The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 132 Sand and Mine Sea

Chi Cang was slightly startled. No one without Gai Dai should try it.

In other words, only those who are the best can try. In this sentence, the word "try" is very dazzling. Creatures like the Lord of the Forbidden Zone can only barely reach the threshold of "try". True immortals and immortals can enter. , he will die and his body will disappear at every turn.

How much power and strength do you need to cross over?

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone told Chi Cang that the creatures in the sea of ​​​​world are divided into three categories. The first category is those who have great ambitions and want to solve the dark turmoil that harms the heavens. The second category is those who fall into the darkness. The third category It is to continue the path of evolution and pursue powerful beings at a higher level.

So, in history, has anyone successfully crossed the boundary sea?

From the owner of the restricted area, Chi Cang learned that there was a powerful being from an unknown number of epochs ago who left a trail of uncertain footprints in the embankment world, all the way into the boundary sea.

Over the endless years, countless strong men have crossed into the sea of ​​​​world along these footprints, and it has become a beacon for future generations to find their way.

If there is anyone who successfully crosses the boundary sea, it must be the one who left footprints.

Now, there are so-called footprints on this magnificent altar. There are many. Does it mean that this altar was erected by the ancient most powerful man?

In fact, regarding this altar, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone also mentioned that it has existed for so long that no one knows when the altar was built.

Every creature that passes by the dam realm and wants to go to the realm sea will pass by this altar and will stand in front of the altar.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone also stopped here and observed the altar. Based on the words left by his predecessors, he concluded that the founder was probably the creature who left the footprints.

I don’t know how many epochs ago, the Supreme Being built this magnificent altar with the stars in the sky, with the purpose of directly crossing the boundary sea and reaching the end. Unfortunately, for some reason, the construction was stalled and only the construction was completed. Half done.

Chi Cang tried to understand it and used taboo methods. However, this altar was too majestic and contained things that were difficult to interpret. Even the lord of the Forbidden Zone of the Immortal King level could not explore it, so he naturally had no choice.

After a long time, Chi Cang shook his head. About this altar, all he could know was what the Lord of the Forbidden Zone told him.

He looked into the distance and saw some more footprints not far away. He stepped over the embankment and entered the mist-shrouded darkness.

Throughout the ages, only that creature can leave a mark, and batch after batch of strong men have followed this footsteps and plunged into the magnificent sea of ​​​​boundaries.

Chi Cang sighed slightly, maybe in the near future, he will also embark on this road.

He shook his head and turned back to other areas.

After walking less than a hundred feet, Chi Cang once again saw traces of footprints. The ground here was made of stones and soil. No one could leave footprints on it except that powerful creature.

In addition to the footprints, there is also a simple painting on the ground. I don't know what era it was left, like graffiti.

Judging from those lines, it seems that the time of the painting is not short, and it is most likely that it is from the same era as the altar. Combined with the footprints here, the identity of the creature left in the painting can be easily revealed.

Judging from its appearance, it seems to be a teleportation array. The graffiti-like simple drawings can be seen to have been made casually.

However, the rough lines and simple directions formed a teleportation array in the dry soil.

This makes people feel a bit ridiculous. It is just a few simple outlines. It is not an altar made of sacred stones, nor a magic circle constructed of treasures, but it has the ability to teleport out of the dam world.

Chi Cang Wu Yan is worthy of being the most powerful creature, and his methods are unimaginable.

"Where does this lead to?" he said to himself silently.

After being silent for a long time, he walked to another place. Following the line of footprints, Chi Cang walked in the opposite direction. Soon after, he came to a piece of sand.

This is a piece of red sand, as if it has been soaked in blood, giving people a very ominous feeling.

At least Chi Cang felt very uncomfortable. When he stared at the red sand, his heart throbbed, as if there was some great horror buried here.

He stood at the edge where the soil met the sand. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to step into the sand to find out what was going on. He followed the uncertain footsteps on the sand.


As soon as Chi Cang's foot landed on the red sand, blood mist rose up and roared, accompanied by bloody light, which was astonishingly powerful and terrifying.

However, Chi Cang was shrouded in a layer of mysterious light, blocking the invasion of all bloody mist.

At this time, violent fluctuations were heard in the endless distance ahead, and blazing lightning emerged, overwhelming the sky and overwhelming the earth, striking across the place.


The blood mist was shattered by the terrifying thunder, broken down into the tiniest particles, and eradicated inch by inch. This seemed to be purifying something ominous.

Chi Cang felt a kind of power coming from the same source, stretched out his hand to attract the raging thunder, wrapped it around his fingers, and realized it silently.

"What a powerful thunder."

He sighed and said that he could feel the terrifying power of this kind of thunder, which was specially designed to suppress some kind of ominous situation.

Every time Chi Cang takes a step forward, blood mist will rise from the sand. Similarly, thunder will appear, killing from a distance and destroying all strange powers.

He continued to go deeper, looking for the source of the thunder.

Soon after, some stones appeared on the red sand. Then, the color in front changed, from ominous red to yellow, which was considered normal.

Chi Cang stepped onto the yellow sand without hesitation. As soon as he stepped on it, yellow mist emerged, which was very violent. Although it was mist, it was like thunder.

He was not harmed because the huge secret power contained in his body was at work. It had manifested itself earlier when fighting against the blood stains left by the immortal beings, and it had been protecting him from the erosion of external forces ever since.

At this moment, the mysterious light overflowing from his body not only resisted the yellow mist, but the yellow mist that was pressed back was unable to emerge and was suppressed back, forming a pure land.

For a moment, the surroundings became quiet, and there were no more violent sounds.

Chi Cang didn't stop and followed the line of faint footprints toward the depths of the yellow sand.

When he turned his head and looked at the sand he had walked on, there were no traces, only a line of footprints left countless years ago. The sand seemed soft, but in fact it was extremely hard, and even the body of the Immortal King could not cause damage.

Chi Cang turned around and continued to move forward. It was so quiet here, as if he had reached the end of the universe. There was no sound at all and everything was silent.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Chi Cang suddenly heard the sound of thunder and lightning. Although it was vague, it was very real. He was convinced that that was the source of the thunder he was looking for.

He quickened his pace and walked through the vast yellow sand. With this line of footprints as a guide, he didn't have to worry about getting lost.

Finally, a black spot appeared in front, which caught Chi Cang's attention. He quickly approached and soon came to the black spot.

This is an ancient monument, standing on the sand, inscribed with the oldest immortal inscriptions, recording some things.

Chi Cang used secret techniques to perceive these immortal texts at the level of the great road, trying to figure out what they meant.

Soon after, he clearly understood the role of this ancient stele. Like the previous stone stele that stood in front of the altar, it served as a warning to those who came after it, and also told those who came after that all the creatures who came here followed the footprints. OK.

Chi Cang could imagine a scene where invincible people came here one after another, stood in front of the ancient stele and studied the ancient characters. Finally, they followed the footprints and went deeper step by step. In the end, they disappeared. Most of the living beings were gone. Back.

He let out a long sigh, all for the sake of detachment. When the road comes to an end, who doesn't want to continue on?

He bypassed the ancient monument and continued forward. He walked about a thousand feet and reached the destination of this trip.

This is a world of thunder, with lightning and thunder, and majestic aura, as if there are endless worlds buried in it. Huge thunder flies out one after another, exploding in the void, forming a rain of light, accompanied by chaos and endless destruction. force.

It was so vast that there was no end in sight. The thunder and lightning were colorful and terrifying, forming a boundless ocean of thunder, with crashing waves and surging waves.

"A sea of ​​thunder, does the thunder that suppresses the ominous power come from here?" Chi Cang said to himself, thinking a lot.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths or the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, it has long been difficult to see the catastrophe of heaven. If you want to overcome the tribulation, you need to use strong cultivation to induce it, but here is entrenched such a terrifying power of divine punishment. Could it be said that those who disappeared Has the punishment from heaven arrived here?

“Boundary sea, darkness, dam, red sand, ominous, thunder.

These things are all related. The world of thunder and lightning must not have been formed naturally. There must have been powerful beings who arranged all this in order to resist the ominous erosion. "Chi Cang said to himself. He understood that the power of heaven's punishment was ownerless and unconscious. It was an order and could not be gathered together spontaneously.

The thunder in this world of thunder sea obviously does not come from one big world, but from countless worlds.

Suddenly, Chi Cang was stunned. He saw a gravel road in the turbulent thunder sea, which seemed to be made of cobblestones and stretched into the depths of the thunder sea.

On the cobblestone path, the power of thunder was obviously reduced a lot, like a man-made road leading to nowhere.

"A road built to cross the sea of ​​thunder?"

He looked forward, trying to see through the gravel road, but he couldn't do it. It was not easy for the gravel road to survive for eternity in the violent sea of ​​thunder.

At this time, a shadow flashed in the depths of the thunder sea and was caught by Chi Cang. He was a little surprised. It was a gray and simple pool with a simple charm. It shuttled through the thunder sea at a very fast speed.

"Thunder Pond?"

The next moment, Chi Cang's chest glowed, and a bright light group slowly emerged and landed in his palm.

This is his immortal seed, a thunder pool.

The moment the thunder pool appeared, the world of thunder and lightning in front became turbulent. Big waves hit the shore, as if to express a kind of joy and welcome the arrival of the thunder pool immortal species.

Chicang felt the changes in this thunder sea through his control of the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed. He was thinking, could the source of the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed be in this Thunder Sea?

He held the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed in his hand, and with the power of forbidden heavenly punishment shining all over his body, he strode into the Thunder Sea.


The raging sea of ​​thunder and the crashing of huge waves are the most terrifying thunder and lightning. Even the immortals will be chopped into ashes when they come.

However, Chi Cang was not affected. All the blood in his body had turned into the Thunder Pond Divine Xi. His physical body, soul, and external cave were all carved with the original symbols in the Lei Pond Immortal Seed. His control over the taboo heavenly punishment had reached an unimaginable level. degree.

Therefore, even without relying on the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed, Chi Cang can still walk in the Thunder Sea.

He did not go to the cobblestone path, but went straight towards the depths of the Thunder Sea, sinking like a stone falling into the sea.

The surrounding thunder and lightning heavenly punishments that turned into liquid ignored Chi Cang and did not attack him, as if he was born to be a creature in the sea of ​​thunder. All this is because of Chicang's accomplishments in forbidden heavenly punishments, which made him feel like a fish in water in the sea of ​​thunder.

The further you go down, the more turbulent the Thunder Sea becomes, and the entire sea water turns into an undercurrent, surging violently. Generally speaking, when this happens, it means that there is a huge eye at the bottom of the Thunder Sea, and the sea water is drawn into the eye. , so a huge undercurrent will be formed.

The sky is falling, approaching the possible sea eye.

Suddenly, the gray thunder pool seen earlier appeared in the sea water not far away.

His eyes flashed with light, and the forbidden power of heavenly punishment filled his palms, and he captured the thunder pool from the air.

It's very cold in hand, and the gray stone is very simple, but the most brilliant light blooms in it, which is extremely frightening. It rushes out from time to time and flies in all directions, almost tearing the heavens apart.

Chi Cang stared at it, the power of this thunder pool was very strong, much more terrifying than the Taoism he could show now.

At the bottom of the thunder pool, Chi Cang did not see the original symbols. There were only some mysterious substances, which were the highest essence of the thunder path. They seemed to be the result of endless years of accumulation.

Compared with his Thunder Pond Immortal Seed, this Thunder Pond is still a little inferior.

One is accumulated and the other can be continuously generated. There is an essential difference between the two.

In fact, that original symbol is too special. It is like the source of all the order and rules of heavenly tribulation. It continuously releases the ultimate power of destruction and vitality of creation, and hides the secret of the origin of all things.

Chi Cang realized the power in the gray thunder pool and sensed that there were taboo rules that were different from those of the immortal species in the thunder pool. It was very scary. Accompanied by the fairy mist, if it exploded, even the real immortals would not be able to withstand it.

He swallowed some of the essence material at the bottom of the pool to help him understand the taboo rules in this thunder pool. As a result, terrifying thunder suddenly erupted from his body, triggering billions of thunder lights.

With the previous foundation, Chi Cang understood quickly and engraved those completely different taboo rules into his body.

This process went very smoothly, without the twists and turns and thunder disasters like when I understood the original symbol of the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed.

Soon after, Chi Cang's realization was completed. Through these unprecedented taboo rules, he understood a lot. The great heaven and earth to which the Heaven's Punishment in this thunder pool belonged had perished in the ups and downs of the era, leaving only the condensed Heaven's Punishment. The thunder pool was sucked into the sea of ​​thunder, like a rootless tree.

"It can be used as a consumable product that can be actively released and hurt the true immortal." He said to himself.

If anyone else heard his words, they would definitely beat their chests and stamp their feet. A mouthful of thunder pool only exists in legends. Since ancient times, few people have been able to get it. It is so precious that it is unimaginable. However, Chi Cang wants to use the thunder pool as a one-time consumption. How can you prevent people from vomiting blood?

However, for Chi Cang, this gray thunder pool really only has this effect. He has an insight into the internal taboo rules. For him, there is no secret in the thunder pool.

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