The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 123 Past events and following

Tianhuang, Kunpeng's weapon has witnessed the rise and glory of the Ten Fierce Generations. Although it is incomplete, with two terrifying large cracks on the body of the halberd, there is no sign of decay at all, and the overwhelming killing energy spreads out. Shocking the past and present.

From the moment it was born until it broke into three pieces, countless lives were lost to the sword's blade. Their blood was poured onto this ferocious weapon, giving it a terrifying aura.

At this moment, the ten evil soldiers - Tianhuang, with their eternal energy, filled the air with a terrifying chaotic haze, as heavy as a mountain, making the entire universe tremble.

On the opposite side, the thunder pool overflows with taboo-like laws of heavenly tribulation, with constant roars and wild dances of thunder and lightning, as if it contains a vast world of thunder, giving birth to vitality in the endless destruction, and transforming the opposition between life and death. Performed to the extreme.

Both are weapons of the Ten Evils, but one has spiritual consciousness and the other does not.

Although the spiritual consciousness in Tianhuang suffered heavy losses, some key memories still remained.

At this moment, it had already recognized the origin of the thunder pool in front of it. The body of the halberd trembled slightly and made a sonorous sound, which sounded like excitement, emotion, and whine.


Tianhuang, who was so powerful that he could rely on him everywhere, made this kind of sound, completely without the domineering power of the past, like a child who couldn't help but whimper after seeing an adult he could rely on.

A sad and sad mood seems to be transmitted from the distant past, which makes people sigh with regret.

Chi Cang was infected by this emotion and felt sad in his heart. Could it be that the Ten Evils of a generation were just turned into dust and submerged in the long river of history? Otherwise, why would Tianhuang be so sad?

Suddenly, the Great Halberd of Heaven trembled, and clear ancient scenes were reflected above the altar.

Chi Cang stared at it and actually saw himself in the picture. There was no doubt that what was shown in the picture was the past of immortality. It was an extremely glorious and magnificent era, where true immortals emerged one after another, and the mortal king of immortals could also be seen.

A giant immortal king opened the forum and preached, causing flowers to fall from the sky, golden lotuses everywhere, and blessings to all living beings.

There is a true immortal who comes down to the earth to protect a world, where all living beings can live and work in peace and contentment, and it will be a pure land for all eternity.

There are also practitioners who control wind, rain, thunder and lightning, shuttle through the mortal world, and call for wind and rain.

Each ancient picture has been witnessed by Tianhuang and still remains, with an endless atmosphere of vicissitudes, showing Chicang the things and things of that era.

Of course, the most important thing is about Chi Cang. In the picture, he is really like a supreme king, an emperor in thunder. He is revered wherever he goes and is respected by all people.

He has made great achievements in the primitive ancient world, and has killed one immortal after another. He is known as the youngest of the Ten Fierce, and everyone in the Immortal Ancient Era knows it.

In the scene shown by Tianhuang, Kunpeng, Chicang and other powerful people gathered together, seemingly discussing some important matter.

The next second, the scene changed and became extremely dark. It was a dark abyss, and there was a hazy altar below. It seemed to be very important, and there were immortals attacking there.

Kunpeng stood in the sky, killing all directions, and purple blood flew. A true phoenix pounced on the nine heavens, burning the enemy. The Thunder Emperor took action, sending out nine heavenly calamities, killing immortal creatures. There was also a sky-reaching willow tree, under the abyss. Kill the supreme being.

This is the scene where Kunpeng and Chicang once fought side by side. It is majestic and majestic, with endless stars falling, and one big star after another bursting into pieces, like bright fireworks.

Suddenly, the scene changed again, it was still the strongest ones, but this time there was no Chi Cang.

He saw many powerful people with sad expressions on their faces, having heated discussions, and finally sighing and shaking their heads repeatedly.

"Is this what Liu Shen and Zhen Long said after I died in the battle?" Chi Cang felt something in his heart and understood what these powerful men were arguing about.

The real dragon once said that no matter what, he should go to the place where Chicang was attacked to check whether he was alive or dead. Unfortunately, in the end, due to the war situation, he was unable to go. Until the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, the powerful men one after another If one person dies, no one can look for the Thunder Emperor.

The scene turned again, and a woman staggered down from the nine heavens. Her whole body was stained with blood, and every step she took would leave a dazzling bright red footprint.

She was severely injured and almost died. Although she was the strongest person, she could not even walk.

Chi Cang knew that this was Kunpeng who was lucky enough to survive the ancient catastrophe. She suffered an unprecedented heavy blow and struggled to move forward.

However, at this moment, a cold sword light suddenly emerged from the void, and a hazy ancient bronze temple fell from the sky...

It was so sudden. After retreating to a foreign land and leaving for nine days, I thought everything was over. Who would have thought that there would be such a shocking attack?

Ancient formations fell down one after another, with terrifying chaotic killing lights, and powerful weapons shining with fairy light rushed towards them. The enemy seemed to know how terrifying Kunpeng was. Even if she was seriously injured, she did not dare to be careless. An overwhelming attack.

Kunpeng held the broken Tianhuang in his hand and fought against all enemies. The aura of the most powerful person filled the air, and the terror was overwhelming. With one blow, he overturned the ancient formation in the sky, and many weapons exploded into brilliant fireworks.

Several figures coughed up blood and flew upside down, smashing countless stars outside the realm.

This is the power of the Ten Evil Kunpengs. Even if they are on the verge of death, they are not something that a true immortal can provoke.

However, she was too weak. Not only was she in a weak state not long after giving birth, she also experienced the ancient catastrophe and almost died, and now all she has left behind is a broken body.

Those true immortals came again and besieged Kunpeng desperately. They knew that since they took action, if they could not succeed and let Kunpeng recover, they would all die.

In the end, after a life-and-death battle, Kunpeng killed some true immortals, but some true immortals escaped and survived.

Her own condition had hit rock bottom, her immortal body was stained with blood, and there were injuries everywhere that were difficult to heal. The most frightening thing was that she was hit by the Immortal-breaking Curse specially prepared for her by the true immortal beings.

This is an extremely terrifying curse that can cut off the foundation of a true immortal, wipe out a person's life, and finally become a mortal body and die in pain.

If Kunpeng was in his prime, why should he be afraid of just breaking the Immortal Curse? But now, she is on the verge of death and cannot resist this terrifying curse.

Fortunately, she took advantage of nature and forcibly suppressed the Immortal-breaking Curse. Dragging her broken body, she descended to the lower realm, escaped into Kunpeng's nest, and hid herself there.

In the following years, Kunpeng struggled with the Immortal-breaking Curse and struggled to survive to the next era.

During this period, she buried the last undamaged Kunpeng egg in the small world of chaos, set up a heaven-defying formation, and consumed the few blood essence that had not been eroded by the Immortal-breaking Curse, just to replenish her child's energy. insufficient.

This consumes too much on her, and she is almost unable to stop the Immortal Transformation Curse, but she is still consuming it like this, which accelerates the outbreak of the Immortal Transformation Curse.

Kunpeng died in pain and torture, and most of his body was destroyed.

The scene ends here. The sky above the altar is clear and clear, with only the wailing Tianhuang and a few weapons floating quietly. Chaos flows, sinking like stars, but it cannot cover up the eternal desolation.

Chi Cang was speechless, frowning slightly, feeling that there was a ball of anger accumulating in his chest, and he wanted to erupt like a volcano.

Kunpeng, one of the ten most ferocious men of his generation, died not in the hands of his enemies, but in the attack and killing of his own True Immortal.

If it hadn't been for that shocking siege, Kunpeng would have survived unscathed and survived until now.

It's a pity that everything happened without what-if. She was wiped out by the terrifying immortal curse and passed away in pain.

As if aware of Chi Cang's silent anger, the sky shook, and it slowly descended from the towering altar. In the process, it absorbed all the murderous aura and became extremely docile, which was very different from its identity as a fierce soldier.

In front of one of the Ten Fierce, Tianhuang would naturally not show the fierce attitude when facing the enemy. Moreover, its owner and Chi Cang were comrades who fought side by side and were worthy of trust.


Chi Cang stretched out his hand and grasped the trembling Ten Evil Soldiers. It was cold in his hand, and he didn't know what kind of material it was made of.

There are rumors in the world that Kunpeng made Tianhuang with the talisman bones of a real dragon. There are also other theories that Kunpeng made it with his own talisman bones. Looking at it now, the probability of the latter is much higher, because in the Immortal Era At that time, the relationship between Kunpeng and the real dragon was not hostile, so it was obviously impossible to use the bones of the real dragon to make weapons.

However, it is not accurate to say that it was made from Kunpeng talisman bones. There are other immortal materials.

Holding Tianhuang in his hand, Chi Cang felt the sadness of the remaining spiritual consciousness in the weapon. If it had tears, it would have been full of tears.

Following Kunpeng, fighting for a lifetime, witnessing Kunpeng's brilliance and glory, in the end, watching her life passing by little by little, ending sadly.

Even though this is a cold weapon that kills countless people, it still has emotions that are no less than human.

"You want to follow me out?" Chi Cang was surprised, because Tianhuang conveyed the idea of ​​following him to him. It seemed unwilling and wanted to avenge Kunpeng with its own hands.

"The hatred and grudges of fellow Taoist Kunpeng are not just hers. As a comrade who has known each other in life and death, I will not sit back and watch." Chi Cang made a promise.

Chi Cang, who had "died in battle" once and was very lucky to be able to come back against the odds, is already used to life and death. In this life, he just wants to live a free and easy life, live a vigorous life, and avoid those disgusting monsters and monsters, those who bring trouble to the world. He will destroy all the dark creatures with the most blazing thunder.

Tianhuang trembled violently, this time due to excitement. At this moment, it decided that it would follow Chi Cang no matter what, kill the creatures that caused Kunpeng's fall one by one, and send them to hell with its own hands.

"Did she really fall completely?" Chi Cang asked, feeling that Kunpeng should leave a mark. He did not die in battle, but was harmed by people on his own side. What kind of fate is this? hatred? He didn't believe that Kunpeng didn't have any obsession.

The sky hummed and vibrated, and the halberd body emitted a dazzling light. Little by little weak light rose from the halberd body, very soft and fragile.

Countless weak points of light rose up and moved closer to each other in the void, as if they were about to condense into a ball.

However, no matter how hard we try, it's hard to get together, like sand that can't be grasped and can't stop flowing out from between the fingers.

Chi Cang looked at this scene and sighed. The Immortal Breaking Curse was too fatal for the seriously injured Kunpeng. Even the last bit of obsession could not be condensed. In the end, it became a piece of loose sand, which was carefully collected by Tianhuang.

If there is no external interference, these sands of obsession will die little by little with the passage of time and completely dissipate from this world.

By then, all traces of Kunpeng's consciousness will no longer exist.

Naturally, Chi Cang would not let this happen. He stretched out his other palm to capture the thunder pool in the void, pushing aside the clouds and mist, so that the thunder pool could truly be revealed.

The scene inside this ancient stone pool is really amazing. Thunder is blazing, lightning is intertwined, and a rich fairy mist is lingering. It condenses into the innate thunder calamity fluid, life and death, flesh and bones, endless creation, as if it can evolve. A world of thunder creates life out of thin air.

There is no doubt that this thunder pond hides the secret of the origin of all things, hidden in the original symbol that is as complex as the heavens.

At this time, Chi Cang has mastered some of the original symbols and has many taboo powers. However, it is far from being able to create life. However, he can use the innate vitality inside the thunder pool to replenish Kunpeng's remaining sand of obsession and gather the sand into a The group can still do it.

He explained the situation to Tianhuang, and after receiving Tianhuang's approval, he pulled those weak light groups, protected them with taboo symbols, sank into the thunder pond, and warmed them up.

Maybe it will be ten years, maybe a hundred years, or maybe a thousand years. One day, Kunpeng's sand of obsession will reach a level where it can be gathered together, and Kunpeng's mark will reappear in the world.

The thunder pool roared endlessly, flowing with brilliant rays of light, accompanied by lightning and light mist, which was mysterious and difficult to measure.

"You also need to repair it, so go to the thunder pond and practice it again."

Chi Cang whispered, and the sky trembled in its hands, turning into a stream of light and submerging into the raging thunder pool. Then, it sent out its spiritual thoughts and informed Chi Cang about the situation of Kunpeng's nest. After doing all this, it slowly fell into silence.

With a Ten Fierce commitment, what else is there to worry about? Just wait quietly for the day when the great revenge will be avenged.

The thunder pool disappeared and was put away by Chi Cang. The place completely calmed down, and there was no longer the terrifying Qi of Tianhuang that pushed across the mountains and rivers.

The remaining three weapons were picked up by Chi Cang and put into his hands. They were not comparable to the bronze divine lamps in front of them. They were all powerful weapons made of extremely precious materials. They were used by Kunpeng, otherwise they would not be able to use them. It will no longer be displayed around Tianhuang.

After doing all this, Chi Cang followed the information given by Tianhuang and entered the Demon Transformation Cave from another entrance.

This hole is very deep, penetrating the bottom of the sea for an unknown number of miles. As Chi Cang goes deeper, the hole becomes darker and darker, and there are bursts of whining sounds in the dark void, as if there are ancient resentful souls crying.

In the darkness, various terrifying and ferocious shadows emerged, baring their teeth and claws, screaming shrilly, and howling in the dark ancient cave. Walking here felt like being in a deep hell.

Chi Cang landed at the bottom of the cave, his body wrapped with lightning, emitting bright light, illuminating the bottom of the cave.

The roars here became more intense, and figures appeared one after another, some resembling real dragons, some resembling green luan... They were all famous ancient ferocious beasts, once so powerful that the world trembled.

Unfortunately, they were all dead, mercilessly killed by Kunpeng, leaving only their obsession, turned into ghosts, and imprisoned here forever.

Chi Cang looked calm, ignoring the howling ghosts of ancient ferocious beasts, and walked along a tunnel to the end of the Demon Transformation Cave.

A pair of ancient stone doors blocked the front, and Chi Cang pushed them open with just a slight push. The moment he pushed them open, densely packed talismans burst out, carrying a monstrous killing aura. At this time, Chi Cang's whole body The aura of Tianhuang flowed out, and these runes flickered for a while, but did not attack Chi Cang.

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