The Return of the Martial Ancestor of Martial Arts

Chapter 316 Two Wonderful Scriptures

"Lin Dong, although you have entered the Shengxuan realm, you are definitely not the opponent of the evil bone old man. Don't be impulsive. Let our Gu family take care of this matter. Your matter is our Gu family's matter." Gu Shuo looked at the visitor and comforted him softly. "Thank you, Elder Gu Shuo. How about letting me have a chat with the evil bone old man? If things are impossible, it won't be too late to trouble the elder to help." Lin Dong's heart warmed when he heard this. There is a reason why the Gu family can be listed among the five major families of Tianfeng. "Okay, you must be very careful." Gu Shuo thought for a moment and stepped aside to make way. "Evil bone old man, I don't care whether you knew the evil deeds committed by your disciples before. I only ask you one question: retreat or not? Retreat can still have a way to survive, but not retreating will mean death." Lin Dong stepped forward and looked at the half-step dead Xuan realm strongman in front of him with a relaxed expression. It's not like he hasn't fought cross-level battles before. "Die? Hahaha, I want to see how you, a little Shengxuan realm master, can make me die."

The gloomy face of the evil bone old man showed a strong sense of sarcasm.

"How to make a half-step death Xuan realm strongman die~"

Lin Dong's mouth corner quietly raised a strange arc, and his lips moved slightly: "Stay still!"


As soon as the voice fell, an extremely mysterious invisible wave burst out from the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows and went straight to the old man in front of him.

The evil bone old man, who was laughing at the sky, suddenly froze, and actually kept a weird movement and solidified in place, as if the surrounding space was in stillness, the scene was quite weird.

"Learn about the four great classics of my Dao Sect."

Lin Dong smiled slightly, and suddenly put his hands together, and his ten fingers changed rapidly, forming a series of dazzling mysterious seals.


The stillness lasted only about a second, and the picture shattered like a mirror. The old man Xiegu actually broke free from the restraints with his powerful Yuanli cultivation.

However, this second was enough!

"Emperor Sutra, Great Sky Moyun Sword!"

The seals that were changing continuously on the fingertips suddenly stagnated, and the surging Yuanli swept wildly, and directly condensed into a huge lightsaber hundreds of feet long behind Lin Dong, with a faint amazing sword energy spreading.

Lin Dong, with a cold look in his eyes, swung his right arm violently, directly controlling the lightsaber hundreds of feet long to slash down angrily.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng!"

The huge lightsaber kept roaring and resounding, and after turning a direction abruptly in mid-air, it aimed the extremely sharp sword tip at the figure below, and then slashed it down with a terrifying wave that tore everything apart.

Under one sword, a large area of ​​space was shattered!

"Yin bone shield!"

The face of the old man Xie Gu, who had just broken free from the restraint of the card of stillness, was pale. He only had time to summon a huge white bone shield in front of him. He never thought that this boy would have such a strange method.

"Swish! Boom!!!"

The hundred-foot sword light transformed by the Great Sky Moyun Sword swept across the sky. After slashing the white bone shield without any hindrance, it directly slashed the old man Xie Gu who hurriedly summoned the Nirvana Golden Body.


Blood sprayed, and a hideous wound that almost tore the whole body instantly penetrated the old man Xie Gu, and his figure fell to the ground like a falling comet.

Chen Luo, the eldest disciple standing beside Xie Gu, was slashed into a ball of blood mist by the Great Sky Moyun Sword before he could even groan.

It's not over yet!

"Soul Lion Roar!"

After shouting loudly, Lin Dong slapped out the seal that he had already made in his palm as fast as lightning, and the majestic spiritual power surged out from his eyebrows, condensing into a transparent light lion as high as a hundred feet in the air at the speed of light.

Soul Lion Roar, a high-level spiritual secret skill, the thing of the immortal talisman master Xu Yun!


As soon as the hundred-foot light beam was formed, it roared angrily at the evil bone old man who was rapidly smashing into the ground, and the vast spiritual sound wave ocean invaded his mind like a tide.


The old face of the evil bone old man who was caught off guard twisted together in an instant, and he couldn't help but let out an extremely painful groan. It was really one wave after another.

"How dare you bully me!"

In a daze, the evil bone old man roared angrily in his heart.

The Soul Lion Roar, a high-level spiritual attack secret technique, was bought at a great price by him and given to his disciple Xu Yun. As a result, now...

"The following is the second of the four great classics of my Dao Sect~"

Lin Dong smiled faintly, crossed his ten fingers, and blood oozed from his fingertips. The blood-stained ten fingers then quickly changed seals, and a series of deep red mysterious runes continued to sweep from the fingertips into the depths of the earth.


The earth suddenly trembled violently, as if a peerless beast had awakened from the depths of the earth. In the blink of an eye, ten extremely huge earth-yellow dragons tore the earth apart, roaring at the evil bone old man who fell to the earth from all directions.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

"Earth Emperor Sutra, Earth Dragon Seal of God!"

A soft chant fell, and the ten earth-yellow dragons surrounding the evil bone old man suddenly entangled and merged with each other, compressed into a deep yellow sphere and quickly shrank inwards.

The old man with the evil bone, whose ears and nose were bleeding, had just regained consciousness when he was instantly sealed by the dark yellow sphere that suddenly tightened, and then sealed layer by layer.


On the completely formed earth-yellow giant sphere, a number of strange blood-colored runes appeared faintly. The dense blood-colored runes squirmed and flickered, frantically devouring the energy of the figure inside.

Once sealed by the Earth Dragon God Seal, the opponent's whole body energy will be completely deprived. This is the power of the Earth Palace's special scripture - the Earth Emperor's Scripture.

"Ah! Lin Dong, my evil bones have surrendered! I surrender! Let me go!!"

There were bursts of extremely sad roars coming from the dark yellow ball. The feeling of being deprived of the energy all over the body was really uncomfortable. The evil bone old man had already faintly smelled the smell of death.

"Hey, half a step into the Death Mysterious Realm? If you dare to offend me, Lin Dong, I will kill even the real Death Mysterious Realm expert for you to see. Die!!"

"Earth Dragon Sealing God Seal! Sealing!"

Lin Dong's handsome face suddenly flashed a look of ruthlessness, and the palm that was grasping the giant earth-yellow ball from a distance suddenly closed.


The blood glowed on the dark yellow ball, and it shrank and closed crazily. The evil-bone old man who had lost all his energy inside was instantly squeezed into a puddle of flesh, and finally exploded into blood foam all over the sky.

"It's such a pity that you have only learned two of the four great wonders of our Dao Sect, and the Honghuang Sutra and the Great Desolation Sutra have not yet been released."

Lin Dong slowly put down his arms and said with some regret.

Half a step into the Death Mysterious Realm, the old man with evil bones dies!


At this moment, the whole place was deathly silent!

All the powerful people on Wuhui Island were staring blankly at the blood mist floating in the air. Old Man Xiegu, a being who had touched the Death Profound Realm, died like this to a master of the Life Profound Realm. At the hands of a junior?

The smile on Lin Dong's face made everyone feel chilly. This guy must not be offended!

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