This kind of spiritual rain can only be done once, but you still have to rely on yourself to practice.

The people below were bathed in the rain of divine light and felt an unparalleled divine radiance falling on their bodies and soaking into their flesh and blood.

Soon someone achieved evolution, and his entire person underwent an astonishing transformation.

Even Ling Tianhou, War King, the leader of the Fire Rhinoceros Tribe, Mu Yan, Liu Lao and other powerful men from Butian Pavilion also gained a lot. Although they are no longer in their golden years of cultivation, under the influence of the Spiritual Rain, There was a phenomenon of dead trees blooming, and the Taoism that had not moved for a long time showed a little growth.

People raised their heads and swallowed the rain of divine light. This was a world-shaking creation that was unimaginable.

Shi Hao was also among them. The Supreme Bone on his chest was like a bottomless pit, densely covered with runes, sucking whales and drinking cows. Dozens of people could not absorb as much as he alone.

The senior brothers and sisters next to him looked at him in surprise and said to themselves.

He is worthy of being a ferocious naughty kid and the Supreme Young Master of the Ten Cave Heavens. Others are simply incomparable.

After a long time, tranquility was restored here, and everyone gained a lot.

"Alas, I didn't help much, but I got such a great opportunity. Ling Tian deserves it."

The King of War also felt guilty. They really didn't do anything. Everything was over before they fought against those princes who made trouble. It was all thanks to the invincible sacrifice of spirits.

Lao Teng shook his head.

"In my opinion, in troubled times, such bonds are the most precious. It shows that Butian Pavilion is not useless and has taught many truly outstanding disciples."

Ling Tianhou, Zhan Wang and others hurriedly leaned over and saluted the sacrificial spirit. Lao Teng's words were the highest praise for them.

After everyone was dismissed, the garden where the old vines took root suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

Suddenly, the old vine was slightly startled, because there was the sound of feet crushing leaves, which meant that someone was approaching, but it didn't notice it at all.

As he looked around, he saw a tall figure strolling over. It was none other than Chi Cang. His temperament was very special. He exuded a fierce momentum at one moment, as domineering as the sky, like an emperor traveling, and at the next moment he was ethereal and mysterious. Deep and far away, like a true immortal above the nine heavens.

Seeing Chi Cang again, Lao Teng's heart was full of gratitude. Without him, there would have been another result. The people who would be bleeding like rivers and wailing everywhere would be Butian Pavilion.

"Congratulations, you killed the foreign enemy and enabled Butian Pavilion to continue its inheritance." Chi Cang said with a smile.

The cane of the old vine bowed to Chi Cang, not only out of kindness, but also out of due respect for higher beings.

It can be seen that Chi Cang is far beyond the gods.

"Thank you, senior, for your help and saving the Pure Land from water and fire."

Chi Cang didn't say anything, just smiled. Only he knew that he had changed the trajectory of history, and the future pattern of the wilderness would be completely different from what he remembered.

He and Lao Teng chatted for a while, about cultivation, Butian Pavilion, and even more about the future.

Speaking of the future, we have to mention the Great Tribulation of the Eight Realms. The giants in the upper realm and the lower realm. Some people are here to hunt for treasures, some are to trap and kill the strong, and some are to harvest the crops planted in the eight realms. A crop of leeks.

As long as the living beings who have reached the realm of the Venerable are basically unable to escape, they will either be caught and used as blood medicine, or they will become spiritual beasts that look after the house and the courtyard.

Things that cannot be done with great fanfare in the upper world can be done in the lower world as one pleases.

Divine vines like Lao Teng, who are about to advance to the level of true gods, are definitely great medicine in the eyes of those supreme giants. If one of them is worth a hundred, they will definitely be targeted.

At that time, Lao Teng's cultivation alone would not be able to resist even a little bit.

And it was Chi Cang who saved it, and it was unjustifiable to watch the old vine being caught and used as a medicinal ingredient.

Before leaving, Chi Cang warned Lao Teng to leave a way out for himself and not to stay stuck here. Things are changing rapidly and no one can predict what will happen in the next second.

Lao Teng kept Chi Cang's words in mind, and began to think about how to deal with the catastrophe.

After returning to Shicun, Chi Cang continued to practice in the Inscription Realm. At present, he still lacks the ten caves outside his body, which will take a lot of time.

In the wilderness, the news that the six sacred mountain sages and many powerful princes were killed in the Battle of Butian Pavilion has spread wildly, causing an uproar.

This is undoubtedly a major event with extremely far-reaching impact.

It marks the re-emergence of an ancient pure land, jumping out of decline and once again standing on the top of the wilderness.

Not to mention how strong the overall strength of Butian Pavilion is, with just one Sacrifice Spirit of the Divine Fire Realm, Butian Pavilion can continue to be glorious for a long time.

"It is worthy of being an ancient pure land. It has been passed down from the distant ancient times to this day. Even the gods have not turned it into scorched earth. It has been preserved in the most terrifying era of the saints' struggle for hegemony."

"The six great sages being skewered is the most terrifying thing in the world."

“I thought that the Butian Pavilion disaster would be a sign of the beginning of troubled times, but I didn’t expect that it would end up like this.

This time, the wilderness will usher in a rare period of peace. "

People outside are talking a lot, and they are all speculating whether there will be a follow-up to the Battle of Butian Pavilion.

After all, the six sages who were brutally burned came from the powerful ancient sacred mountains. Legend has it that there are gods living on those ancient sacred mountains. If they don't give up and go to Butian Pavilion to pay tribute to their souls, it is not impossible for a terrifying divine war to break out.

Many people are paying attention.

After the First World War, it did not really calm down, but instead a bigger storm gathered.

However, it didn't take long for the news to spread that Moutian Sacrifice Spirit had personally set out to visit the major ancient sacred mountains.

It is said that on that day, a terrifying aura erupted in the Taikoo Sacred Mountain, as if gods were engaged in a peerless battle, but that aura lasted only a short time and disappeared quickly.

As several days passed, there were reports of people worshiping spirits from Butian Pavilion in all the ancient sacred mountains.

There are rumors from the outside world that Shen Teng is so brave and invincible that he has defeated the gods on the Taikoo Sacred Mountain in a row, nipping the possibility of a divine war in the bud. The Taikoo Sacred Mountain to which the six great sages belong knows the power of the Butian Pavilion sacrifices and is unwilling to fight with them anymore. A conflict occurs.

This version of the rumor is getting more and more intense, and everyone knows it. The creatures in the Ancient Sacred Mountain seem to have no intention of clarifying it, as if they have acquiesced in this matter.

People know that the rumors are very likely to be true. Butian Pavilion sacrifices wars with the gods residing on the major ancient sacred mountains, defeating them and extinguishing the flames of war.

For a time, the name of Butian Pavilion shocked the wilderness, and countless young geniuses inspired to join the Pure Land and become one of them. Butian Pavilion became the center of the turmoil.

In Butian Pavilion, Shi Hao found Qingfeng.

"Qingfeng, I miss home."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"I haven't been back for a long time. I've been away for too long this time. We will set off immediately to return to Stone Village."

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