The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 309 Green Dragon Warrior Form

"It's me. I didn't expect that in just a few months, my reputation, Lin Dong's, would have spread from the Dongxuan Territory to the Chaos Demon Sea?" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"You actually admitted it?"

The gentle beauty in white looks quite surprised.

"Why can't you admit it? I haven't quit the Dao Sect, I'm not a wanted criminal in any sect, and I haven't caused any terrible disasters. Why should I be ashamed to admit it? The chief of the Dao Sect is me, Lin Dong, and Lin Dong is the chief of the Dao Sect. ”

Lin Dong glanced at Gu Mengqi in confusion and said calmly.

"Haha, you're right. I'll leave it to you for the competition later."

Gu Mengqi was slightly startled, then smiled.

"That's natural. If I want to get the place to enter the tower, I must help the Gu family win the championship of the martial arts competition first."

Lin Dong nodded lightly. It was a pleasant thing to talk to a beautiful woman, and he did not reject it.

After a while, Gu Shuo, the leader of the Gu family, returned from drawing lots.

The Gu family fights against the Su family, and the Wei family fights against the Song family. Three people from each family compete.

Lin Dong was responsible for fighting against Su Yan, the contemporary number one person in the Su family, who was at the pinnacle of the Life Mysterious Realm and a strong man with the qualifications to reach the Great Life Mysterious Realm. Gu Mengqi and Gu Yan were fighting against the other two Sheng Xuan Realm members of the Su family. A strong person.

As soon as the arrangements for this competition were announced, the Gu family camp immediately burst into joy. The battle against the Su family was probably secure. They happily watched Lin Dong and the others step onto the stone platform below.

"Lin Dong of the Gu family versus Su Yan of the Su family, let's begin!"

Following the referee's order, two figures with different appearances quickly flew to the competition stage, their auras faintly at odds with each other.

"Brother Lin Dong, I heard that you severely injured Mo Tao, the young master of the Earth Sea Sect, with one move a few days ago. I didn't expect that the ancient family would be able to invite a young master like you."

Su Yan, as the contemporary number one member of the Su family, has an ordinary appearance but extremely bright eyes.

Legend has it that he was not very outstanding in the Su family at first, but it was not until he accidentally received the inheritance from the ancient evil lord Black Demon, that he soared into the sky and gradually became the number one person in the Su family. His deeds are quite inspiring.

"Brother Su Yan, I've been asked to invite you."

Su Yan from the Su family was quite magnanimous, and he always said "Brother Lin Dong" when he came up to him. Lin Dong couldn't help but feel good about him, and he immediately returned the salute with a smile.

"Hahaha, brother Lin Dong, I admit that you are very strong, but I, Su Yan, will not be much weaker than you, so go ahead."

"Dark Hand!"

Su Yan laughed when he heard this, and with a movement of his body, gray-black light surged rapidly, instantly transforming his right arm into a demonic hand covered in gray-black cuticles, and his strikes were quite clean and neat.

"I also have the inheritance of the ancient demonic giant ~ Strange Demonic Hand!"

Lin Dong stepped on mysterious steps, held up a strange big hand that instantly turned pitch black, and slapped it boldly.


The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded, and countless power ripples spread wildly along the palms of the two men. Su Yan, who was slightly weaker, was instantly knocked away.

"The Heavenly Finger of the Strange Demon Cave!"

After finishing the blow, Lin Dong raised his dark arm and clicked again.

"Buzz! Phew!"

Following his pointing, extremely rich black intent poured out from his fingertips, quickly condensing into a hundred-foot-long black beam that roared down. Everything that the beam passed through was silent. It was a kind of energy that could penetrate the world. Terrible power!

The black beam of light tore through the void in an instant, and even though Su Yan was already qualified to reach the attainment of Shengxuan Realm, he still felt a stinging pain like needles all over his body.

"Dark hands, bone erosion!"

Su Yan, who looked solemn, immediately punched out without hesitation, and a gray-black beam of the same color as the cuticle surged out with strong corrosive power.

"call out!"

The weird dark beam hit the gray beam at the speed of light. There was no earth-shattering explosion. The gray beam compressed by the corrosive force silently melted under the erosion of the black beam. It tore through the space and accelerated towards the rear. .

These few seconds are enough!

"The Black Demon Immortal Body!"

I saw Su Yan's rapidly changing seal suddenly stagnated, and he fell violently. His figure also expanded rapidly in the moving eyes, and in an instant he transformed into an extremely tall dark red giant with a horned dragon entrenched.

The dark red giant's body surface is covered with an extremely strong dark red cuticle, and a pair of wide bat wings are spread out behind him. The whole image is quite terrifying and evil, mixed with a strong aura of evil.

The proud martial arts of the ancient evil lord Black Demon, the Black Demon's immortal body!


The dark red giant transformed by Su Yan casually grabbed it with his big hand, and the black beam of light immediately shattered and dissipated in the air unwillingly.

"Oh? An extremely powerful physical training martial art? That would be interesting~"

Lin Dong's eyes narrowed slightly and his lips moved slightly: "Blue Sky Dragon Transformation Technique, Blue Dragon Transformation!"


The sound of a mighty dragon's roar suddenly resounded throughout the world, green light surged through it, and the green scales lurking under his skin emerged one after another. A sharp dragon horn emitting a faint cold light extended from his forehead, like the long tail of a steel whip. Appearing on the hips, huge cyan dragon wings stretched out from the back.

The thin figure transformed into a dragon-like form in an instant, with a thick layer of cyan dragon scale armor firmly protecting the body, like a fierce humanoid fighting soldier.

There are two forms of Qinglong transformation, one is the form of a true dragon, and the other is the form of a dragon, that is, the Qinglong warrior form, and now it is the latter!

"With such pure Tianlong Qi, it would be too much to say that he is a body-refining martial artist. Could it be that this person is the illegitimate son of a high-level Dragon Clan?"

The strong people watching the battle on all sides all changed their colors.

"Can't wait any longer! Black Demon Slayer!"

Looking at the green dragon warrior whose aura was rising steadily, the dark red giant immediately shook the bat wings, and a hundred-foot-long dark red scimitar was quickly compressed and flew away in an instant, shattering the space.


As Lin Dong suddenly shook the pair of hundred-foot-long cyan dragon wings behind him, the dark red scimitar tore apart its afterimages as fast as lightning, cutting fiercely on the huge stone platform below, setting off The sky is filled with rubble.

"not good!"

The dark red giant's expression changed upon seeing this, and just as he was about to turn around, a cyan figure appeared behind him like a ghost.

"Azure Dragon Finger!"

The cyan figure raised his hand and pointed, and the slender fingers turned directly into a cyan jade dragon finger about the size of a foot. It stopped straight at the place where the punch was on the back of his head. Sensing the danger, the dark red giant froze instantly.

"Brother Su Yan, why don't you stop?"

The Green Dragon Warrior, whose face was also covered with blue dragon scales, smiled behind him.

"I lost!"

The dark red giant slumped down his raised thick arm, dark red light surged rapidly, and a lean man with an average appearance appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Su Yan, I accept the concession."

Lin Dong exited the Azure Dragon Warrior form, smiled and patted Su Yan, who was smiling bitterly. He could afford to lose.

"Lin Dong of the Gu family versus Su Yan of the Su family, Lin Dong wins!"

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