The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 121 Travel to Beihai

Chi Cang, who possessed the Dao of Killing Me, walked on the deserted land at an extremely fast speed. It was indescribable to fly like lightning and move like stars.

In an instant, he arrived at Beihai.

Ahead, there lay a vast ocean with turbulent waves and huge waves. The sound of crashing was like thunder, continuous and deafening.

The sea is boundless and white. At the far end, the sea and the sky are connected in a line, which is very magnificent.

This is the northernmost point of the wilderness, covered by this vast ocean called the North Sea.

The North Sea is vast and boundless. Even the Venerable cannot explore the whole picture of the creatures on the land. He dare not go too deep because there are many powerful people in the sea. The deeper the sea area, the more unfathomable the creatures that live here. Since ancient times, here There are awe-inspiring legends such as Poseidon and Dragon Palace.

However, these were not a concern for Chi Cang. He stood in the sky and walked forward on the endless ocean. He crossed the distant sea and penetrated deep into the North Sea in one step.

During this period, he saw many ships crossing the North Sea. Their auras were very extraordinary. They were all rare treasures and were produced by great forces.

Now, the news that the Kunpeng Nest in the North Sea is about to be born has spread among the top forces. Therefore, most of the people crossing the North Sea are powerful Taoist traditions, such as major ancient sacred mountains, ancient human kingdoms, super large tribes, etc.

Their desire for the Ten Evil Legacy Techniques is self-evident. In this lower world, as long as they obtain one of the ten most powerful treasure techniques, they can run rampant in all directions and establish an immortal ancient religion that will be glorious for eternity and no one will fail. Tempting.

On these ships crossing the North Sea, most of them have young faces, full of vitality and very young. This is because the Kunpeng Nest will suppress the realm of those who come close, so that they do not exceed the realm of transformation.

All parties have discussed this for a long time and agreed that the opening of Kunpeng's nest this time will be a battlefield for young people. Therefore, they have sent out the top talents of the clan to fight for the treasure. However, it cannot be ruled out that there will be venerables. Super old monsters suppress the realm to participate.


A treasure ship was sailing calmly on the sea. Suddenly, a dozen tentacles as thick as mountains rushed out of the cold water, entangled the treasure ship, and tried to drag it into the water.

The people on the treasure ship were full of fear and kept shouting. Some strong men stepped forward to attack the tentacles, but only the mayflies shook the trees.

In the end, the treasure ship was dragged into the sea and disappeared on the vast sea. All the monks on the boat were buried on the bottom of the sea. Some monks tried to fly high into the sky, but it was useless. The creatures on the bottom of the sea burst out with irresistible suction. All the monks who flew up were as follows The dumplings generally fall down and no bones remain.

Dozens of young lives disappeared like withered leaves, no longer existing.

Chi Cang just glanced at it and stopped paying attention, because in this sea, such things are extremely common. Since he is plotting the Kunpeng Shenzang, he must be mentally prepared for death.

This is a monk. You never know when you will suddenly encounter disaster. Everything is a struggle and a struggle.

Suddenly, the sea water rioted, and the sound of horse hooves was heard. It was very dense and thrilling, as if there were thousands of troops galloping.

A murderous aura soared into the sky, shaking the sky and causing huge waves.

In Chi Cang's sight, a huge black horse was riding on the waves, running wildly on the sea. The dense sound of horse hooves was made by it, as if it was stepping on hard earth instead of sea water.

On its back sat a headless creature, clad in black armor, holding a golden war weapon, pointing at the blazing sky standing in the sky.

This is actually a headless horseman, exuding terrifying power. If a large force's fleet encounters it, it will inevitably be destroyed and everyone will die.

Chi Cang's face was expressionless, his eyes were deep, and he looked down, like a god looking down at ants.

"A mere ancient saint, Can Nian, dares to point a finger at me?"

He whispered softly, but after the words came out, they were like thunder exploding, a bolt from the blue.


The next moment, the golden war spear exploded into countless small fragments, shooting out in all directions like a golden meteor shower.

The headless horseman was stunned, and his black armor made a clanging sound and seemed to be trembling.

Forged with infinite divine materials, the golden Zhan Ge, which was invincible in every battle, was shattered into pieces by just one word.

Even though the Headless Horseman has been dead for many years and is now only dominated by an evil murderous intention, he is still slightly sluggish because of this sudden change.

However, the headless knight in a special condition had no fear at all, and even without his spear, he still killed towards Chi Cang.


Chi Cang Yisheng coldly snorted, very abrupt, like a thunder sound, domineering and cold, containing the unparalleled divine voice of the great avenue.


The headless horseman exploded into pieces in response, and the giant black horse wrapped around its crotch also turned into ashes, scattered into the sea water, and was submerged by a wave and disappeared.

A nightmare existence in the eyes of countless creatures was shattered into powder. From now on, ships passing through this sea area will no longer be robbed.

Chi Cang turned around and left without even looking at it.

He had a keen sense of spirituality and sensed a demonic force in this sea area. It was so strange that he was a little surprised.

"It seems that we have entered the demonic sea where Kunpeng's nest is located." Chi Cang stared at the sea below and said to himself.

This place is known as the Sea of ​​Death, also known as the Sea of ​​Demons. Since ancient times, most trespassers will die.

In the distant ancient years, some saints and Poseidon fought for hegemony here. The fight was so dark that the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark, and countless people died.

It is precisely because of the existence of this ancient battlefield that this sea area is so weird.

Along the way, Chi Cang saw more weird creatures than just the headless horseman. They were all in a special state, with no spiritual consciousness and dominated by murderous intent.

Suddenly, a large fog appeared on the sea. It rose up from unknown time and floated in the void. It was hazy and blurry. If you were in the fog, you couldn't see anything clearly.

Chi Cang's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he saw something unusual in the mist.

The outlines of huge hulls appeared, moving slowly on the sea, some large and some small. Some of the ships had faint green lights shining, flickering dimly and brightly in the mist. It was very strange, and the hulls were reflected miserably, and it was very strange. It's scary.

"Ghost ship?"

Chi Cang muttered to himself and saw the ghost ship that appeared in his memory.

It represents death. As long as you get on the ship, you will be affected by the cause and effect, and it will be difficult to survive.

The magical power on this blue sea has the same origin as the aura on the ghost ship, which makes Chi Cang a little interested.

He was a master of art and bold, and headed directly towards the ghost ship. With the body of ten evil beings, why should he be afraid of mere cause and effect?

As soon as it approached, a black light appeared in the huge hull, ready to move, carrying a terrifying power, which seemed to be the cause and effect of the legendary curse.

Chi Cang ignored it and landed directly on the ghost ship. In just a moment, black light rushed over and surrounded Chi Cang, trying to imprison him.

This little power is nothing to Chi Cang. He is not affected and can come and go freely in the cabin.

This ship was very old, and the wood was almost rotten, showing its ancient charm. Chi Cang glanced at the hull, wanting to explore the secrets of the ghost ship.

Suddenly, a kind of demonic power burst out, roaring, as if an ancient devil had awakened, breathing heavily, trying to use that black light to seize the blood essence from Chi Cang's body.

The entire hull was resonating, making a horrifying breathing sound, like a gluttonous mouth trying to swallow up the sky and the earth.

However, the restraining power of this black light could not stop Chi Cang. His eyes were shining brightly, with fiery symbols flashing in them. His body deliberately released traces of blood energy, causing the ghost ship to tremble violently.

The black light suddenly flourished, greedily devouring the blood.


How amazing is the divine essence contained in the blazing blood? It contains the power of ten evil series.

After the ghost ship swallowed up every trace of his blood, it was like taking a super tonic. The hull expanded hundreds of times in an instant. It was already a huge thing, but now it was like an island, which was extremely terrifying.

The black light in the cabin was even more powerful to a frightening level. The demonic power was overwhelming and the entire sea area was affected. Countless creatures fled like crazy, terrified.

This power is even powerful enough to imprison Chi Cang, who possesses the power to kill me.

However, Chi Cang didn't show the slightest trace of panic, and just talked to himself silently.

"Sure enough, there is something weird, hiding a disgusting power of darkness." Although he did not recover his memory, his knowledge was there, and he immediately understood that the magical power on the ghost ship was the power of darkness, and was the culprit that caused the destruction of the Immortal Era. one.

The ghost ship's breathing became more and more rapid, and the blazing blood was so amazing. After devouring it, this cursed ship even gave birth to some intelligence, which was horrifying.

If it is allowed to sail on this sea, it may cause extremely terrible consequences.

Chi Cang was imprisoned by the huge power, but he sneered and said: "Is my blood so easy to swallow?"

You must know that all the blood in his body is Thunder Pond Shenxi, which is a taboo. When he was cultivated, Blazing Sky was punished by the gods every day, which shows how terrible it is. If he devours it rashly, he will definitely be robbed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large ball of blazing lightning suddenly appeared in the dense haze. It was so sudden that it exploded like a thunderous thunder.


The mighty force of destruction tore through the ocean, and all the haze lingering on the sea was dispersed. The island-like ghost ship was at the center of the thunder.

The power of darkness was completely wiped out in an instant, and the ghost ship as huge as an island suddenly shrank, turning from the original wooden ship into a black paper ship.

Chi Cang did not stop it from shrinking. Soon, the black paper boat became the size of a palm and was held by Chi Cang.

He turned over and over to look at the black paper boat and found a line of words on the paper boat.

I'm left alone.

Vaguely, Chi Cang seemed to hear a sigh, very sad and confused.

There is a bloodstain on another part of the paper boat with fingerprints. You can even see Juanxiu's fingerprints. There is no doubt that this was left by a woman.

Connecting these things, such a picture appeared in Chi Cang's mind.

A woman with a sad face stretched out her slender hands and broke off paper boats one after another, then put them into the river and let them float away.

The paper boats are immortal and drift for eternity, becoming terrifying ghost ships floating on the vast blue sea.

Chi Cang thought for a long time, why is there such a demonic dark force on the paper boat?

When he destroyed the dark demonic power, the blood stains on the black paper boat turned bright red, indicating that the woman who broke the boat was not a dark creature.

Could it be that the woman who broke the boat was infected by the power of darkness, causing her blood to be filled with the power of darkness? After drifting for eternity, the power of darkness is no longer suppressed and blooms, swallowing the blood of past creatures.

Since she was able to seep blood into the paper boat when she was folding it, it meant that she was severely injured. The person who caused her injuries was naturally an enemy, and if nothing else happened, this enemy should be a dark creature.

From this point of view, the woman who broke the ship is probably in the same camp as him and is the enemy of darkness.

Chi Cang pondered for a while. The black paper boat came from a light door next to Kunpeng's nest. The woman who broke the boat should be in that light door as expected.

I am the only one left, which seems to have a special meaning. Is it to warn the world, or is it asking for help?

In memory, when Shi Hao arrived in front of the Light Gate, he was only in the spirit transformation realm and could not enter the Light Gate. However, Chi Cang was different. He had the Dao of Kill Me and had the body of the Ten Evils. He might be able to enter the Light Gate to find out what happened. .

Thinking of this, Chi Cang put away the black paper boat in his hand, identified the direction, and walked away.

Not long after, Chi Cang saw the destination of this group in the distance.

Deep in the Forbidden Sea of ​​Death, there is a huge dry cliff standing, which is even more majestic than the Ancient Sacred Mountain. The mountain stands towering above the sea.

On the cliff, there is an ancient bird's nest. It is simple and unpretentious, with no runes and no divine light, but there are wisps of heavy chaos energy hanging down, and the scene is incomparably astonishing.

At this moment, the sea leading to the dry cliff has already been dyed bright red with blood. Many treasure ships are sailing on the sea, and the shouts of killing are loud. These are the first groups of forces to arrive. Because of hatred or to gain an advantage, Fighting to eliminate competitors, countless creatures fell here, with corpses everywhere, like a dark hell.

Chi Cang didn't pay attention to the fight and struggle between these forces and walked straight towards Kuya.

It looks very close, but is actually very far away. According to the speed of the treasure ships below, it will take at least half a month under full sailing.

Ordinary people can't see it, but a strong person like Chi Cang can clearly feel that there is a powerful force in the void that interferes with the stability of the space, which leads to this situation.

To Chi Cang, this was nothing at all. His speed reached the extreme and he soon approached Kuya.

When we arrived here, the ancient cliff suddenly became vast, majestic and unattainable. There were traces such as claw marks, knife marks and sword holes on it, which recorded the vicissitudes and majesty of endless years ago.

Chi Cang slowly descended from the sky, his feet stepping on a stone path.

This road was built on the sea, and it was extremely vast. It led to the stone cliff and could accommodate countless creatures. It was said to be a road, but in fact it looked like a piece of land.

It is vast, empty, silent, and far away, as if it has spanned eternity.

Here, time and space seemed to have frozen, with only the sound of Chi Cang's footsteps echoing, and he was the only one walking on the large stone road.

I need to make some changes, it's a bit stuck, it'll be fine tomorrow.

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