The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 129 Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone

"There should still be life and death."

Chi Cang whispered, and the overbearing thunder emerged from his hand, carrying the aura of taboo and destruction, making the people tremble, but it also derived a strong vitality of creation.

Yin and Yang, life and death, are interpreted to the extreme by Chi Cang.


There was a blur and distortion in the void, and there were two vast rivers rushing from the void. One was so cold that it made people's souls freeze, and the other was so hot that it made people melt and burn all over.

This is the Taiyin River and the Sun River. I don’t know where they start. They use nothingness as the river bed. They flow mightily. I don’t know how long they have existed. It seems like it has been like this forever.


Two long rivers with opposite laws ran at extremely high speeds and suddenly met in the void, making a huge collision sound that was deafening, as if the world was about to explode.

Chi Cang continued to leave traces of the avenue, causing the two avenues to change their course, and the intersection moved to where he stood.

He bathed in the Taiyin Sun River and blended with the endless runes, as if he was integrating into the great avenue of heaven and earth.


There was a violent earthquake, and the collision and interweaving of the lunar and sun caused endless chaos energy to be born where Chicang stood. The two original powers of yin and yang merged into one, which was chaos.

Suddenly, a Milky Way appeared in the chaos, crossing the sky, hanging down, revealing mottled and ancient energy.

This is a silver passage, a road leading to the inside of the restricted area. It requires the most powerful lunar sun and the laws of life and death to open.

Chi Cang did it. His accomplishments in this area are unparalleled by few living beings at the same level. He was naturally able to open the passage. This was expected.

The passage appeared, and Chi Cang and Liu Shen stepped into it without hesitation. With a flash of silver light, the surrounding scene changed.

Mountains, magma fields, rivers, and all kinds of creatures have all disappeared, replaced by a desert and a Gobi.

However, this seemingly desolate Gobi and desert is filled with an amazing medicinal fragrance, which is refreshing. Just smelling that smell makes people feel like they are about to soar.

Chi Cang knew that this was the breath of the elixir of life, which was more precious than the holy medicine and the magical elixir. How could there be no elixir of life in a restricted area of ​​life?

Chi Cang walked in the desert, feeling the aroma of the elixir of life, sometimes strong, sometimes light, constantly changing and unpredictable.

"Eh? No, there's something wrong with this elixir of life." Chi Cang was suddenly shocked and found that there was something very strange about the aura of the elixir of life.

Beneath that fragrant, sacred surface lies blight, decay, and decay.

If he hadn't been proficient in life and death, and had studied the willow god's method of withering and glory, he might have been enlightened and felt that there was an extremely precious elixir of immortality here.

Now look at it, where is the elixir of longevity? The Lord of the Forbidden Zone, Genichi, said that all the creatures in the Forbidden Zone were dead, how could the medicine field be spared?

The two walked and jumped over a sand dune. Suddenly, a hilly area and an ancient medicine garden appeared in the distance.

The rich and realistic fragrance of the longevity medicine comes from the ancient medicine garden, and it can be mistaken for the real thing.

There was the real location of the restricted area. Chi Cang and Liu Shen walked forward step by step and stopped in front of a stone monument.

The stone tablet stands alone, surrounded by Gobi and desert. It looks very lonely. On it are ancient words written by the immortals.

"yin and yang."

Chi Cang could not recognize the two special symbols on the tablet, but he understood their meaning.

The other ancient characters are from the Immortal Ancient Era, warning others that this place is a restricted area for life and must not be set foot, otherwise there will be danger of killing.

"Yes, cross yin and yang restricted area."

The cross naturally means that the lunar sun and the river cross and collide together, while yin and yang are the origins of two great ways, which can intertwine to create chaos.

Gen Yi, the master of the forbidden area, must have gone very far on the path of yin and yang, otherwise his forbidden area would not be named after "yin and yang".

Chi Cang and Liu Shen crossed the stone monument and walked towards the depths. The closer they got, the stronger the amazing aroma of medicine became. They even saw the elixir of longevity and magic medicine escaping in the ancient medicine garden. It seemed that they were seeing something happening. When it comes to strangers, I feel a little scared.

Unfortunately, all this is just a reappearance of the old scene, and the real medicine garden has long been lost in the long river of history.

Just when the two of them were approaching the medicine garden and the hills, pillars of light suddenly shot up around them, piercing the sky and crossing the sky, making them extremely brilliant.

In just an instant, the surrounding area became dark, as if they had suddenly entered the night and a lamp was lit. Only an area in front of them had light flowing.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen felt like their hairs were standing on end. This was an immortal magic circle that had been activated, as if it was targeting intruders.

The two of them did not panic and looked ahead silently.

This immortal magic circle did not last long, and it only took a blink of an eye from opening to closing.

When the light beam was restrained, cracks appeared in many places, and the snow-white bones were exposed where the soil rolled. I don't know what era they were left over, and they were filled with immortal energy.

There is no doubt that this is an immortal figure who died under the formation, and is very mutilated.

Back then, some immortal beings broke into this place, but were suppressed by the magic circle, died, and were buried here.

For Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who have not yet recovered to the supreme level, such a magic circle is extremely dangerous, and only Chi Cang can forcefully break out with this ten-ferocious body comparable to that of the Immortal King.

Fortunately, they and the owner of the restricted area are friends rather than enemies, so there is no need for this.

Soon, a green wooden bridge appeared, spreading from the low mountains and hills in the distance, and landed at the feet of Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

It is like a stone arch bridge, but it is made of wood, and there are branches one after another on the bridge, with crystal green leaves, like jasper.

At the same time, this wooden bridge exudes amazing fluctuations of divine power, and the breath of life is as strong as the ocean.

"The immortal ancient wood was killed and made into a bridge." Chi Cang saw the origin of the bridge and thought to himself.

They walked on the arch bridge and passed the ancient medicine garden. Chi Cang saw with his own eyes a fairy-mist elixir plant planted in the center of the garden, surrounded by magic medicine plants one after another, like stars holding the moon. .

So many powerful medicines are emitting sacred and peaceful energy and refreshing medicinal fragrance, making people feel as if they have arrived in a fairyland on earth.

Unfortunately, these are all fake. Under the sacred appearance, they are desolate and decayed.

Chi Cang shook his head. It was a pity that there was a longevity medicine. This kind of thing was still very precious. It had an amazing origin and was of great use.

They walked through the medicine garden, came to the hills, and got off the wooden bridge.

The scenery here is very pleasant, with lush vegetation and fresh air, just like a paradise.

Not far away, there are many low mountains with metal temples built on them. Some are silver, some are golden, and some are made of bronze.

The aura of the avenue is permeated, overwhelming, the waves are turbulent, and there is a general trend that suppresses the world, which makes people's minds feel broken.

This is a mountain of avenues. Each palace represents an invincible avenue and is proof of the master of the restricted area's great achievements on each avenue.

Chi Cang remembered that the master of the restricted area named Genyi had taught eight incredible disciples, all of whom were strong among the immortal beings. Furthermore, each disciple received a different method and could be said to be invincible. Law, it can be said that the master of this restricted area is a scholar of heaven and earth, and few immortal kings can compare with him.

After all, he was a creature returning from the battle. Although he died of serious injuries in the end, he probably killed many powerful people and gained their invincible skills.

The two continued to move forward. Not far ahead, there were several thatched huts standing on flat terrain among the hills. Compared with the magnificent ancient palaces on the mountains, the simple thatched huts had a transcendent charm. Aloof from the world, not in the mortal world.

In the hut, there are three figures standing, one in front and two behind. The person standing in the front is very young, gentle and elegant, looking almost thirty years old. He is dressed in white, extremely handsome, with deep eyes. It's like hiding endless stars.

This is an extremely handsome man who can leave a deep impression on people just by looking at him.

Behind him are two people, a man and a woman. The man is about 20 years old and looks very young. However, it can be seen from his eyes full of vicissitudes that the years he has lived are definitely long and long. .

The woman is beautiful, fresh and refined, like a fairy. She also looks very young, but she has actually lived for an unknown amount of time.

The three of them stood in front of the hut, seemingly waiting for Chi Cang and Liu Shen to welcome the distinguished guests.

"Friend Genda, long time no see."

God Liu spoke out. His whole body was shrouded in chaos, hazy, and three thousand firelights were burning behind him. In each firelight, there was a god sitting cross-legged, all worshiping God Liu.

Chi Cang's whole body was surrounded by thunder, and lightning intertwined with the mist, which was also very blurry and could not be seen clearly.

He also said hello to the owner of the restricted area.

"The restricted area is dilapidated and is a small building in the mountains. Gen Yi failed to provide good hospitality. I hope you two fellow Taoists won't blame me." The owner of the restricted area smiled and spoke with a kind of magnetism in his voice.

Later, he explained the reason why the magic circle broke out just now. It turned out that his Taoist boy woke up from his slumber due to the arrival of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and opened the magic circle without hesitation to kill the outsider.

At this time, the young man in his twenties from behind took an apologetic step forward and saluted Liu Shen and Chi Cang.

"This junior was confused for a moment, and then activated the magic circle. I hope Senior Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit and Senior Thunder Emperor will punish you."

He has learned that the people visiting the restricted area are two taboo-like creatures, especially the ancestor sacrifice spirits, who are one of the most powerful people in the primitive ancient world of the Immortal Ancient Era.

Needless to say, the Thunder Emperor is the youngest of the Ten Fierce Powers. If calculated, he and the female Taoist boy are much older than the Thunder Emperor. They have lived for more than one era. But in the end, the Thunder Emperor came from behind and won the battle. The achievements on the road of evolution are far greater than theirs.

In the process of evolution, those who have mastered it are the first, so it is okay to call Thunder Emperor senior, it is normal.

"It doesn't matter, this is just a small episode." Liu Shen and Chi Cang didn't care.

They know that after the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone experienced the world-destroying battle at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, they were very sensitive to the outside world and really did not want to have contact with the outside world.

The two True Immortal Taoist boys died under the siege of the Immortals. Now they are only obsessed with and full of resentment. It is not surprising that they walked into the restricted area and attracted their action.

"Thank you two seniors." The Taoist boy thanked him repeatedly as if he had been granted amnesty.

Although he was once a true immortal-level creature, he was not good enough in front of people of Liu Shen and Chi Cang's level, so he had to consider himself a junior.

Later, the owner of the restricted area invited Liu Shen and Chi Cang to go to the tea house. Just in front of the thatched house, there was a coffee table and two tree stump seats. They did not stop, but passed directly past the coffee table and entered the tea house. This is where the reception is. A place for distinguished guests.

The coffee table in front of the tea house has other uses.

Chi Cang was thoughtful, and he could see from the fact that there were only two tree-stump seats on the coffee table that only two people could sit there. Combined with the fact that the master of the forbidden area had accepted eight amazing and talented apprentices, he was convinced that those were the only places in the forbidden area. The place used by the Lord when accepting disciples.

Entering the teahouse is like entering a vast universe, with the heaven and earth as the house, the stars as the table, and the universe as the chair. Everything is so majestic that no one can visit it except an extraordinary person.

Neither Chi Cang nor Liu Shen are weak, and they remained calm after arriving in this cosmic teahouse.

They sat down separately, forming a three-legged stance with the owner of the penalty area.

There is a huge chessboard on the chests of the three people, with endless stars twinkling on the chessboard like chess pieces.

Such a scene is shocking. How can a chessboard with stars as pieces be simple?


Three cups of tea appeared in the void, hanging in front of the three of them.

Chi Cang greeted the owner of the restricted area, and then reached out to hold the tea cup. It was very cold in his hand, as if it was made of ten thousand years of ice.

But that's not the point. Chi Cang, who was holding the tea cup, only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and there was a terrifying scene of big stars rising and falling, and the universe collapsing.

That kind of breathtaking energy made Chi Cang feel like he was about to be torn apart, which was extremely terrifying.

However, as the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, how could he be frightened by a mere strange phenomenon?

He picked up the heavy tea cup, which seemed to be made of countless stars, put it to his mouth, pursed his lips lightly, tasted it slowly, and silently realized it.

Soon, Chi Cang saw a vast expanse of ocean, with undulating waves and rolling spray. A drop of sea water was an abandoned ancient world. It was hard to imagine how many ancient worlds this ocean contained. The terrifying laws were permeated, overwhelming and tearing apart. It can split a person's body and soul, even a true immortal can't resist it.

He knew that this must be the place where the Lord of the Forbidden Zone fought, and he was sinking and falling in this tea.

"Boundary Sea." Liu Shen was also drinking tea, and he could taste the essence of it. This ocean evoked endless memories for him.

"Yes, Boundary Sea is a place that countless strong men yearn for, but it is also the tomb of strong men. Since ancient times, countless people have been buried." The owner of the restricted area nodded and sighed. Back then, he was fighting Jie Hai returned from a hundred battles, was seriously injured and died.

Perhaps out of reluctance, or perhaps out of desire to know the truth about the Boundary Sea, a ray of obsession remains undying until now.

It’s my girlfriend’s birthday today, so it’s a little late, so I’ll update it earlier.

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