When Lin Dong left the stage, Gu Mengqi and Gu Yan almost won the battle, and the Gu family defeated the Su family 3-0.

The Wei family camp, which easily defeated the Song family, was mostly bleak, because they were about to fight against the Gu family, which had emerged as a new force. The draw was even worse, with Lin Dong fighting against Wei Zhen, Gu Mengqi fighting against Wei Li, and Gu Yan fighting against Chen Luo.

According to this distribution, even if the weaker Gu Yan was defeated, Lin Dong and Gu Mengqi could win the remaining two games, and the Wei family would still lose. What should they do?

"Damn it, how could I fight against that pervert named Lin Dong!"

Wei Zhen, dressed in gray, carried a black sword on his back, and was surrounded by sharp sword energy. As the contemporary number one of the Wei family, he had obviously practiced the mountain swordsmanship of the Wei family to an extremely high level.

However, Su Yan of the Su family, who was of similar strength, was crushed by Lin Dong like a dead tree and rotten wood. What confidence did Wei Zhen have to resist him?

"Brother Wei Zhen, do you still remember the Shura mode? I see that Lin Dong is young and energetic, why not stimulate him to challenge the cultivation mode directly? This way, we may have a chance to win."

A young man with a sinister face said in a low voice.

Chen Luo, the eldest disciple of the old man Xie Gu, is a powerful foreign aid invited by the Wei family.

He and Wei Zhen are both qualified to challenge the Shengxuan realm, while the other person Wei Li is just an ordinary Shengxuan realm.

The so-called Shura mode is a one-on-three super-difficult battle proposed when one side is in a disadvantageous situation. If you win, you can reverse the decline, and if you lose, you will lose completely.

"Shura mode? Isn't this a dangerous means for the losing side to take a gamble? Now that the Gu family is in sight of victory, how can they take such a risky move?"

Wei Zhen was slightly startled when he heard this, and then frowned.

"Haha, Brother Wei Zhen, do we have any other choice? It doesn't hurt to give it a try. If that kid is young and hot-tempered, wouldn't we be lucky?"

"Also, I'm not afraid to tell you that Lin Dong killed my junior brother Xu Yun. I have already informed the teacher that within a month, the teacher will break through the barrier and come to kill this little beast, so no matter whether he can win the game or not, he must die."

Chen Luo lowered his voice and smiled sinisterly.

"Okay, anyone who dares to go against my Wei family must die!"

Wei Zhen slapped his thigh excitedly when he heard this. Just as the referee was about to urge the six players from both sides to enter the field, he stood up immediately: "Everyone, please wait a moment!"

"Lin Dong, I see that your cultivation has reached the great success of the Shengxuan realm, and your foundation is solid. I'm afraid that your combat power is catching up with Shen Tu Jue of the Shen Tu family. Isn't it a bit unreasonable to bully those of us who are still in the small success of the Shengxuan realm?"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Wei Zhen pretended to be heroic and bowed to the Gu family seat.

"Oh, then Brother Wei, do you have any good ideas for solving the problem?"

Lin Dong stood up slowly in the Gu family seat, pretending to listen attentively with a very sincere attitude.

"I don't have any good ideas, but I do have a humble suggestion."

"Since Brother Lin is no longer challenging against me alone, how about changing to another mode? Try the Shura mode, one against three. As long as Brother Lin can defeat the three of us from the Wei family in one fell swoop, he can win the game in one go, increase the difficulty a little, and even further promote Brother Lin's reputation."

Seeing Lin Dong's cooperation, Wei Zhen also spoke more fluently.


At this moment, the field suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Almost all the strong men who knew about this Shura mode looked at Wei Zhen with a strange and absurd look. There are such shameless people in the world! ! !

"How dare you, Wei Zhen, you Wei family should not..."

The leader of the Gu family, the old man named Gu Shuo who was in the perfect state of Shengxuan realm, also narrowed his eyes, slammed the table, and stood up angrily.

"Elder Gu Shuo, please listen to me."

Just when Wei Zhen was nervous, the angry Gu Shuo was stopped by Lin Dong, who also gave him a rather secretive wink.


The old and cunning Gu Shuo was moved in his heart, and immediately sat down in silence, as if he was still forcibly suppressing his anger.

"Hahaha, Brother Chen Luo's plan worked. This kid is really a person who can't stand provocation. The fish has taken the bait."

Wei Zhen was overjoyed when he saw this, but he had to pretend to be calm on his face.

"Well, I have heard of this Shura mode before, and it is quite in line with my personality and style of doing things. But before challenging this cool-sounding mode, I happen to have a humble suggestion to mention to Brother Wei."

After a little hesitation, Lin Dong slowly spoke.

"Brother Lin, please speak!" Wei Zhen suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and coughed lightly. "I suggest that Brother Wei tilt his head slightly, then shake it a few times with a small amplitude to listen to whether there is any sound of water flowing inside. In this way, Brother Wei can confirm whether there is water in his brain." Lin Dong cupped his hands and said seriously. "Bang!!" The stone chair beside Wei Zhen was kicked to pieces by him. His eyes were red, and he stared at Lin Dong with gritted teeth, roaring loudly: "Boy, you dare to play tricks on me!!" "Bang!" The crowd around him could no longer hold back, and the whole place was filled with laughter. Wei Zhen, this shameless man, wanted to deceive the pure kindness of others, but he didn't expect to meet an expert in playing tricks on people. He deserved it!

"Brother Wei, aren't you also playing tricks on me? You're trying to persuade me to give up the good situation and fight you three-on-one. Are you mentally ill? If you are ill, go home and treat your illness as soon as possible, and don't hang around for no reason." Lin Dong calmly straightened his clothes and smiled. "Lin Dong! You dare to go against my Wei family? Our Wei family will not let you go. You wait! You wait!!" Wei Zhen, who was furious, was desperate and immediately took off his hypocritical face, pointing at Lin Dong and scolding him. "How dare you! Wei Zhen! Can you only treat my Gu family as a decoration?!" Gu Shuo, who had been sitting quietly, also stood up at the right time and righteously rebuked Wei Zhen for his reckless words. Lin Dong was the foreign aid invited by his Gu family. The foreign aid of the Gu family worked for the Gu family, but was threatened by the Gu family's opponent in public. Then, should the Gu family continue to stay in the Chaos Demon Sea in the future? "Tsk tsk, Wei Zhen is really shameless. He let the Gu family, who has a great situation, play the stupid Shura mode with him. He is the one who thought of it."

"You can't beat your opponent, so you threaten him directly? The head of the Wei family has a great reputation, how could he give birth to such a useless child? It's really embarrassing!"

"Haha, the Wei family is one of the five major families in our Tianfeng Sea. Today we have seen the tremendous power of the Wei family."

Now, even the powerful people from various forces who have been watching the show can't sit still. They all look at the Wei family camp with strange expressions, and their contempt is overflowing.

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