The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 125 After the portal

The golden door of light stands tall, and a long river of essence flows quietly. I don't know how long it has been in existence, but it may be older than the Kunpeng's Nest next to it.

The looming terrifying symbols flashed on the portal, forming a terrifying field. Anyone who came close would be crushed into pieces if they did not have enough strength.

Chi Cang stepped towards the light gate under tremendous and unparalleled pressure. This pressure was not only directed at the physical body, but also at the soul.

If he hadn't gone beyond the limits in all aspects and merged the two methods into one, it might have been difficult to travel here.


Chi Cang's body was halfway in, and an indescribable pressure came over him. It was like a millstone was crushing his body, and countless heavenly knives flew to kill his soul. Chi Cang felt intense pain all over his body. , unbearable.

His face was expressionless, and his whole body squeezed in. Suddenly, the pressure became even more terrifying, as if he was carrying the sky on his back. His back was almost hunched under the pressure, and his bones creaked, as if he was going to die in the next second. It's going to break apart.


The terrifying metal trembling echoed in the void, lingering in the center of Chicang's eyebrows. An invisible force turned into a heavenly sword and was attacking his soul.

The little golden man who looks the same as Chi Cang himself is glowing with dazzling light. This is the Yuanshen Cave Heaven emitting endless divine power.

Primitive symbols emerged one after another, and the forbidden power flowed, arranged and changed outside Chi Cang's body, and combined into an immortal armor, shining brightly, resisting all invading forces.

At the same time, the physical cave is also showing its power. Endless essence drips from the ten external caves in the void, nourishing the two internal caves, which greatly weakens the pain of Blazing Cang, and the physical body and soul seem to be immortal.

Even so, this kind of pressure still makes people breathless. If another monk who kills me comes here, I am afraid that he will be crushed into nothingness in an instant, and there will be no accidents.

In front of the world inside this light gate, personal power seems too small.

Fortunately, Chi Cang was very strong and quickly adapted to this environment. His eyes were shining brightly as he looked at this strange and dangerous world.

Different from Chi Cang's imagination, it was very quiet and peaceful here, as if it had been silent for an eternity, with no traces of war or darkness at all.

Under his feet, the golden river flowed slowly without any sound. The vegetation in the entire world was a light golden color, very clean, and exuding a soft light.

If it weren't for this constant terrifying pressure, Chi Cang would have doubted whether he had arrived in a pure land of immortality.

Because many true immortals like to live in seclusion in such a quiet and peaceful place.

He stepped on the river water and walked towards the bank. The green grass was surrounded by rich spiritual mist. They grew beside the river where the innate essence was gathered. Naturally, there was no lack of essence. They were steaming and hazy. If there is no heaven.

Chi Cang came to the shore, walked through the greenery, and went up against the golden river.

Looking into the distance and overlooking the surroundings, this place is like a kingdom of innate gods. Everything is rimmed with a light layer of gold. The brilliant golden glow covers the earth. It is quiet and peaceful, without the noise and disturbance of the world of mortals. It is silent.

On the empty land, only Chi Cang's inaudible footsteps echoed, breaking the tranquility here.

He silently resisted the pressure, holding two black paper boats and walking on the shore. The black paper boats flowed from the golden river. Along this river, there must be the answer Chi Cang wanted.

I don’t know how far I have walked, but the golden world is still so quiet. Apart from the grass and trees, there is no living thing. The world seems to be deserted. Only Chi Cang is walking at the end of the world to explore the eternal unknown place.

Time flowed, only for a moment, but it seemed as if a thousand years had passed. The time in this area was somewhat chaotic and abnormal. The blazing body naturally produced a reaction, which made him very vigilant.

Because there are unimaginable dangers in areas involving time, he would not be afraid if he was in his prime, but now Daoguo can only kill me, so he needs to be careful in everything.

After walking for a long time, Chi Cang finally came to a different area. In front of him, the sky and the earth were a little gray and foggy. His vision was no longer as clear as before. The earth lost its faint golden edge. The rich vegetation that he had seen before was here. No longer visible, all dried up.

The golden world and the gray world are separated by an obvious watershed. On one side, the land is full of vitality, and the land is sacred and peaceful. On the other side, all vitality is gone, and the land is dry and hard, like a dead land.

All because of the gray fog as high as the sky, which separates the two worlds and makes them distinct.

Chi Cang's eyes became solemn, and he looked at the gray mist with a serious expression. This was a manifestation of darkness and weirdness, which made him feel ominous. The truth might be hidden in the gray mist.

He did not stop and walked into the gray fog without hesitation. After entering, he did not encounter any disaster, but Chi Cang did not relax his vigilance and walked close to the river.

After arriving in the gray fog, the originally golden river turned into dark gray, and there was no longer any divine light.

After a long time, Chi Cang walked out of the gray fog and came to a still world.

What surprised him was that the world was eerily quiet and eerily quiet. He couldn't even hear his own footsteps and heartbeat. It was so quiet that it was eerie.

The whole world seemed to be frozen. The cities, ancient trees, and creatures in the distance were all motionless, like clay sculptures, lifeless.

But Chi Cang knew that these were real living creatures, but they were disturbed by some kind of force, involving time, and everything was frozen in one moment forever, like a mottled historical picture.

His mind was shocked. The existence that could do all this must be beyond imagination.

Continuing to move forward, Chi Cang saw more. There were monks holding treasures and emitting divine light, as if they were fighting fiercely with some living beings. There were also cities that were hit by weapons, destroying most of them. Smoke and dust were everywhere, and rubble was flying. Time was frozen. The moment the city was destroyed.

In the distance, there are huge creatures that Chi Cang has never heard of. They are roaring up to the sky, covered in blood, and are obviously experiencing a war. There are countless such scenes and objects. Chi Cang walking by the river is like browsing an ancient history.

I don't know how far I walked, Chi Cang saw an astonishing scene, a terrifying vision appeared in the sky.

There was a ripple there, fixed in the void, traversing between heaven and earth.

"The power of time, is it the cause of all this?" Chi Cang was very surprised. The actual power of time was undoubtedly a taboo.

It is tangible, showing a huge ripple shape, cutting off the heaven and earth, acting on this boundless territory, making everything in the world freeze and become a still picture.

Chi Cang was suspicious, why was he not affected? Logically speaking, even he cannot resist the power of time at this level, but now he has not been affected and can move here.

Did something protect him?

He turned his attention to the black paper boat in his hand, and he had a guess that it might be because of this kind of paper boat.

At this point, it was difficult for Chi Cang to continue moving forward, because the huge ripple of time was crossing the front, and the earth had reached its end, and there was no more land.

Only the golden river is still flowing, crossing the endless void and extending to the unknown distance.

Even with the black paper boat, it was difficult to move forward. Every step forward, the pressure would increase sharply. Chi Cang tried, but as a result, his flesh and blood shook, and he felt like he was about to be crushed into dust.

At this time, the bodies of the ten evil spirits came into play and withstood the pressure.

However, Chi Cang's state is not at its peak, and if it continues, his life may be in danger.

Therefore, he stopped there and did not move forward forcefully.

"What is there at the end of the river?" Chi Cang stood at the end of the earth, opened his eyes, taboo symbols flashed, and burst out with terrifying pupil power, looking at the end of the golden river.

With the blessing of the original symbols, Chi Cang could see clearly that there was a colorful world lying at the end of the void.

It was a blood-stained world, a fierce war was taking place, the rules of immortality were soaring to the sky, the immortal energy was permeated, and accompanied by the blood, it was very tragic.

There are unimaginable creatures fighting for life and death.

However, just like the world under his feet, everything was frozen in an instant, and even powerful creatures were inevitably imprisoned forever.

Several huge and boundless time ripples are fixed in the void, which is heart-stopping.

"Huh? That's..."

Chi Cang's eyes followed the huge ripples of time and found the "culprit" of everything.

A huge bell lies on the edge of the colorful ancient world, hanging high in the sky. All the ripples of time are sent by him, imprisoning everything, suppressing the universe in all directions, making time stand still and stop at that moment.

On the other side of the big clock, countless races and peerless creatures were fighting fiercely, in a majestic and boundless battle.

However, everything was fixed by the big bell, and the bell wave turned into substantial ripples, spreading out, suppressing an area, and even affecting this side.

Chi Cang was shocked, looking at the big bell, and for some reason, he felt familiar. In the ancient immortal era, there was a supreme being who also used the bell as a weapon and was also proficient in the law of time.

True Dragon once told in detail about the shocking battle in the Ancient Immortal Era. One of them said that the Immortal King of the Immortal King held the Bell of Endlessness and was invincible, killing all directions and making the kings of foreign lands tremble.

Could it be said that this bell is an endless bell?

"No, this is... no beginning?"

Among the rippling waves, there are runes and ancient characters that do not belong to this era. Chi Cang does not recognize them, but the avenues are connected. They are releasing the supreme rules, and Chi Cang can understand their meaning.

After learning all this, Chi Cang frowned slightly.

"In the past there was the Immortal King of Infinity, but now there is Infinity. What's going on? Is he the same person?"

He was thinking that although the Immortal King Wujiu was confirmed to have died in the last battle of the Immortal Era, nothing was absolute, and Chi Cang felt that he himself was a good example.

Both Zhenlong and Liu Shen thought he died in the battle, but he appeared in Shicun intact and made a comeback, so maybe the Immortal King Wu Ending could do the same.

At this time, Chi Cang discovered that the golden river that led him here crossed the still world, and nothing moved. Only this river was moving, flowing for eternity.

His eyes focused on the power of taboo, and he looked far into the distance, through the fog, and up the river.

Suddenly, Chi Cang was stunned, because he saw the figure of a woman in white, sitting alone by the river, her snow clothes fluttering, and she seemed to be folding a black paper boat in her hands.

When he wanted to see more clearly, an invisible force blocked everything. There was time and cause and effect. In short, Chi Cang couldn't see clearly. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it.

There is no doubt that that woman is not in the same era as him, and she should not have seen her. She only got a glimpse of it because of the world inside the portal and the golden river.

"Who is she? Did she make the black paper boat? Is she asking for help from the creatures here?" Chi Cang said to himself, with a lot of confusion in his heart.

It can be seen that in the beautiful world imprisoned by the big clock, a war is breaking out that affects the heavens. Blood is flying and blood is shining into the sky.

The battle must have been extremely brutal.

Because there are words on the black paper boat - "I am the only one left", which tells the terrible result of that battle.

If she is really asking for help, then she will probably be disappointed. The problems here are far from being solved. Clearing the darkness is far away. Where can she find the energy to help?

Moreover, the two are not in the same era, but are separated by endless years. If they want to cross this shackles and go to that era to join the war, even the Immortal King cannot do it.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang tried to look around again. After finding nothing, he stopped staying and turned around to leave.

Staying here for a long time requires facing dual pressure from the soul and the physical body at the same time, and this power is gradually increasing.

Following the golden river, passing through the still vast world, and passing through the dim sky and earth and the strange gray mist, Chi Cang returned to the vibrant pale golden world.

Then, he walked on the golden river of steaming spiritual mist, walked out of the huge golden portal, and returned to the familiar world.

Kunpeng's true nest stands quietly not far from the golden portal, and the two are adjacent.

Quietly looking at the golden portal and Kunpeng's true nest, Chi Cang speculated that perhaps Kunpeng accidentally found this extraordinary golden portal and built his true nest here.

The golden portal is obviously much older. By traveling through the gaps in time and connecting two different eras, Kunpeng must have also explored the world behind the golden portal.

After standing there for a long time, Chi Cang sighed, there is still a long way to go, and these unsolved mysteries can only be left to the future.

Golden light was everywhere under his feet, and he walked out of Kunpeng's nest in a few steps.

At this moment, it took less than a day from the time he entered Kunpeng's nest to the end of his exploration.

The big outside forces fighting to cross the Demonic Sea are still at least half a month away from the teleportation array leading to Kunpeng's true nest.

For them, the trip to Kunpeng's Nest will be a long journey that will last for several years.

There is no way, the levels and levels of living beings are different, and what they experience will be completely different.

Chi Cang did not stay long. He successfully achieved his goal, retained Kunpeng's last obsession, gave him the possibility of reappearance, and obtained the shockingly powerful Kunpeng magic. He also gained Tianhuang's followers, and also explored Entering a mysterious and unpredictable world, this trip is considered complete.

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