Chi Cang put down the tea cup and looked into the cup.

The tumbling tea is filled with the power of time, and the waves are turbulent, just like a boundary sea.

If an average person drinks such tea, they will probably explode and die.

"What kind of ocean is that?" Liu Shen asked aloud. The sea of ​​boundary reminded him of many things, but some memories were still vague.

The gentle and elegant face of the owner of the restricted area showed a look of memory, as if he was reliving the glorious years before the endless years.

He is as beautiful as jade, and is a peerless handsome man. You can imagine how magnificent he was back then. However, no matter how great his existence is, one day it will come to an end. The sun will set in the west, and tomorrow will be dusk, leaving only loneliness and sighs.

Suddenly, Gen Yi, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, reflected a terrifying scene of the universe being torn apart and stars exploding all over the sky. It was extremely terrifying!

The sky is cracked, many star seas are rising and falling, and the endless stars are turning, disintegrating, and destroying as his eyes flow. This seems to indicate how terrifying the battle on that road is.

After a long time, the dazzling eyes slowly dimmed. The owner of the restricted area was dressed in white, spotless and spotless. He originally had an otherworldly temperament, but at this moment he felt a little lost.

“Throughout the ages, great times have changed, eras have risen and fallen, and when the most powerful beings in the world reach the end of their cultivation journey, they all want to go there.

In the end, they are just moths chasing the flame, seeking their own death. They are all old guys who are tired of living. "

He was shaking his head and sighing, as if he was counting himself among the group of creatures who were tired of living.

Immediately afterwards, the owner of the restricted area told Liu Shen and Chi Cang about his valuable experiences, because he could see that Liu Shen and Chi Cang were very interested in that place.

He understands the mentality of the strong all too well, and his curiosity is inscrutable. One day, Liu Shen and Chi Cang will climb over the dam and plunge into that terrifying wave without hesitation.

And he had a deep friendship with Liu Shen, and Thunder Emperor Chicang was the young man he admired most in the Immortal Ancient Era. Telling them about those experiences was like entrusting part of his own obsession to the two of them.

He hoped that Liu Shen and Chi Cang could complete the things that he had not completed back then and the road that he had not completed.

This is what the owner of the restricted area is thinking and thinking.

"That sea is so extraordinary. Not to mention the strongest men of all ages who fought in it, the terrifying sea water alone can scare away ordinary immortals.

It disintegrates the form and spirit of living beings, turning them into rules, essence, etc., leaving them dead without a burial place, and those who cannot survive cannot survive.

This is the danger of the boundary sea itself. The greater danger is those powerful beings who are respected in heaven and earth in their respective eras.

According to legend, the source of darkness lies at the end of the Boundary Sea. Generations of ambitious and powerful men cross to the end of the Boundary Sea in order to quell the chaos and solve this mystery that has plagued the ages. This is the first type of people.

The second type is the terrifying existence that specializes in searching for and devouring the Dao Fruit of living beings of the same level in the boundary sea. In order to evolve, they do whatever they can, and many times it is the living beings who have no worries and no complaints who are fighting life and death.

Because of this, there is no order there. Any encounter between living beings is likely to break out into a war, and almost all living beings are enemies.

In addition, there are also weird dark creatures that you may encounter at any time. According to that theory, the end of the Boundary Sea is the birthplace of darkness. Therefore, the dark creatures in the Boundary Sea are extremely scary. If you compete with them, you will be killed if you are not careful. Fall into hell forever.

If you want to survive there, you won't be able to survive without extreme strength.

After I went to sea, I fought all the way and killed countless crazy and weird powerful people. However, it was useless. Even if you are the best in a world, you will just be lost in the vast sea of ​​​​the world. It would be nice to make a wave.

Later, I encountered a powerful enemy and suffered unimaginable heavy losses. I had no choice but to return home, and finally managed to come back. I was extremely lucky. "The lord of the restricted area said with a sigh.

When Liu Shen and Chi Cang looked at each other, they could both feel the horror of the Boundary Sea. In history, the strongest people from all eras gathered in an ocean. What kind of magnificent battlefield would it be?

"Friend Gendao, is there a way to the dam world?" Chi Cang suddenly asked.

When the owner of the restricted area in fluttering white clothes heard this, he looked at Chi Cang in surprise. He had already made clear the danger there. Going there before recovering enough strength would be seeking death.

"Your current behavior is not enough to break into the boundary sea." The owner of the restricted area said clearly.

Liu Shen looked at Chi Cang, thoughtfully. He and Chi Cang often discussed Taoism and knew that he had recently reached a bottleneck and was hesitant to light the divine fire. Now when he asked about Jie Hai, it was not difficult to guess the reason. .

Chi Cang shook his head and explained: "Friend Gendao has misunderstood. I am not going to break into the world sea now, but I need that kind of environment to make some kind of key breakthrough.

My way of embracing all heavens and all realms is only in the eight realms of the lower world, and it cannot reach its extreme. I need a suitable place to take a crucial step, which is related to my future. "

"Tolerating all the heavens and all realms?" the owner of the restricted area said to himself, secretly thinking that the Thunder Emperor was so powerful.

Most living beings will go to the sea or other worlds after cultivating in a big world to become immortal kings. At that time, their paths have been finalized. Now Chi Cang has only recovered to the level of killing me, so he must tolerate all the heavens. Wanjie, this is simply unimaginable.

If the person who said this was someone other than the Thunder Emperor, the owner of the restricted area would definitely think that this creature was crazy and talking nonsense.

He stared at Chi Cang, his eyes were extremely deep, as if there was a sea of ​​stars undulating in waves. It could be seen that his heart was very uneasy.

Chi Cang looked at him and felt very calm. He really needed the vast environment of all the heavens and all the worlds. The Immortal Seed of Thunder Pond was just a representative of the catastrophe of the original ancient world. Since he wanted to be the Emperor of Thunder, he had to control all the heavens and all the worlds. This is all the punishment in the world.

After a long time, the owner of the restricted area looked away. He was convinced that this stunning creature was not joking, but really wanted to go there and take an important step.

"Well, if you insist on going to the Dam Realm, I can provide you with a magic circle that leads directly to the Dam Realm." The Lord of the Forbidden Zone said this. Seeing such a stunning Thunder Emperor, his heart, which had been silent for many years, actually felt a little excited. Surging.

Tolerate all heavens and all realms? He really wanted to see how Chi Cang tolerated all realms.

"That's it, it couldn't be better. Thank you so much, my friend Gen Dao, for making it possible." Chi Cang felt happy in his heart.

He was originally stuck at this juncture, needing to choose between taking the old path and taking the new path. As a result, he happened to meet the completion of the repair of the ancient magic circle, found the owner of the restricted area, and got the road to the dam world. The old road and Naturally, there is no need to think twice about the new path.

"One thing I want to remind you is that once the magic circle is activated, it cannot be activated again within a hundred years. In other words, you need to stay in the dam world for a hundred years before you can return with the help of this magic circle.

Of course, if you have other ways to leave the dam world, just pretend I didn't tell you. "The owner of the restricted area reminded.

"Does it take a hundred years to start?" Chi Cang said to himself, weighing the pros and cons.

The catastrophe of the lower world is coming. After this catastrophe passes, Liu Shen will enter the primitive gate and embark on an unknown mysterious road. If Chi Cang wants to stay in the dam world for a hundred years, he will definitely not be able to catch up. And he was I promised to go out with Liu Shen.

"Liu Shen, will you go to the Dam Realm with me?" Chi Cang asked.

The white-clothed Liu Shen sitting cross-legged in the chaos was silent for a long time, and then shook his head.

"I will go to the Dam Realm one day, but it's too early for me now. You have ten evil bodies, and you can be safe and sound there without restrictions. So, practice with peace of mind and don't think about other things for the time being. Everything is based on practice.

We are here, no need to worry. "

He did not choose to go to the Dam Realm with Chi Cang, because for Liu Shen at this time, it was too dangerous there, and there was nothing he could do there. Staying in this world and taking things step by step was the best choice.

Chi Cang nodded. Liu Shen was reborn from Nirvana. Unlike his situation, the dam world was too dangerous for Liu Shen.

"Without further ado, I will set off after drinking this cup of tea." His eyes sparkled, and he decided to go to the dam world alone.

Lighting the divine fire is too important for the future, and we must not follow the path of the past. As Liu Shen said, everything is focused on cultivation.

Besides, how could he, the majestic Thunder Emperor, possess the body of the Ten Evils at Immortal King level, be trapped in a small dam world?

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Liu Shen nodded, both having great expectations for Chi Cang.

How amazing would it be if we succeeded in taking a great road that encompasses all heavens and all realms?

Later, the owner of the restricted area described to Chi Cang the various dangers in the boundary sea. To embrace all the heavens and all realms, he must personally enter the boundary sea.

If Chi Cang encounters a creature of Immortal King level, it is very likely that he will accidentally fall there.

You must know that his Immortal King body is passively activated. If he is not really in danger of destruction, he will not burst out with ten evil levels of power. At this moment, Chi Cang is an existence of the level of True Immortal and Supreme. With the right method You can also imprison him.

Therefore, this trip to the dyke world is not without dangers. On the contrary, it is full of dangers and you need to be careful at all times.

"Even if you want to enter the boundary sea, don't go too deep. The deeper you go, the more terrifying the fog formed by the "water vapor" will be, and you may lose your way.

Sometimes, you can see some islands in the sea. When this happens, it is best not to get close, because the islands are the favorite resting places of the most powerful creatures, and God knows what kind of dangers there are.

If you stray into the fog and lose your direction, don't panic, just wait where you are. The wind on the sea will gradually dissipate the fog. Of course, this process may take hundreds of years.

If you encounter light in the fog, it is best to avoid it, because it is a terrifying creature that is also trapped in the fog looking for a way out.

You may also encounter ancient ships sailing on the sea, or huge ancient tombs, mountains, etc. They are the vehicles of big shots, so be sure not to conflict with them..."

The Lord of the restricted area said a lot, all of which were valuable experiences he gained at the cost of his life.

It was obvious that he valued Chi Cang very much and did not want such an amazing creature to die young.

Chi Cang expressed his gratitude. Maybe they had met before, had conversations and interactions, but for Chi Cang now, this was the first time he met the owner of the restricted area. The other party spared no effort to help him. Chi Cang Naturally very grateful.

"There is no need for this. I am just an obsession. My ambition in this life is to see someone rise up in troubled times and become the most powerful genius in history. There is no doubt that you have this qualification." The owner of the restricted area waved his hand and said.

In fact, he really wanted to accept Chi Cang as his disciple. This was an excellent and the most powerful talent, and his talent was much higher than the eight disciples he had accepted before.

From the beginning of the Immortal Era to the end of the Immortal Era, there were a total of eight people, all of whom were extremely talented. One of them, the owner of the restricted area, even thought that she could reach his level.

But the reality is cruel. How many people can become kings and ancestors in an era? Only the strongest can break through the siege and rise high.

Seven of his eight disciples were stagnant in their cultivation. They wanted to seek breakthroughs and fight on behalf of their master, so they went to the boundary sea on the other side of the dam, but never came back. The eighth disciple, Fairy Qingyue, He died in the hands of an immortal from a foreign land.

The Chi Cang in front of him was famous all over the world before the Immortal Tribulation. He was known as the youngest of the Ten Fierce Men and the most promising genius to become a king.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone at that time saw Chi Cang once and was astonished. Now that we meet again after an era, he can feel that Thunder Emperor Chi Cang is even more powerful and unfathomable. Every step is the most solid and the foundation is terrifying. It's scary. To say that Immortal King Ji is a bit underestimated.

Therefore, his expectations for Chi Cang surpassed all the geniuses he had met before. However, Thunder Emperor Chi Cang no longer needed his guidance on his path, and it was impossible to become his disciple.

After a long conversation, Chi Cang had a deep understanding of the dike world and the boundary sea. He was much more confident about this trip to the dike world.

It is good to take the strongest path, but it must also be done with your life in mind.

Later, they talked about other things, including the eight prisons in the lower realm and the fall of Demon King Pu.

"Pu Demon King, the largest executioner in the foreign land, can be called the most terrifying immortal king. It can survive the attack of Taoist friend Wu Ending. Fortunately, you have eradicated it, otherwise it will be a great disaster. "

When talking about the upcoming catastrophe, the owner of the restricted area was expressionless and calm.

"This kind of thing is extremely common. I have seen it too many times in the past. It is like reincarnation one after another. Even if this one is prevented, there will be the next one, and the next one...

Furthermore, haven’t those divine fires and venerables who were captured by the beings from the upper world done such a thing? Everything is a cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unpleasant. "The Lord of the restricted area spoke out. In the long years he has lived, he has seen too many such things.

You will be angry at the beginning, but after witnessing these things again and again, you will realize that everything has a cause and effect. If you bully the weak, use living beings as leeks, and harvest all souls, one day there will be cause and effect.

Chi Cang still doesn't quite understand this realization. After all, he has not recovered his memory. If not counting the past, he has only lived for ten years. How can he compare with the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, an old monster who sleeps for an era?

However, he can understand this truth. Everything in the world has its own trajectory. If it is interfered with, it will produce cause and effect, which will affect the future. The higher the cultivation level, the more attention is paid to cause and effect, just like Xiaota said to Shi Hao That way.

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