The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 314 Medicine and stone cannot cure

"Boy Lin Dong, you wait here while we go get you a gift. The value won't be much less than the Flame Lord's ancient Flame God card."

The rock and the Great Desolation Monument immediately turned into two rays of light and fled to the eighth floor. That floor had blocked the golden barrier that was bombarded by five powerful people who had reached the Perfect Death Realm, but it ignored the two who tried to break in, and directly Open to traffic.

A moment later, Yan and the Great Desolation Monument flew out with a purple-gold skin the size of a wheel in their arms. The purple-gold skin was covered with dense lines, exuding extremely ancient fluctuations.

"Did you two peel off the useless layer of skin on the body of the Lord of Prehistoric Times? How dare you claim to be worth as much as the Ancient Flame God Brand?"

Looking at the two extremely familiar pieces of skin in front of him, the corners of Lin Dong's mouth twitched subconsciously. Unfortunately, he thought the so-called gifts would be ancient cards or something like that.

"Hey, Lin Dong, you can't say that. This thing is called the Prehistoric Skin. It is attached to the main body of the Prehistoric Body. It is a treasure made from the endless and pure Prehistoric Qi compressed over thousands of years. This is a treasure that can temper the body. Holy product."

"In ancient times, countless powerful men who followed the path of force paid a huge price just to get a piece of prehistoric skin the size of a fingernail to temper their bodies and tap their potential, but they never got what they wanted."

"What you got here is two pieces of ancient skin as big as this, and they're completely free. Don't be ignorant of your blessings."

The Monument of Desolation revealed in a low voice as if it were someone I had come from before.

"In that case, isn't the Lord of the Ancients full of treasures? If you take off a piece of his fingernail and refine it a little, it will be an excellent treasure of pure Yuan, with overwhelming defense power."

Lin Dong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his thoughts further diverged.

"Tch, do you think that the warriors of our time are all fools? We have already thought of what you can think of. Someone once had a bold idea in private. If we can use the knees of the Lord of the Ancients or simply the skull, we can Can create an ancient artifact that is unprecedentedly powerful, with power comparable to..."

The Great Desolation Monument smiled disdainfully and continued to induce further.

For some reason, the Lord of the Ancients, who was lying quietly on the eighth floor and was still sleeping, suddenly felt cold all over his body. He felt a strong malice coming from this world.

"Damn it, what desperate bastard dares to take advantage of me? When I wake up, I will crush this son of a bitch inch by inch..."

The thousand-foot-tall purple-gold giant turned over and thought viciously.

"Is it that you two don't know how to write the word "death"? Among the eight ancient masters, the Lord of the Ancients is probably more fiery-tempered than the Lord of Flames. He is the kind who will start a fight at the slightest disagreement and end up being reckless."

"Someone would be stupid enough to stand outside his room and loudly talk about his body parts. Ha, this makes me sigh: There are always people who think they live too long~"

Seeing that one man and one monument became more and more outrageous, and that he was going further and further on the road of seeking death, Yan, the spirit of the ancestral stone, finally couldn't stand it anymore.


As soon as Yan said this, the seventh floor suddenly fell into deathly silence.

"What did we just do? The strange demon must have controlled us!!"

One person and one monument looked at each other in horror. They were full of panic and wanted to escape from the Prehistoric Tower immediately.

The most alarming thing is the Great Desolation Monument.

If the Lord of the Ancient World knew about this after he woke up, he would probably not bother Lin Dong, a junior, out of concern for his face. Well, the main reason was that he didn't dare to bother him for fear of being beaten. After all, the latter was the Ice Lord's man.

However, the Great Desolation Monument is different. The old guy has no shame.

The Lord of the Great Desolation came up with his reckless energy and blew up the Great Desolation Monument in a matter of minutes for everyone to see. After the left and right tablet spirits were shattered, a new stele spirit would be born from the origin of the Great Desolation Monument in just a few years.

But what does your arrest of Lu Xun have to do with me, Zhou Shuren... Well, the metaphor is wrong.

Anyway, the appearance of the new monument spirit has nothing to do with the current Great Desolation Monument. It will really die! !

"Hahaha, Yan, don't scare the younger generation. The Lord of the Ancient World is not the kind of person you say he is. He has a very good temper!"

The light and shadow formed by the Great Desolation Monument supported the trembling body, and he laughed loudly with an unusually dry voice.

"...I really believed your evil deeds!"

Looking at Lin Dong, who had a normal expression, and then at the large, earth-colored desolate monument, Yan rolled his eyes angrily. This old guy really hasn't changed at all, and he can't help but release the strong desire to die in his body. soul.

In ancient times, the Great Desolation Monument was often taught a lesson by the Eight Ancient Lords because of this temperament. However, once this page was revealed, the Great Desolation Monument could not help but immediately relapse and seek death again.

When the old man Fu Zuna was still alive, he once told Yan earnestly and sincerely about this matter. The Great Deserted Monument was suffering from a terminal disease that could not be cured by medicine and stone. There was no way to save him, so he should wait to die.

"I said, can you two give me those two pieces of Prehistoric Skin first? After finally entering the Prehistoric Tower, I have to hurry up and cultivate for a period of time."

Lin Dong, who suddenly remembered that his wife was the Ice Lord, the leader of the Eight Ancient Lords, was no longer afraid of everything in front of him, so he simply urged her openly.

"Easy to say."

The Great Desolate Monument, whose body was still trembling uncontrollably, staggered around and tried to pass the purple-gold leather membrane the size of a wheel in his hand to Lin Dong, but he couldn't get it right.

"Haha, Lin Dong, why are your hands shaking? Don't be afraid. With me and Yan here, the Lord of the Wilderness will definitely sell me to wait for a thin man, don't worry."

The Great Desolate Monument, who refused to admit defeat, forced an extremely stiff and ugly smile on his old face, which was enough to scare away a general-level strange demon.

"Hey, forget it, it's not easy for the old man. Let's save him some face."

Lin Dong, who had not yet stretched out his hand, sighed secretly when he saw this, and grabbed the purple gold membrane that was shaking violently with his big hand.

"You should absorb some of the prehistoric power of the seventh level to restore your strength, but don't disturb the prehistoric master and affect the recovery of this senior."

The next two pieces of ancient skin were swept up by Lin Dong and sat down. With a thought, a faint devouring power emerged, and the two large dark mouths emerging from his left and right palms quickly swallowed the two pieces of purple gold skin.


The majestic purple gold energy formed by the two pieces of purple gold skin exploded in Lin Dong's body, rushing wildly towards all the internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, meridians and even cells in his body.

At a jaw-dropping speed, it silently strengthens the strength of every part of the body, even to the massive amount of energy stored deep in the Dantian.

Cultivation has officially begun!

"Yan...what should I do if I'm afraid? Can you, for me..."

"Go away, you old guy, stay away from me. I want to extract some of the prehistoric energy here to initially restore some strength, so don't bother me."

"Yan, you can't just die without saving me. The master is gone..."

On the seventh floor of the Prehistoric Tower, there were faint sounds echoing.

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