Many people present were shocked by this result. This naughty kid who was rampant in the Virtual God Realm and Baiduan Mountain defeated the first person of the younger generation of the Ancient God Mountain with the talents of the Ten Cave Heavens. There was something behind him. A mysterious and terrifying elder, his rise seems unstoppable.

Many elders from the Celestial Race were secretly glancing at Shi Hao, feeling that this was a talented young man who could only be seen once in a thousand years. If he really became the son-in-law of the Celestial Mountain in the future, it would undoubtedly be a great good thing for the Celestial Mountain.

Yun Xi was also shocked by Shi Hao's power and wondered what this guy grew up on and how he could be so strong.

But she immediately realized what might happen. She stared at Shi Hao with beautiful eyes and looked at Shi Hao very unkindly. She thought to herself, with this guy's inhuman aesthetics, who would become a Taoist partner with him?

Anyway, it was impossible for her to get together with the naughty kid. Until now, Yun Xi was still thinking about beating Shi Hao violently to avenge Baiduanshan for wrestling.

"Hey, ferocious beast, I feel you have bad intentions. Are you trying to wrestle again? You are no match for me now." Shi Hao said carelessly.

Then, his big eyes stared at some parts that he shouldn't stare at, and he muttered something. After hearing this, the people next to him felt dizzy.

"I haven't seen you for a while, and I feel like I've gained a lot of weight. The food in Shenshan Mountain is pretty good, right?"

The two bald men and the big red bird on the side were speechless. What did this child say? Is that fat?

Yun Xi naturally heard it, and suddenly became a little crazy. He was obviously in good shape, but when he came to Shi Hao, he became fat.

Yun Canghai couldn't stand it anymore, coughed a few times, and asked everyone to go to the treasure house of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan first.

The Celestial Clan needs a lot of divine materials to repair the formation, and many people are looking forward to the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan's treasure house.

Hearing this, Er Baldy, Shi Hao and others' eyes lit up. They like treasures the most, especially since this is a powerful ancient sacred mountain. It has existed since ancient times and has been prospering to this day. The accumulation and collection over so many years are absolutely unimaginable. .

They controlled the entire ancient sacred mountain and came to the forbidden area that only the Venerable-level golden-winged roc could enter.

Everyone was surprised to find that there were several huge golden-winged roc statues erected here. The aura that escaped was very terrifying and more powerful than gods. However, they were all broken without exception.

It seemed that it was broken not long ago. Yun Canghai and others immediately understood that Chi Cang not only destroyed all the magic formations, but also destroyed the hidden heritage of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan. Otherwise, these Golden Winged Dapeng clan would be destroyed. The statue will definitely cause huge trouble to everyone in Tianshen Mountain.

There is a reason why the ancient sacred mountain has been able to stand at the top of the wilderness for so many years. Compared with the lower realm, its foundation is terrifyingly rich.

They walked past the shattered statues, reached the depths, and successfully found the clan's treasure house.

The Golden-Winged Dapeng Clan used precious metals to build huge portals to separate the inside and outside of the treasure house. The doors were inlaid with various treasures and engraved with countless mysterious symbols to form a magic circle to protect the treasure house.

There are more than one metal portal like this. There are treasure houses dedicated to holding divine materials, treasure houses full of elixirs, and treasure houses containing endless treasures...

It was so rich. The moment the metal door was opened, a dazzling light rushed out from the treasure house, piercing people's eyes. The treasure mist was dense and sacred, and everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The accumulation of countless years in an ancient sacred mountain is simply unimaginable. They are all good things. Just glancing at them makes people feel intoxicated.

Even Yun Canghai was shocked by the richness of this treasure house. If he had to compare, the treasure house of their Celestial Clan was not as powerful as that of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan.

This time, I really made a lot of money.

However, Yun Canghai was very calm and stopped all the Celestials who wanted to rush in.

He knew clearly that the capture of the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan was entirely the result of Chi Cang's action, otherwise it would not have been possible.

Therefore, the ownership of various sacred objects in the treasure house has nothing to do with the Celestials and should be decided by Chi Cang.

But Chi Cang didn't show up, so his disciples should handle it, and others are not qualified.

The two bald men didn't move either. Apparently, they were aware of this.

Only Shi Hao, with his eyes shining, rushed into the treasure house full of divine ingredients.

"Mine, mine, all mine."

He seemed to have transformed into a little money-lover, using the Qiankun bag to pack those magical materials that were rare in thousands of years.

Suddenly, Shi Hao stopped what he was doing because he seemed to hear the sound of swallowing coming from the tip of his hair.

It comes from the Yingbai Bone Tower with shocking origins.

He was a little surprised, how could a tower swallow saliva? There's something strange about this.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ears.

"Swallow these divine ingredients for me and it will save your life."


Shi Hao was surprised and turned his head left and right, but found no figure. The speaker seemed to be hiding.

Soon he realized that it was this small white tower that made Liu Shen even solemn, speaking.

"You want to eat these magical ingredients?"

"That's right, five of the white stones over there can save your life. Two of the black stones can be exchanged for a chance to take action..." The small white tower spoke in human words, pointing at the magic material in the treasure house, and let the stone Hao gives it away in exchange for the opportunity for it to take action.

Shi Hao was in a daze. He knew that this small tower was extraordinary, and he had thought about controlling it one day, but he did not expect that this tower would be so extraordinary. How could it look like a weapon? He is simply a living creature.

"Wow, yeah, you just took a nap and you got into the treasure mountain. Fortunately, I have a sensitive nose and didn't miss it."

On the tip of another bundle of hair, the God-beating Stone woke up, howling, staring at the treasure house full of treasures, eager to try. If Shi Hao hadn't understood it and caught it early in the morning, this guy would have jumped over to eat it. Get a lot of them.

"In this lower world, one chance for me to take action is equivalent to my life. Please think about it." Xiaota said, following the instructions.

"One shot is equal to one life? So powerful?" Shi Hao was surprised. He felt that Liu Shen, Chi Cang and the real dragon had the ability to be invincible in the lower realm. Could it be that Xiaota also had it?

"Don't listen to it, why don't you give it to me. I will get harder after eating it, and it will hurt even more when I hit someone." Da Shenshi was anxious, but he didn't expect that this usually silent neighbor would come out to compete with him for business at this time.

Shi Hao touched his chin and said to Xiaota: "That's right, it can hit people with perfect accuracy, and it can help me more at critical moments."

The small tower was speechless. It only shook slightly. Chaos energy filled the air, and the void slowly collapsed. The scene was extremely terrifying. In the end, the aftermath shrouded the God-killing Stone, causing it to tremble violently.

"Ah, it hurts. Which mountain top does this... this big brother belong to? Hiss..." The God-Smashing Stone gasped in pain and quickly changed his mind.

Shi Hao was so close that he could feel the power. It was terrifying and gave people an unstoppable feeling. It seemed that this small tower was not lying. It could indeed traverse the lower realm.

"Give it to me, I will save your life at the critical moment." Xiaota said seriously.

However, the next moment, it stopped talking and fell into silence. No matter how Shi Hao asked it, it remained silent.

"Mine, it's so scary." Dashenshi exclaimed.

A tall and majestic figure came to Shi Hao's side at some point. His whole body was surrounded by blazing lightning, and divine radiance flowed. He had a detached temperament, hazy and not in the world of mortals.

It was Chi Cang who came to the treasure house.

Yun Canghai and Erbalzi didn't move outside. How could he not understand what these two people meant.

In this regard, Chi Cang didn't say much and walked straight in. Although he didn't need these magical materials, Shi Cun could use them.

The catastrophe is approaching, and Shicun needs to hide from the world. He builds a large array with various divine materials, which can have a hiding effect, making Shicun aloof from the world and not affected by the catastrophe.

However, as soon as he came in, he heard what Xiaota said to Shi Hao, so he glanced at Xiaota briefly, and Xiaota suddenly stopped talking.

It felt the danger of Chi Cang. Although his current moral conduct was lacking, his body gave Xiaota the illusion that he was facing a wild beast. Obviously, Chi Cang's body was terrifying to the extreme, beyond imagination. Even the little tower felt terrified.

Shi Hao was considered a disciple of Chi Cang. Although he didn't have any malice to seduce his disciples in front of his master, it was a bit unethical.

Therefore, Xiaota silenced himself and stopped talking to Shi Hao.

"Uncle Chicang."

Chi Cang nodded to Shi Hao and turned his gaze to this vast treasure house.

There are countless magical materials lying on the ground, pile after pile. All kinds of strange stones, precious mineral materials, etc. can be seen everywhere, colorful and priceless.

For the small pagoda and the magic stone, this place is simply a paradise. If you eat to your heart's content, you will definitely gain a lot.

But now, the arrival of Chi Cang has made Xiaota remain silent, and the God-Smashing Stone has even raised its heart to its throat. It is most afraid of Chi Cang and has a deep understanding of Chi Cang's power.

After looking at the sacred materials in the treasure house, Chi Cang picked some of the sacred materials for building the formation, and then separated out the sacred materials needed to repair the ancient array. As for the rest, Chi Cang told Shi Hao that he would handle it. .

Shi Hao looked at the mountain of divine ingredients, his eyes sparkling and his mouth watering.

When Chi Cang left, Xiaota coughed and began to communicate with Shi Hao again. I don't know if it was because of the look Chi Cang had just given. This time, the "price" it gave was obviously much better than the previous one. .

Shi Hao was happy to trade with it because Chi Cang and Liu Shen had not commented negatively on this tower, which showed that it was still trustworthy.

Xiaota selected some magical materials, all of which were top-notch. Therefore, Shi Hao got seven opportunities for Xiaota to take action, and he was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

Da Shen Shi on the side was greedy, but he didn't dare to compete with his elder brother for business.

"Brother, you eat meat, and I'll just drink some soup."

After saying that, the God-beating Stone broke free from Shi Hao's hand, excitedly threw himself into the pile of divine ingredients, and swallowed it with big mouthfuls.

Shi Hao was speechless, this greedy stone.

He didn't stop him, because the God-Smashing Stone was quite useful. Hitting someone on the forehead would make the person's head horns sharp and accurate.

After he had eaten enough of the divine stones, Shi Hao collected some more divine ingredients. Every time he collected one, he would ask Xiaota about the function of this divine ingredient.

Because Xiaota had just gained a lot, it was hard for him to remain aloof. It responded to every word Shi Hao said.

Soon, Shi Hao's Qiankun bag was filled to the brim. After looking at the treasure trove that was still quite a bit, he felt that it was enough. The rest would be left to the Tianshen Mountain. After all, they followed him and emptied it directly without leaving it for anyone. This is not good.

After Shi Hao walked out, Yun Canghai and Er Baldy took people in. The big red bird howled loudly, followed Er Baldy, and mixed in.

Next, Shi Hao borrowed some Qiankun bags and went to scan other treasure houses. In fact, there were many things that Shi Hao could not use. The reason why he packed so many bags was because of Shi Cun's consideration.

That was his home, so any good thing he would naturally think of Shi Cun.

After a long time, the distribution of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan's treasure house came to an end. Although Shi Hao pretended to take away a lot, the rest was enough to feed Tianshen Mountain.

Yun Canghai's face was filled with joy. The harvest was so great that it was hard to estimate.

The people of the Tianren tribe were also beaming with joy, looking at Shi Hao with extremely pleasing eyes, no matter how much they looked at him, they liked him.

Some clan elders even told Yun Xi to get closer to this young man.

Yun Xi agreed, but deep down she had other thoughts. She couldn't stand this guy's aesthetics.

When all the dust settled, a powerful heaven-level race force in the wasteland suddenly collapsed and was completely wiped out in one day. It was destined to cause huge waves in the wasteland.

However, all this has nothing to do with Shi Hao and the others.

He, Er Baldy and Big Red Bird followed Chi Cang back to Stone Village. Shi Hao had gained a lot, so he naturally wanted to return to Stone Village and give all those good things to the village.

Both Er Baldy and Big Red Bird know that Stone Village is sacred and there are huge benefits to staying there. Since there is a chance to stay there for a while, why not?

For Er Baldy, Yun Menglan is in retreat anyway and won't be able to see her for a short time. It's better to come to Shicun. Just staying in the village without doing anything has huge benefits.

The big red bird also had the same idea. After staying in Stone Village for a while, it would go to the Fire Nation to become a disciple.

The group returned to Shicun. Shi Hao opened his Qiankun bag and added many good things to Shicun, which moved the villagers very much.

"This kid takes care of the family." Shi Yunfeng, the old patriarch, said with a smile.

Under the willow tree, there were three eight rare chickens with big eyes and small eyes. They were all similar in appearance and it was hard to tell them apart. Two of them were caught by Shi Hao from the Ancient Sacred Mountain.

Now, there are three in Shicun, and there are three eggs every half month, which is comparable to a magical medicine.

Chi Cang talked to Liu Shen about the Golden-winged Dapeng clan, and then took out the divine materials and gave them to Liu Shen.

"Although the catastrophe is still early, time is running like water. Shicun really needs to make some arrangements." Willow God stretched out the wicker to collect the divine materials.

"Kunpeng's Nest in the North Sea is about to be born. The Celestial Race invites Shi Hao to go with them. Now we will baptize him and undergo another transformation." Chi Cang whispered.

Liu Shen nodded. Generally speaking, children should be baptized once when they are around ten years old, and Shi Hao was no exception.

Although his potential is already astonishing, unparalleled among his peers, there is still room for exploration.

Soon, all kinds of great medicines and divine liquids were prepared, and they were all added to the black gold cauldron and boiled. Shi Hao was thrown into the cauldron just like he was a child.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen worked together to carry out a deep baptism for Shi Hao, fully unleashing his potential and allowing him to improve on his current level.

The combination of Thunder Tribulation Liquid and Liu Shen's juice broke out into earth-shattering fluctuations, and ripples spread out one after another. Shicun seemed to be transformed into a fairyland, all kinds of sacred auras were hazy, and he took a few breaths. It was as if he was about to emerge and ascend.

In such an environment, Shi Hao's body was crystal clear, and his movements were full of flesh and blood, crackling like a divine voice, very charming. His physical body was gradually strengthening, and he was constantly being baptized by a force.

However, Shi Hao has reached the extreme level in the Cave Heaven Realm. He has reached the level of Ten Cave Heavens by himself, and it is difficult to make further progress. Now, in the baptism, he decided to try to break through again.

Chi Cang watched all of this quietly. Everything was just as he remembered. Shi Hao reopened the ten caves one by one, making each one reach its maximum size, like ten huge suns spread across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he asked Liu Shen and Chi Cang if this was the ultimate state of the Cave Heaven Realm.

"This is your own path. Whether you can take it or not depends entirely on your own will. I'm just a witness." Liu Shen whispered.

"We are all witnesses." Chi Cang also said.

Shi Hao understood and no longer asked for help from the outside world, but asked his true heart.

"Has the road really reached the end? Maybe there is another way, but it's just not known to the world.

Those who truly arrive will only look back and sigh, without leaving a word in the world. "Shi Hao said to himself, gradually understanding his own path.

Eventually, he decided to make another change.

Later, Shi Hao used his massive life force to boldly break through, destroy the cave, and then achieve nirvana and reappear in the cave.

At this time, it can no longer be called a cave, but ten light groups, like ten bizarre worlds.

Shi Hao was not satisfied and wanted to connect ten light groups into one. With persistence, the protection of infinite life essence and the participation of the taboo symbols he had bred, Shi Hao succeeded. The ten caves in the sky were connected to form a brilliant divine ring. At the same time, he His body released a bright glow, blooming with unparalleled terrifying power.

The ten-hole divine ring continuously channeled the secret power, pouring and baptizing Shi Hao's body. There, the essence was billowing and gurgling, and the scene was extraordinary.

"Ten caves and heavens are connected into a ring, nourishing the physical body together, making the body become a cave and heaven on its own." The two bald men were shocked. This is the rhythm that scares the ancient power to death. Even the ancient big guys will be scared when they come.

Liu Shen was also greatly touched. He looked at Shi Hao's ten-hole divine ring and the physical cave. He thought carefully and continued to deduce. After a long time, he sighed and praised Shi Hao: "Not bad."

Chi Cang nodded to Shi Hao to express his approval.

Shi Hao has truly reached the extreme in the Cave Heaven Realm, and can no longer advance. He only needs to consolidate for a while before he can advance to the next realm.

There is still some time before the date mentioned by the Celestial Race. During this time, he can break into the spirit in order to cope with the trip to Kunpeng's nest.

Time rushed and soon came to the date mentioned by the Celestials. With the help of this period of hard training, Shi Hao successfully broke into the spirit transformation. Liu Shen took action, penetrated the void, established a passage, and sent Shi Hao directly to the Celestial Mountain. , to explore Kunpeng's Nest with the younger generation of Tianshen Mountain.

Chi Cang also stopped practicing. During this period of time, he completed the practice of the Array Realm, completely perfected the details, and entered the Venerable Realm. The Immortal Ancient Dao Fruit went a step further and reached the Kill Me level. Compared with the previous I don’t know how powerful the level of Xu Dao is.

He looked in the direction of Beihai and said to himself silently: "We are all ten evil people, so I should go and take a look no matter what."

Chi Cang sent a message to Liu Shen and the True Dragon. As a result, Liu Shen was facing the threshold of recovery again and was not suitable to go out. The True Dragon was silent for a long time and finally did not choose to go with Chi Cang. It was preparing to give Gegu an appointment. The baptism unique to the True Dragon Clan requires going to the outside world to collect various materials.

"It's enough to have fellow Taoists go."

"Okay!" Chi Cang nodded, no longer stopping, and stepped towards the direction of Beihai.

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