sending out a signal for battle.

"Very good. A loser who failed to survive the fifth level of Nirvana dares to be so arrogant in front of me. Today I will kill you completely!"

Lin Dong smiled coldly, and his slender hands moved like lightning.


The monstrous dark clouds quickly swept across most of the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder. At this moment, a giant black finger hundreds of feet long suddenly separated the clouds. Countless ancient lines were wrapped around the giant finger. The ancient vicissitudes of life spread across the sky.

"The great wasteland imprisons the heavens with one finger, and half the fingers regret the world!"

Lin Dong, whose seal on his hand suddenly stagnated, took a step forward, raised two fingertips and tapped them boldly.


The giant black finger that was only halfway out of the clouds trembled suddenly and turned into a ray of light that rushed out. The next second, it teleported in front of the Zhu Yan ferocious beast, aiming at it like a radish and blasting down at it. .


The half-black giant finger, which had the faint intention of shaking the world, broke through the red flames on the surface of the Zhuyan beast almost instantly. The remaining half of the giant finger pressed the Zhuyan beast into the earth. Then he dissipated unwillingly.


The Zhu Yan ferocious beast, whose strongest defense was broken, became completely angry. A large scarlet red color instantly covered its eyes. It grabbed a huge stone under its feet and...

"One finger can imprison heaven and earth!"

High in the sky, a complete giant black finger suddenly parted the clouds. Infected by the endless ancient thoughts, it turned into a giant pillar and descended, hitting Zhu Yanji who had not had time to throw the boulder. The beast presses deep into the earth again.

"Lin Dong! If you have the guts, let me fight you at close quarters! How dare you humiliate me like this!!!"

A roar like a wounded beast came from under the giant black finger.

Xiao Shan, who transformed into Zhu Yan, was completely crazy. It was so humiliating that he, the inheritor of the Zhu Yan Demon Sect, could not even touch the hem of the clothes of the inheritor of the Qinglong Palace.

It's a pity that he was so suppressed that he really couldn't get up!


Lin Dong was not an unreasonable person. After thinking carefully for 0.03 seconds, he decided to reject this stupid proposal and seriously replied, "Idiot."

The offensive is getting stronger!

"I, Xiaoshan, have never suffered..."

"Two fingers shatter mountains and rivers!"

"I'm Xiao..."

"Three fingers to destroy living things!"


"Four fingers break the sky!"

Three giant black fingers rumbled down, crushing the huge body of the Zhu Yan ferocious beast inch by inch from bottom to top, including its legs, abdomen, head...

The huge Zhu Yan's true body could no longer withstand such heavy pressure, and finally shattered under the pressure of the fourth finger, throwing out a bloody figure.

"Cough cough, cough cough, Lin, Lin Dong, I, Xiaoshan, surrender! I, Xiaoshan, surrender!"

Xiao Shan, who looked like a bloody man, had a look of horror on his face. He kept coughing up blood and roared at the top of his lungs with a hoarse voice.

It was only a few minutes of fighting, but Xiao Shan understood that he was no match for the heir of Qinglong Palace. The battle situation was almost crushing. He, Xiao Shan, could bend and stretch, so he could just leave.

"Five fingers move the universe!"

Lin Dong stood in the air with an indifferent expression and continued to point his finger as if he hadn't heard anything.


Endless ancient murmurs and roars suddenly arose, and a blood-stained giant finger with endless sadness came quickly crushing the sky.

"Lin Dong, I curse you! I curse..."

The air in the entire world became extremely thin and thick, as if he was in a swamp. Xiaoshan, who had been hit hard, could not move forward and could not escape!


Under the horrified gazes, the blood-stained black devil finger exploded the pale Xiao Shan, causing blood mist to fly!

Daluo Dynasty Xiaoshan, die!

"The boss is dead, the boss is dead!"

"Escape! Run away! Hurry!"

As the saying goes, when a tree falls and the monkeys scatter, dozens of strong men from the Da Luo Dynasty turned around and ran away without even thinking about it after witnessing Xiao Shan's death.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Two figures, one resembling a mad tiger and the other resembling a demon mink, appeared on the people's escape route like ghosts, and joined forces to launch the bloodiest massacre.

"call out!"

Flesh and blood were flying, and a strange ray of light quietly swept out from the center of the blood mist and rushed towards the sky.


A green dragon claw suddenly protruded from the void and accurately grasped the ray of light in his hand. A mini beast with an ape-like body shape and white head and red feet appeared.

"Zhu Yan, haven't you always wanted to drink my blood? Why did you leave right after you came?"

Lin Dong lowered his head and looked at the mini beast in his palm with a smile.

Green light suddenly appeared, and the pair of ink eyes had quietly transformed into a pair of golden dragon eyes. They were majestic and oppressive, and there was a faint and strange pressure slowly rippling.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The Zhu Yan evil spirit in the palm seemed to sense something, and the beast's eyes immediately turned extremely red, and it kept roaring angrily at Lin Dong.

"Since you want to drink my blood, how about I let you drink as much as you want?"

A strange look appeared on Lin Dong's cheeks, and the next second, the Zhu Yan ferocious beast was sent directly into the belly by the green dragon's claws, chewing it with big mouthfuls.

"Don't you want to drink my blood? In this case, you can drink my blood for the rest of your life. Look, how good I am to you!"

Lin Dong closed his eyes and tasted the taste of Zhu Yan's fierce spirit, with a look of intoxication on his face.


At the same time, the massive amount of Heavenly Dragon Qi that had been sealed deep into the body by the Azure Dragon King also exploded with a roar, suddenly exploding into a large piece, and quickly integrated into his limbs and bones, promoting the further evolution of his Azure Sky Dragon Transformation Technique.

"Groan! Groan! Groan!"

Even the mini green dragon entrenched deep in the dantian opened up as if aware of it, circling happily around the golden Yuan Dan in the center, cheering.

"Huh? What's going on? The progress of my practice of the Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique has suddenly accelerated a lot?" Lin Dong suddenly opened his eyes, and a hint of thought flashed through his majestic golden dragon eyes from time to time.

"Haha, that's it. The four major demon sects hate Sixiang Xuanzong to the core. Why don't Sixiang Xuanzong not want to destroy the four major demon sects?"

"The four major demon sects have left secret hands in the inheritance. Their inheritors must have the blood of the descendants of the Sixiang Xuanzong to open the complete inheritance. The Sixiang Xuanzong is a famous sect of the righteous way. Although it is not as extreme as the demon sect, it can hunt demons Heirs of the sect can still speed up their cultivation by swallowing the spirits of the four ferocious beasts.”

"Although the Four Xuan Sects and the Four Demon Sects have all been wiped out in the long river of time, the teacher maintains his own identity and is not in a position to interrupt people's inheritance, but as a disciple, I can. Teacher, it turns out that you are not as you appear on the surface. Open-minded.”

After a moment, a sudden chuckle suddenly sounded.

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