The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 119 Breaking the Holy Mountain


The void trembled, and a majestic power broke through the obstacles and rushed out from the endless void turbulence.

The symbols were densely covered, forming a dazzling portal. The next moment, the portal opened with a bang, and figures inside walked out from far to near.

The two bald men took the lead and landed first, followed closely by Shi Hao, Big Red Bird, Yun Canghai and the powerful men from the Celestial Race.

They landed on the ground and felt the moist air, with a faint smell of sea.

"This place is close to the North Sea, and the ancient sacred mountain where the Golden-winged Dapeng clan lives is not far away."

Everyone headed towards the target direction with lightning speed, and it didn't take long before they approached an extraordinary area.

In the distance, there is a huge mountain towering into the sky. It is majestic and reaches straight into the sky. It is extremely majestic. When you walk towards it, you can only feel a majestic and vicissitudes of breath coming towards you.

This is the Ancient Sacred Mountain, which has stood here since the ancient times. Now it has passed an extremely long period of time. It is ancient and mysterious. For ordinary creatures, this is an absolutely forbidden place and cannot be easily set foot.

Along the way, the surrounding scenery passed by quickly, including spiritual springs and waterfalls, old trees with entwined roots, and the mountains as if they were real dragons, majestic and soaring into the sky, running through the mountains and rivers, as if they were alive.

There are spiritual dragons coiled on the high cliffs, black nests built on the towering giant trees, magical minks appearing among the scattered rocks, and black turtles floating in the dark deep pools.

There are too many strange species and rare creatures living here, which are very beautiful.

"It is indeed a dojo opened by the gods in the ancient times, but it is extraordinary." Er Baldy sighed, looking forward to the harvest of this attack on the sacred mountain.

Yun Canghai and the Tianren tribe were able to remain calm because they had been here more than once.

Because of Yun Jinhai, who is half-Peng and half-Celestial, the Celestial Race and the Golden-winged Dapeng Race are very close and have deep ties with each other. However, this time they got too close and a big problem arose.

Shi Hao and Big Red Bird opened their eyes wide, looking left and right.

"Ah, there is an old medicine there that is very powerful. If you add it to the cooking of animal meat, it will definitely be delicious."

"Huh? That dragon is pretty good. It's a few years old. It should be very fragrant when grilled."

"That's... the Bazhen chicken? There is one in our village. We just caught them to keep the local chicken company."

Shi Hao's eyes were quite sharp, and he saw at a glance that there was a pair of eight rare chickens not far away pecking at the spiritual grass leisurely. He rolled up his sleeves, his eyes were fierce, and he was ready to catch the chickens.

"Wait a minute."

Yun Canghai was speechless. He hadn't conquered the Golden Winged Dapeng's ancestral land yet, and he was going to catch chickens. He had never seen anything like this before.

"When the dust settles after conquering the Holy Mountain, you will be the first to pick out the good things. There is no need to rush." ​​He said in a deep voice.

"Really? Grandpa Fierce Beast, do you really mean what you said?" Shi Hao's eyes were shining and his saliva was drooling.

When Yun Canghai heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and was very angry. This naughty kid really regarded his granddaughter as a ferocious beast. When he was in Shicun, Shi Hao called him grandpa.

He thought to himself, if you are not allowed to pick first, who will pick first? If the boss wasn't following behind, who would have the strength to break through the sacred mountain?

At this time, the creatures stationed outside the Ancient Sacred Mountain discovered Erbaldy and his party, and they all became vigilant.

Especially when he saw Yun Canghai, who was rumored to have died, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Oops, go and report it to the elders."

The next moment, a golden light rose into the sky, trying to rush to the Ancient Sacred Mountain and inform the powerful existence in the mountain of the situation here.

However, a big hand holding up the sky came overwhelmingly, covering the entire sky, making it impossible to escape.

The golden light was like a bird in a cage, unable to escape at all. It was caught, held in the palm of the hand, and completely imprisoned.

This was Er Baldy's attack, very sudden, with god-level power, vast and unstoppable.

People saw that a golden-winged roc appeared in his palm, flapping its wings vigorously, trying to fly out, but it was a futile struggle.

The other creatures were horrified and fled in all directions. Erbaldy was very cruel and took action one after another, catching them all.

They followed the road up the mountain and fought their way up.

Not long after, fluctuations in divine power alarmed the beings on the mountain. Several roars were heard, shaking the sky and the earth. Golden aura surged in like a vast ocean. Three venerables appeared unexpectedly. They had all evolved into pure-blooded creatures. They were very powerful. The whole body was covered with golden light, as if a flame was burning.

The three golden-winged rocs, all elders of the golden-winged roc clan, did not go to Tianshen Mountain, but stayed in their ancestral land.

At this moment, seeing Yun Canghai, Kong Qiuji, and the powerful Celestial Race man who was supposed to be imprisoned, the three of them immediately understood what had happened.

One person sighed: "Oh, I have said it a long time ago. How can the sacred mountain inherited from ancient times be so simple? The clan leader's approach is too radical. Now it seems that it has failed. Instead of reaping the benefits, it has caused trouble."

"That idiot Yun Jinhai is unlikely to achieve anything big."

The three great sages were all shaking their heads, but none of them were panicking. Even though the Tianshen Mountain army was pressing down on them, and even if the clan leader and several elders might have encountered something unexpected, they remained calm and had absolute confidence.

Because this is the ancient sacred mountain, a dojo opened by the gods in the past. It has many powerful formations and is not easy to break. They naturally thought that Yun Canghai and Erbaluzi could not attack.

"Fellow Taoist Yun, you are well. A few years ago, you were gone forever, and we thought you were dead. But now that you are safe and sound, we are relieved.

The leader of our clan also went to the Tianshen Mountain to help the Celestials maintain order, with the intention of helping the Celestials tide over the difficulties. "

"Yes, our two families have always been on good terms and we are brothers."

"What are you doing here today, fellow Taoist? If you are here to visit, I, the Holy Mountain, will welcome you with both hands and open the door."

The three great sages talked to each other and tried to put off the Golden-winged Dapeng clan's plot to conquer the Tianshen Mountain.

They knew they were in the wrong, so they kept silent about the clan leader's affairs. They just wanted to ease the relationship with the Celestial Clan first. After all, the strength of the Celestial Mountain should not be underestimated, and it had a rich foundation, so it was not suitable to become a feud with them.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that Tianshen Mountain didn't want to reconcile with them at all, but wanted to break through the mountain and wipe out the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

"No need, just raise your hands and surrender." Yun Canghai said calmly.

Although he couldn't sense Chi Cang's aura, he knew that Chi Cang must be there, otherwise it would be impossible for Shi Hao to follow.

With a big boss controlling the situation, you are naturally confident.

"What do you mean? Are you asking me to raise my hands and surrender?" The voice of the elder of the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe became colder. He had sensed Tianshenshan's determination through Yun Canghai's tone. This battle seemed inevitable.

"Yun Canghai, as the master of Tianshen Mountain, you should know that attacking our clan's ancestral land is just wishful thinking with the power of your Tianshen Mountain alone."

Elder Jin-winged Dapeng said coldly, feeling that Yun Canghai was crazy and had something wrong with his brain. Suddenly, he saw the old man transformed by the two bald men.

"Oh, just based on that infamous peacock? Is this the strength of your Tianshen Mountain? I advise you to think carefully about whether you really want to become a mortal enemy of our Golden-winged Dapeng tribe. Don't make a mistake, lest you regret it later. .”

The cold words resounded throughout the sacred mountains. This was a naked threat, which made the Celestials very angry.

The two bald men couldn't bear it anymore and started scolding him directly.

"Is this uncle weak? Also, judging from your tone, it seems that we have done something wrong? Is there such a weird thing in the world?"

The old man it transformed into released a monstrous force that swept across the entire ancient sacred mountain. It was so vast and immeasurable that many silent ancient formations sensed the crisis and automatically activated to protect the sacred mountain.


The elders of the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe were shocked. Wasn't this peacock chased by Yun Canghai miserably and almost losing his life? Logically speaking, it would be good if he could survive, but why did he go one step further and become a god directly?

"Can you, an evil peacock, become a god?"

"What do you mean? I'm not much better than you bad old men?" The bald man was very angry and increasingly suspected that these people were jealous of him.

"I not only want to become a god, but I also want to become a true god and a god." It said calmly, with its hands behind its back, looking arrogantly at the crowd, with the demeanor of a peerless master.

In fact, it is qualified to say this, because after the magic circle is repaired, it will definitely have a place. After going to the upper world, with its ability, it is really not impossible to become a true god or a god.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Seeing that the two bald guys started again, Yun Canghai hurriedly urged.

Hearing this, Er Baldy thought that Chi Cang was behind the large army and could no longer pretend, so he took out the magical weapon of the gods that he had snatched from Yun Jinhai, and burst out with the power of the gods, towards the three golden wings. Dapeng kills.

"It's really the power of the gods. What kind of luck did this peacock have?" The three golden-winged roc elders retreated in horror and hid in a magic circle.

The two bald men were so brave that they went straight in with a divine magic weapon in hand.

As soon as they entered the formation, thousands of divine chains of order emerged and rushed towards it, trying to lock it in.


A piece of five-color divine light bloomed from Er Baldy's body, possessing vast and unpredictable power. It immediately stabilized the divine chains of order. At the same time, the small green flag in its hand swayed in the wind, releasing a brilliant divine glow.

Using the power of the divine fire realm to activate this ancient magic weapon, the power it unleashes is simply beyond what the venerable Yun Jinhai can control.

It was so shaking that even the divine magic circle was shaking, as if it was about to collapse in the next second.

Seeing this, the three pure-blooded golden-winged rocs looked horrified and backed away until they reached a safe place.

"Even if you can break this magic circle, there are two or three more behind it. The sacred mountains that the gods of our clan have painstakingly managed for generations are so deep that you can't shake them. I advise you not to waste your efforts and ask for trouble. Eat." A golden-winged roc elder said, hoping that Kong Qiuji would retreat after realizing the difficulty.

"Haha, on the surface it seems that you are the famous golden-winged Dapeng tribe, known as the heaven-level race by the world, and everyone is afraid of it, but in fact, you are just sparrows. You don't know how high the sky is. The ground is so thick." Er Baldy sneered.

Compared to Liu Shen, Chi Cang and that true dragon, what is the golden-winged roc? What are gods? What is the true God? They're all ants.

It mobilized the small green flag and moved around in the array of gods, trying its best to attack. However, this array was biased toward defense. It was made by more than one god. It had been improved many times by the gods of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, and it was powerful. It is extremely difficult to break open in a short time.

Seeing that the two bald men had difficulty breaking through the divine magic circle, the three golden-winged roc elders couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, in this vast wilderness, my Golden-winged Dapeng clan is not only the strongest, but also the strongest. Who can destroy our clan?

What do you know about this evil peacock who likes to cheat? "

At this moment, the elder of the Golden-winged Dapeng Tribe is very calm. Facts have proved that due to the management of previous sages, the Ancient Sacred Mountain is unbreakable. With just the few people in Tianshen Mountain, it will be useless even if it is repeated several times.

Perhaps our ancestors have considered this for a long time, so they have strengthened the defense of the sacred mountain from generation to generation to prepare for the danger of extinction that may come in the future.

Erbaluzi tried to attack with all his strength for a while, but found that it was still difficult to break through. Just one block was so difficult, and there were so many more behind. Without Chi Cang's attack, it was impossible to break through.

So, it didn't want to work hard and wanted to hug the thigh.

"Ah, supreme senior, please give me a helping hand to break all the magic circles in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan. I will always respect and worship you."

Yun Canghai and others at the rear knew that this guy was in trouble and asked for help from the boss.

The three golden-winged Dapeng tribe elders opposite were stunned. What are they doing? Are you being tortured by the great array of gods and going crazy, talking like crazy?

"Haha, you peacock is no different than before, you are crazy."

The three of them laughed, thinking that the bald man must be crazy.

However, the next second, their bodies stiffened, feeling cold, and their souls felt horrified.

There was a sigh between heaven and earth, full of endless vicissitudes.

Then, the voice sounded again, as if it was speaking to himself or others.

"The world is going to be disillusioned, so what does mere cause and effect mean? How about moving around the world, doing whatever you want, without any scruples, what if all kinds of cause and effect are added to your body?"

The emotions of everyone present moved with these words, and they felt the fearless and stern will, like an emperor making a declaration.

However, no one could understand this sentence, except for the tower of white bones entangled in Shi Hao's hair.

At its level, the most important thing is cause and effect. In its view, if you interfere with the order of the world, you will eventually have to pay a price in the future. Everything has cause and effect.

But now, the voiced being will ignore the so-called cause and effect and act as he pleases.

"Who? Who is it? Don't pretend to be a fool in front of my Golden-winged Dapeng clan, otherwise you will be left with nothing to eat."

Chi Cang ignored the roar of the ants and just looked down at the ancient sacred mountain quietly, with indifference and ruthlessness in his eyes.

The next moment, he opened his lips slightly and spit out a character, making a sonorous divine sound, like the sound of gold and stone clashing, carrying unparalleled power, like an iron order issued by the most powerful person, which cannot be disobeyed or changed.


When this character appeared in the world, the entire sky became dark, thunder thundered, lightning flashed like the sea, and a mighty force of heaven overwhelmed the heaven and earth, shocking the world.

Everyone looked up at the sky in horror, feeling the wrath of the sky, which made people's souls feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar, and they were in constant panic.

"This...what is this?"

The elder of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan was frightened by this general trend. He was so frightened that his legs were trembling and he almost collapsed.

Yun Canghai, Er Baldzi and other Venerable Realm creatures looked at the sky, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

Do gods have this kind of power? Compared with what is recorded in the ancient books on Tianshen Mountain, the gods are simply ants.


A thunderbolt that was thicker than the Ancient Sacred Mountain was in the shape of a "one" and crashed down from the sky, covering the entire Ancient Sacred Mountain.

The violent lightning contains the power of destruction, as if it is going to destroy the world, making people feel heart-stopped and frightened.


The crisp popping sound was buried by the crackle of thunder and disappeared with the wind.

The arrays of gods that the Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan was proud of and regarded as their heritage exploded like fireworks. Under the power of God, all the arrangements of gods and true gods were gone.

In just an instant, the magic circle in the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan was swept away, and not a single one was left, becoming a passing cloud.

Miraculously, only the magic circle was destroyed, and other things were not damaged at all.

The three elders of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan stared blankly at the empty ancient sacred mountain, their eyes blank.

The hard work of generations of sages has been wiped out in the blink of an eye. What kind of terrifying force is this? They somewhat understood what the bald man had just said.

"It's ridiculous. Our Golden-winged Dapeng clan has been standing in the wilderness since ancient times. We are respected by all races and have never fallen down. In the end, we are just sparrows." An elder shook his head, with all thoughts lost.

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by death. From the moment you plot against Tianshen Mountain, you are destined to live forever." Yun Canghai stepped forward, a pair of arm guards appeared in his hands, and one bright symbol after another bloomed.

Without the resistance of the ancient magic circle, the Tianshen Mountain army could march straight in, and he was naturally ready to take action.


The second bald man held a small green flag and took the lead, shrouding the three golden-winged Dapeng clan elders. Even if they also had magical weapons, it was useless and could not stop the second bald man.

The Tianshen Mountain army was overwhelming, and soon invaded the deepest part, suppressing all the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe they met along the way.

When they reached the deepest place, they found Yunxi. She was flawless and graceful, like a fairy walking out of a fairyland, her purple clothes fluttering and she came out of the world in a spirited way.

But at this moment, Yun Xi's face was expressionless, covered with frost, and she was very unhappy.

However, when she saw Yun Canghai and her clan members, Yun Xi was shocked at first, then turned to surprise, and even shed tears.


Yun Xi was very excited. Everyone said that her grandfather had an accident and died outside. Tianshen Mountain also underwent great changes. She was originally free, but she was given a marriage by Yun Jinhai to Jin Yunteng, the genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, and she couldn't help herself.

Unexpectedly, her grandfather was not dead, but came to pick her up from the Taikoo Sacred Mountain in person. Yun Xi was surprised and moved, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

She is worthy of being recognized as a goddess among the younger generation of all the ancient gods. Even when she sheds tears, she looks like a fairy walking out of a painting.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, he is a beauty. Boy, you are lucky." The bald man said to Shi Hao next to him.

Only then did Yun Xi find a familiar and disgusting face in front of her.

Isn't this the naughty kid who had a conflict with her in Baidu Mountain?

"Hi, fat female beast, we meet again." Shi Hao waved his hands very enthusiastically, already planning in his heart to carry Yun Xi back to guard the village.

When Yun Xi heard this, she lost her composure. Her pretty face was full of anger. She couldn't bear it. She was obviously a goddess with countless suitors, but when she got to the naughty child, she was called a vicious person every time. beast.

She stared at Shi Hao, wanting to beat him up.

Shi Hao showed a vigilant look: "Beast, you don't want to wrestle with me again, do you? I'm here to save you."

As soon as the word "wrestling" came out, Yunxi clenched her fists. She hated wrestling the most. The experience in Baiduan Mountain was simply a nightmare for her.

Yun Canghai looked at his granddaughter and then at Shi Hao, feeling suspicious. Has his granddaughter ever fallen with this kid? impossible?

"Yunxi, are you okay?"

He is concerned about Yun Xi's safety and is afraid that she will be wronged here.

"Grandpa, Yun Xi is very good. Although he was forced to come here, the Golden Winged Dapeng tribe did not do anything excessive." Yun Xi shook her head.

Yun Canghai nodded and looked at a figure standing not far away.

He is very tall, has an extremely outstanding appearance, has a handsome face, and is very heroic. He is about fourteen or fifteen years old. At a young age, he is invincible at his level. He can be said to be majestic and majestic.

This is the Taoist companion that Jin Yunhai arranged for Yun Xi, Jin Yunteng, the most talented genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

He is not only the most powerful genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, but also the most famous young creature among the young generation of all the ancient sacred mountains. Two years ago, he went alone to other large areas outside the wilderness to experience. His talent is astonishing, and his future achievements are unparalleled. Limited quantity.

Jin Yunteng, like other young heroes, has a soft spot for Yun Xi, the younger generation goddess of the Celestial Clan. When he first met, he was astonished and vowed to become a Taoist couple with Yun Xi.

Good things were coming, and even if Yun Xi was not happy, he believed that he could slowly make Yun Xi change her mind and accept him.

But now, these thoughts are destined to be nothing more than extravagant hopes.

"Jin Yunteng has met all the seniors." He was very calm and realized that he was doomed.

When things have reached this stage, how could the Celestial Clan let go of him, the number one genius of the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan?

When he grows up, he will definitely want to take revenge on the Celestials. You don't need to think about it.

Therefore, Jin Yunteng was very calm.

However, he still misses Yun Xi, and it is a pity that he could not form a Taoist couple with her.

"Boy, what are you looking at? She is already married." The old man transformed by Er Baldy said carelessly.

"The famous flower has an owner?" Jin Yunteng's eyes were blazing and he didn't believe it at all. He had never heard that Yun Xi was very close to any man.

"That's him!" Er Baldy pointed at Shi Hao, intending to facilitate this matter.

Yun Canghai stared at him for a long time, knowing that Er Baldy was still aggrieved for what happened back then, and this was in revenge for him and his father beating up the mandarin ducks.

"Impossible." Jin Yunteng didn't believe it. He didn't want to see Yun Xi get together with others before he died.

At this time, Shi Hao stood up.

"Yes, the ferocious beast will go back with me to guard the village."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was confused. They all realized the "bear" attribute of this child. Let Yun Xi go back to guard the village for him?

Yun Xi widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Shi Hao.

"What are you talking about? Who wants to go back to what village with you?"

"Nonsense." Jin Yunteng scolded.

"Boy, take out the pendant and show it to them." The bald man said calmly.

Shi Hao nodded and took out the Lingxi earrings he had snatched from Yun Xi by wrestling, biting his ears and rolling around in Baidu Mountain.

At this time, many members of the Tianren clan nodded to Shi Hao, feeling that there was indeed a deep connection between him and Yun Xi, otherwise they would not have given him such an important earring.

When Yun Xi saw her earrings, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she wanted to explain that a naughty kid had snatched them, but she couldn't say that he had bitten them off by biting her ears, right?

When Jin Yunteng saw the earring, he felt devastated.

"No wonder I didn't see her earrings. It turns out they were given to you a long time ago."

This is a token of love for a girl from the Tianren tribe. It is very precious. Jin Yunteng has always wanted to get it, but he never saw it until the end.

Unexpectedly, it had already fallen into the hands of a human boy.

"Hey, did you see that?" Erbaldie was very proud and determined to facilitate this marriage.

"To marry Yun Xi, I want to see if you have the qualifications." Jin Yunteng said suddenly. He had looked away now. He could not escape death anyway. It didn't matter even if the venerable was present. There was no need to worry.

Shi Hao didn't think too much, but the aunt in the village was pressing hard and wanted to carry Yun Xi back to pay the errand first. In addition, he heard from Er Baldy that Jin Yunteng was the number one genius among the young generation of Taikoo Sacred Mountain. He wanted to see how strong this so-called first genius was, so he directly accepted Jin Yunteng's challenge.

However, this is different in Yun Xi's eyes. Does this hateful naughty kid really want to marry her? That's absolutely impossible.

"Let them fight. I also want to see who is the number one genius among the younger generation." Yun Canghai said.

He had stayed in Shicun for several years and had some understanding of Shi Hao's growth trajectory. He knew that he was ridiculously strong. If he had a duel with Jin Yunteng, he would be able to see his strength.

Furthermore, fighting Shi Hao has become Jin Yunteng's obsession. Anyway, the overall situation has been decided, so what's the harm in helping him?

"Take action, let me see how strong you are and whether you are worthy of Yun Xi."

Jin Yunteng's hair was golden, as if dyed with a layer of golden light, and like a burning flame. His tall body was extremely oppressive, standing there like an insurmountable mountain.

Suddenly, a force approached and suppressed him to the Cave Heaven Realm. Jin Yunteng was four or five years older than Shi Hao, and his realm was much higher. A fair fight would naturally require someone of the same level.

Shi Hao stepped out. Although he was only ten and a half years old, his invincible momentum was already revealed. This was the momentum accumulated from countless battles, and it was very impressive.

"Not bad, but still far from it."

"I think you are far behind."

Shi Hao whispered, a hazy divine voice emanated from his whole body, his blood Shenxi pulsed, releasing terrifying secret power, and ten caves appeared, hanging high in the air.

Everyone present was shocked. It turned out that Ten Cave Heaven had reached the legendary extreme state.

Yun Canghai was surprised. Even he was only in the Nine Caves. Since ancient times, there were only a few prodigies who could reach the Ten Caves. Without exception, they were all the prodigies of heaven, destined to be extraordinary in the future.

Shi Hao mobilized his energy and blood to the extreme. He was as big as a small humanoid dragon. Then, he used the Ten Evil Methods - the Thunder Emperor's Treasure Technique. The overbearing and terrifying thunder destroyed everything, and the destructive energy spilled out. The machine made people think of the "one" thunder just now.

People understood that this child was the disciple of the Supreme Being just now and had mastered his method.

Jin Yunteng's face changed slightly, and he felt the tremendous pressure. He roared and really fought hard, because this was the last battle in his life and he must win.

Golden rays of light burst out, one after another, extremely brilliant. They were Jin Yunteng's feathers. They were all mobilized, and the divine flames soared, dyed with a layer of sacred brilliance.

He transformed into a real body, a golden-winged roc with a pair of wings made of divine gold. They were sharp and heavy, as if they could cut through the sky and the earth.


Jin Yunteng shouted loudly, exerting all the power he could exert, and moved forward, colliding with Shi Hao's Thunder Emperor Treasure Technique.

This was an all-out blow, no less than a life-and-death battle involving hundreds of moves.


After a huge crash, golden light rained down here, and feathers stained with blood fell all over the sky.

Jin Yunteng fell to the ground, his two golden wings were all bloody and charred black. This was a weapon that this clan was proud of and could chop everything into pieces. However, at this moment, he was severely injured in the confrontation with an opponent of the same level.

"Isn't Jin Yunteng no match for him? Where will this child's future be? How far can he go?" Yun Canghai sighed for a moment. He had an intuition that Shi Hao would become a great player in the future.

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