The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 191 Qinglong Exploring Claws


At the same time, the spiral strength formed by a powerful martial art called Tianmojin began to deform sharply before it could get even ten feet away from Lin Dong, and shattered as if it was instantly pinched by an invisible big hand.

The powerful method of Tianyin Master, Void Condensation!

"Look, no one will bother us two now?"

Lin Dong, who destroyed two powerful attacks with his backhand, smiled gently, but the blood on Song Mo's cheeks was instantly drained.

"Azure Dragon Finger!"

Lin Dong lightly pointed out his finger, green light gathered crazily on his fingertips, dragon scales emerged, and his slender finger turned into a green dragon finger about a foot in size, instantly detonating the giant golden shield like a ghost.


In Song Mo's extremely frightened eyes, the green dragon finger had penetrated the left atrium of his heart without any smoke, shattering all his heart veins.

The three demons of the Song family, Song Ba is dead!

"Lin Dong, you are looking for death!!!"

Song Zhen, who witnessed the tragic death of his third brother, went completely crazy.

"The gluttonous evil spirit appears!"

Weird black lines quietly covered Song Zhen's cheeks, and monstrous black light burst out from his body crazily, condensing into a giant black beast that was a hundred feet high in mid-air and wrapping it up.

This ancient alien species has the body of a sheep and a face of a human, with tiger teeth and human claws. It holds a big, dark mouth as black as a black hole. Between its jaws, it crazily swallows the pure energy between heaven and earth into its belly.

Astonishingly, it was the image of the ferocious beast on the black trident just now!

The first of the four ancient evils, Taotie!

"Roar!!! Die!!"

As soon as the gluttonous ferocious spirit appeared, it roared to the sky. The black light from its mouth quickly compressed into a black beam of light dozens of feet long and roared down, carrying a huge shadow as it rumbled towards Lin Dong.


Stimulated by the strong pressure, a pair of huge cyan dragon wings stretched out directly from Lin Dong's back. With a slight shock, they turned into a series of cyan afterimages and disappeared in place.


The black light pillar composed of the power of devouring penetrated an afterimage and struck straight on the earth, tearing out a huge depression.

"Damn it! Damn it! Tiantian Mouth!!"

Seeing that one hit failed, Song Zhen directly changed his moves.

As the black beam of light squirmed and compressed crazily, a huge black mouth quickly emerged. The mouth suddenly opened, and bursts of terrifying pulling force roared out, trying to swallow up everything within a thousand feet. And enter.

However, the moment when Song Zhen changed his moves was enough for Lin Dong!

"The second one is Song Que, the Second Demon!"

Lin Dong, who was still far away a second ago, appeared strangely in front of Song Que, and the big hand hidden in the wide sleeves of his robe lightly touched his chest.

"Blue Dragon Palm!"

The energy of the heavenly dragon burst out crazily, and the shape of the slender, jade-like hand also changed drastically. The layers of cyan scales directly transformed it into a cyan five-fingered dragon claw, and the five fingers came together to form a palm, which was suppressed with a rumble.

"Lin Dong, I'm going to fight you, if we all die together!"

Song Que, who knew he was about to die, had a ruthless look in his eyes, and he actually gave up his defense, and his raised right arm suddenly slashed down like the sharpest blade.

"Demon Sword!"

Rich black light gathered crazily in the palm of his hand, and a sharp long knife as black as ink directly formed and tore through the air, whizzing out with a faint cold light.


The deafening sound of gold and iron clashed, and a green dragon claw passed through countless blades like lightning, strangling the blade like a huge steel pincer, followed by a huge backlash. He almost knocked Song Que to the ground.

"Is this guy a monster? He actually used his physical body to challenge the supreme martial arts of my Heavenly Demon Dynasty!!"

Song Que's pupils suddenly shrank, he made a decisive decision and gave up the huge black sword in his hand, and immediately controlled his body and retreated backwards.


The clear sound of flesh penetration was heard, and Song Que's retreating figure froze. He lowered his head in disbelief, and the second cyan dragon claw perfectly sank into his chest, and life flowed rapidly from his body.

"Die together? Are you worthy?"

The contemptuous laughter fell, and the wings of the figure carrying the green dragon wings shook, and instantly turned into a series of blue afterimages and disappeared in place.


The black beam of light that pursued him like a tarsal maggot descended and swallowed Song Que's body clean in just one breath.

"Ahhh! Lin Dong, I want you to die!!"

After discovering that he had swallowed his brother's body with his gluttonous devouring power, Song Zhen roared like a wounded beast and launched an attack frantically.

"The power of gluttony, swallowing the mouth of heaven!"

A huge black mouth shrouded the head, and the mouth suddenly opened, like the dark maw of an ancient beast, it crazily devoured everything around it, digesting everything into pure energy.

Seeing that the giant mouth of darkness had descended over his head, the strange devouring force even squeezed the entire space and made it rustle, Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged, his lips squirmed slightly: "Don't move the Green Dragon Bell!"

"Buzz! Boom!"

Green light surged in the air, quickly compressing into a huge green bell that enveloped Lin Dong. On top of the giant bell were nine green dragons with intersecting heads and tails. At this time, all of them had come to life, and they quickly surrounded the green dragon bell. swim.

The bursts of terrifying suction force erupted from the dark mouth were unable to do anything to the giant cyan bell, and the green dragon bell was as motionless as a mountain.

The giant mouth of darkness had no choice but to rise against the storm, trying to expand its size to swallow the Green Dragon Bell. However, if the giant mouth of darkness rose by one point, the Green Dragon Bell would also rise by one point, and the two were always the same size.

"The power of swallowing, give it to me!!!"

As the seal in Song Zhen's hand changed, the aura of the dark giant mouth suddenly changed, and he bit the Qinglong Bell like lightning without any care.

"Groan! Groan! Groan!"

Stimulated by this, the Fudo Blue Dragon Bell swayed, and the three green dragons on the bell instantly walked out of the screen, roaring towards the dark mouth with teeth and claws.


The two that collided with each other did not produce any explosion. Instead, they melted into each other in a flurry of canines and dissipated into the air.


Cracks spread rapidly on the surface of the giant green clock. After a thin figure smashed the green dragon clock with one punch, he stepped out slowly: "You must have had a good fight just now, right? It's my turn next time."

"Azure Dragon Exploring Claw!"

The elegant young man who stood with his hands behind his back raised his arm, and a long, crystal-like jade hand poked out from his sleeve, and he gently grasped it in the void without any smoke or smoke.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and the powerful men of the major dynasties suddenly raised their heads, only to see an unimaginably huge dragon claw covered with cyan scales suddenly poked out from the thick clouds above the nine heavens, directly piercing the void. Grab the gluttonous evil spirit below.

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