The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 135 Lord of Heaven

This single blow caused boundless slaughter, and countless immortal kings and true immortals fell forever and became the dust of history.

The creatures here in the ancient city were completely stunned, shocked by the nine-color wooden box. Have they ever seen such a terrifying ultimate murder weapon? One explosion almost wiped out the whole place.

Moreover, the sand that no one could shake or leave traces was dyed red because of this wooden box.

A taboo-like character emerged in everyone's heart, so terrifying that it would make the world cease to exist and make the world tremble.


Only the Emperor has this power.

Chi Cang's heart was beating wildly, and he also thought of the Emperor. Even the top Immortal King was as shy as a snake and scorpion against the radiance emitted from the wooden box, which showed that the level of the wooden box surpassed the Immortal King's Ultimate and was in another latitude.

Besides the Immortal Emperor, who else could possess such terrifying power?

He learned a lot of information from the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, including things related to the Emperor. Among the creatures that went to the Boundary Sea in batches, a large part of them wanted to continue their journey and defeat the king and become the emperor.

Now, when Chi Cang saw this ferocious nine-color wooden box, he naturally thought of the legendary Emperor among Immortals.

At this time, in the dike world that had been emptied of wooden boxes, sacred ancient temples descended one after another, with shadowy figures and dark creatures standing on them.

Even though the wooden box destroyed a large number of dark creatures, they were not injured. There were so many that it was terrifying.

But here in the ancient city, there were heavy losses. Broken limbs, blood and mud were everywhere, and there were bones and ashes everywhere.

Looking at the approaching dark creatures and the nine-color wooden box, the Immortal Kings and True Immortals of all realms fell into despair. No one could withstand this offensive, and the annihilation of this great pass could only happen overnight.

Many people have given up and resigned to their fate. The scene where the nine-color wooden box destroyed the world just now was really too terrifying to resist.

Who can resist the power that surpasses the Immortal King?

There are also people who are unwilling to give in, roaring and shouting in despair, wanting to fight to the death with the dark creatures.

If they fall and this city is destroyed, then all the heavens and realms behind will be eroded by darkness, and the lives will be reduced to ashes, and the bones will be like mountains.

Therefore, we must resist no matter what, even if we die here.

At this desperate moment when life and death were at stake and the building was about to collapse, the leader of all the worlds, that majestic creature, stood up.

There were blazing flames burning in his eyes, and emotions such as anger, sadness, and pain were entangled in the flames, almost threatening to collapse the sky and burn down the heavens.

The immortal kings surrounding him were sighing, and they naturally knew why the leader was behaving like this.

His biological son, a young true immortal who could be called the bravest immortal creature in all the worlds, died under the light of the nine-color wooden box, with no bones left.

In addition to his parents and children, he also had many old friends who had accompanied him through endless difficult years. Even though he had reached the realm of the ultimate Immortal King, he was still close to them. But now, they were all destroyed under his eyes.

What kind of great tragedy is this for a top-level Immortal King who possesses world-shaking combat power but cannot protect his relatives and old friends?


The leader of the heavens was filled with grief and indignation. He looked up to the sky and roared loudly, shaking the past, present and future. Every strand of his hair was dyed with a layer of divine brilliance, blooming with unparalleled brilliance.

An aura that frightened all the immortal kings present rippled out from his body.

Even the dark creatures standing in the ancient palace showed strange colors, as if they couldn't believe it.

"kill him."

The fallen king shouted loudly and rushed towards the nine-color wooden box like a moth to a flame.

After being stimulated, the wooden box slowly levitated, and nine colors of light flowed, as if it was about to explode again, destroying the world.

At the same time, an ancient will revived and made a cold sound, resounding throughout the world, as if it was conducting some kind of trial.

"Those who presume to establish heaven will die."

These words shocked everyone, including Chi Cang who was standing on the city wall. His heart palpitated, as if he understood the reason for this battle.

The leader of the heavens is releasing a terrifying fairy light all over his body, as if he is undergoing some kind of transformation. Clusters of flames appear around him. Each cluster represents a different avenue and comes from a different world. This is the heavens. The fire of all directions was burning his body at the moment.

He looked at the nine-color wooden box and walked step by step. The cold light in his eyes almost froze everything in the world and the long river of time.

"Just because I established heaven, you are not willing to cross the sea and kill the heavens?"

The aura of terror filled the air, one by one, lingering around this creature. All the heavens and all the ways were surrendered under its feet. The fire of the avenue was blazing, and the firelight illuminated the eternal night.

The ancient will in the nine-color wooden box did not respond. It seemed to be standing on the long river of history, overlooking all living beings. Everything was just an ant, not worthy of what it said.

The words just now have already pronounced the fate of the man who established the heaven.


The nine-color wooden box revived, as if it was resurrected and had life. It was shaking, roaring, and bursting out with terrifying light rain.

The Supreme Qi Machine exploded, and everyone felt an unspeakable pressure, like a high mountain, like a vast sea, undulating here, as if all the heavens, worlds, and galaxies in the universe were falling down, suppressing them together.


The leader of the heavens who established the Heavenly Court, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, suffered a devastating blow in an instant. Even if he was revered among the Immortal Kings and was invincible in the past, present and future, he would still be unable to withstand the attack of the Nine-Colored Wooden Box.


The Lord of Heaven's body shook violently and made a rattling sound. At this moment, he had no idea how many bones were broken, and he was bleeding all over his body, staining the sky red.

However, unlike the immortal kings who were illuminated by the wooden box, he did not fall. He carried it down with his extremely powerful Taoism, and his expression was calm, without the slightest fear or panic.

At the same time, the fire of all heavens and myriads of things that surrounded him was pressed into his body by the pressure released by the wooden box. A kind of breathtaking Qi was born and transformed.

Chi Cang looked at this scene from a distance and was shocked in his heart. This creature was too extraordinary. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the most amazing creature in ancient times. He actually used his own power to resist something suspected to be related to the emperor without dying.

Moreover, he could feel that the Lord of Heaven was making some kind of breakthrough.

"Using the pressure of a wooden box to squeeze my own moral conduct, is this going to break the king and become an emperor?" Chi Cang was shocked and admired the Lord of Heaven, because this method is extremely domineering, and he will fall easily. Even if it succeeds, there is a high probability that it will leave serious injuries that are difficult to recover from. This is putting life and death at risk.

He understood the Lord of Heaven's determination very well. His parents, children, and old friends were dying in front of him one after another. The darkness was overwhelming and there was no hope. In such a dark moment, he could only give it a try.


The dark creatures in the ancient palace saw something was wrong, and bypassed the wooden box and the battlefield of the Lord of Heaven, and went straight to the ancient city, intending to kill all the creatures in Heaven and the heavens, in order to interfere with the Lord of Heaven.


The real dragon roared, the immortal phoenix struck across the sky, and countless figures rose up on the ancient city, killing the dark creatures covering the sky.

An extremely tragic war broke out. At every moment, the Immortal King died, was torn apart, dismembered, and the remaining limbs were scattered. Blood rained down, and blood of various colors intertwined and entangled, making the sky cry. The elephants keep coming, as if the end is coming.

Chi Cang witnessed this battle with his own eyes, and the shock in his heart was indescribable. The weakest were all immortal beings. Even in his prime, he was just a drop in the ocean in such a battle, and he might fall at any moment.

On other battlefields, the scene was even more shocking.

The box that looked like nine-color fairy gold was actually cracking, and the things inside seemed to be about to appear in the world.


In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled. The wooden box, which was originally a sacred appearance, made such a terrifying sound. As the box cracked, countless visions emerged, each of which was terrifying.

There are innate gods falling in droves, countless dark cages rising and falling in the long river of time, and bright flying fairy light rain piercing the sky of history. Various visions are intertwined, as if recreating a long-lived movie. The ancient history of countless passing years.


A sudden soft sound came, and the nine-color box was blooming like a flower. The cracked box bloomed piece by piece, revealing the true scene inside. It was a ball of blazing light. Except for Dao Xing's astonishing Except for the Lord of Heaven, no one else could see clearly. Anyone who looked directly could not help but close their eyes and burst into tears.

The same was true for Chi Cang, who couldn't see clearly at all. Furthermore, looking directly at the light, his body that appeared here was distorted, as if he was about to cease to exist in the world.

He was horrified. This box was too terrifying and had a huge cause and effect. He almost turned into nothingness just by staring at the scene inside the box.

If he was really robbed, he might not be able to continue to witness this lost time.


The body of the Lord of Heaven was struck by the light emitted from the box, and was instantly shattered. His skull was torn apart as if struck by a giant axe.

His Taoism was also further compressed under this huge pressure, reaching an extreme, like a volcano that could erupt at any time. Once it erupted, it would inevitably result in an explosion.

The light in the nine-color box does not intend to let go of the Lord of Heaven, it is here for this reason.

From ancient times to the present, those who presume to establish heaven and claim honor in the world will suffer disaster. This is not the first time it has done such a thing.

Wisps of dazzling light shot out, cutting off the long river of time, cracking the universe, and countless big stars falling. In front of this kind of power, the Immortal King also seemed very small.

The Lord of Heaven is in a desperate situation. If you don't really face the horror of the wooden box, you won't understand it. Any giant or supreme giant will turn into dust if it is illuminated by this light, and there will be no accidents.

At this moment of life and death, he calmed down and looked at the bloody battlefield behind him, watching those living lives disappear one after another. Thinking of his parents, children and old friends, an unspeakable emotion accumulated in his chest. I almost want to burst out.

This emotion resonated with Daoguo and became a key introduction, allowing him to successfully open a gap.

The next moment, the radiance that surpassed the Immortal King spewed out like a volcanic eruption, shaking the past, present and future. An aura so powerful that it made the world tremble spread to the entire dike world.

Everyone was stunned, stopped what they were doing, and looked at the supreme being enveloped by the emperor's light.

Time and space seemed to have frozen. A figure covered in blood, but extremely majestic, stood like an insurmountable peak between heaven and earth, suppressing the sky in all directions.

Even the nine-color brilliance released by the all-powerful and terrifying nine-color wooden box was suppressed and gradually pushed back into the box.

This shocking change made the living creatures in the ancient city cry with joy, and made the dark creatures in the sky tremble with fear.

A man who defeated a king and became an emperor was born before their eyes, breaking history and creating a myth.


One of the surviving old immortal kings roared, his excitement beyond words.

Others are also shouting that in the darkest moment when no light can be seen, the Lord of Heaven breaks the king and becomes the emperor, piercing the darkness and letting the dawn come.

Chi Cang held his breath. Has anyone really succeeded in defeating the king and becoming an emperor? He witnessed it all.


The emperor's light boiled and pressed the nine-color light back into the box. The cracked boxes immediately reassembled and returned to their original appearance.

This scene made those dark creatures stunned. The omnipotent holy weapon was actually suppressed by the Lord of Heaven. It was simply terrifying.


A cold snort came from the box, and then nine colors of light burst out, creating an immortal passage leading directly to the ancient palace suspended above the boundary sea.

It actually wanted to leave directly, as if it knew it couldn't do anything to this creature that had broken through the King Realm.

At this moment, the Lord of Heaven was torn to pieces, with large cracks visible to the naked eye. These were injured by wooden boxes or forced to break through the barrier. However, he exuded a great majesty that made all the Immortal King series The creatures are trembling.

Seeing that the wooden box wanted to leave, the Lord of Heaven stretched out his big hand, covered Cangyu, and cracked the nine-color passage. Finally, his big hand turned into a fist and struck the box.


The wooden box almost split open again, with many cracks appearing, but it still left and returned to the ancient palace. The darkness boiled and it disappeared.

The Lord of Heaven did not pursue him. He was in a very bad condition. Since he had broken through the King Realm, he would suppress the box sooner or later, so there was no need to rush.

He turned around, and his majestic body stood tall, suppressing the eternity of time.

The dark creatures that didn't have time to leave felt that their souls were about to freeze, and they all froze on the spot.

Then, the Lord of Heaven took action and carried out a one-sided massacre, killing all the dark creatures like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

A catastrophe was suppressed by the Lord of Heaven, and the crumbling ancient city did not fall in the end.

However, some creatures can no longer appear, including the parents, children and old friends of the Lord of Heaven.

He successfully broke through the King Realm, but he also lost something important.

A kind of loneliness and desolation filled the heart of the Lord of Heaven.

Standing at the top of the city, there were only a few seriously injured Immortal Kings left beside him. In this battle, the top forces in the world suffered a devastating blow and were almost completely destroyed here. The same was true for the heaven he established.

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