The ancient sun slowly rose from the other side of the coastline, and it was dawn.

The azure light shield that had enveloped Lin Dong for more than ten days finally dissipated, revealing a long and perfect body underneath. He stretched lazily.

"Brother, are you awake?"

At this time, a clear child's voice sounded in his ears.

"Well, I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time. My body has never been so perfect. All the hidden wounds have been repaired."

Lin Dong shook his hands and silently felt the majestic power flowing through his limbs, as if he could blow up a huge mountain with one punch.

"Hehe, this is one of the great benefits of cultivating our clan's Immortal Evolution Technique. At the moment of completing the Immortal Evolution Technique, the cultivator will receive a perfect baptism of origin. Under this baptism, the physical body will To achieve perfection, remove all bad conditions.”

"It's just that this kind of baptism is only available once in each cultivator's life."

Mu Lingshan held her chin up and blinked her big black eyes.

"Baptism of the flesh, the Immortal Evolution Heaven Technique is indeed the supreme holy method created by the Lord of Life and Death for the Immortal Holy Whale clan. Its power is no less than that of our Dao Sect's Great Desolation Sutra."

Lin Dong sighed with emotion for a moment, then glanced at his side and said in surprise: "Hey, has Senior Mu Lan left already?"

"Well, Third Grandpa left last night. We can reach the outskirts of the Tianlei Sea in half a day at most." Mu Lingshan smiled.

"Let's fly there directly. The target of Zhenhai Black Whale is too big, and it is also the hunting target of many forces. Carrying it will only harm it."

Lin Dong and Mu Lingshan flew up together and waved to this hard-working giant beast in the sea: "You guys, go home by yourself, we are leaving."


The gigantic azure whale, which was several hundred feet long, roared lowly, as if signaling something to the two of them. It swung its tail and sank to the bottom of the sea again.


"I sensed the location of the other two keys. Come on, let's go there."

On the outskirts of the huge sea area covered with black thunderclouds, two figures, one large and one small, quickly parted the clouds and fell towards a giant island below.

Since the interior of the Tianlei Sea Area is filled with thunder waterfalls, which will gradually dissipate after three days, gold prospectors from all walks of life who heard the news gathered on the outer Tianlei Island to wait for the thunder waterfalls to dissipate.

Of course, there is a more important reason, which is that two of the three keys to the cave of the reincarnation realm are stationed on Tianlei Island.

The deserted ancient city that had been dusty for hundreds of years was once again filled with swarms of gold diggers. As the only towering pavilion in the city, in this highly anticipated place, there was a table and table, with a pair of handsome men and beautiful women sitting opposite each other.

The man had black clothes and black hair, and was wearing a black cloak. His tough face had a certain grace, but his tightly pursed lips showed a hint of meanness.

The woman was wearing a plain skirt, with three thousand black silk threads hanging down from her shoulders to her waist. She had picturesque eyebrows and tender white skin, giving her a breathtaking beauty.

With such appearance and temperament, I am afraid that only Aya Qingzhu can compete with her.

Pang Hao, the leader of the Four Demon Generals of the Nine Nether Sect, and Liu Xiangxuan, the saint of the Xuantian Palace.

"The holder of the third key is here. It seems that he has also discovered us and is rushing here quickly."

Suddenly, the man in black raised his eyebrows and said.

"The holder of the third key? Lin Dong, this super prodigy from the Dongxuan Territory is very extraordinary. He even killed four old monsters of the Death Mysterious Realm in Xie Feng Dongtian without any damage. He already has far-reaching abilities. The power of super-ego.”

The beauty in white was sitting dignifiedly on her knees, turning the white jade ring in her palm with her bare hand. She was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

Born in the Tao Sect, which ranks second among the eight super sects in the Dongxuan Region, he is the contemporary chief of the Tao Sect, the first person among the younger generation in the Dongxuan Region, a proficient master of the four great scriptures of the Tao Sect, and a powerful person in the Dzogchen Realm of Shengxuan.

Xie Feng Dongtian even killed the four powerful men of the Death Profound Realm, causing Xie Feng Dongtian to be furious. Eight sects issued arrest warrants, and the cave master Wuxuan, a giant at the first level of the Wheel Realm, had to break through and kill him personally. Take action.

The strange thing is that when Wuxuan returned to the sect after disappearing for a month, the first thing he did was to cancel the sect's wanted order against Lin Dong, and issued a sect-wide silence order. All the people he met during his disappearance were He kept silent about everything.

Originally, many strong people believed that no matter how strong Lin Dong was, he was just a lone ranger. The Dao Sect standing behind him was a super sect in the Dongxuan Territory. No matter how long his hand was, he could not reach out to their chaotic sea of ​​demons. Now they were completely silent.

Because the only thing that can make Wuxuan, a strong person in the Wheeling Realm, hit a wall is another strong person in the Wheeling Realm. There is actually a giant in the Wheeling Realm hidden behind Lin Dong, and he is still in the Chaos Demon Sea. What’s more, because of his identity Render a layer of mystery.

But there is no doubt that Lin Dong, who was able to kill four powerful people in the Death Mysterious Realm and escape unscathed, has proven to the world that he possesses powerful combat power at the first level of the Death Mysterious Realm.

No matter in terms of identity, status or strength, Lin Dong is not weaker than Pang Hao, the leader of the Four Demon Generals of the Nine Nether Sect, and Liu Xiangxuan, the saint of Xuantian Temple, and even slightly surpasses them.

As the holders of the Silver Pagoda Key, how could Pang Hao and Liu Xiangxuan not pay attention to Lin Dong's information and related traces.

"It's just a method that can threaten the powerful people in the Death Mysterious Realm. I am the genius of the younger generation of Luan Mohai, so I can naturally do this. Some ignorant people flatter Lin Dong too much."

Pang Hao snorted displeasedly.

He is a perfect and powerful person in the Shengxuan Realm, the number one among the younger generation of the Nine Nether Sect, and is ranked more than 30 times on the Rookie Ranking of the Chaos Demon Sea. However, he has an outsider climbing on top of him. Although this kid is not inferior to Him, but how could he be convinced?

The beauty in white pursed her lips and chuckled noncommittally, without arguing with him.

"As for whether that boy really has the combat power of the first level of the Death Mysterious Realm, we will know once we try it. Where is Yun Hong?"

Pang Hao thought for a moment and looked up at a shadow beside him.


The shadow squirmed slightly, and a mysterious man wrapped in a black robe appeared strangely.

Among the four demon generals of the Nine Nether Sect, Pang Hao is the leader of the four demon generals, and he has reached the perfection of the Mysterious Realm.

Yunhong and the other three have reached the Half-Step Shengxuan Realm, and their strength is quite strong.

"Go, make arrangements and find someone to test Lin Dong's strength, but don't use people from my Nine Nether Sect." Pang Hao said calmly without squinting.

"Yes, boss."

This young man, named the second of the Four Demon Generals, followed the order with understanding and retreated.

"Lin Dong's strength and identity are as if they are covered with a veil. They are too mysterious. Why should we provoke him? If he knows about it, it will be another trouble."

The beauty in white shook her head slightly, obviously not agreeing with Pang Hao's approach.

"With the elders of my sect here, what are you afraid of? As long as I don't give him a chance to sneak attack, I want to see how he kills the old monster of the Death Mysterious Realm of my Nine Nether Sect."

Pang Hao chuckled, doubting Lin Dong's combat prowess.

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