The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 124 The Immortal-breaking Curse

Pushing open this portal is like opening a door to all wonders. The dark and forbidding atmosphere is no longer there, and the sacred atmosphere rushes towards your face, filled with brilliance and splendor.

This is a magnificent stone chamber, with a blood pool in the middle. There, the bright red light is like a pile of blood diamonds piled up in the pool, emitting a dazzling red light.

Occasionally, a golden glow will burst out, and a black light will spread. A terrifying aura fills the sky and the earth, making people tremble.

This is the Kunpeng Rune, the unparalleled treasure of Kunpeng, one of the ten evils. It is a forbidden method that countless people desire.

Chi Cang stood in front of the blood pool, his eyes sparkling, staring at this amazing pool. He had already seen the secret. Kunpeng did not leave all the magic in the talisman on the altar, but put it into the talisman. The complete magic runes are extracted and poured into this blood pool. They can be reorganized at critical moments to reproduce this supreme magical power.

He stepped forward and connected with the blood pool with his breath. In an instant, thousands of symbols surged out, rushing up from the blood pool and tearing apart the void. Golden light and black light were juxtaposed and arranged together.

Symbols all over the sky are like pieces of metal cast, emitting a sonorous divine sound and quickly changing shape to form a lifelike Kunpeng.

This is a supreme ancient bird composed of Kunpeng symbols. It is so majestic that it can overwhelm the heavens. Its eyes are cold and devoid of any emotion.


The next moment, all the symbols were reorganized and submerged into the bright red pool of blood. The black light shone brightly, and a big black fish floated in the pool, revealing its dark back, giving a strong sense of power.

Everything is composed of symbols, as if it contains the secrets of the heavens. The sound of the sky is endless, the chaotic energy is swirling, and the stars seem to come from outside the territory. One after another, big stars emerge, surrounding All around Kunpeng.

Such a scene is too shocking. Kunpeng is like the center of the universe, with the four poles of the world and the endless avenues slowly rotating around it.

Chi Cang stood in front of Kunpeng, quietly comprehending the various changes of the rune Kunpeng, constantly evolving and imitating it. With his Taoism and talent, even he could comprehend this most powerful magic very quickly.

The Kunpeng Treasure Technique is the fifth Ten Ominous Treasure Technique that he has mastered. The previous four Ten Ominous Treasure Techniques have given him enough experience, so it is not difficult to understand the Kunpeng Treasure Technique.

He silently realized all the changes, and it seemed like a thousand years had passed in just a moment.

Soon, Chi Cang had mastered the essence of Kunpeng's magic. The most powerful runes surged all over his body, shining brightly, and then released a terrifying power.

This is Kunpeng's power, its offensive power is so great that it can destroy everything in the world.

With a thought in his mind, the symbols all over his body changed, and his whole figure turned into a Kunpeng. It wanted to spread its wings and fly into the sky, rush out of the territory and attack Cangyu.

A pair of majestic chaos wings cut through the void, with sharp edges that can easily cut through chaos.

The next moment, the runes changed, the golden roc symbol filled with black light, a vast ocean rose and fell behind Blazing Cang, huge waves hit the sky, and a huge black fish swung its huge tail in the waves. , as if to shatter the heaven and earth.

Kun and Peng, Yin and Yang, life and death, the opposition between the laws has been evolved to the extreme. At this moment, a supreme aura fills the air, oppressing the Nine Heavens.

Chi Cang completely mastered this supreme treasure technique and understood its secrets.


Ten huge holes emerged from the void, each hole was huge and boundless, like ten suns across the sky, and like the sky in ten directions, vast and infinite.


A thunder giant stood in the first hole of the cave, roaring to the sky and the earth, with taboo heavenly punishments lingering around him, like the master of the world, the supreme emperor, high above, overlooking the world.

In the second hole of the cave, there is a sky-reaching willow tree taking root. The sky is filled with willow branches that are crystal clear and green, like countless bright divine chains of order, swaying in the air. The entire universe is rhythmic with the willow branches, and it is as sacred as a fairyland.

At the third entrance of the cave, the chaotic air circulates. The world seems to be misty and full of chaotic haze. A nine-leaf sword grass takes root in the chaos. As the blades of grass turn, chaos rolls. The sword energy soars into the sky, cutting down all the stars in the sky. .


The fourth hole in the cave is too hot. Magma is everywhere, flames are surging, condensed into droplets, and gathered into rivers and seas. Above the sky, endless stars fall, burning, with bright firelight and tail wings, a dazzling true phoenix. Attack the Nine Heavens Tower in the world of flames, bloom in the flames, burn into ashes, end in glory, and then be reborn in the ashes.


A loud earthquake came from the fifth hole in the cave. It was dark inside, and six black hole-like things were surrounding each other. They slowly rotated, releasing unparalleled terrifying pressure, crushing the heavens and the world. The six paths rotated, and everything in the world was everywhere. in.

"hold head high!"

The dragon roared to the sky, the huge dragon body crowded the sixth cave, and the scales streaked across, cold and ferocious, making people's hearts tremble.

This is the most powerful race in the world. As long as it reaches adulthood, it must be at the level of the Immortal King. The ultimate evolutionary goal of all things in the world and countless races is the true dragon.

Now, a real dragon that seems to exist is soaring in the blazing sixth cave sky, with a pair of cold eyes shining brightly, as if it really has life.

Next to it, in the seventh cave, there was originally no life, but now, a vast ocean swept over, and the waves crashed on the shore.

A huge black fish exposed its back, like a majestic mountain. It was shocking. When its tail flapped the ocean, the world would burst apart.

Then, the golden light emitted, and the giant black fish leaped high into the sky, sprouted chaotic wings, transformed into a roc, and soared up to ninety thousand miles.

Seven of the ten caves have already cultivated the most powerful treasure techniques. If any of these secret techniques are spread, it will cause huge waves. Whether it is the upper world or the lower world, all the big forces will go crazy for it.

And here, there are seven kinds in total, which can be said to be shocking to the world and make ghosts and gods weep.

The blazing cave doesn't stop there. In the ten vast caves, there are taboo symbols swimming one after another on the walls of the cave. Just a slight flicker will cause lightning and thunder.

When he activated it with all his strength, the Ten Mouth Cave Sky was like the end of the world, with thunder and lightning.

At that time, the Thunder Emperor will be even more majestic and inviolable, the willow tree will turn into a thunder willow tree, the nine-leaf sword grass will turn into a nine-leaf thunder sword grass, the true phoenix will have thunder and fire intertwined, and the six paths of reincarnation will become the thunder reincarnation. The real dragon will become a thunder dragon, Kunpeng will become Lei Kun and Lei Peng, and its power will be even higher.

Such an astonishing weather represents Chi Cang's extraordinary achievements in the Cave Heaven Realm. Throughout history, it is difficult to compare with Chi Cang. Even if someone has collected the Ten Ominous Treasures, without the blessing of the taboo symbol, there is no way to compare with Chi Cang. compared to.


The huge cave world with ten extraordinary and holy mouths slowly receded, and there were no longer any strange images around Chi Cang, and the peace of the past was restored.

In his palm, a series of bright symbols were arranged, constantly changing between Kun and Peng, which was extremely magical.


Chi Cang let go of his hand, no longer imprisoning the symbols representing the complete Kunpeng magic, and allowed them to fly into the blood pool and dissipate.

This is to leave a legacy and give it to those who come after you. Otherwise, he can take it away.

As for the latecomer, it is naturally Shi Hao who is about to enter Kunpeng's nest.

If he wants to enter the Demon Transformation Cave, it will take at least two years. There is no other way. The level of Kunpeng's Nest is too high and cannot be imagined by the creatures in the lower world.

In their eyes, Kunpeng may just be a strong man who has dominated the ancient times and will not be associated with immortals. The concept of the Ten Evils may be no different from that of the Supreme.

If a monk in the Spirit Transformation Realm wants to make a difference in Kunpeng's nest and open various portals, it will be difficult to do so without Kunpeng's remains.

Even with those Kunpeng bones, they still had to wait until Kunpeng's true nest split open on its own.

However, Chi Cang has no intention of giving Shi Hao a back door. All the creatures in this world are fighting for survival, without exception, especially a young man like Shi Hao, who needs endless tempering.

The blood pool returned to calmness, becoming a holy and brilliant place. Chi Cang had achieved the purpose of his trip and would not stay any longer.

He opened a hidden small world based on the information about Kunpeng's nest given by Tianhuang.

As soon as he entered, Chi Cang sensed a strong Kunpeng aura, as if there was a real Kunpeng.

He stepped deeper and saw the source of that aura at the end of the small world.

They were several golden giant eggs, displayed in the cold and hard rock. On the eggshells, there were some black markings, filled with the pure and incomparable Kunpeng aura. There was no doubt that these were Kunpeng eggs.

Chi Cang stared and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Because none of these giant golden eggs with black markings are intact. Although they are surrounded by chaotic energy and are magical, they are all broken and destroyed. They have no vital life energy and are dead eggs. .

"Just like a real dragon." Chi Cang whispered.

The situation of the true dragon is very similar to that of Kunpeng. All his descendants were assassinated, and the only remaining descendant was saved at a huge cost and was born with difficulty.

Gegu's brothers and sisters will never be born, and the same is true for Kunpengzi, the only surviving descendant of Kunpeng.

Chi Cang's eyes turned and landed on a piece of writing. These were ancient words written by Kunpeng, telling about the tragic incident in which all Kunpeng's eggs were destroyed.

After watching for a long time, Chi Cang sighed sadly. If those things had not happened, these descendants of the Ten Evils could have been born smoothly. With their talents, it would not be difficult to grow up. They would have become the absolute strongest fighting force in Jiutian.

The enemy may have taken this into consideration, so they killed him and wiped out the ten villains.

Chi Cang shook his head and sighed, not touching these Kunpeng eggs. Even if they have no life breath, they are still Kunpeng's children. At this moment, Kunpeng has the sand of obsession stored in the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed. He will one day return again, even if it is just obsession. Thoughts and imprints.

As a comrade in arms, how could Chi Cang touch its child.

Leaving here, Chi Cang found another hazy ancient cave. The interior was filled with immortal energy, with supreme essence floating in it. However, there was also a tragic energy that blended together, making people's hair stand on end.

"The Immortal-breaking Curse?" Chi Cang stepped towards the depths of the ancient cave. In the process, the strange aura became stronger and stronger, and his body felt an extremely dangerous feeling.

Soon, he saw a dozen bones scattered on the ground that had lost their spirituality and luster. These were Kunpeng's bones. They were not big, only a dozen or so. The other bones had been corroded and no longer existed.

The horrifying curse still remains on those remaining bones, which are still corroding day and night. One day, Kunpeng's body will completely disappear and be completely corroded.

This is the terrifying thing about the Immortal-breaking Curse. It destroys humanity and then corrodes the person who has been cursed, erasing all traces of it in the world.

Chi Cang's face was expressionless, with blazing flames flashing in his pupils, and a murderous aura that was earth-shattering, enough to knock down the vast stars outside the domain.

"Bronze Immortal Palace!"

He spat out four words, his killing intent was extremely cold, and the Immortal Breaking Curse was given by this force.

Kunpeng, who had killed the enemy without being seen, fought among himself, and returned from persecution with serious injuries, was very active.

Chi Cang remembered that in the picture given by Tianhuang, the true immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace survived the battle against Kunpeng. With the true immortal's behavior, even if he suffered terrible damage, he would still be alive.

"I'm afraid you're not here." Chi Cang said coldly to himself, with a murderous aura. This kind of monster should not live in the world.

Even if they are unwilling to defend this world and huddle in the rear, Chi Cang will not say anything. This is a matter of personal choice, and forceful melons are not sweet.

However, they should not do anything about it. They should not add insult to injury. This is the way to death.

He took action to imprison, seal, and put away the remaining Immortal-breaking Curse. Even after endless years, this ultimate curse was still very dangerous.

After standing for a long time, Chi Cang seemed to feel the pain of Kun Peng under the torture of the Immortal Breaking Curse. It came from the distant ancient times, which made people feel heart palpitated. A generation of unparalleled strong men, who roamed the sky and the earth, but his old age was so desolate and ended sadly. Unfortunately, Deplorable.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang left. Fortunately, Kunpeng's consciousness was not completely extinguished and would one day reappear.

Ten fierce creatures, ten extremely powerful creatures, each possessing unparalleled secret techniques or blood inheritance. Once they break out, they can defeat the Immortal King. Their ferocity is boundless and they are taboo in foreign lands.

In those days, the scenery was really unparalleled, and all spirits had to respect and worship it.

But now, they are dead, injured, and out of touch. I don’t know where they fall, no one cares about them, and they are slowly forgotten by the world.

Chi Cang felt a sense of sadness. He wanted to recreate the glory of the Ten Fierce Ones. The ten most powerful men would join forces once again and work together to fight against the heaven and earth, and against the enemies in foreign lands.

This scene may be the last song, and some creatures will never appear again, but Chi Cang is unwilling to accept it. He will do his best to make the Ten Fierce come back again, even the descendants of the Ten Fierce can fight on behalf of their parents.

Along the way he came, Chi Cang returned all the way and came to the ocean formed by the condensed innate essence.

There are some islands located here, and Kunpeng's true nest is the largest among them. Next to the true nest, there is a huge golden portal.

A river of innate essence condensed into liquid gushes out from the portal, as if it is connected to the divine world, continuously inputting innate essence into this small world. Standing in front of the portal, breathing gently, the whole People are light and airy, as if they are about to become feathers and ascend.

Chi Cang stood in front of the giant golden door, took a deep breath, held two black paper boats in his hands, and stepped towards the door. He wanted to enter it and explore the source of the black paper boats.

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