The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 107 The Emperor of Thunder

In this way, Shi Hao, Qingfeng, Erbaluzi, Big Red Bird, and Maoqiu embarked on the road back to Shicun.

Butian Pavilion is more than one million miles away from Shicun. For Shi Hao and the others, this distance is not close. It is a long journey, which will take more than a month at least.

Of course, if you ride on a bird like the big red bird, your speed will be much faster.

However, they did not just keep their heads down all the time. There were countless opportunities and dangers hidden in the wilderness. They were on the way back to Stone Village, and they were also going through adventures and trials.

A month later, they arrived in the Stone Kingdom.

As soon as he arrived here, Shi Hao thought of the Yu Clan. The strong men of this clan were very despicable. They once joined the Butian Pavilion to practice. However, when the Pure Land was in trouble, they not only did not help but added insult to injury, which really made people feel angry.

Fortunately, they paid the price for their actions. Among the princes who fell in front of Butian Pavilion, there was a member of the Yu clan. In addition to this prince, several important figures were also beheaded by Lao Teng. , it can be said to be a heavy loss.

In comparison, the King of War, who was also in the Stone Kingdom, was different. Not only did he gain the favor of Butian Pavilion, he was also lucky enough to be bathed in the rain of the gods, and in the years when his life was going downhill, the dead trees came back to life.

By contrast, the ending is very comfortable and satisfying.

However, for Shi Hao, his grievances with the Rain Clan don't end there.

The unforgettable bone-digging pain that year came from the Yu clan, and Shi Hao had an irresolvable hatred with this clan.

He is a kind-hearted child, but it does not mean that he will let his enemies go. He is no longer the little kid who felt uncomfortable even if he killed animals. After going through ups and downs, he is no longer a flower in the greenhouse.

"Alas! Although the Rain Clan has suffered heavy losses, its strength is still there, and it is difficult to shake it with our current strength." He lowered his head and sighed.

Qingfeng nodded, even if he was innocent, he still wanted to kill the Rain Clan. If Shi Hao hadn't taken him away, he would have been disabled by people of this lineage, and he might even have died inexplicably.

These are blood debts that must be repaid.

"Although we can't afford to offend the princes of this clan, we can collect some interest first." Er Baldy said slowly.


As soon as it finished speaking, a big red slap came over and hit the back of its head, almost knocking out its eyes.

"I like it when I'm full of bad ideas!" the big red bird said excitedly.

Er Baldy got anxious and almost started a fight with the big red bird. Shi Hao and Qingfeng quickly started a fight. They were both birds, but they were very wrong and often pinched each other.

"That's right. You can collect some interest when you pass by." Shi Hao pulled away from the bald man and nodded seriously.

Afterwards, they discussed for a while and began to collect information about the Rain Clan and study their various territories in the Stone Kingdom. It was unrealistic to attack the Rain Clan, but it was feasible to loot some territories.

Through careful selection, they set their target at a place called "Luohuang Ridge" in the Yu tribe, which happened to be on their route to Western Xinjiang.

It is a treasure land that the Yu tribe values ​​​​extremely. It is rich in resources and products. The black gold mine, elixir field, auspicious beast ridge, etc. all produce valuable treasures.

If this place was looted, the Rain Clan would definitely be heartbroken. They smiled evilly and approached the place thiefly, ready to fight.

In Shicun, Chi Cang's practice has reached a critical moment. In more than a month, he has engraved primitive symbols on all the cave walls of the ten caves. They are densely packed and secret power is constantly blooming.

The inscription realm has been pushed to the extreme by him.

Taking another step forward, it's time to step into the formation realm, which is also known as the prince.

He was not in a hurry to break through, but instead immersed himself in the symbols he had carved.

Every primitive symbol on the bones, in the Thunder Pond Shenxi, in the flesh body, on the soul, on the cave sky wall is the embodiment of Chi Cang's control over the forbidden thunder.

He sat quietly for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something. Suddenly, all the symbols on Chicang's body began to glow. Suddenly there was lightning and thunder, countless arcs flashed around him, and the air cracked with bursts of explosions.

Then, the incomplete original symbols became extremely bright, like rounds of the sun, releasing the terrifying taboo power and condensing into chains in the void.

Each incomplete original symbol condensed into a chain, which quickly extended out and reached into the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed hidden in his chest.

The scene was shocking. The symbols in Chicang's body were okay. The chains were inside his body. The chains hanging out of the original symbols in the ten vast caves hanging high in the sky were like tentacles, rooted in his back. On your back, enter the Thunder Pond from there.

From a distance, it seemed as if there were ten terrifying large holes with tentacles sticking out of Chi Cang's body, devouring his divine power. It was very terrifying and terrifying.

When those chains entered the thunder pool, a terrible thunderous explosion suddenly occurred around Chicang, and dark red lightning flashed across the horizon. A blurry scene appeared faintly above the abyss where he was sitting cross-legged. If you look carefully, you will find that At that time, the immortal-killing guillotine made people's hair stand on end, and even the dead souls were killed.

The last time, Chi Cang was almost beheaded by it, half of his physical body and soul's neck were cut off, and he almost died.

The reason is that he triggered the taboo and wanted to take control of the authority that belongs to God and control the most terrifying taboo thunder punishment.

Now, Chi Cang stretched out the chain with countless incomplete primitive symbols carved out, and absorbed the law of the complete primitive symbol in the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed. It was undoubtedly an attack, and the conditions for triggering the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine were naturally met.

However, the Chi Cang at this moment is no longer the Chi Cang before. Facing this taboo heavenly punishment that is more terrifying than the thunder disaster, he can face it calmly.

I saw Chi Cang opening his eyes and looking up at the sky. Two mysterious symbols that were as bright as divine gold were floating in his pupils. His black hair was dancing, his anger was swallowing up the world, he was looking at the eight wastelands, and he was drinking loudly, which contained the most powerful Qi. The machine, with a single sound, knocked back the Heavenly Punishment that was about to take shape.

At this moment, Chi Cang explained what it means to be the Emperor of Thunder, who can retreat from heaven's punishment with just one word, and compete with the sky for dominance.

As if knowing that there was nothing he could do to Chi Cang, the retreating Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine did not appear again.

If anyone saw this scene here, they would be so frightened that even the heavens could not control it. This is simply - really lawless.

The thunder in Chi Cang's chest was surging, and the lightning was endless, as if there was a vast and endless world of thunder hidden inside.

Those countless tentacle-like chains accelerated the absorption of primitive symbols. Now, all the incomplete primitive symbols engraved on his whole body, including the ten caves outside his body, were becoming complete little by little, and the power of the whole person was visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​surges.

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