The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 188 Prey on the Four Ancient Evils!

The four major demon sects are named after ancient ferocious beasts: Taotie, Taotie, Qiongqi, and Zhuyan.

These four inheritances fell into the hands of the four super dynasties: the Blood Seal Dynasty, the Heavenly Demon Dynasty, the Bone Jade Dynasty and the Da Luo Dynasty. Among them, the Heavenly Demon Dynasty was one of the ten legendary super dynasties.

Xiao Shan, Xue Ying, and Hua Gu are at the top of the Nirvana realm of the Four Elements and failed to survive the Five Tribulations, while Song Zhen, the great demon of the Song family, has already stepped into the Five Elements level.

It's just that Xiao Shan of the Da Luo Dynasty is dead, and now only three of the four descendants of the Demon Sect are left.

"Teacher, since it is your order, then the disciple must obey it. None of those three insects can escape. Besides, if all four ferocious beasts' true spirits are swallowed up, my Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique should also be able to completely enter the realm. One stage, right?”

There was a cold smile on Lin Dong's lips, and his gaze looked far into the void, as if he had locked onto something in the distance.

The cultivation level of Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique can be roughly divided into five levels:

The first level: green dragon skin

The second level: green dragon scales

The third level: the whole body transforms into a dragon and grows green dragon wings.

The fourth level: Qinglong transformation (cultivate the Qinglong light pattern and condense the Qinglong heaven seal)

The fifth level: Incarnate into a blue dragon, no different from a real high-level dragon. (Enter the ancient Dragon Transformation Pond, the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan, and condense the dragon bones with pure blood)

As soon as Lin Dongfu practiced the Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique, he directly advanced to the second stage.

It's just that the third stage of full-body dragon transformation requires several years of hard training, but with the help of the true spirits of the four ferocious beasts, it can be accomplished in a few days.

Lin Dong, he would never let go of this opportunity!

"We've taken care of all the trash from the Daluo Dynasty. How's your harvest going?" The spotless little mink flew over lightly.

"The Four Demon Sects and the Four Elephants Xuan Sect fought on this ancient battlefield. The two sides have been feuding for many years. The four super dynasties inherited from the Four Demon Sects have set their sights on us and will not stop fighting."

Lin Dong retracted his spreading thoughts and said leisurely.

"Brother, what are we waiting for? If you don't take the initiative to knock on the door, just crush the heads of the remaining three sons of bitches!!"

Xiaoyan's words immediately attracted the unanimous approval of Mo Ling and others.

During this period of time, the number of powerful dynasties hunted by their Great Yan Dynasty ranged from one thousand to eight hundred, but there were only four more super dynasties. I was afraid of him! Just do it and it’s done!

"Don't worry, my Qingtian Dragon Transformation Technique has improved a lot. It's just in time to overcome the tribulation again. After reaching the sixth level, I can take care of the remaining three mice."

Lin shook his head and swept to a hillside below. He directly found an open space and entered the state of cultivation. The energy rolling between heaven and earth quickly poured into his body along the pores around him, and a subtle wave slowly began to ripple out.

Xiao Diao and the others looked at each other and immediately fell to Lin Dong's surroundings.

The next day.


As a joyful dragon roar resounded through the mountain forest, Lin Dong, who had successfully overcome the calamity, stood up directly, and the rich green light around his body receded.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, you actually reached six yuan? So fast?"

Lin Dong stretched out comfortably and glanced at Xiao Yan in surprise, whose aura was also leaking out.

"Hey, brother, have you forgotten? The ancient crocodile essence and blood you gave me before has not been digested completely, and it is almost gone now."

Xiaoyan smiled shyly when he heard this.

The cultivation of monster beasts relies heavily on the power of blood, and they are naturally faster than the strong humans. However, their bottleneck is also severely limited by the shackles of blood, which has advantages and disadvantages.

"Very good, let's set off. It's time to hunt the remaining three ancient evil spirits." Lin Dong waved his hand with great energy, and the group of ten people suddenly turned into streaks of light and shadow and disappeared in place.


The fifteenth day.

"Azure Dragon Finger!"

The green light condensed, and a green dragon finger about a foot in size was like a ghost. It instantly pierced the chest of the man in blood-red clothes and broke his heart.

"Hoho...who are you?"

The blood-shirted young man's pupils suddenly dilated, as if it was difficult to accept that he hadn't even taken one of the opponent's moves, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth as if he couldn't stop it.

"My name is Lin Dong, the descendant of Qinglong Palace of Xuanzong of Sixiang."

Lin Dong smiled softly next to the blood-shirted young man's ear, and immediately thrust his right arm inward, completely cutting off all the vitality of this four-dimensional peak Nirvana realm powerhouse.


The body of the blood-shirted young man suddenly exploded, and a fierce human-like figure with a shape like a tiger, a body like an ox, and eyes in the armpits suddenly flew out from it like lightning, and headed straight for Lin Dong's face with the open door wide open.

One of the Four Evils in Ancient Times, Yao Zhu!


The oppressive and high-pitched roar of the dragon resounded, and a huge cyan dragon suddenly came out of the void and swallowed up the evil spirit that exuded a fierce and ferocious aura.

Blood Shadow of the Blood Seal Dynasty, die!


The nineteenth day.

Deep in the dense ancient jungle, the earth is in a mess. Towering ancient trees that are hundreds of feet high have been bulldozed. Huge ferocious ravines are crisscrossing the surface. The violent Yuanli storm is still whining in the air. .

Everything shows that a shocking battle broke out here!

In the center of the battlefield, there was the only clearing that was still relatively intact.

Corpses dressed in forest white robes lay scattered on the ground, and the residual energy fluctuations around them were quite strong. They seemed to be people from a powerful dynasty, who were inexplicably surrounded and suppressed by mysterious strong men.

A handsome young man in black stood in the middle of the bloody battlefield with his hands behind his back, looking at his surroundings with interest, seemingly not frightened by the horrifying scene in front of him.

"Brother, we have wiped out all the remnants of the Bone Jade Dynasty, and no one has escaped." Amidst the rumbling footsteps, a tall figure who seemed to have walked out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses bent down and clasped his fists.

"So, there should be only one target left for us, right? Taotie, hey, believe me, I will find you soon, and we will be completely integrated soon."

The young man in black slowly raised his head and cast his gaze into the void, as if he was firmly locked on something, greedy and evil.


The next second, the space rippled rapidly, and the two figures disappeared strangely. The rich smell of blood became stronger and stronger in the world.

The Hua Gu of the Bone Jade Dynasty died 3,800 miles north of Baichao Mountain!

One of the Four Ancient Evils, Qiongqi was successfully hunted by Qinglong!


Day 21.


The sound of dragon roars resounded, and a huge dragon claw covered with blue scales and unimaginably huge pierced the void directly, grabbing the empty station below and exploding it with one claw.

"Haha, things are getting more and more interesting."

The young man in black who stood in the air slowly lowered his arms, but his eyes were filled with an unprecedented coldness and harshness.

Failed to catch the gluttonous evil spirit!

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