As a quasi-immortal king, he had a creepy feeling when facing the faint ancient lamp, and his soul couldn't stop trembling.

In the long life of an immortal creature, this feeling has only occurred when facing a king, but this is obviously not a king.

His eyesight was not bad, and he vaguely guessed something.

There have been records in ancient books about the inexplicable tribulations and punishments suffered by those who pioneered the path. From ancient times to the present, monks who have embarked on the path of cultivation, as long as they have great ambitions, have always wanted to take a unique path.

There are too many such creatures. They are the founders of the splendid monastic civilization. They use their lives to forge the way forward and lead all sentient beings to move forward. With the vicissitudes of life, the years have changed, and many cultivation systems in the world have changed. It is precisely because of these pioneers.

Among this type of people, many people's final results will not be very good, and a large part of the reason is because of this strange disaster.

Just now, Chicang introduced the rules and order of the Jiehai Avenue to temper the Tao Fruit, turned it into firewood to ignite the divine fire, broke through the original imprisonment of the original symbols, broke into the new world, and wanted to control the order of the world. This path is amazing, unprecedented, and leads to strange things. The calamity is also reasonable.

The immortal creatures sighed slightly, it was a pity, because all the creatures that caused this strange disaster were dead, without exception, even if they were against the will of heaven, they could not stop it. For endless years, no one could survive it.

He originally wanted to take a risk and seize the thunder pool in Chi Cang's hands, but it seemed that he had no chance now.

Over the reef, ancient lanterns hung high, the fire was dim, strange and evil, and an inexplicable aura was circulating. In just a moment, the world became silent.

This is a kind of silence that makes people's hearts tremble. Even the rough waters of the boundary sea are calm, and there is a dead silence.

The immortal creature was trembling all over, a little horrified, and quickly retreated a long distance.

The front was too weird. The sea area centered on the reef suddenly became calm, while waves were still raging in other places.

Standing on the rocks, Chi Cang had a particularly strong sense of crisis, and the hair on his body stood on end.

This kind of strange calamity is everywhere. He once heard Liu Shen say that becoming an immortal in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will lead to strange things about becoming an immortal. Liu Shen has encountered it during his previous nirvana. If it weren't for his shocking Taoism, it would be absolutely impossible. Escape.

In addition, there are also talented creatures who go against the path of heaven, and they will also encounter this kind of disaster. Their final result is very miserable, with no soul left, only the body is left.

However, generally speaking, this kind of weirdness should only exist in the world that has been eroded by dark creatures. He is clearly not in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and has escaped from the cursed world, so why does he still attract weirdness?

Chi Cang is puzzled, but this is the Boundary Sea, and the source of darkness is at the end of the Boundary Sea. To a certain extent, this place is closer to the source of darkness than Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It's a shocking journey here, especially since there was a strange gray fog passing by this reef just now. They are very similar to the gray haze coming out of the ancient lantern, so it seems inevitable that something strange will happen.

He looked solemnly at the sky, where gray fog was rolling in, covering the sky and the sun. An ancient lamp was suspended above the gray fog, emitting a hazy light and illuminating the sea area.

It's like a coordinate, a positioning, pointing the direction for something.

Suddenly, Chi Cang's sense of crisis increased tenfold, and the hair on his body stood on end.

In the gray fog, a bluestone road appeared at some point, extending from an unknown distance to Chi Cang's feet.

Immediately afterwards, sudden footsteps sounded on the empty bluestone road, which was so clear, terrifying and echoing.

Chi Cang stood still and stared at the visitor with an expressionless face. At the end of the road, a creature walked slowly. The rhythm of the footsteps was very strange, as if it had been the same since ancient times, and there was a suffocating feeling. Mysterious power.

"Is this weird?"

Chi Cang's expression became serious, and he felt that this was a powerful opponent, whose footsteps were consistent and consistent with the heaven and earth.

If it were an ordinary living being, he would have coughed up blood and flowed everywhere. Chi Cang also felt a kind of pressure, but he stood like a rock and never wavered.

Gray haze swept across the sky and the earth, and it was extremely cold, as if a dark hell had descended on the world.

A humanoid creature came from the unknown end. The pace was not fast, but it was as if it was shrinking to an inch, and it was approaching very quickly.

As he got closer, he walked from the bluestone road, surrounded by gray haze, leaving only a pair of pupils exposed, emitting a cold light without any emotion.

At the same time, there was no breath of life on his body, just like a dead thing.

Chi Cang looked at him solemnly, recalling some of the strange things Liu Shen had said to him in his mind.

"Who are you?"

The blazing eyes are bright, with mysterious symbols blooming in them. He has already cultivated the martial arts heavenly eye, which can detect illusions, but now he cannot penetrate the gray fog and see the faces of strange creatures. This is a man who can escape. A terrifying existence that is invincible in one realm.

The gray mist is rolling, and the strange creature is like a demon from hell, standing there, towering like a mountain, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

In the face of Chi Cang's inquiry, this creature did not express any expression and remained silent. Moreover, its eyes became colder, cold and indifferent.

Suddenly, he raised his arm, dispersing some of the gray fog, revealing his weapon.

This is a thunder pool, covered with mottled marks and full of the breath of time. A metallic trembling sound sounded, as if coming from the end of the long river of time.

The next moment, the humanoid creature raised its arms, controlled the thunder pool, and rushed towards Chi Cang at a very fast speed. In an instant, the sky shook and the earth shook, and a dazzling light flashed directly towards Chi Cang's eyebrows, quickly and accurately.

Chi Cang's heart moved slightly.

Thunder pool?

This is his exclusive weapon. Since ancient times, no other creature other than him has ever been heard of controlling the thunder pool. What is the origin of this strange creature?

Faced with the terrifying attack of landslides and earth-shattering, Chi Cang responded with the most tyrannical force.

He activated his own thunder pool, and the light of infinite order bloomed, lightning intertwined, and thunder danced, illuminating the past, present, and future.

This thunder pool that has experienced the ultimate transformation is no longer comparable to the previous one. Not only is its power vast, but the thunder calamity liquid produced in it has also risen to several levels.

At this moment, under the urging of Chi Cang, the thunder pool burst out with the brightest light of order, like a sun, colliding with the ancient mottled thunder pool.


There was a loud earthquake, and the entire bluestone road shook. Some of the stone slabs even cracked and collapsed. The surrounding gray fog suddenly rolled, and the sound of metal collisions was endless.


A crisp cracking sound followed closely, and this violent impact directly separated the superior from the inferior.

The blazing thunder pool still shines, like the indestructible blazing sun, which smashes the rusty ancient thunder pool into pieces and explodes on the spot.

The Immortal Seed from the Thunder Pond continued unabated and went straight to kill the creatures in the gray mist.

The tall, majestic, strange creature that looked like a demon waved its fist and collided with the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed.


The arm he used to swing his fist exploded to pieces without any surprise, unable to block the blazing thunder pool at all. It was too extraordinary and transcended the past, and the original symbols inside it had also changed and were completely different.

Chi Cang followed closely behind. The electric light on his fingers shone with intensity to the extreme. His figure enlarged in an instant, towering like a mountain, standing tall against the sky and the earth. That finger was like a mountain hanging from the sky, a pillar supporting the sky, pointing towards Click on the weird creatures.

His aura is so powerful that it is unparalleled, like a thunder emperor, the only one in the world.

This is the Thunder Emperor's Finger, the most powerful and supreme secret technique, which overwhelms everything in sight.

Surprisingly, the gray fog that enveloped the strange creatures suddenly changed and became deeper, until it was as black as ink.

Then, the strange creature used its only remaining arm to make the same movements as Chi Cang, and performed the same technique.

Two huge fingers, reaching up to the sky and down to the netherworld, are pointing towards each other, intending to destroy everything in the world with the utmost domineering power.


In this attack, Chi Cang had no reservations and used all his strength. This was his first attack after transforming into a god.

The result was astonishing. After a few breaths of stalemate with the black giant finger, the lightning-flying Thunder Emperor Finger exploded, shattering on the spot and turning into powder.

Then, the Thunder Emperor's finger went down with the momentum, like a rainbow, covering the eternal blue sky.


This blow was so fierce and overbearing that even if the strange creatures in the black mist tried their best to resist, it had little effect and was directly shattered into pieces.

The black mist dispersed, and Chi Cang finally saw the appearance of this strange creature.

He opened his eyes wide, as if he had seen something incredible, and he was extremely shocked.

Because the creature in the black mist looked so much like him, so brave and brave, and was wearing ancient armor with several big holes in it. It was obvious at a glance that it was not from this era.

"This is... me from the Immortal Ancient Era?"

Chi Cang immediately guessed something. This armor was not unfamiliar to him, but very familiar to him. He seemed to have worn it on the battlefield.

He didn't believe it. He looked at the fallen creature and observed carefully. This armor that seemed familiar to him was full of the breath of time, with antiquity and vicissitude. It was so real.

And the face of this creature is no different from Chi Cang himself, almost the reappearance of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors from back then.

Chi Cang's mind was in a trance, as if all kinds of old memories were coming to his mind, but there was a vague light curtain blocking it, and he couldn't remember the past.

Looking at the creatures at his feet, Chi Cang felt horrified in his heart. Was he actually competing with "himself"?

The "self" I once had is right in front of me, so what does my current self mean? What is the relationship between the two? Is it reincarnation?

These mysteries that have plagued the ages have made Chi Cang's eyes become more and more confused.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across his heart, awakening Chi Cang. What was he thinking? How can there be so-called reincarnation? Now, he is being entangled in weirdness, and everything is a way for weirdness to disrupt his Taoist mind.

At this moment, the blazing Yuan Shen transformed into the Emperor of Thunder, dispersing the haze that had appeared at an unknown time.

It was really dangerous just now. He almost got caught. His soul was shrouded in gray mist before he knew it. If it had been a little later, he might have fallen into darkness.

Chi Cang, who had come back to his senses, looked coldly at the creatures on the ground. A blazing thunder knife appeared in his hand, and with a "chi" sound, it pierced into the chest of the strange creature.


Blood as black as ink spurted out and splashed all over the ground. Chicang's knife pierced its heart, and after it penetrated, it rushed out with thunderous force, causing extremely terrible results, and its internal organs were instantly damaged. reduced to ashes.

"Chi Cang" had no aura of life, let alone any emotional fluctuations. There was only coldness and ruthlessness in his eyes, but at this moment, he suddenly spoke.

"You...kill me?"

Black blood was dripping from his mouth, his eyes were dim and distracted, his voice was very sad, and there was a kind of disbelief, as if he didn't believe that Chi Cang would be so cruel.

Chi Cang looked down at "Chi Cang", his eyes were calm, and he didn't say anything. However, the lightning on his arm became more intense, and a ball of light burst out from "Chi Cang"'s chest, and dense lightning rushed out from it, killing him. The body was in tatters, and the armor was cracked and completely destroyed.


Until now, "Chi Cang" is still full of disbelief and confusion. His lips are black with a rotten smell, and black blood is gushing out desperately. It is very miserable.

"Those who disturb my mind are nothing more than this."

Chi Cang's heart was as solid as a rock and could not be shaken. He waved his hand and spread a piece of thunder, killing this strange creature completely.

At the last moment, this "blazing" asked: "Who killed me? Who am I?"

Chi Cang didn't pay attention to this question. After he encountered this kind of weirdness once, he would never do it again.

Whatever is strange, whatever is dark, whatever is evil, he will crush it with the most blazing thunder.

After killing the weird creatures that looked exactly like him, Chi Cang's eyes focused on the ancient lamp hanging in the sky. It was the one that appeared first at the beginning, as if it was a lighthouse, providing coordinates and guidance for the weird. direction.

Moreover, Chi Cang always felt that there was a pair of eyes overlooking the whole situation from the top, which gave him a very uncomfortable feeling, coming from that ancient lamp.

As long as the ancient lamp is smashed, the weirdness may disappear.

He was about to set off to attack the ancient lantern, but something suddenly changed in front of him. The gray mist rolled inward and turned into a dark haze, like ink.

The ancient lamp hung high at the end of the ancient bluestone road, glowing slightly and flashing continuously.

On the quiet bluestone road, footsteps sounded again. This time, there was not just one, but many. They were all tall and shadowy, walking in the black mist, like magic mountains moving.

Chi Cang immediately understood that the ancient lamp once again caused strangeness. This time the aura of the creatures was stronger, getting stronger every time, as if it was testing his ability.

He snorted coldly, lightning burst out from his body, and he stepped onto the bluestone road like a king of thunder. Chi Cang was not ready to sit still and wait for death. After understanding that the ancient lamp was the key to eliminating the strangeness, he decided to take the initiative to fight towards the ancient bluestone road. Break the ancient lamp into pieces.

"Ta! Ta! Ta..."

The footsteps were very rapid, and tall figures like gods and demons appeared one after another, like mountains, blocking the front of Chi Cang.

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