"First of all, the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method was created by our ancestors based on the characteristics of the Life and Death Ancestral Talisman and the blood of our clan. It is a top-grade heavenly martial art that can repair injuries and nourish the body anytime and anywhere. As long as the wound is not fatal and there is still a breath left, it can be restored by practicing this supreme secret method."

"When it is refined to perfection, it can even operate independently, and broken limbs and residual blood can be restored in the blink of an eye. In battle, no one can defeat it, and it is said to be an immortal existence. This is also the origin of our clan being called the Immortal Holy Whale."

"If you practice the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method to perfection, you can even glimpse a trace of the mystery of the power of life and death before entering the Wheel of Life. Although the Lord of Life and Death is not the first ancestor of our clan, our clan is the Lord of Life and Death's family, and the ancestor's mark has long been deeply imprinted in our blood."

Although Mu Lan's words were difficult to understand, Lin Dong still understood them.

In short, the Lord of Life and Death is not the source of the bloodline of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan, but because she is too powerful, the brilliance she exudes in the long river of bloodline even covers the first generation of ancestors, and then replaces the first generation of ancestors as the new bloodline source of the mother clan.

The Immortal Heavenly Transformation Law she created based on the characteristics of the Ancestor of Life and Death and the bloodline of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan has become the founding law of the mother clan. Every time the clan members practice, the imprint of the Lord of Life and Death in their bloodline will be deeper.

After this great existence proved the truth, the Immortal Holy Whale Clan was automatically transformed into her bloodline family through bloodline connection.

The Great Desolate Scripture created by the Great Desolate Monument is so powerful, so wouldn’t the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Law created by the Lord of Life and Death, who is stronger than the Great Desolate Monument, be even more terrifying?

"You should know the complicated relationship between the two ancestral symbols of life and death and devouring, and the relationship between the ancestor and the Lord of Devouring is also quite complicated."

"Therefore, after the ancestor created the Immortal Heavenly Method, in order to allow the Lord of Devouring to learn this method, he even made special modifications to it so that the existence that controls the ancestral symbol of Devouring can also learn it."

"Do you understand now? If the ancestor knew that I was passing on my clan's sacred method to you, he would not only not object, but would probably be quite supportive."

Mu Lan ignored Lin Dong and continued to talk to himself.

"I understand, I want to learn!"

Lin Dong nodded without hesitation.

This is a top-level Tianwuxue. If you don't learn it, you are a fool. With it, Lin Dong is equivalent to having a super nanny with him. In the future, he can do whatever he wants, and each wave will be stronger than the last.

"Haha, the supreme sacred law of our clan is not so easy to learn."

Mu Lan's handsome face suddenly showed a wicked smile, and in Lin Dong's bad eyes, he raised a fingertip and touched his forehead as fast as lightning.


The next second, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and a huge and terrifying information torrent rushed violently into the depths of his mind like a surging sea.

Indistinctly, the surging blue torrent could be seen in the boundless void, quickly condensing into five ancient characters emitting strange fluctuations: Immortal Heaven-Transforming Law!

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts!"

Lin Dong, whose face was instantly twisted, covered his head, and with a bang, he fell powerlessly on the extremely broad back of the Zhenhai Black Whale and fell asleep directly.

"Go to sleep, little guy. You don't have Lingshan's decades to slowly cultivate the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method. You only have these ten days, so I have to resort to this last resort."

"I hope you can reach the threshold of the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method before I leave."

Mu Lan laughed wickedly without any surprise. With a wave of his sleeves, a sticky, almost materialized milky white pillar of vitality immediately shot up into the sky, covering Lin Dong, who was curled up in pain, and helping him relieve the pain in his body.

The Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method is the supreme holy method of the Immortal Holy Whale Clan. Even within the Immortal Holy Whale Clan, not every member is qualified to practice it. Only those who have reached the standard of blood concentration are qualified to touch it.

Mu Lingshan is the one with the highest blood concentration and the strongest aptitude in the Immortal Holy Whale Clan in the past thousand years. Even she spent more than twenty years to cultivate the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Method. This was also related to the lax concept of time of the monster clan.

One day, two days, three days...

Dense dark blue light continued to emerge from Lin Dong's body, and more and more dark blue light spots appeared on the surface of his body, and then gradually connected together to form dark blue areas of varying sizes, which had become a prairie fire.

On the eve of arriving at the Tianlei Sea, those dark blue areas of varying sizes finally completely connected together, forming a dark blue light shield that wrapped Lin Dong. As the light squirmed and contracted, it continued to repair the countless hidden injuries accumulated inside and outside the body.

Lin Dong had walked out of Qingyang Town in the Great Yan Dynasty for more than ten years, and had experienced thousands of large and small battles. Although he had never lost a single battle, his body inevitably accumulated a lot of large and small hidden injuries.

On weekdays, these hidden injuries were hidden very deeply and were not easy to be discovered. Once Lin Dong suffered a serious injury, all the hidden injuries in his body would be detonated, causing the injury to completely collapse.

And today, with the help of the Immortal Evolution Method, all the hidden injuries inside and outside Lin Dong's body would be washed away without a single one, and his body would reach perfection again.

The Immortal Heaven-Transforming Method is done!

"This is..."

Looking at the completely connected azure light shield, even though Mu Lan has already reached the top level of the Wheel of Reincarnation, he was still a little surprised.

"Hey, Third Grandfather, how come Big Brother knows the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Technique of our clan?"

A crisp and tender voice sounded quietly.

Mu Lingshan, who had been put into a dormant state by Mu Lan's secret technique, now that Mu Lan put away the secret technique, she naturally woke up.

"Your brother Lin Dong has made great contributions in protecting Lingshan, so Third Grandfather rewarded him with the Immortal Heavenly Transformation Technique." Mu Lan smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, there must be a reward. By the way, Third Grandfather, I think the Life and Death Coffin hidden in our clan's ancestral land is also good, why not give it to Big Brother as a reward?"

Mu Lingshan rolled her big black eyes and said seriously.

"Go, go, go away. That is the supreme sacred object that has been passed down for ten thousand years in our clan. Not to mention me, even your great grandfather has no right to give it to others. You are so generous."

"Besides, I haven't asked you for the crime of stealing the lid of the coffin of life and death when you went out. Why don't you hand over the lid of the coffin of life and death? I want to take it back to my ancestral land."

Mu Lan stretched out his big hand to Mu Lingshan in a bad mood.

"I won't give it... No, I don't have it, I didn't take it, I don't know."

Mu Lingshan's face was bitter when she heard it, and her slender little hand subconsciously covered the Qiankun bag on her waist.

Mu Lan: "..."

Damn, you are here to act cute, right?

I am really fascinated by your cuteness!

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