If Chi Cang were to go to the Void God Realm to fight against the stone statues in the Dark Palace now, he would definitely be able to fight one against four with ease.

Because he is making progress every day, the path formed by the combination of the two methods has benefited him a lot, and he is much stronger than before.

Only when thousands of great powers truly belong to oneself can one know what it means to be truly strong.


The inscription realm has been completed, and the next process of transforming the runes from incomplete to complete will be left to time. Chi Cang no longer needs to stay in this realm, so he entered the next realm without hesitation - formation. .

At the same time, part of his Immortal Ancient Dharma Dao Fruit was opened, and a power belonging to the Void Dao surged in overwhelmingly from the deepest seal of flesh and blood.

Chi Cang has arrived at the realm of Xu Dao.

The virtual Tao blends with the Tao, using the perfect seed as a medium to touch the great road of heaven and earth, comprehend the wonderful principles between heaven and earth, and have full contact with the Tao, and even give people the illusion of transforming into the great road of heaven and earth.

And Chi Cang has a supreme immortal seed that is naturally suitable for him - Lei Chi. This is undoubtedly a perfect seed, making Chi Cang naturally extremely powerful in the field of virtual dao.

In the distant Immortal Ancient Era, Chi Cang once fought so hard in the Void Realm that no one in the world dared to respect him.

Now, his two systems have merged into one, and he has created a world-shaking Dao Fruit, which is even better than before. It is hard to imagine how strong he is at this moment.

Maybe it can be estimated in the battle with Liu Shen and Zhenlong, but they are all comrades of Chi Cang, and it is impossible to fight to the death. We can only verify it when we face the enemy in the future.

Chi Cang disappeared ten caves into the sky, and the thunder around him became peaceful and no longer so blazing.

He didn't stop and started practicing in the Formation Realm non-stop.


If the Inscription Realm is about imitating other races, carving simple runes in the body, and preliminarily deducing one's own method, then the formation is a higher level of evolution, truly utilizing the symbols and patterns carved out by the Inscription Realm.

Formation, in layman's terms, means carving a large formation in one's body.

Compared with carving patterns and symbols in the body, the improvement of combat power in the Formation Realm is more terrifying, it directly soars. Because of this, the Formation Realm is so powerful, respected by others, and is called a prince.

This realm is also the watershed for monks of the same level of combat power. In order to ensure the success rate, many people only carve simple magic spells, or inheritance between races, which are inherent and safe magic circles.

There are very few who can truly carve complex formations.

Therefore, even if they are in the same formation, but choose different options, their combat power will be different, and the gap between the two may be huge.

For a monk of Chi Cang's level, it is easy to see through what is really important in a realm. Forming an array is by no means simply carving a magic circle in the body, but a creation and a feat.

He sat cross-legged and thought for a long time, how should he practice this state? How to combine it with the immortal ancient method?

Thinking of the countless incomplete primitive symbols he had carved in the inscription realm, he had the answer in his mind.

Since you want to take the path of mastering the forbidden heavenly punishment, let's start with the formation realm.

But before that, he has to practice and master so many powerful treasures. If they are carved into formations, each one can be called the most complicated treasure formation, which will greatly increase his combat power. big.

For example, if you carve a grass-character sword formula into a magic circle and engrave it on your body, then when you compete with others and your body is attacked, you don't need Chi Cang to react, the magic circle engraved on your body will take the initiative to explode, killing the opponent.

If someone punched Chi Cang on the shoulder, and endless sword energy shot out, killing gods and Buddhas, the scene would be terrifying just thinking about it.

Afterwards, Chi Cang began to practice. He engraved the treasures that were warmed in the cave sky, such as the True Dragon Treasure, the Grass-Character Sword Art, and Liu Shen's Dry Rong Technique, one by one, in the form of a large formation, making them a kind of "physical form". instinct".

The effect is very obvious. After the inscription of the treasure magic circle is completed, the enemy will encounter the most terrifying backlash if they attack him, and he will be attacked by great magic techniques such as Cao Zi Jian Jue at close range.

This effect can be called absolute defense, both offensive and defensive.

After finishing practicing, Chi Cang took a deep breath and began to truly create something. If it could be completed, it would definitely be a feat.

The incomplete original symbols glowed one after another, absorbing the forbidden laws from the thunder pool, and automatically repaired themselves. At this moment, Chi Cang controlled these incomplete original symbols, arranged them into a magic circle, and stirred up the forbidden power in the dark, trying to control it. The most terrifying punishment in the world.


Not long after, a vague Taoist platform appeared in the void. It was made of ancient and mottled stone slabs. It revealed an ancient meaning and vicissitudes, tranquility and peace, making people feel like they were in a quiet Taoist temple. middle.

However, the bright red guillotine lying in front of Chi Cang was incompatible with the atmosphere of the Taoist platform. The red light dancing on it was evidence of the fallen heads. The blood stains under the guillotine that had not yet dried up were even more horrifying. , that is the blood of the most powerful prodigy throughout the ages, preserved by this brutal guillotine.

Chi Cang's creation of the Array Realm was an attempt to master this terrifying immortal-killing guillotine.

The incomplete original symbols are arranged in a special way, recreating this horrific divine punishment that is rarely seen in an era.

The dark red sword light, although very blurry, still gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression. Anyone who sees it will involuntarily touch their neck to see if it is still intact.

Chi Cang stood in front of the immortal-killing guillotine and became the master of the guillotine like never before.

Of course, this immortal-slaying guillotine is incomplete and very illusory. It is very different from the substantial guillotine that Chi Cang encountered before.

There is no way, he has not fully obtained the original symbols in the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed. The moment he fully controls it, that is when the real Immortal-Slaying Guillotine appears.

Chi Cang stood in front of the immortal-killing guillotine, feeling very strange, because even though he had become one of the ten evil spirits in the Immortal Ancient Era, he had not been able to control this kind of heavenly punishment that was more terrifying than the thunder tribulation. Now that he had gathered his mighty power into himself, he had actually developed the thunder pool at a deeper level. The Immortal Seed has acquired a world-shattering magic.

At this moment, he felt like he had transformed into the boundless sky, and the entire avenue of heaven and earth was an extension of his hands and feet.

If there is an enemy standing between heaven and earth, he can use the power of the universe to imprison the enemy, pull him from a distant place into the Taoist platform, and press him under the guillotine to execute him.

Beheading the body as well as the soul, this irresistible and taboo method can be called the most terrifying nightmare.

He could already imagine the horrified expression on his enemy's face as they watched him being imprisoned and dragged to the Immortal Killing Platform.

This ability, as far as the array realm is concerned, is enough to be called a groundbreaking feat.

There is no doubt that if Chi Cang enters the False God Realm and breaks the record, he will definitely get the title of the strongest in the Array Realm.

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