Stepping into it, what you will see is a mottled long street extending in all directions. Along the way, there are ancient temples of different styles, which are very different from today's architectural styles.

Chi Cang strolled on the street. The place was completely empty, and there was no such grand scene as when the powerful men from all over the world gathered there.

During the city's most glorious period, true immortals traveled everywhere, and immortal kings came and went.

Unfortunately, time flies by, prosperity no longer exists, and everything returns to dust.

Chi Cang walked on the street and passed tall buildings. The furnishings inside were in order and did not look like they had been damaged.

In fact, the streets and buildings in the city are like this and are very well preserved, which shows that the darkness did not invade during that battle.

Some majestic ancient temples are engraved with twisted symbols, which are very mysterious. Like the words on the stone tablets standing in the sand, they are the oldest immortal texts. After endless years, they are still emitting crystal light.

Although he didn't recognize them, he could roughly understand the meaning of these symbols. The general idea was that they were the residences of so-and-so strong men, and they were the honorary titles of those strong men.

Chi Cang walked into an ancient palace, which was a retreat place for immortal king-level creatures back then. This could be judged from the special symbols engraved above the door outside the ancient palace.

There are gardens inside, stone tables, stone chairs, dry medicine fields, weapons refining areas, alchemy rooms, retreat rooms, etc., all available.

In the distant ancient times, an Immortal King lived here. The place where such a creature lived was naturally extraordinary and should have countless miracles. However, what Chi Cang saw was ordinary.

Time smoothed everything out, and he did not sense the aura of the Immortal King series. It was no different from an ordinary palace.

In the alchemy room, a strange-shaped medicine furnace is placed in the center. There is a magic circle built on the ground to assist in alchemy. Thinking back to that era, alchemy must have been very prosperous.

Chi Cang walked unimpeded and arrived in front of the alchemy furnace. The once crystal-clear medicine furnace was now covered with dust. He blew lightly, and suddenly the dust was billowing.

The alchemy furnace revealed its original appearance. It had long lost its sacred aura, and the medicinal fragrance that was often carried during alchemy was also gone. Everything returned to dust and was lost in the long river of history.

He stretched out his hand to open the lid, and a rotten smell hit his nostrils. It was full of ashes, including the remains of the elixir and materials that had not yet been refined.

Chi Cang sighed and closed the lid. Time is too ruthless. No matter how great the existence is, one day it will be wiped out. All traces will fade away until they disappear.

There is no need to look at other ancient temples, they are probably all like this.

He took steps towards the depths of the ancient city. Since this place was used to suppress the Thunder Eye, there must be other things besides the secluded residences of the Immortal Kings and True Immortals.

The ancient city is vast, Chi Cang walked for a long time, and finally found an unusual place.

This is a square, very vast, and also very empty. Walking on the square, Chi Cang realized what silence is, and only the sound of his footsteps echoed between heaven and earth.

His eyes were deep, bursting with blazing divine light, and then he looked into the distance. Soon, Chi Cang saw a black shadow.

Coming closer, this is a huge altar, circular in shape and about a hundred miles in diameter. It can be said to be the largest altar Chi Cang has ever seen.

Starting from the periphery, the closer to the center, the higher the height of the altar. Steps are paved and piled up, making the entire altar look like a majestic mountain peak.

Chi Cang stared at the altar, wanting to investigate, but he hit a wall. There were mysterious rules of order lingering on the surface of the altar, and he couldn't see through it at all.

He tentatively raised his feet on the steps of the altar, and Chi Cang's body suddenly froze. In his sight, stars fell one after another from outside the realm, as if it was the end of the world.

He didn't panic, seeing that this was a vision and not something that really happened.

Then, after taking the second step, Chi Cang stood on the altar, and the doomsday scene in his eyes was even more shocking. There was a scene of the heaven and earth breaking apart, the universe disintegrating, and all souls bleeding.

The terrifying oppressive force surged from the void, making Chi Cang feel like he was carrying a dozen ancient mountains.

He took the third step, the fourth step... and the tenth step, walking towards the highest center of the altar. With every step he took, the pressure would become more intense. In the end, all the bones in the sky were pressed. It made a creaking sound, as if it was carrying a piece of blue sky on its back.

Fortunately, he was strong enough. If ordinary creatures had come, they would have been unable to hold on and collapsed on the ground. However, Chi Cang always kept his body upright, like an eternal monument.

He is gradually approaching the highest peak of the altar, where there must be all the truth that he wants to know.

Suddenly, Chi Cang looked at his feet. At some point, wisps of mist overflowed from the altar, filling the void. As he stepped forward, the mist became thicker and had already passed Chi Cang's knees.

At this moment, he is still a certain distance away from the top of the altar. According to the current situation, he will be swallowed up by the fog before he reaches the top.

God knows where all this mist comes from and what will happen if it is submerged.

However, there is no turning back when the bow is fired. Once it comes, it is safe, and Chi Cang continues to move forward.

Soon after, he was completely engulfed by the fog, and his two golden eyes shone in the fog, like two bright lights.

This kind of fog was very strange. He couldn't see through it at all. He only felt that the time and space in the fog were a bit chaotic and extremely unstable.

The bodies of the ten evil spirits in the Immortal King series did not show any reaction. Apart from the pressure, nothing else happened.

However, Chi Cang was a little disoriented. He always felt that he was not heading to the top of the altar, but to a vast and unknown mysterious world.

After taking a few steps, the fog was so thick that I couldn't even see my palms clearly.

However, the next moment, the fog rolled endlessly, time changed, and fragments of time flew. Chi Cang felt that his eyes were blurred. When his sight became clear again, it was already a different world.

He was a little confused, why did he leave the original place as soon as his vision blurred?

At this moment, there was no altar at all under his feet, but a busy street. There were many pedestrians around, all looking in a hurry. There were also chariots pulled by mythical beasts, which were full of sword marks. At first glance, they looked like they had been on the battlefield for a long time and had experienced many things. Great war.

Chi Cang stood in the center of the street, confused. He was completely different from the behavior of these pedestrians and seemed out of place.

"True immortals are everywhere?"

He said to himself in surprise, because these "pedestrians" were all strong men who had entered the realm of immortality. The aura of immortality was completely different from that of the realm of humanity, and they were not the same kind of creature at all.

At this time, a chariot pulled by a purple unicorn came speeding up. All the real immortal creatures on the road took the initiative to avoid it and did not dare to block the path of the chariot.

Obviously, the owner of this chariot is a big shot, surpassing a true immortal. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have a unicorn at the true immortal level pull the chariot for it.

But Chi Cang stood in the middle of the road. Without paying attention, it was too late to avoid him.

His whole body tensed up, and the mysterious light on the outside of his body flashed, ready to resist this mighty purple unicorn.

However, what surprised Chi Cang was that the chariot roared past and passed through his body, leaving long and thin cracks in the void.

A speeding Immortal King's chariot passed through his body and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This made Chi Cang slightly dazed. Could everything he saw before him be an illusion? However, it was too realistic. When the chariot rushed over, the fierce and battlefield-experienced aura hit my face. How could it be like an illusion?

He looked around, looking at the ancient palaces with fairy lights shining and people coming and going. All of them corresponded to the ancient palaces he had seen in the ancient city before.

Chi Cang understood immediately. A force in the fog allowed him to "return" to a fragment of time in the ancient city and witness a disappearing ancient history.

He tried again to verify what he thought, and sure enough, one by one the real immortals collided with him, and they all passed through without any contact.

Stepping into the ancient palace, he watched the Immortal King refining alchemy and practicing without being noticed. He seemed to be in a deserted place and could pass through everything, just like a wandering ghost.

After learning all this, Chi Cang searched for the vast square in the city. However, the city was full of places where Immortal Kings and True Immortals were stationed, and various tall ancient palaces stood there. Where was there any empty square? Not to mention the super altar with a diameter of hundreds of miles.

"Hasn't it been built yet?" Chi Cang said to himself.

Suddenly, the entire giant city shook violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

The immortal creatures on the street looked solemnly in one direction and hurried away.

Soon, a desolate and distant horn sound resounded through the sky, accompanied by bursts of roar.

When Chi Cang heard this, he suddenly felt that his blood was boiling, and he wished he could fight immediately.

This was the effect brought about by the sound of the horn. It seemed vaguely like a real dragon roaring to the sky and the earth. Chi Cang understood that this horn was made from the horn of a real dragon.

"The horn sounds, is there going to be a battle?"

He looked at the real immortals around him who were rushing towards the city wall, and quickly followed them.

When he came to the city wall, Chi Cang saw creatures of the Immortal King level, as well as countless true immortals. This was definitely not the power of one realm, but the power of all heavens and realms.

The leading immortal kings are unfathomable and have reached unimaginable situations. They are most likely to be giants, or existences that surpass giants.

At this time, all the creatures looked solemnly and looked ahead.

Chi Cang followed their gaze and saw the yellow sand in the sky. The windy sand in front was very big, blocking his sight. However, vaguely, Chi Cang saw a majestic embankment. Hengcheng was blocked by the yellow sand. The undulating boundary sea.

Farther away was a dark mist that made it impossible to see clearly.

But Chi Cang could imagine the situation behind the dam. It must be dark and monstrous, like hell.

Not long after, something went wrong with the embankment, and black shadows appeared, standing on it, like creatures emerging from hell, rushing towards the ancient city.

The desolate dragon horn blew again, and the sound of whimpering spread to all directions. All the Immortal Kings and True Immortals were roaring. They knew that it would be difficult to survive this battle.

Dark creatures poured in overwhelmingly, each of them an immortal. They were so vast that they covered the entire embankment. In addition to those that rushed over, there were also those that landed from the boundary sea.

The dark creatures of the King Realm are scattered everywhere, plundering the formation.

Such a huge force is enough to destroy all heavens and worlds.

Any true immortal who sees this scene will feel numb and terrified, and want to retreat. However, they have no way out. After the defense line here is broken through, darkness will leave seeds in the heavens and take root, causing darkness and chaos. Will bring disaster to the world.


An Immortal King waved his hand and rushed towards the boundless darkness. The True Immortals roared and bravely attacked the dark creatures.

A bloody battle broke out like this. The true immortals had the battlefield of the true immortal capital, and the immortal kings had the battlefield of the immortal kings. The lines were clearly defined, and they fought until the stars and rivers fell, and the sun and the moon lost all light.

With just one encounter, countless immortal beings and immortal beings exploded and died. Blood stained the sky and dripped into the yellow sand. The smell of blood was everywhere in the air.

This is an extremely cruel war, a meat grinder. True immortals and creatures are dying at a speed visible to the naked eye. All kinds of heavenly cries and changes in the sky are endless.

Chi Cang's heart was shaken. It was so tragic. Even the great catastrophe of the ancient immortals in the ancient world could not compare with this battle. It looked like too many true immortals. The crystal sacred blood was mixed with the blood of dark creatures, and the limbs were broken. Flying around.

After practicing Taoism for endless years, he finally became an immortal, but he died here in an instant.

The creatures of the Immortal King level are also fighting bloody battles, and an unimaginable dark king launches an attack on the city.

The creatures in the world are very powerful, and they have blocked the impact of darkness. However, the dark creatures are endless, and they are constantly coming from the other side of the dam. The number is so despairing.

The number of Dark Kings is also increasing rapidly, gradually forming a situation where there are more and fewer.

Chi Cang noticed that there was a majestic creature who was different from other beings. He fought against multiple kings of darkness alone and suppressed his opponents. He was so powerful that it was immeasurable.

He seems to be the true leader of all realms, gathering all the powerful creatures in the heavens and all realms here to fight against the darkness.

The battle is fierce, and the losses on the side of the heavens are getting bigger and bigger. Immortal kings have fallen one after another, but the support from the dark side is still endless.

Later, an ancient palace crossed the boundary sea and came here. From the ancient palace, the terrifying Dark King came out with a box, triggering riots in the world.

This box is full of metal texture and has the luster of jade. It emits nine colors of rays of light, like a nine-color sun.

What is horrifying is that the dark king holding the box is disintegrating inch by inch, seemingly unable to withstand the billions of radiance released by the wooden box.

You must know that with the way of this king of darkness, he can compete with the strongest creatures in the world. However, just because he came into contact with the wooden box and was irradiated, he irreversibly died. It is hard to imagine how terrible the wooden box is.

The Nine-Colored Sun erupted and affected the entire battlefield. Countless immortals and immortal kings turned into powder. The sand where no one could leave any footprints also shook violently. The blood from the previous battles all seeped into the sand in the process. Inside, the yellow sand is dyed red.

"What kind of box is this?"

Chi Cang was horrified. The light it emitted instantly destroyed a large area of ​​true immortals and immortal kings. It was really terrifying.

At the same time, he felt the madness of darkness, and without caring about his companions, he directly killed them all.

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