"Elder Gu Shuo, now that I have killed the three masters and apprentices of the old man Xie Gu, if I continue to stay, I may bring disaster to the Gu family. Xiefeng Dongtian is not easy to mess with, so let's go directly." Lin Dong fluttered to the Gu family camp. "Lin Dong, I..." Gu Shuo was a little moved by what he said, and didn't know what to say. "No need to say more. I plan to go to Tianshang Pavilion in Tianshang Domain next. Can Elder Gu Shuo give me a complete sea map of the Chaotic Demon Sea?" Lin Dong waved his hand. Tianshang Domain, located at the junction of Tianfeng Sea and several other seas, is famous in the Chaotic Demon Sea because it is the headquarters of Tianshang Pavilion. As one of the largest chambers of commerce in Chaotic Demon Domain, the Pavilion Master of Tianshang Pavilion is a Wheel-turning Realm expert, and there are countless experts under his command. The power is not weaker than the two major caves in Tianfeng Sea. Therefore, Tianshang Domain is also one of the gathering places with the most treasures and intelligence in Chaotic Demon Sea. It is very popular and a place that countless gold diggers yearn for. "This Qiankun bag contains a detailed sea map of the Chaos Demon Sea, and there are also five million Xuanyuan Pills. The quantity is not large, so take them all." Gu Shuo immediately took out a black Qiankun bag from his waist and handed it over. "Hahaha, thank you, Elder Gu Shuo, we will meet again if we are lucky." Lin Dong did not pretend to be hypocritical. He took the Qiankun bag directly, and then summoned the Bi Tian Lian and turned away. In the eyes full of awe, he quickly disappeared into the sky. On the cloudless blue sky, a green lotus seat carried a handsome young man in black and moved very fast towards the depths of the sea. This person was of course Lin Dong. It had been more than ten days since he left Wuhui Island. In a few days' journey, he could resist the outer periphery of Tianshang Domain. "Stop!" But soon, Lin Dong was stopped by a large group of people. On the vast blue sea, hundreds of figures with strong auras gathered together, tightly blocking this sea area, as if they were trying to search for something. Hundreds of figures were naked from the waist up, tall and with scarlet scales faintly visible on their exposed skin. Their eyes were bloodthirsty and dark red, faintly emitting a different kind of coldness.

Under their feet, there was a bloody giant shark carrying them steadily above the sea, so walking on the waves was no problem at all.

"Oh? The Blood Demon Shark Clan? Doesn't that mean Mu Lingshan is nearby?"

Lin Dong's eyes flashed, and he stopped moving forward.

The Blood Demon Shark Clan is a large clan among the sea monsters in the Chaos Demon Sea.

Although it is not as top-notch as the Immortal Saint Whale Clan and the Sea Giant Clan where the Lord of Life and Death and the Lord of Primordial Desolation are, the overall strength of the clan members is not weak, the number is large, and they like to fight in groups, so the overall strength is also quite strong.

It is said that there are several strong men in the Wheel Realm in the clan.

But Lin Dong couldn't figure out why the Blood Demon Shark Clan attacked the little princess Mu Lingshan of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan? Was it to eat her or to gain some benefit?

Even if Mu Lingshan was the supreme secret of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan - the Immortal Heavenly Method, it was their blood secret method. Could a broken shark like you learn it?

The third elder of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan, Mu Lan, had touched the top of the Wheel of Reincarnation, and the second elder was a terrifying existence who had stepped into the realm of reincarnation. The eldest elder was probably already through a reincarnation calamity and was of the same generation as Qing Ji.

(In the original novel, after Qing Ji rescued Lin Dong from a distance, he talked with a white-haired old man in a secret place. That man was Mu Lingshan's great grandfather, the eldest elder of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan.)

A sea monster clan without a single strong man in the realm of reincarnation took the initiative to provoke the sea monster clan with two strong men in the realm of reincarnation. The most bizarre thing was that it didn't get any benefit at all.

So what are the Blood Demon Shark Clan thinking about when they think about muscles? There is something.

This sense of disharmony is like the Eight Kings Clan of the Demon Realm suddenly declaring war on the Four Tyrants Clan. It is estimated that any powerful person in the Demon Realm who hears this news will think that the Eight Kings Clan is crazy. They are not in the same league at all, okay?

Did the Blood Demon Shark Clan grow up eating shit? They attacked the little princess of the Undead Holy Whale Clan for no reason. Are they trying to commit suicide?

Thinking of this, Lin Dong looked at the Blood Demon Shark Clan who were blocking the sea with a weird look in his eyes. The operation of this clan was really amazing, which made his scalp numb.

This batch of Blood Demon Shark Clan's strongmen are of high quality. One is in the Great Success of Shengxuan Realm, ten are in the Small Success of Shengxuan Realm, and the remaining hundreds of clansmen are Nirvana Realm strongmen at the eighth and ninth levels.

Lin Dong's "trespassing" immediately attracted the attention of hundreds of Blood Demon Shark clan masters. The leading master of the Shengxuan realm drove the blood sharks under his feet to swim over.

"Human, my Blood Demon Shark clan is carrying out a mission ahead, please leave quickly."

Perhaps because Lin Dong is a Shengxuan realm peak master, the attitude of this burly Blood Demon Shark leader is not too arrogant, but his tone is quite stiff.

"Since Mu Lingshan is nearby, I have to rescue her. The incarnation of the Life and Death Ancestral Talisman cannot fall into the hands of these stinky sharks, although they don't know the goods."

Lin Dong's eyes turned and he immediately had a plan, and said in a deep voice: "Why are you staring at me? And you stare at me with bloodshot eyes. Tell me, do you want to hurt me?"

The confused Blood Demon Shark leader: "???"

The eyes of the Blood Demon Shark clan members are naturally dark red. Staring at you with bloodshot eyes, is this something he can control? ! !

Eh, that's not right. Is this guy looking for trouble? !

How new is it? His violent Blood Demon Shark Clan has always deliberately provoked others, but now someone dares to actively provoke his Blood Demon Shark Clan? This story is so fantastic!

"Humans, get out of here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry the Blood Demon Shark Commander was. He suddenly raised the trident in his hand, and the majestic blood-colored energy spread out faintly, locking onto Lin Dong from a distance.

Although both of them were at the Shengxuan Realm, Lin Dong's cultivation was slightly stronger than him, but he had hundreds of tribesmen to help him, and the Blood Demon Shark Commander was confident that he could kill this despicable and shameless human within a few minutes.

"Sure enough, you really want to harm me. I'm just passing by here, and I have no grievances with you Blood Demon Shark clan, but you actually want to harm me? Well, in order to protect myself, I can only take action first!"

Seeing the Blood Demon Shark Commander raising his weapon, Lin Dong became more and more sure of his suspicion. After sighing with compassion, he raised his hand and punched out fiercely.

"Big Star Gang Fist!"

As the thick gray fog spread, an ancient huge gray star quickly rose from the depths of the gray fog. The bumpy surface gave it a different kind of heart-stopping feeling, as if it was as brilliant as the incarnation of the most powerful Yang power. Look directly.

As soon as the huge gray star took shape, it dragged down long gray tail flames and suppressed it, and a large space was violently twisted and collapsed.

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