One month later.

In front of the gray ancient pagoda, which exudes a rich and ancient atmosphere, the crowds of spectators and onlookers that once were there have long since disappeared. Only two beautiful figures with different styles stand in front of the pagoda.

As early as half a month ago, Gu Mengqi and Gu Yan had to withdraw early because they could not withstand the increasing pressure in the Prehistoric Tower. However, neither of the two beauties of the Gu family returned to their family residence to rest, but chose to wait in front of the tower.


The giant golden door shook violently, and a tall figure walked steadily out of the ancient tower.

"The peak of Shengxuan Realm? I didn't expect that your gains would be so great."

Looking at the figure who had been lurking in the tower for a month, Gu Yan said in surprise.

Lin Dong smiled silently. What he had gained during the month in the tower was far more than what appeared on the surface. Not only did he increase his physical strength to a rather terrifying level, but he also condensed the blue dragon light patterns in his body to a full sixty road.

"Lin Dong, Elder Gu Shuo asked us to invite you to the family headquarters for a gathering. You have helped my Gu family a lot in this martial arts competition."

Gu Meng Qilian moved lightly towards Lin Dong.

"Huh? Are there guests visiting?"

Lin Dong, who was about to answer, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes to the sky.

"Lin Dong, if you dare to kill my disciple of Old Man Xie Gu, come out and die!"

As soon as the roaring sound fell, an old man in gray robe holding a forest white bone staff came straight to the sky above Wuhui Island with great momentum. His aura actually faintly transcended the boundaries of the Life Mystery Realm and touched the Death Mystery Realm.

"Old Evil Bones? He is here to avenge Xu Yun, please inform the elders and others!"

The pretty faces of the Gu family's two beauties were cold, and they took out two signal bombs and were about to launch them.

It was just a half-step Death Mysterious Realm expert who stormed into the Martial Arts Island that was jointly guarded by the masters of the five major families. How could the masters on the island not react at all?

"Who dares to trespass on our Wuhui Island?"

"How presumptuous! We are waiting for the five major families of Tianfeng to be here!"

In an instant, all the Shengxuan Realm experts from the five major families took off into the air and faced him without any timidity.

In the Chaos Demon Sea and Tianfeng sea area, with the five major families joining forces, even the two caves with strong men at the Wheel of the Wheel will be in great trouble, let alone a strong man with a half-step Death Mysterious Realm.

"Old Xie Gu? What are you doing as an offering from Xie Feng Cave Heaven to our Martial Arts Island?"

Shentu Mo, the elder of the Shentu family who was at the Perfection of the Mysterious Realm, was also surprised when he looked at the visitor.

"Everyone, I, Xiegu, am not here to cause trouble for the five major families today, but Lin Dong killed my disciple Xu Yun for no reason. I am here to avenge my poor disciple."

A look of fear flashed across the eyes of the evil-bone old man, and he said in a deep voice.

He is half-step into the Death Mystery Realm, and is not a true Death Mystery Realm expert. He has not completely transcended the Life Mystery Realm. A perfect Life Xuan Realm powerhouse and several powerful Life Xuan Realm masters can join forces to hold him back.

At this time, there are five powerful people who have reached the Shengxuan Realm on Wuhui Island. Dozens of Shengxuan Realm people are stationed there, and they may be able to beat the crap out of them.

"Teacher, that person is Lin Dong. He was the one who killed Junior Brother Xu Yun."

In the Wei family camp, a young man with a sinister face suddenly rushed to the side of the evil bone old man and pointed at Lin Dong under the Great Desolate Tower.

The person who came was none other than Old Man Xiegu's eldest disciple, Chen Luo, who was at the peak of Shengxuan Realm.

"Elders, if the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river, please hand over Lin Dong's animal, and the evil bones will recede."

The Evil Bone Old Man glanced at Lin Dong with a cold gaze and said quietly.

"Hmph, don't even think about it. Let's not forget that Lin Dong was the foreign aid invited by our Gu family. He won the championship of the martial arts competition for our Gu family in one fell swoop, which was a great contribution to our Gu family. Besides, your damn disciple Xu Yun dared to accept the Wei family's defeat. Song Xiong deserves to die for taking action against my Gu family disciple, Lin Dong did a good job."

"And your eldest disciple Chen Luo was also ordered by the Wei family before to secretly injure my Gu family disciple Gu Yuntian, causing him to be unable to participate in the martial arts competition. We just didn't get the evidence."

"Xie Gu, don't think that you three masters and disciples are so innocent. Since you are here today, let's settle the old and new accounts together."

Gu Shuo stood up without hesitation and shouted angrily at Old Man Xie Gu.

The reason why Lin Dong killed Xu Yun and made a grudge against the evil old man was not to protect the Gu family's convoy on Xuanling Island, but to do something for the Gu family. Therefore, the Gu family had to protect him no matter what, and it was their duty to do so.

"Gu Shuo, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense."

Now it is the Wei family's turn to sit still. There are some things that can be done, but they must not be said, and they will not admit it even if they are killed.

"Old ghost Wei Heng, go away. My Gu family is planning to settle old scores with Old Man Xie Gu today. If your Wei family wants to forcefully get involved, don't blame the sword for being blind."

Gu Shuo, who had white beard and hair, glared at the elders of the Wei family and responded quite domineeringly.

The powerful man from the Wei family who had perfected the Shengxuan realm gave up on the spot when he heard that the Gu family had no intention of causing trouble for the Wei family. Only a fool would start a war with a behemoth of the same size as himself just over a dispute of words.

The evil-bone old man was also confused after hearing this, and glared at Chen Luo fiercely.

His only two disciples secretly attacked the Gu family at the same time. Who would believe that he had no idea about the Gu family? No matter how good-tempered the Gu family is, they still have to fight with his evil bones.

It's just that when his mentally retarded disciple sent him a message, these secrets were not revealed at all. When it was good, he didn't think about him, but when it was bad, he thought of him. These two evil disciples are really outstanding!

Chen Luo's face turned pale when his secret was exposed, and he quickly lowered his head.

It's just that now, the old man with evil bones can't retreat even half a step. His evil bones are roaming the demon sea, relying on his face, so he must take down Lin Dong and avenge his beloved disciple Xu Yun.

Therefore, Lin Dong must die!

"Elder Gu Shuo, are you really planning to fight against my evil bones for a boy who has nothing to do with the Gu family?"

Thinking of this, the evil bone old man immediately took a step forward, and the powerful pressure of Yuanli slowly rippled across the field.

"Old Evil Bones, do you really think that I, Gu Shuo, am scared?"

Gu Shuo smiled coldly and patted his hands casually. Eight figures with different auras behind him immediately surrounded them, three of whom were great achievers in the Shengxuan Realm and five who were minor achievers in the Shengxuan Realm.

The nine people working together are enough to hold back the evil-bone old man who is half a step into the Death Mystery Realm. As long as they can hold on until the real Death Mystery Realm expert in the clan arrives, will he still not be killed?

"Gu Shuo, you..."

The expression of the evil bone old man changed rapidly for a while. He was a small and half-step strong man in the Death Mysterious Realm, but he really didn't have the courage to attack the behemoth of the Gu family.

Although he is also a temporary worshiper of Xiefeng Dongtian, Xiefeng Dongtian is not run by his family and will go to war with the Gu family for his own personal enmity.

"Haha, Elder Gu Shuo, we are here as guests, how about we hand Old Evil Bones over to Lin Dong to receive him?"

The chuckle fell, and a figure in black suddenly appeared on the field.

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