Chi Cang put away the gray thunder pool and continued to descend. The closer he got to the bottom of the sea, the more turbulent the undercurrent became. He believed that even creatures of the Immortal King level would not be able to persist here and would be drowned by endless lightning.

At this point, it is no longer a simple punishment from heaven. There is an inexplicable rule and order shrouded in it. For ominous things, the strange blood mist on the red sand was a kind of ominous one. Whenever it appears, it will attract thunder punishment.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow crossed the bottom of the sea, so big that it could occupy a person's sight, like a vast continent.

Chi Cang was surprised and stopped. His eyes were bright and he could see clearly that this was a huge kun fish, lifelike, swimming proudly in the depths of the blazing thunder sea.

Chi Cang was about to observe carefully, but as a result, the Kun fish, which was as huge as land, suddenly disappeared into nothingness, turned into lightning, spread out in the thunder sea, and became part of the endless thunder.

"Is it transformed by lightning?" He was a little surprised. A huge creature that was no different from a real Kun fish was actually transformed by lightning. It seemed extremely strange to appear in this sea of ​​thunder.

You must know that this place is a restricted area for living beings. Since ancient times, no one has dared to go deep into the Thunder Sea. Even the living beings at the level of Immortal King must walk along the cobblestone path honestly. The higher the cultivation level, the more enemies they encounter. The punishment is even more terrifying.

Eternal years have passed, and the best of each era have come here, walking along the path opened by their predecessors, and following the footprints into the boundary sea.

They can all see that this sea of ​​thunder is extraordinary and that there are great secrets hidden within it. However, there are countless forbidden punishments from the great worlds gathered here. It can be called a forbidden sea, and no one can touch the secrets within it.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Cang saw another creature, which was a real dragon. Its cold scales shone with a terrifying metallic luster, and its eyes were deep and cold, with a great majesty.

He stared at the real dragon wandering in the sea of ​​thunder, trying to find out what was going on, because this real dragon was so lifelike, and its eyes were gleaming, not dead, as if it had a high level of intelligence.

However, not long after, the real dragon also dissipated, turning into streaks of lightning and blending into the sea water.

Chi Cang was stunned for a moment and thought of a lot.

"Since it is a thunder sea formed by the gathering of heavenly punishments, then these heavenly punishments must have the marks left by countless creatures when they went through tribulations."

For endless years, countless creatures have been bathed in thunder and punishment. For example, in the primitive ancient world of the Immortal Ancient Era, when they broke through the realm, heavenly punishment would come. However, later, the Immortal Ancient Catastrophe broke out and the ancient world was crippled. All thunder catastrophes have disappeared, and only those who truly defy heaven can incur divine punishment.

From ancient times to the present, every creature that has experienced tribulation and punishment will leave its mark in the heavenly punishment. When the thunders of countless great worlds gather in one place, those marks are likely to manifest and become lifelike creatures.

The huge Kunpeng and the majestic true dragon just now may be the marks left by a certain Kunpeng and the true dragon when they passed through the tribulation. They were activated here and occasionally manifested.

It should be understood that heavenly punishment is a symbol of destruction, but extreme destruction will also give birth to life.

Understanding the origin of these undersea creatures, Chi Cang stopped staying and continued to fall.

In the process, he saw several more thunder pools, including a three-foot-square black thunder pool. The thunder that burst out was terrifying and shocking.

Chi Cang repeated the action just now, thoroughly understood the taboo rules inside the thunder pool, and then put it away.

Like the gray thunder pool, the great world to which the black thunder pool belonged was also destroyed in the long river of history.

There is also a silver thunder pool, about six feet square, which seems to be alive. It swallows thunder and lightning, has a terrifying aura, and emits thousands of rays of light.

The most special thunder pool is undoubtedly the bloody thunder pool, which is more than ten feet long. The pool contains blood-colored glow, which is constantly spraying out, and there is a strong smell of blood.

When Chi Cang understood this blood-colored thunder pool, he had an inexplicable feeling, as if he had come to the end of the world, and saw the moment when the end came, with all living beings bleeding, mountains of corpses, and seas of blood.

In a trance, a blood pool seemed to appear, collecting endless blood essence of living creatures and turning it into a thunder pool.

Chi Cang was speechless. Although he had expected it, it was still a bit unbelievable when it was actually confirmed. The blood of an entire world of creatures was exchanged for such a blood-colored thunder pool. It was really terrifying.

He did not stop, and in the process of sinking, he understood the Thunder Pond and engraved the taboo rules in his body. This is different from the power of heavenly punishment of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and it is different from the Thunder Dao performed by the Immortal Seeds of Thunder Pond. It is of great use to Chi Cang.

Just like this, when he was about to reach the bottom of the sea, Chi Cang's body, bones, and soul were all filled with taboo rules, and his whole body was about to turn into the source of divine punishment.

As for the thunder pool, he only collected a small part of it, because this thunder sea was artificially arranged to destroy ominous things. God knows what impact taking away the thunder pool will have on the seal. Chi Cang didn't want to get rid of it because of a few mouthfuls. The thunder pool destroyed the arrangement of the sages.

He came to the bottom of the Thunder Sea, which was completely different from the sea water he had encountered before. There were neither creatures with various marks manifested nor thunder pools.

The sea water was red, like countless blood. When I first looked at it, my soul felt horrified. Is there a sea of ​​blood at the bottom of the thunder sea?

But with a little induction, you will find that this bloody sea water is not blood, but the rules of order. It is a sea of ​​laws and the power of supreme judgment.

Even Chi Cang, who had mastered the forbidden power of heavenly punishment, felt frightened when he entered this kind of sea water, as if he would be judged at any time.

Somewhat strangely, the turbulent undercurrent in the sea water just now disappeared at this moment. I originally thought that there would be a super eye of the ocean here, with endless sea water pouring in, causing a large whirlpool to form in the sea.

After the results came down, I discovered that the seabed was incredibly calm, and the sound of thunder exploding could not be heard at all, as if I had arrived in a still space and time.

Chi Cang walked carefully, fearing that he would disturb the rules and order here and cause a disaster. He had countless questions in his mind. The whirlpool-like undercurrent could not be created out of thin air. There should be an eye of the sea.

He headed towards the center of the huge undercurrent that appeared earlier. If there was an eye of the sea, it should be at the very center.

The silent seabed, the supreme power of judgment, and the deep red rules of order, this place can be called a real restricted area of ​​life. Even if a stalwart creature of the Immortal King level comes here, he will be judged and suffer the consequences of the great world.

Chi Cang's speed was not very fast. His whole body was filled with dense taboo symbols. His body and spirit were all glowing. His whole body was about to transform into assimilated with the sea water. Only in this way could he not be targeted by the power of judgment.


Suddenly, a metallic trembling sound sounded, causing ripples in the sea water.

The red ripples spread, making Chi Cang's body feel cold, and he had a feeling of impending disaster. Even the ten evil bodies of the Immortal King level could not give him a sense of security.

His pupils narrowed and he saw the source of the metal trembling sound. It was something he was very familiar with, an immortal-killing guillotine specially designed to kill those who defy heaven.

I saw an immortal-killing guillotine rising and falling in the blood-colored sea water. Dark red light flickered on the blade. I don't know how many creatures it had struck before it showed this color. Chi Cang could even see the untouched guillotine on the blade. Blood, bloody, extremely terrifying.

If it were an ordinary Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine, Chi Cang would not be afraid at all. You must know that relying on his control of the forbidden heavenly punishment, he could transform the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine and use it against the enemy.

However, this breath was a little unusual, the breath was so terrifying that Chi Cang seriously suspected that it was not the immortal but the king.

When he was falling, Chi Cang saw the figure of the Immortal-Decapitating Guillotine, and he had a startled glance at it. Thinking about it, that was the one he had faced before, and it almost cut off his neck.

This guillotine sinks and floats in the supreme power of judgment that can destroy the Immortal King, so it is naturally extraordinary.

He had a feeling that if he provoked this guillotine, with his current attainments in the Taboo of Heavenly Punishment, he would definitely not be able to stop it and his body and head would be separated.

Chi Cang stayed away and did not approach rashly.

After leaving a far enough distance, the feeling of heart palpitations gradually dissipated.

"That's right. If the Immortal King could explore the seabed casually without these terrifying powers of judgment and powerful weapons, then this arrangement would be meaningless." He sighed and continued to move towards the center of the undercurrent vortex.

Finally, he saw the undercurrent again, forming a waterspout far ahead, running through the bottom of the sea and the sea, and it was very conspicuous in the calm red water.

After Chi Cang approached the waterspout, he was surprised to find that the center of the tornado was hollow and there was no sea water.

He thought in his mind that if there was any arrangement on the seabed, it must be in the space at the center of the tornado.

The high-speed rotating red sea water highlights the extraordinary center of the tornado. You must know that this is the order and rule that can destroy the Immortal King. How can it be easy to open up a space without sea water here?

Chi Cang looked upwards, looking for a peaceful area from which to enter the center. He did not dare to force his way through the high-speed rotating red sea water.

Finally, Chi Cang entered the space at the center of the waterspout. There was no sea water here, and naturally there was no such terrible power of judgment. He fell quickly and followed the waterspout straight to the bottom of the sea.

While falling, Chi Cang vaguely saw a black spot, which seemed to be a building.

The buildings built at the bottom of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Sea must have been left behind by the creature who arranged the Thunder Sea. It is most likely the most powerful person who left insurmountable footprints on the sand.

Chi Cang's face was as calm as water, and he did not relax his vigilance. He was always paying attention to the surrounding situation. If anything went wrong, he would immediately return to the original route.

He was able to come here because he had the power of forbidden punishment. Otherwise, he would have been turned into ashes halfway. The layout below must be an important place, and it is not surprising that there are any terrifying restrictions.

Unexpectedly, the journey was smooth and no accidents occurred.

Chi Cang slowly landed on the ground and stood in front of a huge creature. He looked up with shock in his eyes.

He never imagined that the thing suppressing Lei Haihai's eyes would actually be a huge city.

If it was an altar or something, he wouldn't be surprised. However, this is a city. The ancient city wall is majestic and majestic, as if it is made of endless star bones. There are too many mottled marks on it, including those left by weapons and some. The horrific bloodstains all illustrate the former glory of this ancient city.

However, as time goes by and eras change, the ancient city is still there, and the people from that time are nowhere to be seen.

The entire ancient city was silent, as if standing at the end of the universe, standing in eternal silence, accompanied only by time.

Chi Cang looked up at the ancient city and felt that he was very insignificant. Suddenly, his eyes were dazzled and he saw this scene. The vast and majestic ancient city stood on the sand. There was a real immortal standing on the city and roaring to the sky and the earth. There is an Immortal King hanging high above the city, roaring to destroy the world.

Their opponents are endless dark creatures, rushing out from the boundary sea and rushing towards this side. This is the last line of defense. The strong men from all over the world gather together and stand at the gate to fight the darkness to the death.

The picture flowed, distorted, and turned into a silent giant city again.

Chi Cang came back to his senses and recalled the scene he had just seen, knowing that it might be something from the past.

"Endless creatures rushed out of the boundary sea and jumped over the dam. A majestic pass stood on the yellow sand, and countless strong men suppressed the strange creatures.

What era was this? "

He said to himself, very shocked, because there were too many immortal king-level creatures in that city, and some immortal kings even died on the city wall, with their blood splattering in the sky.

"Is this the era where the most powerful man who left his footprints lived?" Chi Cang had a clear understanding.

He heard from the owner of the restricted area that it seemed to be the ancient Emperor Luo.

"The Emperor's Fall, or the years older than the Emperor's Fall, the boundary sea rioted, darkness surged, and all the creatures in the world and the darkness launched a decisive battle in the dike world.

After a bloody battle, it ended with the victory of all the heavenly beings. Later, some powerful people took action and gathered all the thunder punishments from the heavens to form a sea of ​​thunder, killing the strange and ominous. The ancient city was used as a seal. The suppressed thing is suppressed at the bottom of the sea of ​​thunder. "He roughly guessed some context.

"So that's it. The red sand was originally yellow. After that battle, the blood of countless powerful and strange creatures dyed the yellow sand red, which contains ominous power."

Chi Cang suddenly realized, but he was a little confused, how did the sand where even a strong person like the Lord of the Forbidden Zone could not leave footprints become soaked with blood? Among them, there must be some unknown secrets that have been lost in the long river of history.

He took a deep breath and decided to enter this extremely ancient pass to take a look. Maybe it contained the answer to everything.

Stepping closer, Chi Cang could clearly feel the desolation of the ancient city, which came from an extremely distant era. This was the last line of defense, with the hinterland of the heavens behind it. If this city fell, the consequences would be disastrous.

At that time, darkness and strangeness will march forward, and they will inevitably affect all realms and heavens.

Therefore, even if there was an Immortal King bleeding the city, the people at that time still had to defend it.

The city gate is tall and thick, made of Chaos Stone. If the God Stone and the small tower are here, your eyes will definitely shine. The two stone gates, I don’t know how heavy they are, are all made of Chaos Stone, which is definitely not something you can find in just one world. of.

However, although the city gate was heavy, Chi Cang didn't use much strength to push it open.

The two stone doors opened slowly, as if opening up a long-lost history. The ancient atmosphere rushed to the face, giving Chi Cang a sense of time and space intertwined.

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