The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 190 One Dragon Fights Three Demons

Baichao Forest is a thousand-mile ancient forest surrounding Baichao Mountain.

A chaotic crowd and a near-dead battlefield. This strange contrasting scene forms a corner of the Forest of Hundreds of Dynasties.

One side hangs a red flame flag, and the other side hangs a black skull flag. The two sides are facing each other in the distance. Even the Yuan Power between heaven and earth is causing ripples of different sizes due to the appearance of a large number of strong men.

"Lin Dong, you are really bullying others too much. Don't think that our Demon Dynasty is easy to bully!!!"

A roar of grief and anger suddenly came from the camp that was flying the black skull and crossbones flag. In front of the camp were three figures in dark robes, and the speaker was the Song family demon in the center of the three.

"What? Isn't the Demon Dynasty easy to bully? I drove you all the way from the southern region of the core area to the foot of Baichao Mountain in the central area, spanning three thousand miles, and I have never seen you fight back even once."

In the lineup of the Great Yan Dynasty, the elegant young man walked out with a warm smile.

"Is there such a thing? After running away for three thousand miles and not even fighting back once? This demon dynasty has completely disgraced the top ten super dynasties."

"Hehe, I think the Great Yan Dynasty was probably walking their dogs and deliberately drove the Heavenly Demon Dynasty to the foot of Baichao Mountain before cleaning up. Otherwise, how can you explain that they were unscathed along the way."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion among the crowd. Although the major dynasties knew that the Great Yan Dynasty was hunting the gluttonous evil spirits, they did not know the specific details.

"Lin Dong, I think the Heavenly Demon Dynasty has done nothing to offend you. Why do you have to pursue us so closely? Is it really just because of the boring ancient grudge between the Four Demon Sects and the Four Symbols Xuan Sect? "

Song Zhen took a deep breath and ignored the complicated glances around him. He planned to struggle a little more until he died.

"Why didn't you offend me? Why are you glaring at me? You glare at me because you want to hit me, and when you hit me you want to hurt me. I just asked a question, but you actually want to hurt me?"

Looking at Song Zhen's hateful expression, Lin Dong said leisurely.

Song Zhen: "..."

The Three Demons of the Song Family: "..."

The powerful men of the major dynasties who were watching: "..."

Just when Song Zhen was stunned and didn't know when to answer, Lin Dong pointed at the powerful man from the Heavenly Demon Dynasty behind him who was clenching his weapon and nervous.

"Look, what are they doing with the weapons? Who is a serious person running around the world carrying a powerful spiritual treasure? So, you must want to harm me. In order to protect myself, I can only strike first. ”

Lin Dong had a rejoicing look on his face, "There are always unscrupulous people who want to kill me. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been harmed by you." He didn't seem to notice the Great Yan Dynasty behind him who was also holding various spiritual treasures.

"Damn it, what you said makes sense, I'm going to kneel down to you!"

Looking at the funny scene in front of them, the same thought flashed through the minds of the strong men around them, and their worldview collapsed!

"Anyway, our Heavenly Demon Dynasty is the evil side, and your Great Yan Dynasty is the victim. No matter what you say, you are justified, right?!!"

When Song Zhen heard this, he was immediately furious, and there was no justice.

"That's right, yes, if you can realize the heinous sins you have committed, you still have some conscience. I will leave a whole body for you later."

Lin Dong sighed, really worried about him.

"Lin Dong, I'll fuck your uncle!!!"

Song Zhen was completely driven crazy by Lin Dong's absurd logic. There was no way he had the graceful demeanor of the leader of the top ten super dynasties, so he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Thank you, if there's nothing else, let's get started."

"The battle format is one-on-three. I will fight you three brothers from the Song family, and I will only use the unique skills of the Qinglong Palace of the Four Symbols Xuanzong. If you can force me to use other martial arts, you will win."

Lin Dong bowed politely.

The three demons of the Song family looked at each other after hearing this, with a flash of determination in their eyes.

If they were one-on-one, none of them would be able to defeat Lin Dong, who had already entered the Six-Yuan Realm. However, if the three of them in the Five-Yuan Nirvana Realm joined forces and gave it a go, it was still unknown who would win.

"Hmph, Lin Dong, underestimating the enemy is your biggest weakness in this life."

The three demons of the Song family took a step forward together, and the three faintly powerful auras spread out quickly, and were even faintly connected.


Lin Dong waved his hand, and upon receiving the signal, the strong men of the Great Yan Dynasty immediately retreated, isolated a long blank area, and even jumped into the sky without worry.

"Are you ready? I'm coming~!"

Looking at the three demons of the Song family who were facing a formidable enemy, Lin Dong smiled mysteriously, and his figure melted into the air like water.

"The first one is Song Ba, the Three Demons!"

The chuckle fell, and a ghost-like figure instantly moved in front of the three demons Song Ba. He was the weakest among the three demons, so of course the weakest link had to be eliminated first.

"Third brother, be careful! Get out of the way!"

"You dare! Let's take action together!"

The two of them, Song Zhen and Song, who were so terrified that they couldn't even think about it, joined forces to deliver the most powerful attack in their history.

"The Taotie Devil Fork!"

Rich black light gathered in Song Zhen's palm, quickly condensing into a huge black trident. Each fork was tattooed with the image of a strange ferocious beast, which was holding a huge mouth and roaring towards the sky. of behemoth.

"call out!"

As soon as the black trident took shape, Song Zhen, who couldn't wait, threw it out with all his strength, and there were faint sounds of shocking beast roars.

Target: Lin Dong’s head!


The second demon Song Que raised his hand and punched hard. The extremely sharp spiral wind turned into a wisp of ghostly light with ripples that tore through everything, and quickly hit Lin Dong's open back.

"Hold on! As long as I block this blow, my eldest brother and my second brother will come over to save me!"

After discovering that he was listed as the first target, Song Ba was shocked at first, but Song Zhen and Song Zhen's extremely amazing reactions gave him endless confidence, and he immediately calmed down and prepared to defend.

"Golden light condensation object! Golden light shield!"

Song Ba, who summoned the golden body of Nirvana, moved in his mind, and the bright golden light shot out directly from his body, quickly condensing into a huge golden shield in front of him, firmly protecting him from behind.

Golden light condenses objects. After a strong person in the Nirvana realm enters the realm of duality, he uses the power of the golden body at a deep level. Nothing cannot be condensed and nothing cannot be transformed.

"Hey, innocent, if I want to kill someone, you two losers can't stop me."

Lin Dong, who seemed to have seen through the three demons' thoughts, smiled softly, and with a flick of his finger, a wisp of green light quickly flew out from his fingertips, and quickly grew into a huge blue dragon scale shield in the wind. On top of the shield was A constantly swimming green dragon pattern.


The dark trident, which contained the rich devouring power of the Gluttonous Evil Spirit, bombarded the green scale dragon shield at an astonishing speed, splashing sparks, and the usually invincible Gluttonous Demonic Fork was instantly knocked out.

The blue scale dragon shield is motionless!

ps: The quote at the beginning of this chapter comes from Chapter 35 of "Summoning the Nightmare", I hope everyone knows about it.

Go away beast's new book "Summoning the Nightmare" is very interesting, I recommend it~

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